Reaction Paper (Pescador)

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Submitted by: Pescador, Jerico Victor V. Submitted to: Ariel T. Vivar

Sun Tzu said: “In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country

whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an entire
army than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entirely rather than to
destroy them.”

I understand the way that violence/brute force is not always the answer in every. Harming
people/soldiers when it is not necessary only creates hostility and chaos. If you show them mercy
and superiority they will fear and acknowledge you.This quote reminds me of the TV I watched
long time ago it is a history of vikings where in before they raid a town the first rule of the leader
is do not kill if not necessary they surround the town and conquer it capture all the citizen leave
the city unharmed but take all the treasure.He also use this to make his name spread and every
other town to be a famous resulting that marks into his name as a great conquerer.So back to the
idea of Sun tzu probably the main objective of doing is the slaves added more warriors in his
empire.In his dynasty more labor/workers and soldier make him more stronger.For the city not
destroying must be the best option because contracting will be hard and take so much time but
renovating will be the most easy way.Same as well for the resources of the captured county the
way they keep alive and there is no medicine for all the illness so remains healthy is their great
advantage.For me the main idea for this quote is being reckless will just leave a mess and
cautious pf act and your decision will give you power.I learned is being brute/violence everytime
will not make you always the stronger.

“Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence
consists in breaking the enemys resistance without fighting.”

I understand this by defeating your enemy by surrendering through threat or outnumbering

them. Especially when they scared of death they will sacrifice their pride so save lives.Way of
threat since its ancient times probably by introducing yourself and what you
accomplished.Outnumbering well just having big army than the other opponents.How godly it is
by surrendering enemy without fighting it means they will fear you and your whole army.It also
save your resources like weapons,medicines and the number of your soldiers.Like what i said in
first quote more slaves and soldier to up add to army is what a big win equals to more power but
great power comes to great responsibility only true leader can handle a big battalion of army. I

got carries about being greed i got an idea of an alliance when the enemy knows that they are in
edge possibly to offer an land or currencies to avoid the war but its not applicable to anyone.I
will give my personal thoughts about this yes a merciful leader bring great leadership but
sometimes it is a mistake to give someone a second chance because that someday they will take
revenge for what you did.It not east to break through too because in every soldier they must be a
fight for country, fight for pride and fight to win.

“Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy's plans. the next best is to prevent the
junction of the enemy's forces;the next in order is to attack the enemy's army in the field and the
worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities”

Being strategic is the key for knowing the plan of enemy.Its not you whole the plan of enemy
you are prepared of what is coming. Not simply to say like that because i read something about
this the mind of the strategist is creativity.Creative like you have so many plans in your minds
predicting any possibilities to happen. Making your enemy think that you know any of his plans
but not you just prepared all the happenings. I read book and watch movies this same type of
actions it is so amazing how they brain works in all circumstances.One of the secret is stay
calm,be observe and be patience.You are truly great leader if you have this talent of thinking
even you dont have the power of strength to lead the army but you have a bright mind to not just
lead but also control them.It is like playing chess game of minds Mikhail tal for example he use
to sacrifice a officials even the queen for great outcome before he sacrifice a pieces he already
calculated the next actions/moves of his opponent leading mikhail tal to Victory that is why he
called “The magician of Riga”. Im amaze to sun tzu how he being careful to all his actions in this
first 3 quotes he wants to surrender enemies to his hand.

“The rule is, not to besiege walled cities if it can possibly be avoided.The preparation of
mantlets, movable shelters, and various implements of war, will take up three whole months and
the piling up of mounds over against the walls will take three months more.”

I am not sure what sun tzu meant about this but i got ideas in mind.Walls are the main
defenses of every country.This what most stabilized and stronghold.Best strategy to make

because it takes time to destroyed by the enemy and open.Before you opened the walls so many
lives of soldiers are gone.I saw some ancient times that they take advantage using by while
opponent destroying walls chance to pour a oil to them then ignite it very most defensive
tactics.Suz tzu wants to say about the preparation and the mounds will take both three months are
while you preparing them enemy also have time to prepare what you preparing of.So while you
are doing something for weaknesses they also planning to counter it.I think some tactics to
overpower it or how to attacked walls.Throwing big stones using catapults may be work but i
dont know fi that exists in sun tzu’s time.Nowadays, defense walls will not matter anymore we
have so many powerful weapons in ourtimes bombs, missiles,air strikes and so much more
humans really improved time to time.

“The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming
ants with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town still remains untaken. Such
are the disastrous effects of a siege.”

A general controls a whole army so their lives are in your hands.So its your job plan how to
control them and group them.If you cannot control your emotions and feelings you are not ready
to be a general because its only result to a mess attacking without planning is just being
reckless.How the emotions your emotions affect them so for example the enemy provoking you
so you get angry causing raiding them without plans resulting you take their baits.The feelings
can be when you mad to this soldier so you command them to sacrifice themselves to just fight
that not the way of a leader. Leaders must have clear minds and treat their soldiers as they are
because soldiers are soldiers, your power in the battle.You need to be sufficient in every any
battle lives are really important in war cause many life is no good its equal to defeat. -Better to
place them when they good at to avoid for being confused of their work and being efficient.To
accomplish all of this better to study the enemy too if you know the number of enemy you know
how to overcome them.I noticed prefer to capture rather than kill i want to read more of his
quotes it really exciting.

“Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their
cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in

the field.”
This is what i want to say in my last sentence in quote number 5.I want how his childhood is
and how he being raised.He was not born to kill or raise but to lead an entire army.Control them
and lead to victory.Looks like he is not raise to always defeat your enemy by brute but more on
being discipline and think for the better actions.Its not to do all of this if you have a low temper it
requires clear mind to think all of this actions.Subdues an enemies troop by besieging them on
the ground no harm but just a threat warning like if you attack they will attack but if you
cooperate they will do the same.Its an easy game but considers as whole defeat cause losing your
honor and pride.Being dead in a battle is better than losing in honor and pride because you going
to be a living a dead man.Overthrows a kingdom with a small amount of time this is what i want
to say he always looking for a best actions it is like in chess you need think always for the best
actions before you move for a better result.I am learning a lot from his work the theory is helping
me to think before i do actions.

“With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Empire, and thus, without losing a man,
his triumph will be complete.This is the method of attacking by stratagem.”

So this is the attack of stratagem defeat your enemy and avoid fighting.Yes, there are still
fighting operations but always think of the best ways to save a lot of time.Like what it says in
quote #3 general must be calm in every scenarios because irritation will only attacks and lost a
lot of his men and still not takeover the cities.That is no good.So seek for peace when there is a
war.Always chose the harmless ways to win but still prepare for upcoming battles.I cannot say
that love your enemies but respect them what they capable of.Give them what they seeks when
they surrender show them mercy but if they honor to fight until the death show them what is your
true power is.But still as always says Great Power comes great responsibility as a leader you
need to think of what the best for all(utilitarianism), your defeat will also defeat of your
soldiers.For me the stratagem is being prepared of everything when you prepared you fear
nothing,still there is a unexpected one so solving it must be the most problem that is what i
amaze of sun tzu it is all the unexpected one and he able to think all of this really born to be a

“It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy's one, to surround him; if five to one, to
attack him ,if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two.”
This is also why i think sun tzu is real amazing leader if a lot of advantage let your enemy
subduct because you know the victory is yours.When you only have little advantage to the
enemy do not waste it,take the opportunity and give all your best.In read about twice as
numerous, to divide our army into two,Sun tzu has 2 part of army the Regular and the special
division.That one is to meet the enemy and one to fall upon his rear.If the enemy do a frontal
attack he will crushed from behind but if the enemy attacked from behind he will be crushed in
from so genius by dividing the army.Now i know why in every history war movie i watch they
are divided while marching.There is some disagreement about this says why need to divide the
army if you can just send of all them in one attack a hasty way i think have some point.I still
favor of sun tzu because dividing soldier will prevent casualty and prepare them for final end that
is is what i thought.The war least casualty is like a weapon not being blunted by use,its keenness
remains perfect.

“If equally matched, we can offer battle if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him.”

Someone says if attackers and attacks are equally matched in strength, only the able general
will fight.It skills and knowledge measure how you will lead your army.The possible advantages
for an equal match are the place,weather,weapons,and the plans if you observe all of it you
probably manage how to fight.Great leader equals great soldiers.I read a quote that says I would
rather fight an army of lions led by sheep than fight an army of sheeps led by lion.I notice again
the violence are still a proposal from the word “offer”so sun tzu still prefer subdues the enemy
rather than force it.Of course,if you are at a disadvantage try not to fight and avoid the harm as
possible.Do not be despaired to fight that can be a foolish one,a suicide according to quote
#5.There is always time to fight, come back at the right time, prepare and develop everything so
the next time you will fight at all force.In that way victory is still not guaranteed but the odds are
possibly on your side.

“Hence, though an obstinate despite attempts to persuade one to do so. fight may be made by a
small force, in the end it must be captured by the larger force.”

I am not sure how to describe the word “obstinate”.Possibly a Stubborn refusing to change
one's opinion,Overcome very difficult to change or despite attempt to persuade one to do so.How
i understand it in the quote will be despite attempts to persuade one to do so.That when you
attempt to attack you do not want to throw all your soldiers in battle you need to be practical.The
small forces are those who intended to fight and the best soldiers.Large force who will captures
are those soldier that clean whet is left.Similarities in quote number #5 “launch his men to the
assault like swarming ants”.As a General ,Leader of an army their lives is in your hand and the
command of general must followed.In War avoiding battle quite impossible but preventing it is
possible.That how general be great to lead an army battle of minds it is so magical.

“Now the general is the bulwark of the State; if the bulwark is complete at all points; the State
will be strong; if the bulwark is defective, the State will be weak.”

I believe the things rush in process it can easily destroy but if things done with plans give
time and effort it can be your foundation eternity.Bulwark is the defensive wall, a shield to
prevent the enemies from engaging.Chance to attack them while they accompany destroying
it.Building a bulwark takes time and resources but it shows how much worth when it is done.As
Sun tzu says not to besiege walled cities if it can possibly be avoided.Specially in their times lack
of weapons to destroy big things ,if there it takes a lot of time and resources to build one.It can
also relate for leaders if the leaders are strong mentally and physically the soldiers are strong in
courage and hope too and if the leader is weak so are the soldiers.In every stronghold there is
always a weakness but it is not easy to find.You need to analyze every small and big detail to see
it.If you cannot see it, try to feel it.Maybe it is something that eyes cannot see.Nothing is build
perfected in this world.

“There are three ways in which a ruler can bring misfortune upon his army:”

I do not know it is only written for the quote.This must be explain the defectives for being a
soldier or leader of the army.The wrongdoing or bad behaviors.Enlighten that must follow this,
do this,do that,ect.As human beings we still make mistakes, not to be perfected, mistakes are

normal, problem is how we deal with them.Im saying this because this my realization when im
growing up before i always complain why im facing some difficult situation im a student so
studying is my worst enemy even i do not want to but i have to so i gonna do it in the end.Some
hard problems can be solve by simple actions.I think the is the major problems because there is
so many problem well i just believe problem is everywhere.This is what make us change
sometimes in good way , sometimes in bad that is the only path could possibly go.The ability of
us to adapt is way to make us stronger or weaker.

“(1) By commanding the army to advance or to retreat, being ignorant of the fact that it cannot
obey. This is called hobbling the army.”

It is being a coward or desperate.Panicking in a crucial situation is when you cannot decide in

circumstances.In a situation where a plot twist happens or the unexpected, being calm is the best
action collective know the right actions , desperation is the high decision but you must fight it.Do
not have a full decision in the action, possible intention just test it i might say.For example, like
strapping together the legs of a horse to prevent it from straying – but ending up with the army
being gobbled up by the enemy.Also,without knowing your enemy strength and being arrogant
that you can fight is the big mistake it will surprise you in the end.That is why it needs to plan to
do actions,it needs to seek any possible happenings like in the other quotes, not easy to do.Being
a coward by not trusting your soldiers, limiting their strength,scared by messing up like i said
mistakes are normal ,it is about how you handle it, be brave in every decision and prepare for the
next move.Can connect for being desperate like sun tzu says in quote #5 launching his men to the
assault like swarming ants.That is why in the start do not so be desperate to fight because you
want to win ,avoid until the day you fully know that you can prepare and plans are everything.

“(2) By attempting to govern an army in the same way as he administers a kingdom, being
ignorant of the conditions which obtain in an army. This causes restlessness in the soldier's

Humanity and justice are the principles on which to govern a state. For an army, opportunism
and flexibility are key virtues.It is so obvious to see that ruling a kingdom is so different from

ruling an army. The kingdom ruled for peace and the army ruled to protect the piece.That is why
we have kings and generals in different positions. The king must handle all the people except the
army because it is the role of the general. If the king wants to console the soldier you need to call
the general.If the king asks a soldier if he would like to advance because he pity them, the result
is confusion.Orders to advance should be obeyed without question or delay.I remember one thing
you said sir.If you are the owner of a bakery store you do not need to make bread because you
will miss everything other than making bread, the packaging, delivery,etc.What you need to do is
command to do this,that to make things handled in clear

“(3) By employing the officers of his army without discrimination,through ignorance of the
military principle of adaptation to circumstances. This shakes the confidence of the soldiers.”

Employing them with what they are truly capable of, like their special skills.The skillful
employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid
man.For the wise man delights in establishing his merit.The brave man likes to show his courage
in action.The covetous man is quick at seizing advantages.The stupid man has no fear of
death.Like what bruce lee says it is better to be a warrior to become a gardener than gardener to
become warrior.As for the rulers too if they assigned a general he must trust his all decision as so
the general he must give the best the decision for the army.It only bring chaos and confuses if
random section who may lead.If there is a confusion it gives opportunity to enemy to attack
ended up defeated.

“But when the army is restless and distrustful, trouble is sure to come from the other feudal
princes. This is simply bringing anarchy into the army, and flinging victory away.”

It is all about strategy moving the men into the best position at the best time. Ensuring the
men are mentally prepared and of one mind with their superior officers, having plans for all
eventualities. If the leader is weak, so are the soldiers,if the leader is strong it brings honed and
courage to the soldiers. Soldiers are weapons with intent. If their intent is not clearly honed, it
can drift or be turned by others. That is why you must show discipline, show to them what they
are really capable of, and let them surpass their limits because in improvement there are no

limitations. Well trust is hard to build and easy to loss. If soldiers lose trust in their superiors,
then unity is loosened and the army will not act as one. It really important to become one as a
group you need to have the same intention,goals,reason and so much more. The same goes for
the business if the manager is not strong and the employees do not trust managers, they may
leave to work for the competition.

“Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory: (1) He will win who knows when
to fight and when not to fight.(2) He will win who knows how to handle both superior and
inferior forces.(3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its
ranks. (4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. (5) He will
win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.”

I will explain it one by one how I understand it. (1) like i said in the previous quotes everyone
has a right time,so preparing while waiting is the best decision because if you only think of
winning you will suffer in surprises. (2) As a general it is your job to show to the ruler how
confident and determined you are to lead the army and Same time showing to your soldiers the
morale and to fight for their nation. (3) Constancy of purpose and knowing the commander's
intent keeps an army together and with a clear, cohesive focus. (4) Preparing is everything it is a
long fight for the leaders they must plan the all possible outcomes and soldiers must show it
properly like you always said sir -Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. (5) Rulers manage and
know how to rule is people,General knows how to strategic and fight with his army rulers must
know interfere in general’s decision it only brings it must be left to those who understand it the

“Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a
hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also
suffer a defeat.If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Knowing the enemy enables you to take the offensive, knowing yourself enables you to stand
on the defensive.If you have full knowledge you always win.If you do not have the knowledge
you always lose.Studying is like preparing because you are analysis and giving knowledge of
what happens.The difficult and important is be honest with yourself and know the enemy better

than he knows himself.It is really amazing that preparing is everything.It is only need time and
effort to give to achieve such a highest achievement or the victory.In the other,that also the
hardest part how you deal with it are you going to bear it? Or are you going to quit because it
becoming harder.That is how we change us or shape in to something, something we might like or
not.In other hand,you do not need to rush everything you just need to follow the flow and be
prepared you all the happenings.Preparing is everything.I think the Art of War by Sun Tzu not
only the idea of strategy and tactics how you win a war at the same it is also thought us what we
must do or avoid in a situations and how we see a certain circumstances.Thank you sir

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