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Distinguished toastmaster, Fellow Toastmasters and dear guests, I will be the most wicked

person of today; the table topic masters, Nobody likes the table topic master, because the
moment I say; I will pick up the person for impromptu, everyone starts to hide and say in mind
please don’t pick me! , So the most people consider table topic master as a wicked person.
Before I start, I want all of you relax as I could see such … horrific look on your faces…

Diversified Nepal, Well, we are all the mix of people who have gathered here from different
culture, different places and different languages we have our own thought and perspectives right?
So, what happened right now before table topic; we had prepared speeches and now, what we
will do in table topic is…. I will be giving a topic and you will read and understand the topic and
through your perspective… you will be giving your own views upon it. Within the minimum of
one minute.

As a table topic master I be will be giving random topic which I have selected based on the
theme, and I will request you to raise your hand and speak for minimum of 1 minute as it is the
qualifying time, and can be no more than two (2) minutes and thirty (30) seconds.

You will see a Green signal after 1 minute (your minimum time), a Yellow signal at 1:30, and a
Red signal at two (2) minutes.

Those who speak within time qualify for a “Best Table Topics” award.

You can think of an answer before beginning

My Question is:
1. Friend in need is friend indeed – TM Asha Thapa- speaker1

2. Friends and Social Media – TM Youbesh- speaker2

3. Try to be rainbow in someone’s cloud – TM sujata – speaker 3

After the last speaker:

Timekeeper toastmaster Reetu, can I have the report for each speaker, and who qualifies for the
“Better Table Topics” award?

Can I ask our ballot counter toastmaster Kishor to launch the poll for better table topic masters?

After the Timer reports on all times, BRIEFLY summarize by giving

their names and what question each answered or what they said.
I now return control of the meeting to our Toastmaster of the evening toastmaster Ranjita; over
to you toastmaster Ranjita

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