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Ways for companies to collect information:

− primary research: Gathering new data from costumers.
− secondary research: Consist of data that already exists and is publicly available.
− methods: surveys, focus groups, in-depth interviews, desk research, ...
Companies use market research for new AND existing products and services.


costumer satisfaction How pleased customers are with a product or service.

desk research synoniem: secondary research
focus group A small diverse group of participants chosen using criteria to represent target
customers for a new product or service.
A company brings them toghether with a moderator who ask questions to
find out what they think to gather qualitative data.
in-depth interviews in-dept = Thorough, complete and considering all the details.
launch a product To show or make a new product available for sale for the first time.
online surveys A set of questions given to a group of people to find out about their opinions
or behaviur./To ask a large number of people questions in order to find out
their attitudes or opinions.
sample size The number of people used by researchers to get the information they need.
target audience The group of people that a product, service, idea, .. is aimed at.
primary research The activity of finding out new information by doing something such as an
experiment or survey.
secondary research The activity of finding out new information by reading or analysing
information that has already been published.
quantitative Relating to research where the results can be shown in the form of numbers,
percentages, ..
product tester Someone who tries out something new to determine how well it performs.
impact The effect or influence that an event, situation, etc. has on someone or
respondent Someone who answers a set of questions, especially in a survey.
gauge To judge how people feel about something, what they are likely to do, or the
effect that something is likely to have on them.
researcher A person whose job is to study a particular subject to find out new things
about it.
qualitative Relating to the quality or standard of something rather than the quantity.
gather To get information from different places and put it together in one place.
viable Realistic and likely to succeed.
data analysis Careful examination of something in order to understand it better.
qualitative research A type of market research that finds out how people feel about something or
the efect that it is likely to have on them.
primary research The activity of finding out new information by doing something such as an
experiment or suvery.
a viable product A realistic product and likely to succeed.
adjective + noun: online surveys, primary research, in-depth interviews, secondary research

verb + noun: launch a product

noun + noun: focus groups, customer satisfaction, desk research, target audience, sample size

diverse Very different from each other.

participants People who take part in an activity or event.
criteria Standards to judge something.
target costumer A specific group which a product or service is aimed at.
moderator Someone whose job is to control a discussion between people.
Focus groups are used to gather information BEFORE a product is put on a market.

The moderator helps to keep the conversation focused.

Participants should be all diverse.

Typical focus groups questions:

− Now that you've had a look.. what's you general impression?
− I like the way it looks and the idea is very appealing.
− What specific features are the most interesting for you?
− Is there anything about it that doesn't meet your expections?
− I'd really need to use it for a hile before I can answer that question honestly.
− I'm not completely convinced yet.


To change a statement into a question, we can add a question tag to the end.

→ be (an auxiliary or modal verb) & the subject from the original sentence.

− when the original sentence is positive, we add a negative tag, & vice versa
o There isn't anything like this at the moment, is there?
o We don't know how good the restaurants are, do we?
o If there was a place nearby for lunch, you would go there sometimes, wouldn't you?

− when the original sentence doesn't have 'be' we use a form of 'do'
o It combines convenience with healthy eating, doesn't it?
o We always had about an hour last semester, didn't we?
o You know this will be recorder, don't you?

when the original sentence contains:

− a negative adverb (hardly, never, rarely, ..) = add a positive tag

o He's never on time, is he?

− 'this' or 'that', tag: 'it' and a singular verb

o That wasn't a very good idea, was it?
o These are the menus you wanted, aren't they?

− 'these' or 'those', tag: 'they' and a plural verb

o These are the menus you wanted, aren't they?

− 'somebody, someone, everybody or everyone', tag: 'they' and a plural verb

o Everyone knows about the new product already, don't they?

− 'nobody' or 'no one', tag: 'they' and a plural positive verb

o Nobody knows the answer, do they?
− 'something', tag: 'it' and a singular verb
o Something is wrong here with the app, isn't it?

− 'nothing', tag: 'it' and a singular positive verb

o Nothing is as easy as it looks, is it?

− 'let's', tag = 'shall we'

o Let's get started, shall we?

− A question tag with imperatives. The tags usually use a form of 'will'
o Please speak lower, will you? (request)
o Have a seat, won't you? (invitation)
o Listen carefully, would you? (polite command)


open question
Questions who are deliberately designed to influence the listener into choosing a
leading question
particular response.

What are your thoughts on ..? Would your staff be interested in .. ?

How would the team feel about .. ? What do you think about .. ?

Have you considered .. ? Have you thought about .. ?

How about .. ?


Stap 1: Start met het zeggen wat je gaat schrijven.

➜ Zin 1 = ALTIJD => "The study + the topic + the researchers"
1 2 3
1: a customer survey, an online enquête, ..
2: about ...
According to a recent customer survey we carried out about increasing our prices, ..
We recently conducted a customer survey investigating what our costumers think of possible price
increases. According to our findings, ...
Stap 2: Schrijf coherent: gebruik logische linken tussen de zinnen.
− schrijf chronologisch
− gebruik linking words !!
− verwijs juist !! met they/she/he, ..her, him, them, .. + je moet altijd naar iets verwijzen

Linking words:
First, firstly, second, third, thirdly Next, last finally
In addition, moreover Furthermore
Also In conclusion, to summarise
The first.. The second
One.. Another..
An additional..
Addition (extra info geven)
In addition Furthermore
Also and
As wel ass

Contrast (tegenstellingen)
However Nevertheless
Nonetheless Still
Although, Even though, though but
yet Despite, In spite of
In contract, In comparison While, wheras
On the other hand On the contrary

Stap 3: De inhoud
− gebruik de voc gezien in de lessen
− de tijd = ALTIJD past simple

Stap 4: De laatste zin = conclusie.

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