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[MODULE - 2 | Signaling Over AWGN Channels Syllabus Introduction, Geometric representation AWGN channel into a vector ci Of signals, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure, Conversion of the continuous *hannel, Optimum receivers using coherent detection: ML. Decoding, Correlation receiver, matched 2.2 Geometric Representation of Signals 2.3. Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure . [ERENCES ETI OSCE 2.4 Conversion of the Continuous AWGN Channel into a Vector Channal 2.5 Optimum Receivers using Coherent Detection........sssseesssecseeeeseeeeeeeenees 2-16 2.6 1 Matched Fikersnecc cece siecle steers: clleinies eeindenioreieiesiteie siete tere 2.7. Properties of Matched Filter. LETT 2.8 Correlation Receiver «When the signal is transmitted over a channel, it is corrupted due to noise. «The receiver then observes the received signal and determines about which symbol was transmitted. This decision is taken with the help of some set of rules. This is called detection of the signal. +The receiver can also use an information in the received signal to extract estimates of physical parameters or waveforms of interest. This is called estimation of the signal. Detection of the signal is done with the help of correlators, optimum filter, matched filter etc. + Estimation can be done with the help of maximum likelihood estimation, wiener filter, linear prediction, adaptive filters etc. + Fig. 2.1.1 shows the model of digital communication system. “There is a message source, that emits mesages, My, MyM. There are total 'M' number of messages which are equally likely. Hence probability of these messages is, Hm) = 3 ¢ The vector trasmitter clubs 'N' number of messages, so that they can be transmitted together. Thus the vector 5; is given as, «The modulator constructs the waveform 5;(t) for the symbol s,. The signal s;(t) has the finite energy ie, T E, = fo2(t)d, i-12..M 0 «The signal is transmitted over a noisy channel. j adds additive white Gaussian noise of zero mean (AWGN). It is denoted by N(t). ie, X(t) = 5()+N() for O a(-sahtt) G8 Balt) = s2(8)-San% acneesten ‘The function is orthogonal to 4,(t) over the internal 0 to T. The second basis function Salt) w+ (23.6) a = Vin Here Exp = [7 93(t)dt is the energy of g(t) 1) To prove that $2(t) has unit energy Energy of d9(#) will be Bea - fl (23.7) ‘Thus 6,(t) has unit energy. Ii) To prove that ¢4(¢) and ¢2(¢) are orthonormal Consider the intergration J, 63(1)¢2(H)a. By putting for moms ao, KO) tina = Ce Pie fe EE fa 82(#)dt Putting for go(t) from — (235), Tox(t) 4 (t)dt = 754(0)[52(#) sary (t)]at = sy (8) 89 (t).dt— [spy 5,(t)0(#)at lo a 0 aE 0 0 Putting for s2,(t) from equation (23.4) in above equation, (dentdat—fF (oatenbattre ioe] Bonioa - =f jn above equation observe that there is a Product of two terms 8,(t) and so(t} We know that the two bols are not present at a time. Hence the product a(t) -82(#)=0. Therefore the intergration terms will be zero and hence complete RHS will be zero. ie, pao do (t)dt = 0 ves (2.3.8) Thus the two basis functions are orthonormal. tii) Generalized equations for orthonormal basis functions From equation (2.3.6). we can write the generalized equation for orthonormal basis function $;(t) as, od) = 82 i=1,2...N —... (2.3.9) VE: where g,(t) is given by generalizing equation (2.3.5) ie, i-1 gilt) = 5;(t) -— D 54 9; (4) sss (2.3.10) jel And the coefficients sy are given by equation 2.2.2 ie. sj = fosilt) O)(0) dE f= DZone id 4 wes (23.11) Conversion of the Continuous AWGN Channel into a Vector Channal «Let us consider that the noisy received signal is expressed by a random process X(t) which is given as, X(t) = 8,(t)+N(t) #=1,2)..,,M_ (24.1) Here s;(t) is the transmitted signal and N(t) is white Gaussian noise process of zero mean and power spectral density of * This received signal is applied to a bank of correlators as shown in Fig. 2.4.1. T J a }—x, 0 oy) Ti x(t) J dt xX, O Galt) 7 f a Pn ° on(t) Fig. 2.4.1 Response of correlators to noisy input The output of each correlator is a random variable which is given as, T Xj = FROM) dt, j=L2..N 0 T = Jisi(t)+ NO] 4;(tdt 0 from equation 2.4.1 T 2 = Jott e+] NO oat 0 a way tp 12h 2 N24) jom process be defined as, x) (0) (24.3) « Let the new rand x(t) = X= Putting equation 2.4.1 and equation 2.42 in above equation, X(t) = 540+N-¥ 55 +Nj)Oj(4) jt N N = 54(0+ NO- D559" DN (0) ja ja = ne 3Nj 400) jt since $54 ¢)(0)" 548) 1 ‘Thus X(t) depends only on the noise process N(#) and not on the signal s,(#). Hence let X'(#) = N'(} From equation (2.4.3) we can write, y Xi) = YX; (0+ XO jt NX = Lx OHNO jt since x(t) = NO) (2.4.4) Here N’(t)is totally due to noise process ‘N(t) at the input of correlators. «The correlator outputs X,,Xz,..-Xy are Gaussian random variables. They are characterized completely by mean and variance. a TThe received signal of equation (24.4) can be represented by the vector form as follows : oe) X(t) = [Xp Xqroe Xl 2). we on (#), [2.5 | Optimum Receivers using Coherent Detection VTU : July-13, 17 e The transmitted signal s,(t) is often corrupted by noise when it is received. Such a received signal is represented as, x(t) = 5(t)+n(t) for 0 70. -¥0 (1) (2.62) «Similarly, let x,(t) is transmitted, but x,)(T) is greater than x9,(T). Then incorrect decision will be taken if noise n(T) is less than Flin T+ 202(T)+201(7) ie, error will be generated if, ma s aO+¥9 0, gy 1g (T) s ta 7x) ww (2.6.3) The above two error conditions are summarized in Table 2.6.1 : tal 07) ‘Probability. of error can ee be obtained by evaluating the i probability that 2(T) — Xox(T) t) | 2.8 | Correlation Receiver VTU : Dec.-12, 14, 15, 16, July- In this section we will study a little different type of receiver which is called correlator. Fig. 2.8.1 shows the block diagram of this correlator. CC eT Locally generated signal x(t) | Integrator teT marl bao signal ° x f(=x(t)+n(t) f(x(t) r(t) Fig. -2.8.1 Block diagram of the correlator jn the adjacent figure f(#) ie, S=x()+n(0, iiplied to the locally gener, signal x(t) This result of multiplication F(t): x(t) is integrated. The output of the integrator is sampled at yeT (ie. end of one symbol period). Then baeed a this sampled value, decision is made, This is how the correlator works. It is called correlator since it correlates the received signal f(t) with a stored replica of the known signa 2() In Fig. 281, the product f(1)x(t) is integrated over one symbol period, ie T. Hence output r(#) can be written as, "Presents input noisy The signal f(t) is ‘ated replica of input T rt) = J fex(ae 0 Att=T, the above equation will be, T Output of correlator : (I) = ff (t) x(t) dt 0 w= (28.1) Now let us consider the matched filter as shown in Fig. 282 below. * [Matcher] teT Matched or —— ler ae AD hit) Fig. 2.8.2 Block diagram of a matched fitier receiver In the-above block diagram observe that the matched filter does not need locally generated replica of input filter can signal x(1) The output of the matched Ker cbiained by convolution of input f(t) and its impulse Tesponse h (t)-ie., re) = fh) = j f(a): h(t-1) at ww (2.8.2) From equation (2.6.30) we know that impulse Tesponse h(t) of the matched filter is given a5 we (2.8.3) A(t) = Here) (283) h(a) = FE x(t-t+4) 0 ee this value of /(f-1) in equation (28.2) we r= f Foyer H+ de Since the integration is performed over one bit period, we can change integration limits from 0 to T ie, T r(t) = Ke) f@x(T-t+ oat a At t=T, the above equation will be, r(T) 1 T al f(a)x(T-T+2)at 0 _ okt = wo} fx(oae just for convenience of notation, Let us put 7 —— { oT | Output of matched filter : r= | fOx eae | Nog | o (28.4) This equation gives the output of matched filter Observe that this equation and equation 2.8.1 (which gives output or correlator) are identical. In above equation the constant X is present which can be normalized to 1. The similarity between equation (2.8.1) and equation (2.84) shows that the matched filter and correlator gives same output. ‘Therefore we can state, ‘and correlator are two distinct, 1s which give the same result. These ed to synthesize the optimum filter. The matched filter independent technique two techniques are us Quadrature Receiver Using Correlation * Necessity : When the signal is transmitted over AWGN channel, there is uncertainty due to noise over the channel. Additionally there is uncertainty due to phase of the received signal. This uncertainty arises due to signals arriving from different paths. Such a received signal will have the form, x(t) = [FE cos(2n ft+0)+w(t) ~ (285) Here 6 is the phase shift in received signal m(t) is white Gaussian noise process of zero mean and PSD of ao *Due to uncertainty of phase, the conventional noncoherent systems becomes useless because output of correlator becomes function of phase 6 + Principle involved in quadrature receiver : Two correlation receivers are used which are supplied with quadrature carriers. Their outputs are then squared and added. This cancels the phase function due to trigonometric identity. + Block diagram and operation : Fig. 28.3 shows the block diagram of a correlation receiver using correlators. «The output of upper correlator becomes JEcos® and that of lower correlator becomes VE sin @. The above two outputs are squared and added as shown in Fig. 2.8.3. Hence outpitt will be, YE cos 0 T=] ea @~s {feos xin x] ‘Squarer ~E sine [Fen cexsp Fig, 2.8.3 Quadrature receiver wt) = Ecos? 0+ Esin? 6 = Ecos? 0+sin? 6)=E «Thus the dependence of unknown phase 6 is not there in the output y(f) It depends only on energy of the signal. Review Questions 1. What is correlator ? What is the difference and similarity between correlator and matched filter ? VU: Dec.-12, Marks 5 2. Explain in brief about correlation receive. ps sors ‘July-16, Dec.-16 Marks 8, May-17, Marks 5 3. Explain the coherent quadrature receiver using correlators. CTT 000

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