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GENERAL MATH NUMBER PROPERTIES & OPERATIONS CONSECUTIVE INTEGERS 1. The sum of 5 consecutive integers is 35. How many of the five consecutive integers are prime numbers? Ao B)1 c)2 D)3 2, The sum of three consecutive integers is 108, then the smaller is A) 35 B) 36 C37 D) 38 3. The sum of 4 consecutive integers is 62, the sum of smaller and largepis A) 29 B) 30 c) 31 D) 4. The sum of 3 consecutive integers is 78, the largest of the three A) 26 8) 27 c)24 e 5. The sum of 4 consecutive even integer is 92, the smaller nl A) 22 B) 24 Cc) 20 @ X 6. The sum of four consecutive even integers is \, A) 30 B) 32 oj 7. The sum of 3 consecutive odd integ AY A) 15 8) 17 Ct 3 8 The sum of 4 consecutive odd integem&is A)21 B) 23 9. The sum of § consecuti is 85, the Ayo 8) 11 13 x ) 15 10. If the product off ers is ena , of the integers is 14 x D) 15 11. If the py dive integ “argos the sum of the two smaller integers is A)5, D) 13 12. The produ itive eve ocr is 192, the larger is A)8 ) 14 D) 16 15. The produc ofWeonsecutvnd Broce is 19305, the smaller is A)9 RS) c)11 Db) 15 14. Three times the first WEN nsecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. Find the third integer. A)7 B)9 c)14 D) 15 16. In an increasing sequence of 10 consecutive integers, the sum of the first 5 integers is 560. What is the sum of the last § integers in the sequence? A) 585 B) 580 C) 875 D) 570 16. The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is always divisible by 1.2 3 us: 1V.6 A) lonly 8) only C) | and Il only D) land Ill only AVERAGE CONDITIONAL AVERAGE 1. Of three numbers the first is three times the second, the second is double the third and the average of the three is 21. What are the numbers? A) 42,147 B) 54,18,6 C) 27,93 D) 18,63 2. Babar spends equal amount. in buying two types of oranges at the rate of 5 oranges for @ rupee and 10 oranges for 3 rupees. The average cost of the oranges will be A) 24 paisa B) 25 paisa C) 26 paisa D) 27 paisa 3. Aman spends. Rs. 230.50 on an average during the first eight months During the next four months, he spends Rs. 180.00 on average. He saves nothing at the end of thiear. He took a loan of Rs. 164.00 during the year. Find his monthly income on average of the year: A) 200 B) 190 C) 250 jo 4. The average expenditure of a man for the first five mont the next seven months is Rs. 120. He saves Rs 260 at the end of year. His monthly income is: A)Rs. 106.66 B)Rs 130 C)Rs, 150, 5. The average expenditure of a marl for the fi 130. He saves nothing at the end of the y A)Rs. 148.33 B) Rs. 124.16 6. The average salary per head of all officers is Rs. 400 and that of the e salary per head of the 12 =~ ‘total number of workers in the factory are: A) 1,008 B) 1,028. ee 7. The average (arithmetic numbers f the number is removed. the average (arithmetic mean bers me Sele has been removed? < D) 24 and nay en 18 and 21, inclusive, what is the greatest ao S D) 54 A 8.5. When one number is discarded, the average of fet ic the cisoarded number? ) 10,0 D) 15.0 10. Ifx books costi§5 each an < cost $8 each, then the average (arithmetic mean) cost, in * dollars per book, is equal A) (5x+By) f(x + y) B) (5x + By) / xy ©) (Gx + By)/ 13 D) 40xy / (x+y) 11. The average (arithmetic mean) of 6. 8, and 10 equals the average of 7, 9 and A)S B)7 c)8 D)9 12. The average (arithmetic mean) of 10, 30, and,50 is 5 more than the average of 20, 40. And A) 15 B) 25 c) 35 D) 45 13. If the average (arithmetic mean) of four distinct positive Integers is 11, what is the greatest possible value of any one of the integers? A) 35 8) 38 c)40 p44 14. Dan had average of 72 on his first four math tests After taking the next test, his average dropped to 70, Which of the following is his most recent test grade? A) 60 B) 62 c)64 D) 66 15. What is the average of v.64, .85, and 9/10? A) 21/25 8) 3.25 c) 2.55 D) 85% 16. The average of two numbers is XY. If the first number is Y, what is the other number? A)2xY—Y —_B)XY—2Y C) 2xY —x D)Xx 17. 30 students had an average of X, while 20 students had an average of 80. What is the average for the entire group? A) (X+80)150—B) (X+80)/2 C) 50K(X+80) D) 3/5 X + 32 18. What is the average of the-first 15 positive integers? A)7 B)75 os D)8S 19. A number p equals 3/2 the average of 10, 12, and q. what is q in tgffis of 0? A)23p—22 B)4/3p—22 C)2p-22 D) 20. Susan has an average of 86 in three examinations. What tif recaive on her next test to raise her average to 88? e A) 94 8) 90 c)92 0 21. The heights of the five starters on Redwood High's 1",63", set "and . The average height of these \) Aye" 8) 62" ¢ bay 22, What is the average of all numbers \ A) 46 8) 47 3 ' Fon eX Y. 23. In a family of five, the heights of thalmem: inch, 5, [eghr inches, 5 feet 2 inches, feet, and 4 feet 7 inches. The avera: tis Ss A) 4 feet 4 1/5 inches B) 5 fee! @ C)5 feet 1 inch D) 5 feet2 inches 24, The average of & * get 6 otha inbers is 8. What is the average of all 14 numbers? A)6 7 xO b) 72/7 25. If the. al Bn) of dseri @Frumbers is 20 and their sum is 160, how many nu in the A) ) 32. D) 48 26. What is the ur integers. an average is 117 A) 38 c) 40 D) 44 RATIO & PROPORTION 1. Anne runs 100 yards in 9.8 seconds and then runs 440 yards in 49 seconds. What is the ratio of her average speed in the 440-yard run to her average speed in the 100-yard run? A) 49/43, B) 22/25 cy 1442 D) 12/11 2. Ifthe official exchange ratio of the currency in an African country to U.S. dollars is 350:1 and the free ‘exchange ratio is 400:1. how much profit would a man make if he Could convert $70 to the African country’s currency at the free rate and then convert this currency back to dollars at the official rate? A)St B) $10 C) $61.25 D) $70 3. Approximately $8,000,000 in bills of $10,000 denomination, and approximately $400,000,000 in $1,000 bill, are in circulation in the United States. What is the ratio,efithe number of $10,000 bills in Circulation to the number of $1,000 bills in circulation? A) 1:500 8) 1:50 o)45 D) 4. Mr, Power's average daily charges are 3/2 as much as th earns $7200 per day, what is the daily average charges of Mr. Power? e ‘A) $3600 8) $6400 C) $7200 5. In Europe tire pressure is measured in kilograms pet ‘Ber Square Inch corresponds to 2.24 kilograms per square o ms per = centimeter is ‘equivalent to 24 pounds per square inch?, eaW A) 154 B) 1.68 ay 6. A father wishes to divide his yearly avin, should he give to his first son. A)Rs.360 _B) Rs. 300 , 250 7. A father wishes to divide he give to his second sor A) 300 8) 400. D) “ose 100 yore in 3:4: 5. How much should af 0) 600 is roa ‘A. Band C so that A's share B's share = 2:3 os cy D) Rs. 90 Ader of mathematics majors to the number of students. . If 2 more mathematics majors were to enter the class, the i are in the class? cyt D) 28 10. The ratio, by volume, of si ens Fiche to water in a certain solution is 2:50:100. The solution will be altered so that the ral ip to alcohol is doubled while the ratio of soap to water is halved. If the altered solution va cubic centimeters of alcohol, how many cubic centimeters of water will it contain? A)50 B) 200 c) 400 D) 800 14. A science class has a ratio of girls to boys of 4 to 3. If the class has a total of 35 students, how many more girls are there than boys? A)20 B) 15 C7 D)s 12. Of the people attending a concert, % are seated in the auditorium and the remaining %, are in the lobby. If % of those in the lobby move to seats In the auditorium; then what Is the ratio of those seated in the auditorium to those in the lobby? A) 16:1 B) 12:1 cya D)71 413. The ratio 1.5 and 7.5 is equal to the ratio of, A145 B) 2:10 C) 3:15, D) all of these 14. A, B, C are employed to do a piece of work for Rs. 529. A and B together are supposed to do 19/23 of the work. What should C be paid? A) Rs. 82 8) Rs. 92 C) Rs. 437 D) Rs. 300 15. If one-half of the female students in a certain college eat in the cafeteria and one-third of the male students eat there, what fractional pan if the student body eats in the cafeteria? A512 B) 2/5 c)% D) it cannot be determined from the Information given 16. Ten merchants agreed to purchase uniforms for a local baseball team at a total cost of M dollars. After a disagreement, two merchants dropped out of the project. By how many dollars was the cost to each merchant remaining increased? ‘A)(M—20)/2 B) M40 cy M9 D) 17. If x is 2/3 of y and y is % of z, what is the ratio of z : x? Ay1:2 B)1:4 c)2:4 18. 1f 3/11 of a number is 22, what is 6/11 of that number? e A)6 B) 41 c)12 Q w we worth 3 motor cars. If e, mee worth 7 fowis what is the price of a 18. 5/8 of 24 is equal to 15/7 of what number? A)T 8)8 C) CHAIR RULE 1. Six horses are worth 9 camels, 27 cafffels one motor car is worth Rs. 2400, thé pri A) Rs.120 8) Rs. 100 2. If 4 chickens are worth 3 7 du rth 2 chicken when a fowl cost! A) Re.0.75 — B)Re. Re, 0.50 Re. 1.50 3. Five pencils co as m “4 letter pads. 5 letter pads as much as 2 knives If 6 knj of 1 0. ) Re, a D) Re, 0.50 4 worth | much as S'boys and 4 boys as much as § gis. Ifa gid in a day? ) Rs. 1.50 D) Rs. 1.75 5 of leg pads. 2 pairs of gloves. Of 2 cricket bats. at is the cost of a cricket ball? A) Rs. 10 8) C)Rs. 14 D) Rs. 16 DIREST PROPORTION 1. If 3 apples cost 19 cents. how many apples can be purchased for $1.52? A) 15 8) 19 c)22 D) 24 2. Aboy makes a diagram of a plane to a scale of 1/400 of actual size. lithe diagram of the plane is 9.6 inches in length, what is the length, in feet, of the plane? A) 96 B) 320 c) 384 D) 960 3. Ona map the scale % inch = 200 miles, what is the distance, in miles, between two cities that are 3 1/2 inches apart on the map? A) 300 B) 350 ¢) 700 D) 1400 4. How many minutes will a train traveling at the rate of 45 miles per hour take to cover a distance of 4/5, mile? A) 1.066 B) 17 c) 10 D) 16 5. Amotorist on the Freeway covers 0.8 mile in 1 minute: What distance, in mile's, can he travel in 6 seconds? A) 0.08 B)17 c)10 D) 16 6. How many miles are there in 1 3/5 kilometers if 1 kilometer equals 5/8 mile? A) 25/64 B)1 C) 1.39/40 D)2 7. Ifrain is falling at a rate of 2 inches per hour, how many inches will fall in 12 minutes? A) 11360 B) 2/5 c)2 1/2 D)S 8. Avvertical pole 6 feet high casts a shadow 4 feet long. At the same; 6 casts a shadow 64 feet long. What is the height, in feet of the tree? A) 44 B) 72 C)96 " A) adix B) axid C) dxla 10. A certain machine makes a widget every 2 5 s ine make in 40 minutes? A) 12.600 B) 9.600 11. Weekly income of a person is Rs. 1 A) 510 8) 612 12. -If the cost of 16 books is Rs. 32 A) 64 B) 56 69 13. If the cost of 10 chairs is 6 the cost of aot chairs? A) 40 60 8 W079 14, What is the | e a min ridin ox an hour can cross in § minutes A) 2km ) 4 kor) D) % km ) ‘SIMPLE ‘SE AY 1. Ix Jo ajok ys. hoW long would y men take to dd the same job? . A) xi ® ) yl D) xyfh 2. ifm men do a JObyn 10 days. ing will it take 10 men to complete, this task, assuming that they work at the same rate? \\ C) 100m D)m A) 10/m B)1 et) 3. there is prdyis! s ,600 participants to last 60 days. If the present strength of the camp is 1,200 the provisions will last for days; A) 45 B) 72 cao D) 96 4, If 3 men and 5 women do a piece of work in 8 days and 2 men and 7 children do the same piece of work in 12 days, the correct relationship between women and children is: A) 10w=21c B) 10w= 20c C) 12w= 21c D) hone PERCENTAGE What percent must a housewife reduce the consumption of sugar, so that the expenditure on sugar is the same as before? A) 80 B) 162% ©) 20 D) 83:% . Ifthe dimensions of a square are increased by 98%, its area increased by A) 198% B) 392.04% C) 292.04% D) 96.04% . 19% of what number is 152: A) 80 8)8 c).800 D) 100 . 65 is what precent of 5200: A) 1.25% B) 0.8% C) 20% D) . Income of Ali is 30% less than Bilal. How much percent Bi A) 30% B) 33.19% C) 45% . IF the price of sugar be raised 35%, find by how mt sugar so as not to increase her expenditure? A) 72% B) 26% approx. C) fuce her goXgumption of s ia by 20%, by ot . Aand B's salaries together amount 0. A speflds 95% offi Salary and B, 85% of his. f now their savings are the same,gaibat is A’ A) Rs. 500 B) Rs. C If the number of articles purchased is in what percent is the value of the pul A) 45% B) 32% ) Rs. 0” PROFIT & LOSS 1. A dealer professing to sell at cost, uses a 900 grams weight for a kilogram one. What is his gain %? A)09 B) 10 C9 D) 112 2. The price of sugar having gone down by 10%, a customer can get 5 kg more sugar for Rs. 270. The difference between the original and t he reduced price per kg is A) 53 paisa B) 58 paisa C) 55 paisa D) 60 paisa 3. The cost price of an article which one being sold at a gain of 12% yields Rs. 6 more than when itis sold ata loss of 12%, is A) Rs.25 B)Rs. 27 C) Rs. 24 D) Rs_31 4. Aslam buys 30 cows for an average of Rs. 900. He bought 12 mor ing the average cost to Rs. 875. How much did the recent purchase cost him? A) Rs. 883; B) Rs. 810; C) Rs. 883 3s, e 5. Arif buys 2750 eggs for $ 100 and loses 350 of those,ecal sells the semaining eggs at 70 cents/dozen, what percent of his original . A) 30% B) 45% C) 40% \ 6. Anarticle was sold at a loss of 10%. If it w Seen gain of 5%. ‘The article was sold for A) Rs. 305 B) Rs. 310 Rs. 240, 7. An article is sold at a profit of 20%. (fibot P were, el Rs. 20 less, the profit would be 10% more. What is the C.P of th \\ A) Rs. 32 B) Rs. 5 42 R60 8. Adealer sold two radio st each, gaining 10% oe and losing 10% on the other. Which of the following is true? A) He neither gai g om C) He loses 19 9. Asalesi ed pricBinstead of discounting the marked price by 5%. Ifhe sold tt pri r which he should have sold the book? A) C)RS. 4.20 D) Rs. 4.60 10. 4 oranges A) Rs. 0.4 § Sra peach cost Rs. 0.32, then find the cost of an orange? ) Rs. 1.5 D) Rs. 1.0 MIXTURE |. In what ratio must 25% alcohol be mixed with 50% alcohol to get a mixture of 40% alcohol strength: A)1:2 8)2:3 cj2:4 D)3:2 .. Four quarts of pure alcohol are added in 40% solution of alcohol in water. If the new concentration is 60% how many quarts of alcohol in original solution are there? A)32 8)38 c)36 D)4.1 A fertilizer contains 32% nitrate and 10% of the nitrate and 10% of the nitrate is pure nitrogen. What percent of the fertilizer is pure nitrogen? A) 0.32 B)32 c)12 D)42 . 4 litres of a 20% solution of alcohol in water is mixed with 6 litres off@M 80% solution of alcohol in water. . A certain sum of money is divided between '. 30% solution of barium chloride is What is the strength of alcohol in the resulting mixture: A) 60% B) 48% C) 40% . 10 liters of a 25% solution of alcohol in water is mixed wit }% solution alcohol in water. The alcoholic strength of the mixture is A) 36% B) 48% c) 40% “Q ii Aare vere to given B Rs. 20 and B were to given A half of what ve would be the same. What is the amount divided bet \ A) Rs. 450 B) Rs. 500 ) Rs. 540 }% solution. How many grams of the original solution did we A) 10 8) 20 ¢ 5 SIMPLE INTEREST . At simple interest, what sum will amount to Rs. 1120 in 4 years and to Rs. 1200 in 5 years? A) Rs. 750 B) Rs. 850 C) Rs. 800 D) Rs. 1000 . A sum of money at simple interest amounts to thrice it in 3 years. In how many years will it be nine times itself? A) 6 years B) 4 years C)9 years D) 12 years The simple interest of a certain sum of five months at 4% is 210 less than the simple interest of the same sum for 15 months at 5%. The sum is A)Rs. 4582 B) Rs. 4500 c)3600 D) 4800 |. The interest on a sum of money is 16/15 of the principal, and the %. What is the rate % A) 64% B) 4% C) 8% of years is equal to the rate . Farid invested Rs. 2000 for 3 years and Rs. 1000 for 2 yet was Rs. 160. Find the rate percent? A) 2% B) 4% C) terest frontithese investments . A sum of money is divided so that the si RATIO & PROPORTION |. 15 men take 21 days of 8 hours each to do a piece of work. Many days of 6 hours each would 21 women take, if 3 women do as much as 2 men? A) 20 B) 25 c)21 D) 30 40 men can do a piecs of work in 30 days, working 8 hours daily. In how many days will 60 men finish the work when working hours are reduced by 25%? A) 19 B) 20 c)30 D) 26; If 10 typist working 8 hours take 25 days write 100 letters of 10 lines then how many typist will be working 10 hours take 15 days write 50 letters of 33 lines? A) 15, B) 22 c)24 D) . 10 engineers can complete a road in 30 days. If they want to finis men will be required? AS B)2 cya 5 days earlier. How more 5. The ratio of the rate of flow of water in pipes varies i What is the ratio of the rates of flow in 2 pipes of dial A)1:2 B)1:8 respectively Rs, 10, Rs. 12 and Rs. 1 A)Rs.2 B)Rs.6 AGE ‘A father is thirty times older than his son. However 18 years later, he will be thrice as old as the son. What is the father's present age? A)26 years —-B) 25 years C) 21 years D) 40 years. Rubi got married 6 years ago. Today her age is 5/4 times her age at the time of marriage. Her son’s age is (1/10) times her age. The age of her son is? A) 2 years B) 4 years C)3 years D) 5 years . In 5 years times 2 father will be twice as old as his son will be. Four years ago he was three times as old as his son was. Find their present ages. A) 13,31 B) 23, 27 C) 13,26 D) |. Age of father is twice that of his son and thrice as that of his d Jum of children’s age is 41 years less than 3 times the father's age. What is the age of A) 19 years —-B) 46 years C) 38 years e . Seven years ago father's age was 5 times of his sor hence their ages willbe in the ratio 7: 3. Find the present age of father. t A) 525 years B) 573 years C)5. A father's age is to that of his son 9:4, Z yet A) 56, 24 B) 49, 21 ) BASIC MATH HANDOUT ANSWER RATIO & DIRECT PROPORTION | PROPORTION 4 prorenriss® | AVERAGE ‘OPERATIONS PERCENTAGE] MIXTURE g|9|9/0]o0]a]>|0]0|>/0| 0 c A c B c A A 3 ¢ D B A A D A B @ |>/o/o]o|>|0]0]0|>|0|>]o]o|>]o]a|0|>|>|> El Chaqj g NS 2 Powered by: IBAGRADS a . Features that Fit Students’ Needs Live Classes Doubt Solving highly experienced and y ns! qualified instructors! \ Learning Community Abuilt-in forum for students to mesningfully interact with their peers Recorded Lectures Bite-sized videos for all top| of the sylabus & vider Coming Soon Practice Zone Multiple-tier Performance Analytics Live-analytics with customized reports toidentiy weaknesses and boost scores! é iD. 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