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Leave Policy

Leave Policy
Policy No. P-06
Effective Date: 01-03-2020
Revision Date: 01-03-2021

1.1 This leave policy will apply for all employees of Sheba Platform Limited
Policy except Third party employees. The purpose of this policy is to provide
Statement: employees with an opportunity to take a reasonable break from work to
enhance the quality of their personal life and consequently be in a better
position to meet their employment responsibilities. Full time employees
are allowed for Annual Leaves, Sick Leaves, Casual leaves, Paternity
and Maternity leaves only. Contractual employees are only eligible for
Sick leaves, Casual and Maternity leaves. Total leave Balance in a
Fiscal year will be as follows:

Annual Leave: 21 days

Sick Leave: 14 days
Casual Leave: 10 days
Paternal Leave: 05 days
Maternity Leave: 112 days
1.2 1. During the probation period, employees are entitled with only casual
Salient and sick leave.
2. Leave may be refused or deferred, but in such cases the
management must record the reasons for refusing or deferring the
leave in writing on the application form.
3. Leave will be administered by the PnO Department. Application for
leave will be made to the PnO, approved by the line manager using
prescribed format, as per Annexure-I.
4. For casual and Sick leave, prior verbal approval is necessary.
However, necessary formalities should be completed after returning
to work within two working days.
5. For annual leave, obtaining prior approval and completing leave
formalities before proceeding on leave is mandatory. In other words,
there will be no ex post facto approval of leave and will be considered
as leave without pay.
6. Extension of Eid leave with any other form of leave is not permitted.

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Leave Policy

1.3 Employees are to be encouraged to avail annual leave for maintaining a

Annual work-life balance and relieve themselves of boredom and monotony.
Leave: Administration of annual leave will be governed by the following

1. Annual leave is earned after completion of probation period with the

2. Annual leave will invariably be planned and can be availed a
maximum of 07 days at a time. However, in exceptional cases, this
maximum limit may be relaxed at the discretion of the head of the
company/Group. When casual/sick leave is exhausted, all leave
days will be counted as annual leave.
3. Sick/casual leave is not permissible either during or in continuation
of annual leave. However, any genuine absence beyond the
sanctioned annual leave period, be it for sickness or for any other
reason, will be adjusted from annual leave.
1.4 In simple words sandwich leaves refers to the leave policy
Sandwich where leaves are treated as continuous. If an employee has
leave taken leaves from Thursday to Monday and resume his duties on
Sunday morning where Friday and Saturday are weekly offs,
his leaves will be counted as 5 days as per sandwich leave policy.
1.5 Absence caused due to personal illness or any injury from an
Sick Leave accident out of or during the course of employment is adjusted from an
employee’s sick leave entitlement as paid leave.

1. Employees are entitled to sick leave not exceeding 14 days in a

2. Sick leave is calculated only on working days.
3. In case of prolonged illness, an employee may be permitted to
utilize his/her annual and casual leave after exhausting sick leave
to cover the absence on account of illness.
4. If an employee has exhausted all types of paid leave including
those accumulated to cover his absence due to prolonged illness,
any further sick leave will be without pay, unless otherwise decided
by the management.

1.6 It is important that all employees should understand the sick leave
Abuse of requirement and provisions, and that the leave privilege is not abused.
Sick Leave Supervisor/HR is responsible for monitoring the continued use of sick
leave closely. Following employee behaviors will be observed in

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Leave Policy

1. Little or no sick leave balance due to sick leave being taken as

soon as it accrues.
2. Reports sick the day before or following a holiday or vacation
3. Sick leave taken frequently on the day after or before the weekly
4. Sick leave taken after requests for either annual/casual leave is

Management monitoring the above indicators should look for

consistent patterns. Infrequent use of sick leave in any of the above
situation should not be considered abusive action. Managers should
motivate employees to prevent abuse of leave.

1.7 Absence on account of injury within the scope of employment and duly
Accident certified by a registered / company doctor will not affect an employee’s
Leave sick, annual, or casual leave. It should be treated as accident leave
with full pay.

1.8 1. In cases of prolonged sickness, the Company may grant special

Special Sick sick leave for a maximum period of 90 days as leave without pay if
Leave recommended by a registered / company doctor in consultation with
a specialist:

● Tuberculosis

● Heart Diseases

● Cancer

Special sick leave cannot be granted in continuation of annual leave,

absence without leave and any kind of unpaid leave.
In case of management consideration (with proper justification), he/she
can get 25% of gross salary during this tenure.

1.9 A permanent employee to meet his/her personal obligation, emergency

Casual situation and/or unforeseeable situation of personal nature may
Leave: request for leave of absence which is adjudged as casual leave. Such
requests should be in response to serious personal needs rather than
that for occasional time off to rest or relax.
1. Casual leave can be taken maximum 01 day at a time.

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Leave Policy

2. While availing unplanned leave, verbal approval is to be sought

from concerned authority before proceeding on leave, and
necessary formalities should be completed after returning to work
within 02 working days.
3. Casual Leave cannot be prefixed or suffixed with any other type of
leave. If extended beyond 01 day, this leave will be adjusted from
annual leave, if available, other then it will be leave without pay.
4. Casual Leave is calculated on the basis of the working days.

2.0 1. A female employee is entitled to eight weeks prenatal including the

Maternity day of delivery of the child and eight weeks postnatal immediately
Leave following the day of delivery as maternity leave with the payment
of 50% of gross salary.
2. To be entitled, a female employee must complete at least six
months service with the Company immediately preceding the day
of delivery.
3. The Company shall not engage any female employee for doing
any work which is by arduous nature or which involves long hours
of standing or which might potentially affect her health adversely.
4. The Company should take enough care not to give any notice or
order of discharge, dismissal, removal or termination of
employment within a period of six months before and after the
delivery without sufficient and justifiable cause.

HR Manager CPO CEO

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Leave Policy

As annual leave is always pre-scheduled and can be used for a maximum of 7 days at a
time, in cases of rare circumstances and for all the employees. This overall limit can be
extended by maintaining the following conditions and approvals-
● The leave approval for more than 7days has to be taken from the supervisor and
PnO team 1 month before the leave.
● The line manager of the employee has to take email approval from the PnO team
regarding the employee leave and provide justification beforehand.
● The employee must take written consent of the supervisor that his/her
absenteeism will not have any impact on the business or organisation during the
leave period.

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Leave Policy

Alternative of Digigo format:

Leave Application Form

Date: 29-05-2020 Unit:
Location: Department:

Name Of Employee: Employee ID:

Designation: Date of Joining:

Leave Consideration Period: To

TYPE OF LEAVE (Please cross (×) where applicable):
Casual Leave □ Reason(s):
Sick Leave □
Annual Leave □
Leave Without Pay □
Address and Telephone/Mobile number during leave
Last Leave Taken on: to Total Day(s):
During Leave, duties will be covered by:
Name Designation Signature

Employee's Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________/________/___________

Leave Status CL (Days) SL (Days) EL (Days) LWP (Days)

Leave Entitlement: 0 0 0 0
Leave Taken/Enjoyed: 0 0 0 0
Balance of Leave: 0 0 0 0
Leave Applied: ___ ___ ___ ___
Balance of Leave after Approved: ___ ___ ___ ___

Leave with Prior Leave

Can be spared □ □ □
permission granted
Cannot be Leave without Prior
□ □ not □
spared permission
Alternate Date..............................

Next Higher Authority
Superior Signature
N.B. CL=Casual Leave, SL=Sick Leave, LWP=Leave Without pay, RL=Recreation leave, SPL=Special Leave, EL=Earned Leave, EDL=Education

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