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NAME OF STUDENT: Cornelius Baptiste

NAME OF SCHOOL: Union Island Secondary School

Gratitude to my physical education teacher miss joy Stewart who give me this opportunity
to do this project on football. This project help me in doing a lot of research and I came to
know about many new things I am thankful for. Secondly I would like to thank my
classmates and parents who helped me a lot in finalizing this project.
The process

On Tuesday 5th September ,2023 during pe class, a list of sports was mention for us to vote and choose
from .basketball was the sports on the list but no one wanted basketball , the second sports was track
and field ,but only 2 person voted the sport. But that was not enough votes for that sport to be pick. The
third sport was football with the vote with, 8 vote. The other sports mentioned were netball, swimming,
dom, skipping, T.T, and volleyball. But none of these sports got any vote, so the student decided to play
a football 5v5 competion.

My reflection on this 5 aside, football begin competition was chosen fair because majority student voted
for football competition , some student will say it unfair because they don’t like football, and football is
my favorite sport to watch or play.

My role as the team manager in the tournament /competition are to arranges and attends training
session required, ensure availability of all equipment and facilities for training session and
competition ,addresses all concerns that may affect team member and the coaches participation and
performances at training and games /event, motivates players and coaches ,and represent the team at

Team manager- is someone who organize and oversees that activates of sports teams. Team manager
can work for team of any size or competitiveness, from professional sports teams to recreational clubs.


The type of format we used is knockout. As a team manger preparing for the pre-tournament, I and my
coach went out looking for our players to be selected to play in the tournament. We selected by their
skill and their potential to play in the upcoming games on the 21/11/2023 and 5/12/2023. On the 30 th of
October 2023, the players we selected are (Khaleed, Weslie ,Kenron ,Javonte ,Jadon,Aden,Aldon ) to
play the match on Wednesday 29th November .as a team manager there was key task ,I had to complete
like ensure availability of equipment so my players can have training session ,motivates my players in
training session to boost they confident and also help giving strategies that we teach my team so they
can get ready for the tournament. They was to be several practice session to be carried out but due to
the players had was to travel they not any. They was letter send out notify players the days of

The competition

As a team manager I play a vital role on competition day.on competition day, there are
several responsibilities to handle. Proration with a review of the game plan. This also includes
going over strategies, player position and tactics, ensure that all player are aware of their
roles and responsibilities on the field. Before the match I give a motivational speech to inspire
the team and boost their moral. During the match me and my coach observes substitution
and tactical changes based on the flow of the game, area which can be improve and also
address the media,discssing the match outcome and future plans.

Post tournament

Two game was play was played instead of the three game that was initially was to be played .on
Wednesday 29th

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