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Course Readings
Types of Support
Individual Solicitation 12 MINS

Image source: Flickr User WOCintech Chat

Fundraising Strategies 3


As we continue to examine types of An organization’s own website is an

funding and how to secure it, it is important place to start. It should
important to think about different make a compelling case for
forms of individual solicitation. In contributions and offer simple
this lecture we look at other forms procedures that allow people to
of solicitation other than in person make secure contributions with
and mail. minimal effort. Once people give,
there is an ideal opportunity to begin
Walk down any street today and to develop a personal relationship
chances are you will see many through personalized email thanks
people – especially young people – and invitations to events. People
glued to their cell phones. And most can be linked to the website in
are not talking on their phones. various ways. Some organizations
They are texting, or cruising the try the mass messaging approach,
internet, or engaging in some other sometimes via email. But many of
way with the virtual world. Many of these emails goes directly to SPAM
these people are fundraising and many of the others are simply
prospects but they are not likely to deleted by recipients. Using
be candidates for old-fashioned personalized email and social media
mailings or telethons. Their eyes is far more effective.
are glued to screens just like yours
are if you are taking this course. So
how do we reach people like you?

Well, of course the internet is

increasingly effective tool for fund
raising from individuals. There are
various crowdfunding sites that
allow both individuals and
organizations to raise money for
virtually anything. And we’ll talk
more about how to use those sites
effectively later on in this course.

But for more developed

organizations attempting to develop
long-term relationships with donors
rather than one-time campaign-
oriented asks, social media, email,
and organizational websites tend to
be most effective. Image source: Flickr User afromusing
Fundraising Strategies 4


The trick, however, is capturing who I want to ask for an upgrade,

email addresses and getting people and I always warn these individuals
to opt in and give you their first by email or by letter that I'm
information voluntarily. Again this going to call. And I have the phoning
sometimes requires incentives that done by volunteers, not paid
cost money. Like memberships, professional fundraisers. Again, for
these have to be carefully weighed major world-wide organizations,
against the amount of money being telemarketing by paid professionals
brought in. Nevertheless, in an age can produce some success, but if
when younger donors are far more they call me, I guarantee I'm going to
focused on a virtual world, the hang up. On the other hand, if a
internet continues to be an volunteer calls and immediately
increasingly preferred medium of identifies himself or herself as a
theirs for donating and they, after volunteer, I am more likely to stay
all, will soon be the next generation on the phone and listen to what they
of major donors. have to say.

Now, what about the telephone?

Over the years, I've become less
enamored of the phone as a tool to
raise money, especially as people
have increasingly moved to doing
business over the internet. Today,
most people do their personal
communication on cell phones and
there is no standard public directory
of cell phone numbers. As a result,
for those people who still have land
lines, especially in the US, the house
phone receives so many irritating
telemarketing calls that yet another,
even if it is a fundraising call for a
good cause, can make people very

So more and more I limit calling to

one type of fundraising situation
only. I limit them to known donors Image source: Flickr User Garry Knight
Fundraising Strategies 5


Now how do these things work? All right. I'm going to give you an actual script of
how this is done right. The volunteer has a script and cards with donor
information. And they work from these in the following fashion.

When I was a kid I went to a school that I loved. And when I graduated, the
first year out of school, I made a $25 contribution, which for an 18-year-old
at university in 1963 was a lot of money. For many years after that, I got
my fundraising letter from the school. And every year, I gave the same
$25 donation even after graduate school and into my first and second jobs.

I never really thought about giving more until one evening, I got a call.
“Hello, is this Dr. Wolf?” Well there aren't many people who call me Dr.
Wolf. Good start. I worked hard for my doctorate so it feels good to be
addressed that way. The called went on: “I'm a parent volunteer calling on
behalf of… [and he named my school.]” Now get those words. Parent –
meaning currently associated with the organization. Volunteer – meaning
he's not being paid to make the call like a professional would be.

First thing he says is, “Dr Wolf, one of the reasons I'm calling is to thank
you for your gift.” Great move. Always say thank you, that's the first thing
you do. And he goes on: “It means so much to us, especially since you have
given every year since you graduated.”

Okay, now I know I am dealing with a sophisticated fundraising operation.

They have analyzed my giving history and given this guy his little card on
me with the prompts. I can’t wait to hear what is next. Then he said,
“Wonderful things are going on at the school. I know that when you were
at the school, you won the music prize. And I think that is why I was
chosen to call you because my son is also a musician and in the choir and
the group will be going to China this year to sing. It is such an amazing

And now I wait for the moment at which I am to be solicited and I don’t have
to wait long. “Dr. Wolf, again I want to thank you for your gift. But costs
have gone up, and we wonder if you would consider an increase.”
Fundraising Strategies 6


Now, what should he do at this point? Should he wait for me to answer? No.
He should name an amount he wants me to consider. And what is the
amount that he should ask for? Should it be double my $25? Triple? No, it
should go much higher. He says, “I wonder if you would consider a gift of
$500?” Wow. Big increase, right? I said, “That sounds like an awful big
increase,” to which he replies, “Would $250 be more comfortable?”

Now, what is the only answer to that? 250 is more comfortable than 500,
right? So I say yes, and he says, “Thank you for your gift.” Well maybe I
was a bit snookered but it was fine, he upgraded me quite a bit. Ten fold.
The next day he wrote me a thank you letter. I sent in my contribution. The
headmaster wrote me a thank you letter. And the important thing about
that gift was that it was worth a lot more than the $225 upgrade because
they had established a new level for me as donor, which I maintained in
subsequent years.

Of course there will be individual gifts coming because there are so

donors toward the middle and the many needs you have that targeted
top of your giving pyramid who give fundraising will not cover. And the
you more than those at the bottom – other thing to remember about
some a lot more. Many of them those larger gifts is that they may
began at the bottom and through not be repeated annually. Your
skilled upgrading you got them to angel may be there one year but you
increase their gifts. may not be able to count on him or
her the next.
But always remember, as gifts from
individuals get larger, people tend to So always remember your individual
want to restrict them for a giving pyramid and make sure you
particular purpose. That’s okay, but are getting money at every level.
you need to keep those unrestricted

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