Exreport EXINDA-COMAS 1634 12-July-2018

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Network Monitor Report

Generated by Exinda Networks Monitor Reporter

EXINDA-COMAS on 04:34PM 12 July 2018

Report Time Range

12:00AM 01 July 2018 to 12:00AM 08 July 2018
Table of Contents

1. Interface Throughput Summary


2. Bridge PPS Summary


3. Virtual Circuit Detailed for VC ’ALL’

Average/Peak Policy Throughput
Optimization Policy Throughput
Discard Statistics
WAN Interface Summary (ALL) | 12:00AM 01 Jul 2018 - 12:00AM 08 Jul 2018

WAN Interface Throughput Summary (ALL)

Data Direction Total Data (MB) Throughput Avg (Mbps) Throughput Max (Mbps)

Inbound 179594.147 2.51 21.45

Outbound 40421.470 0.57 8.75

Bridge PPS Summary (ALL) | 12:00AM 01 Jul 2018 - 12:00AM 08 Jul 2018

Bridge PPS Summary (ALL)

Data Direction Packets Per Second (Avg) Packets Per Second (Max)

Outbound 864 12,819

Circuit Average vs Peak Throughput for "Default" | 12:00AM 01 Jul 2018 - 12:00AM 08 Jul 2018

Peak vs Average Throughput (Default)

Circuit BW 20.480 Mbps

Peak Throughput 20.480 Mbps

Maximum "Average Throughput" Sample 15.504 Mbps

Average Throughput 2.477 Mbps

Peak vs Average Throughput (Default)

Circuit BW 20.480 Mbps

Peak Throughput 11.745 Mbps

Maximum "Average Throughput" Sample 2.770 Mbps

Average Throughput 555 kbps

Virtual Circuit Summary for "Default" | 12:00AM 01 Jul 2018 - 12:00AM 08 Jul 2018

Inbound Virtual Circuit Summary (Default)

VC Name Maximum BW Avg Rate / Max Rate


WAN inbound 20.480 Mbps 2477.000 / 20480.000

Outbound Virtual Circuit Summary (Default)

VC Name Maximum BW Avg Rate / Max Rate


WAN outbound 20.480 Mbps 555.000 / 11745.000

Virtual Circuit Average vs Peak Throughput for "WAN inbound" | 12:00AM 01 Jul 2018 - 12:00AM 08
Jul 2018

Peak vs Average Throughput (WAN inbound)

Guaranteed BW -

Maximum BW 20.480 Mbps

Peak Throughput 20.480 Mbps

Maximum "Average Throughput" Sample 15.504 Mbps

Average Throughput 2.477 Mbps

No data available for selected period

Peak vs Average Throughput (WAN inbound)

Guaranteed BW -

Maximum BW 20.480 Mbps

Peak Throughput kbps

Maximum "Average Throughput" Sample kbps

Average Throughput kbps

Virtual Circuit Average vs Peak Throughput for "WAN outbound" | 12:00AM 01 Jul 2018 - 12:00AM
08 Jul 2018

No data available for selected period

Peak vs Average Throughput (WAN outbound)

Guaranteed BW -

Maximum BW 20.480 Mbps

Peak Throughput kbps

Maximum "Average Throughput" Sample kbps

Average Throughput kbps

Peak vs Average Throughput (WAN outbound)

Guaranteed BW -

Maximum BW 20.480 Mbps

Peak Throughput 11.745 Mbps

Maximum "Average Throughput" Sample 2.770 Mbps

Average Throughput 555 kbps

Policies Summary for "WAN inbound" | 12:00AM 01 Jul 2018 - 12:00AM 08 Jul 2018

Inbound Policies Summary (WAN inbound)

Policy Name Guaranteed BW Maximum BW Avg Rate / Max Rate


5 - Database - Guarantee Med 15%-100% 22% (4.505 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 492.000 / 17867.000

10 - P2P - Choke 1%-3% 1% (204 kbps) 3% (614 kbps) 0.000 / 0.000

20 - Recreational - Limit Low 2%-10% 2% (409 kbps) 5% (1.024 Mbps) 17.000 / 1022.000

30 - Software Updates - Guarantee Low 5% (1.024 Mbps) 50% (10.240 Mbps) 1132.000 / 10240.000

40 - Voice - Guarantee Critical 15% (3.072 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 0.000 / 89.000

50 - Interactive and Secure - 10% (2.048 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 73.000 / 15096.000
Guarantee High 10%-100%

60 - Thin Client - Guarantee High 10% (2.048 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 0.000 / 58.000

70 - Files - Guarantee Med 8%-100% 8% (1.638 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 136.000 / 20118.000

80 - Web - Guarantee Med 8%-100% 8% (1.638 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 246.000 / 13966.000

90 - Mail - Guarantee Low 5%-100% 5% (1.024 Mbps) 80% (16.384 Mbps) 196.000 / 15862.000

110 - Unified Communications - 8% (1.638 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 0.000 / 0.000
Guarantee Med 8%-100%

200 - ALL - Guarantee Low 5%-100% 5% (1.024 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 176.000 / 17369.000

Auto Catch-all (N/A) - - 0.000 / 0.000

Policies Summary for "WAN outbound" | 12:00AM 01 Jul 2018 - 12:00AM 08 Jul 2018

Outbound Policies Summary (WAN outbound)

Policy Name Guaranteed BW Maximum BW Avg Rate / Max Rate


5 - Database - Guarantee Med 15%-100% 22% (4.505 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 89.000 / 6107.000
- Accelerate

10 - P2P - Choke 1%-3% 1% (204 kbps) 3% (614 kbps) 0.000 / 0.000

20 - Recreational - Limit Low 2%-10% 2% (409 kbps) 5% (1.024 Mbps) 0.000 / 265.000

30 - Software Updates - Guarantee Low 5% (1.024 Mbps) 50% (10.240 Mbps) 133.000 / 2060.000
5%-30% - Accelerate

40 - Voice - Guarantee Critical 15% (3.072 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 0.000 / 87.000

50 - Interactive and Secure - 10% (2.048 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 16.000 / 9318.000
Guarantee High 10%-100%

60 - Thin Client - Guarantee High 10% (2.048 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 0.000 / 573.000

65 - Politica CIFS 128 kbps 2.048 Mbps 20.000 / 2048.000

68 - Bloqueo CIFS - - 0.000 / 0.000

70 - Files - Guarantee Med 8%-100% - 8% (1.638 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 0.000 / 478.000

80 - Web - Guarantee Med 8%-100% - 8% (1.638 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 59.000 / 7958.000

90 - Mail - Guarantee Low 5%-100% - 5% (1.024 Mbps) 80% (16.384 Mbps) 48.000 / 9459.000

110 - Unified Communications - 8% (1.638 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 0.000 / 0.000
Guarantee Med 8%-100%

200 - ALL - Guarantee Low 5%-100% 5% (1.024 Mbps) 100% (20.480 Mbps) 178.000 / 4203.000

Auto Catch-all (N/A) - - 0.000 / 0.000

Control Discard Summary for "WAN outbound" | 12:00AM 01 Jul 2018 - 12:00AM 08 Jul 2018

Control Outbound Discard Summary

Policy Name Total Packets Discarded

68 - Bloqueo 705

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