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100+ ChatGPT Prompts for

Software Developers
aruva - empowering ideas · Follow
8 min read · Apr 5

342 2

As a software developer, you know that your work involves more than just
developing ideas for your projects. You also need to analyze data, design
systems, write code, and test and debug your software. However, these tasks
can also be challenging and time-consuming, especially if you’re stuck and
don’t know where to start. This is where ChatGPT comes in. ChatGPT is a
language model that uses artificial intelligence to generate text based on
user prompts. It can help you not only with ideation but also with other
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Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

We have marked some of our favourite prompts that

we actively use. Do comment on what your favourite
prompts are (marked with **). In no particular order,
here are 100+ developer assisting prompts for
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1. Code review suggestions**: “Suggest improvements for this code

snippet: [code snippet here].”

2. Optimal algorithm selection**: “What is the most efficient algorithm

to solve this problem: [problem description]?”

3. Debugging assistance**: “Help me identify and fix the issue in this

code: [code snippet here].”

4. Refactoring advice**: “Recommend best practices for refactoring this

code: [code snippet here].”

5. API documentation lookup: “Find documentation for this API: [API

name or URL].”

6. Design pattern recommendations**: “Which design patterns are

suitable for this scenario: [scenario description]?”

7. Unit test generation**: “Provide unit test cases for this function:
[function signature and description].”

8. Code snippet conversion: “Convert this Python code to Java: [Python

code snippet].”

9. Performance optimization: “Suggest ways to optimize the

performance of this code: [code snippet here].”
10. Architecture design guidance**: “Help me design the architecture for
You software system:
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your member and constraints].”
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11. Functionality explanation: “Explain the purpose of this function:
[function signature and code snippet].”

12. Library or Framework recommendations**: “Recommend a suitable

library or framework for this task: [task description].”

13. Security best practices: “Review this code for potential security
vulnerabilities: [code snippet here].”

14. Code readability improvement: “Suggest changes to make this code

more readable: [code snippet here].”

15. Version control guidance: “Explain how to resolve this Git merge
conflict: [conflict details].”

16. Database schema design: “Help me design a database schema for this
application: [application requirements].”

17. Deployment process advice: “Recommend a deployment strategy for

this application: [application details and environment].”

18. Code snippet explanation: “Help me understand this code snippet:

[code snippet here].”

19. Syntax error identification: “Find and fix syntax errors in this code:
[code snippet here].”
20. Regular expression creation: “Create a regular expression to match
You pattern: [pattern
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21. Code commenting**: “Suggest comments to explain this code snippet:
[code snippet here].”

22. Naming convention advice: “Review this code for naming convention
consistency: [code snippet here].”

23. Function modularization: “Suggest ways to break down this function

into smaller, more maintainable pieces: [code snippet here].”

24. Error handling best practices: “Propose error handling

improvements for this code: [code snippet here].”

25. Memory leak detection**: “Help me identify potential memory leaks

in this code: [code snippet here].”

26. Coding challenge preparation: “Recommend resources for practicing

coding challenges and interviews.”

27. Language-specific idioms: “Explain idiomatic ways to accomplish this

task in [programming language]: [task description].”

28. Technical debt assessment**: “Evaluate this code for technical debt
and suggest ways to reduce it: [code snippet here].”

29. Continuous integration setup: “Guide me through setting up

continuous integration for this project: [project details].”
30. Load testing guidance: “Suggest a load testing strategy for this web
application: [application
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31. Time complexity analysis**: “Analyze the time complexity of this
algorithm: [algorithm description or code snippet].”

32. Frontend component design: “Help me design a responsive UI

component for this use case: [use case description].”

33. Automated testing best practices: “Recommend best practices for

setting up automated testing in this project: [project details].”

34. Dependency management advice: “Suggest ways to manage

dependencies for this project: [project details and environment].”

35. Code coverage improvement: “Identify areas in this codebase that

need better test coverage: [code snippet or repository URL].”

36. Accessibility compliance: “Review this user interface for accessibility

compliance and suggest improvements: [UI description or

37. Code generation**: “Generate a code snippet to accomplish this task

in [programming language]: [task description].”

38. Internationalization guidance: “Recommend steps to internationalize

this application: [application details].”

39. Third-party API integration: “Help me integrate this third-party API

into my project: [API name and project details].”
40. Code linting configuration: “Guide me through setting up a linter for
[programming language]
You are signed out. Sign in with yourin my project:
member [project details].”
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41. Environment variable management: “Suggest best practices for
managing environment variables in this project: [project details].”

42. Data structure selection**: “Recommend the most appropriate data

structure for this use case: [use case description].”

43. Cross-browser compatibility: “Help me ensure cross-browser

compatibility for this web application: [application details].”

44. Multithreading advice**: “Suggest ways to implement multithreading

in this code: [code snippet here].”

45. Responsive design tips: “Provide tips for creating a responsive design
for this web application: [application details].”

46. Codebase organization: “Recommend best practices for organizing

the files and folders in this project: [project details].”

47. Scaling strategy: “Suggest a strategy for scaling this application to

handle increased traffic: [application details].”

48. API endpoint design**: “Help me design an API endpoint for this
functionality: [functionality description].”

49. CLI tool creation: “Guide me through creating a command-line tool

for this task: [task description].”
50. Microservices architecture: “Provide advice on transitioning this
You are signed application to a
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member architecture:
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51. Automated documentation generation: “Recommend tools for

generating documentation from my codebase: [project details and
programming language].”

52. Error logging best practices: “Suggest best practices for logging
errors in this application: [application details].”

53. Package publishing: “Guide me through publishing a package for

[programming language] to a package registry.”

54. Progressive web app (PWA) conversion: “Help me convert this web
application into a progressive web app: [application details].”

55. Migration plan: “Assist me in creating a migration plan for

transitioning from [technology A] to [technology B].”

56. Code signing: “Explain the process of code signing and setting it up
for this project: [project details].”

57. Feature flag implementation: “Suggest an approach for implementing

feature flags in this application: [application details].”

58. Keyboard navigation support: “Help me implement keyboard

navigation support for this web application: [application details].”

59. Responsive image handling: “Suggest best practices for handling

responsive images in this web application: [application details].”
60. Automated code review setup**: “Guide me through setting up an
You are signedcode review
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member project:
account [project
( details].”
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61. Error reporting integration: “Help me integrate an error reporting
service into this application: [application details and error reporting

62. Search functionality implementation: “Suggest an approach for

implementing search functionality in this application: [application

63. Development environment setup**: “Recommend a development

environment setup for this project: [project details and programming

64. Mobile app performance optimization: “Provide tips for optimizing

the performance of this mobile application: [application details].”

65. Real-time communication implementation: “Guide me through

implementing real-time communication in this application:
[application details].”

66. Distributed caching strategy: “Suggest a distributed caching strategy

for this application: [application details and requirements].”

67. Static code analysis tools**: “Recommend static code analysis tools
for [programming language] and explain their benefits.”

68. A/B testing setup: “Help me set up an A/B testing framework for this
web application: [application details].”
69. Web accessibility testing: “Recommend tools and techniques for
testing web out.
You are signed accessibility inmember
Sign in with your this project: [project details].”
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70. Automated build process**: “Guide me through setting up an
automated build process for this project: [project details].”

71. Dark mode implementation: “Help me implement a dark mode

theme for this web application: [application details].”

72. Serverless architecture**: “Suggest an approach for implementing a

serverless architecture in this application: [application details].”

73. Continuous deployment pipeline: “Assist me in setting up a

continuous deployment pipeline for this project: [project details].”

74. Monitoring and alerting setup: “Recommend tools and best practices
for monitoring and alerting in this application: [application details].”

75. Lazy loading implementation: “Guide me through implementing lazy

loading in this web application: [application details].”

76. Single sign-on (SSO) integration**: “Help me integrate single sign-on

(SSO) into this application: [application details and desired SSO

77. State management strategy: “Suggest a state management strategy for

this web application: [application details].”

78. Docker containerization: “Guide me through containerizing this

application with Docker: [application details].”
79. Mobile app navigation design: “Help me design an intuitive
You are signedsystem
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80. Code metrics analysis: “Analyze the code metrics of this codebase and
suggest improvements: [repository URL or codebase description].”

81. Kubernetes deployment: “Assist me in deploying this application to a

Kubernetes cluster: [application details].”

82. Coding style enforcement**: “Recommend a coding style guide and

tools to enforce it for [programming language].”

83. Automated backup strategy: “Suggest an automated backup strategy

for this application’s data: [application details].”

84. Load balancing setup: “Help me set up load balancing for this
application: [application details and environment].”

85. Web performance audit: “Conduct a web performance audit for this
website and suggest improvements: [website URL].”

86. License selection**: “Recommend an appropriate open-source

license for this project: [project details].”

87. Progressive enhancement techniques: “Suggest progressive

enhancement techniques for this web application: [application

88. Mobile app release management: “Guide me through managing

releases for this mobile app on [iOS/Android]: [app details].”
89. Elasticsearch integration**: “Help me integrate Elasticsearch into this
project: [project
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90. Virtual environment setup: “Assist me in setting up a virtual
environment for this project: [project details and programming

91. Content delivery network (CDN) configuration: “Guide me through

configuring a CDN for this web application: [application details].”

92. Micro-frontend architecture: “Provide advice on implementing a

micro-frontend architecture for this web application: [application

93. Data validation techniques: “Suggest data validation techniques for

this form: [form details].”

94. API rate limiting**: “Help me implement rate limiting for this API:
[API details].”

95. Message queue integration: “Guide me through integrating a message

queue system in this application: [application details].”

96. Cross-platform app development: “Recommend cross-platform app

development frameworks for building a mobile app: [app

97. Automated UI testing: “Suggest tools and best practices for automated
UI testing in this project: [project details].”
98. Custom domain setup: “Guide me through setting up a custom
domain for out.
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web application:
in with [application
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99. Data modelling best practices: “Recommend best practices for data
modelling in this database system: [database system].”

100. Server-rendered app optimization: “Suggest performance

optimization techniques for this server-rendered application:
[application details].”

101. Webhook integration: “Help me integrate webhooks into this

application: [application details and webhook provider].”

102. Batch processing implementation: “Suggest an approach for

implementing batch processing in this application: [application
details and use case].”

103. Code profiling**: “Recommend tools and techniques for profiling this
application’s performance: [application details and programming
language].” Sign up Sign In

104. Automated image optimization: “Guide me through setting up

Search Medium Write
automated image optimization for this web application: [application

105. Scalable file storage: “Suggest a scalable file storage solution for this
application: [application details and requirements].”

106. Data synchronization strategy: “Provide a data synchronization

strategy for this offline-first application: [application details].”
107. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration: “Help me
configure CORS
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108. Cache invalidation strategy: “Suggest a cache invalidation strategy for
this web application: [application details].”

109. User authentication and authorization: “Recommend best practices

for implementing user authentication and authorization in this
application: [application details].”

110. Third-party SDK integration**: “Guide me through integrating this

third-party SDK into my project: [SDK name and project details].”

111. Server monitoring tools**: “Recommend server monitoring tools and

best practices for this application’s backend: [backend details].”

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help software developers at all stages of
the software development process, from ideation to testing and debugging.
We hope the prompts we’ve shared in this blog post will inspire you to try out
ChatGPT and discover how it can help you become a more effective and
efficient software developer.

Thanks for reading! If you found this article informative, please show your
appreciation by clapping and subscribing to our publication. By subscribing,
you’ll be the first to know when we publish new content.
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Artificial Intelligence Software Development

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