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Braza, John Bernard P.

20181089- N
Braza, John Bernard P.
20181089- N
Case Analysis
Problem Identification.
Recognizing a Problem
1. Who is causing the problem?
- illegal vendor, passenger and illegar parking
2. What is being done?
- A violation commited of drivers and passengers and illegal parking and
illegal vendors
3. When is it being done?
- Especially, everyday when many people going to market
4. Where is it being done?
- Ph5 langit road and end of traffick is cor. Langit road cor. kanlaon
5. How is it being done?
- When it's noon and there aren't many people shopping, the traffic in the
market gradually disappears
6. Why is it being done?
- Because people are too lazy to go to the market at noon, so the market
vendors close for the time being

Problem Identification.
Problem Definition
1. Who is involved?
- The commuter, illegal vendor, illegal parking
2. What is occurring?
- Heavy traffick
3. When is it occurring?
Braza, John Bernard P.
20181089- N
- Everyday when the people shopping in the market

4. Where is it occurring?
- Along langit road. Cor. to kanlaon
5. How often and how much is occurring?

- Everyday on time of 8:00 am to 10:30 am

6. How much is occurring?
-Too much
7. Why is it occurring?
- Because like illegal vendors and illegal parking are occupying the entire
road so it gives heavy traffic

Problem Identification.
1. Solution
- Parking and illegal vendors are prohibited and if I am in charge here I will
place an unloading area for 30 seconds I will also place enforcers to
monitor the traffic laws in such an area and I will also place someone to
assist pedestrians on the road to educate.
2. Effective of solution on identified problem
- Traffic will speed up and people will have discipline
3. Effectiveness
- The illegal vendors will lose their income and the traffic and passengers
will have a better outcome because those who reprimand the parking lot
will be allocated to public vehicles as I say we will put a loading and
unloading area in the area and this.

Plant Development
Braza, John Bernard P.
20181089- N
- To speed up the vehicles and ease the flow of traffic, we will also put up
traffic signs so that our motorists know what to do or what is prohibited in
the area.
- Will cooperate with law enforcement to help us in our enforcement to
speed up our traffic in such area.
Success Measures
- This we will implement and placing traffick signs in such area will avoid
the unexpected tragedy.
- As I said in other questions, we will put up law enforcement and traffic
signs so that our motorists know where they should be.

Plant Implemention
- so we will remove illegal parking in the area and illegal vending so that the
capacity of vehicles on the road expands
-We will place enforcers in such places to guide motorists and also to guide
people where the right way to go.

Braza, John Bernard P.
20181089- N
Measure the Result

-We will implement this when everything needed in the traffic law is already
there and we also need collaboration with the establishments and the legal
tricycle terminal.

Evaluate the Result

-This will speed up and improve the flow of traffic because in addition to the
signs waiting for motorists, someone will also assist them for those who
intend to reprimand them on the road.

Monitor the result

-We will monitor what we are implementing and if it is successful we will
continue this trend on the road and if there are other traffic problems we will
increase the implementation.

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