Grimoire of The Mad Fire Mage

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The adventurers come across the ruins of a cabin that

seems to have been destroyed in a great fiery explosion.

Amidst the ash and broken glass, they find the charred
skeleton of an incautious mage, along with a single
surviving page from his grimoire.

Fire Familiar

Can’t real
can set th
well as
Rank – 1

a distract
ings on fi
ly do dam
Prerequisite - Elementalism
Requirement - Word, gesture

re! Works
ion in com
Casting time - Action

age, but
a! Range - 4 metres
Ha h
Duration - Stretch

This spell summons a fire
familiar. The familiar is
controlled by the mage who
summoned it and shares
their initiative. Acts as
an NPC in combat.

Movement - 12
HP - 2 per power level
Armour - 0
Weapons - Ignite (skill level 12 + power level). A
Colourful flames – make a fire
hit doesn’t do any immediate damage, but it does set
any colour or combination of
the victim on fire. They have to use their action on
colours you choose for one shift.
their next turn to put themselves out, or they take
Good for dramatic eff
ect. D6 damage per round (ignores armour).
Purple works well!
Vulnerable to water – dies instantly if it takes any
damage from a tidal wave or an undine (or even if
Red Hot you just pour water on it...)

Rank – 1 This is like

Fireball, bu
Prerequisite - Elementalism t it doesn’t
Dragon Breath require a ge
sture to cast
. That orc

shaman thou
Requirement - Word, gesture ght she was
safe once sh
is hilariou

got my hand
his face!

s tied behin e
Casting time - Action Well that w
as the last m
d my back.
Rank – 1 istake she m
Range - 20 metres ade!
Prerequisite - Elementalism
Duration - Stretch
the look on

Requirement - Word
This one

Casting time - Action

The spell causes a metal
Range - 4 metres
item to heat up and start Too wet !
Duration - Instant
glowing red hot! If it’s a
weapon they have to hand they oo
You breathe a torrent of da
have to drop it and if it’s ng
flame that hits one opponent, er
armour they’re wearing they ou
inflicting 2D6 damage and s?
have to use their next action
setting flammable objects on
to take it off. Otherwise they
fire. It can be dodged but
take D6 damage per round.
not parried. Each power
If it’s an item in their
level above the first does an
inventory they need to make
additional D6 damage.
an AWARENESS roll to smell
it starting to burn. If they ( Gives you terrible breath
fail it will set anything after you cast it though...)

flammable on fire! Haha!

Each power level above the
first lets you heat up an
additional item within range.

Writing, layout & design by Śraddhāpa Shan Welsh.

Some artwork © Diane Ramic, used with permission. All rights reserved. (fire familiar) All other images from and Unsplash. This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan AB.
This Supplement was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane Third Party Supplement License.

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