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Formative Assessment Marking Rubric: In class behaviour

Year 4 English, Sharing Stories Project

Category Poor (1 mark) Satisfactory (2 marks) Good (3 marks) Excellent (4 marks)

Working with others Rarely listens, shares with Often listens to, shares with Usually listens to, shares Almost always listens to,
and supports the efforts of and supports the efforts and with and supports the shares with and support the
others. Often does not ideas of others. Sometimes efforts and ideas of others. efforts and ideas of others.
contribute to group struggles with contribution Makes an effort to Works effectively and
activities. to group activities. contribute actively to group actively contributes to group
activities. activities, making valuable
effort as part of a team.
Active engagement and Rarely provides relevant Sometimes provides useful Usually provides useful and Routinely provides useful
contribution ideas when participating in and relevant ideas when relevant ideas when and relevant ideas when
the group and class participating in the group participating in the group participating in the group
discussion, and activities. and class discussion, and and class discussion, and and in classroom discussion.
May refuse to get involved. activities. activities. A strong member A definite leader of
who tries hard to engage discussion who contributes
and contribute. a lot of effort to get
Active listening Rarely disengages and does Sometimes is distracted and Usually listens actively and is Routinely uses active
not listen in class. Struggles does not always use their a respectful and considerate listening skills. Is respectful
with following instruction. active listening skills. listener. Works hard to stay and considerate when
Does not use active listening Therefore, sometimes on task and stay attentive. someone else is talking or
skills. struggles with instruction. when the teacher is giving
instruction. Follows
instructions very well, is
attentive and stays on task.
Responsible on-task Does not follow instruction Sometimes is distracted and Usually stays on task when Always uses ICT, iPad, etc.,
behavior using ICT and uses ICT, iPad, etc., doesn’t stay on task when using ICT, iPad, etc. Makes a responsibly. Stays on task
irresponsibly. Goes off task using ICT, iPad, etc. Makes regular effort to take care and follows the lesson
and doesn’t follow the an effort to look after digital and show respect for digital instruction closely and
lesson. Doesn’t show equipment. equipment. doesn’t divert off task. Very
respect for digital respectful and careful when
equipment. using digital equipment.

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