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Jazz Or The Axe

(we are apart of the drama)

Scene 1:

2, 3, 4

(dream a little dream)

(huddle around the bar, Elise turns to audience)

Elise: I’ve been playing in this Jazz band for 20 years and I have never taken a day off. But today,
something just doesn’t feel right and I don't think I can continue the set. Hopefully the guys will

Guys, I’m so sorry, I dont think I can continue the set.

Eloise: What’s wrong?

Elise: My voice is shot, if I keep singing I’ll be off for the rest of the week, I’d rather just go home early
and rest up.

Lee Elle: Man, you should lay off those cigarettes!

Emily: well do you think you will be in tomorrow?

Elise: Yes, I will, I promise

Ollie: Back in my day, singers wouldn’t leave until the end of the set. These young kids….

(El, loops round and makes her way to the piano. Ollie and Eloise duck behind piano, playing tick tock
on the violin)

(emily and Lee Elle make door, Elise opens door and sits in house silently. The others play music for a
bit and then come and surround Elise and then knock knock knock, scream)

All split off finding fixed points

Scene 2:

- Back in the jazz club

Dream again

Ollie: Shit, my hand

We become car - accordian wheel

Ollie goes back to sleep

We play jazz again

Split off


Get back to the club

We have a shot before the song

Dream again

Emily is drunk

Lee-Elle and Eloise walk Emily to bed

Accordian pillow

Bass blanket

Everyone plays

Emilty dies

We split off


Just Lee-Elle and Eloise

Eloise: Really?! How are we going to play a jazz band if its just us two?

Lee-Elle: I don;t know, should we call it a night?

(Eloise leaves ukulele on piano and goes to chair. Elise and Emily become chair, ollie is the back of the

Lee-Elle plays dream on her own and inches towards Eloise as she reads out newspaper


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