Activity 1

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Activity 1

 It helps to link the events of ratration with our previous experiences and predicts the
next probable event in the course lased on the information given in the narration.
 The question can be of different types of like open ended questions, closed formats or
multiple choice questions.
 Which is a classroom based lesson directing and mornitoring the progress system.

Activity 2
 Before you start reading prepare for your reading by writing down all the questions you
want the material to answer.
 This helps you read accordingly and ensures you get the answers to all your questions
and don’t get distracted while reading,
Activity 3
 Each sentence should have a noun (subject) and a verb (the subject doing something)
and they should be in the correct order.
 A sentence must also end with a punctuation mark, usually a full stop which is also
called a period
 Contextual clues

Activity 4
 Most people have a tendency to spell words depending on how the word sound, for
instance, if someone say a word which may sound like leftenut; hoe may spell it in the
same way as it sounds
For example If leftenunt; however, the actual spelling at this word is lieutenant.
Activity 5
 To start off, you would use more than one strategy when reading an article in a
newspaper, for example:
You could skim or scan in order to determine the main points, read and then reread in
order to ensure that you are reading correctly and then you would summaries the main
Activity 6
 The purpose of a summary is to take a big piece of text and break it into smaller parts
that are easy to understand and, when you are learning something, memories it easily,
separating main ideas from supporting information.
 In everyday life we break big things into smaller parts all the time.
Activity 7
 Emotive language is the term used when certain word choices are made to evoke an
emotional response in the reader.
 This kind of language often aims to persuade the reader or listener to share the writer or
speakers point of view, using language chosen specifically to stimulate an emotional

Activity 8

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