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1. My parents used to / would smoke when they were teenagers. (smoke)

2. I used to be very shy. (be)
3. Every summer weekend we used to / would go sailing. (go)
4. My mum used to have waist-length hair. (have)
5. My grandfather used to / would smoke a pipe when he was in his 50s. (smoke)
6. When my brother was a student he used to / would go to parties every
Saturday. (go)
7. My grandparents used to live in the countryside when they were younger. (live)
8. Tom used to / would climb trees when he was a small kid. (climb)
9. I used to work as a waiter in a pizza restaurant when I was a student. (work)
10. My dad used to / would travel a lot when he was in the rock band. (travel)
11. Eddie used to /would ride a bike to work every day when he was in his 20s.
12. My sister used to / would date the most handsome boy in the neighbourhood
when we were in high school. (date)
13. Mum used to / would read bedtime stories for us before we fell asleep. (read)
14. Mike used to be overweight before he took up running. (be)
15. When we were kids, my sister and me used to / would eat tons of sweets. (eat)
16. I didn’t use to / wouldn’t listen to classical music when I was a teenager. (not
17. My uncle used to / would play football in a school sports club in the early
1990s. (play)
18. I used to / would play the guitar every evening when I still lived with my
parents. (play)
19. Cynthia used to be such a cheerful person but after her divorce she is so bitter.
20. We used to /would run across corn fields when we were kids. (run)

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