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TerraGo Geospatial Collaboration Solutions

Emergency Management and Response

Portable, Digital Maps Rapidly Deliver Situational Awareness
and a Common Operating Picture
TerraGo Solutions for Emergency Management and Response
During all phases of emergency management and incident response, from planning,
preparedness and mitigation to response and recovery, TerraGo geospatial software
solutions enable organizations to effectively deploy easy-to-use geospatial assets
throughout all levels of operations. With TerraGo solutions, emergency managers and
GIS experts can deploy standardized, rapidly distributed digital base maps that everyone
can use for planning and operations. In addition, digital base maps serve as the basis for
geospatial collaboration, the collection and sharing of geospatial intelligence between
peers in the field and between emergency personnel, command-level decision makers
and technical resources.

Location Is Key to Actionable Intelligence

Before, during and after an incident, location-based intelligence is critical to understanding
events and effectively taking action. Maps and imagery give everyone in the chain of
command a common operating picture, helping to prevent loss of life and property as
well as enabling effective coordination across all Emergency Services Functions.

Maps for Decision Makers and Responders Who Are Not Map Experts
TerraGo supports effective emergency management and response through software
solutions that unlock the capabilities of maps and imagery created by complex
geographic information systems (GIS) that only a few experts can use. Our software
creates, or publishes, GeoPDF® maps, which are highly portable, actionable, spatially
aware PDF files. GeoPDF maps deliver powerful intelligence that can be rapidly
deployed and easily accessed by anyone.
GeoPDF Maps
TerraGo’s solutions create, compose, and interact with GeoPDF maps, which are geo-
referenced files that contain information layers from GIS systems and other sources of
geospatial information. Published in a simple, PDF form, these digital maps are easy to
widely distribute and can be used by anyone with access to the free and ubiquitous
Adobe Reader software. With the TerraGo Mobile™ solution or the free TerraGo Toolbar™ for
Adobe software, users can reference coordinates, navigate, measure, and create markups
such as notes, lines, images, video, audio, and more.

A key feature that distinguishes the GeoPDF file from alternatives is that robust,
interactive GeoPDF maps can be used offline—you can take GeoPDF maps anywhere.
No connection to the Internet or proprietary networks is required.

In addition, a user can add information that can be easily exported to GIS systems,
Google Earth, other GeoPDF maps, and a variety of geospatial applications. GeoPDF files
enable customization by the user, collaboration with other users, and data collection that
enhances the central GIS information.

TerraGo Solutions: GeoPDF Maps

• Easy to use
• Easy to distribute
• Deliver robust maps in a disconnected environment
GeoPDF files enable users not trained in GIS, such • Enable collaboration: information collection and sharing
as first responders, to access the maps, imagery
and data of GIS in Adobe Acrobat or Reader. In Key Challenges in Emergency Management and Response
addition, users can add geo-referenced information One of the greatest challenges emergency personnel face is getting rapid access to
to the files and then export it to other applications. standardized maps that enable effective navigation, present a common coordinate
GeoPDF files also create digital geo-referenced
system, and provide key information on events, resources and infrastructure. Decision
maps from print sources such as topographic maps.
makers and responders require spatially aware intelligence that can give everyone
involved the necessary information to perform their duties safely and efficiently.

Whether there is a natural disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake, or a threat to

national security such as a terrorist attack, responders put their lives on the line to help
others to safety, properly secure areas to prevent further damage, and assess the damage
to determine next steps. All of these activities require knowledge of the environment
in which they are operating. Lack of timely access to pertinent information limits their
ability to respond quickly and make smart decisions in the field.

In many incidents, multiple agencies are called to respond to a crisis. Having a common
operating picture and standard means to view and share information is critical to avoiding
communication breakdowns that can lead to increased risks in dangerous situations.
Benefits of TerraGo Solutions:
Addressing the Challenges While the tempo of operations and overall risk decrease after incidents, longer term
Decision Maker recovery tasks remain important. Emergency managers require damage assessments
GIS Expert to access resources and funding for recovery. This process needs to be done in a
Responder coordinated, efficient manner to enable government organizations to apply for federal
• Rapid, mass distribution of digital funds. Without proper base maps and user-friendly applications to capture and share
geospatial assets location-based information, it is more difficult to measure the damage and ensure
effective analysis of events.
• Common operating picture across
• Situational awareness in the
command and field environments
• Information sharing within
operations and with GIS experts
Providing Decision Makers and GIS Experts with Essential Capabilities
TerraGo solutions enable GIS experts within emergency services organizations to prepare
maps, imagery and data in a form that can be widely distributed. These assets enable
decision makers to provide essential context during operations. With GeoPDF files providing
increased access to relevent information, incident commanders and individual responders
can rapidly establish a common operating picture.

With TerraGo geospatial solutions, emergency management and response organizations,

from top to bottom, are able to:

• Establish a common operating picture in advance of an incident by

establishing a base series of maps accessible to everyone involved.
• Enable rapid response by deploying – via the Web and other means – maps
and images that provide decision makers, responders, and the public vital
information in a geospatial context.
• Provide a common platform for information gathering through standard
maps and highly user-friendly technology for collecting and marking information
on the map.
• Deploy geospatial assets in a cost-effective manner by leveraging common
software so that these vital, location-centric assets and capabilities are widely
available and ready for any incident.

Delivering Robust Geospatial Assets to the Hands of Responders

GeoPDF files enable federal, state, and local responders – including search and rescue,
fire, police, medical, relief and infrastructure teams – to gain access to standard maps and
tools that solve critical on-the-ground problems such as:

• Obtain current location – Widely shared digital maps that use a standard
coordinate system and format are essential to pinpointing a responder’s location,
even in a destroyed urban environment.
• Understand how to get to target sites – Responders can determine the
best way to move in an incident area by referencing coordinates, streets, and
man-made or natural landmarks in layers that can display imagery, topography,
street details, infrastructure, or any other information created in the GIS. With a
view much more detailed and accessible than what is on a GPS unit, responders
can efficiently move in the area of operations.
• Determine resources and hazards at a site – Responders can reference robust
GIS layers in GeoPDF form that can display unlimited information about medical
facilities, water sources, landing sites, roadways, infrastructure attributes (utilities,
stormwater assets, levees) as well as aspects of concern such as flood plain data
in a storm or dense forest near a wildfire.
• Collect new information – Responders can add markups in a geo-referenced
context that provides user-specific information (such as where vital supplies or
vehicles are left during an operation) or new intelligence (such as multimedia or
notations about an incident). This information can be shared with peers in the
field or sent back to GIS technicians to update the central database.
• Access cost-effective, available technology – By leveraging free Adobe Reader
and the free TerraGo Toolbar, user-level access to GeoPDF maps is easy, free and
simple to deploy and implement as a standard in training and during response.
TerraGo Geospatial Collaboration Solutions
TerraGo solutions work as a seamless extension of GIS systems to create highly portable, easily distributed, and simple-to-use maps and images.
This extends geospatial intelligence from the desks of a few trained experts to the hands of anyone, including people operating in the field.

Solution Key Features Typical Users

Maps GeoPDF® File The GeoPDF file is a compact, easily disseminated file that contains all the layers of GIS that are selected for the user’s purposes. Incident commanders
• Enables robust navigation and situational awareness when offline Responders
• Presents streets, satellite imagery, topographic features, and customized GIS layers that can be turned on and off The public
• Displays standard international coordinate systems, U.S. National Grid and Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)

GeoPDF A GeoPDF MapBook provides a larger area index map, from which a user can link to specific maps so that a virtual atlas can be carried Incident commanders
MapBooks into the field. Responders
• Provides a comprehensive organized series of GeoPDF maps covering a wide geography The public
• Enables quick drill-down into more defined areas, layers, and even specific building layouts — all geo-referenced

Collaboration TerraGo As an extension to the free Adobe Reader, as well as Adobe Acrobat, the TerraGo Toolbar enables users to interact with a GeoPDF through Responders
Solutions Toolbar™ advanced features and GeoMark capabilities. The public
• Navigate with maps
• Track location with an attached GPS device
• Measure length and area
• GeoMark with notes, images, video, and audio
• Draw lines and shapes
• Import and export GeoMarks to and from other GeoPDFs, GIS systems and other applications
• Easily link from a coordinate to Google Maps when online

TerraGo With TerraGo Mobile, responders and recovery personnel can take GeoPDFs into the field on a Windows Mobile device such as Responders
Mobile™ a rugged handheld or a common smartphone.
• Navigate with maps
• Track location with integrated GPS functionality in the device
• GeoMark with notes, images, video, and audio
• Import and export GeoMarks to and from other GeoPDFs, GIS systems and other applications

Publication TerraGo TerraGo Publisher is the solution GIS technicians use to create GeoPDF maps from GIS data. GIS technicians
and Publisher™ • Create portable, easy-to-use PDF version of GIS data
Composition • Maintain attributes and layers in the resulting GeoPDF
Solutions • Deliver high-quality compressed imagery in the GeoPDF
• Enable GeoMark capability
• Enable rapid republishing

TerraGo TerraGo Composer is the solution that enables assembly of GeoPDFs into MapBooks and digital atlases for a more seamless GIS technicians
Composer™ experience for the end user who needs access to large geographic areas.
• Create index maps for easy navigation to a specific map
• Hyperlink for quick movement from one map to an adjacent map
• Batch geo-register large projects requiring an extensive series of GeoPDFs
• Convert any PDF-based map to a GeoPDF file
• Assemble maps from multiple sources into one GeoPDF

TerraGo 3D TerraGo 3D Composer converts very large files with elevation data typically viewed in specialized software and enables any user to view GIS technicians
Composer™ terrain in three dimensions.
• View geo-referenced elevation data
• Rotate view for enhanced terrain awareness
• Measure distance over 3D terrain

Server Solutions With TerraGo Server solutions, organizations can present GIS data online and enable end-users to define an area of interest, click a Incident commanders
button to print a GeoPDF file, and download the GeoPDF to any PC, storage drive, or compatible mobile device. Responders
• Provide dynamic updates available to Joint Field Offices and all responders with connectivity through a secure site The public
• Deliver up-to-date information available to anyone via Internet access
• Produce one-click updating GeoPDF files via Web services
TerraGo Technologies: A Role in Every Phase of Emergency Management
and Response
TerraGo solutions provide the means for any user, even those without GIS training, to mark
up maps, gather information, and communicate location-based intelligence.

Planning & Preparedness

FIRE Mitigation
Identify at-risk structures and conduct surveys
POLICE Define primary areas of jurisdiction,
Identify key security positions for major events measure and calculate response times
Create base map for multi-hazard planning Analyze, mark and publish lighting
conditions in high crime
MEDICAL areas for patrols
Plan staging areas for mass-casualty incidents
Create multi-layered maps for mitigation
planning so users can turn on/off

Collect damage assessment data;
track site conditions and link to
detailed information
Use imagery and infrastructure
Navigate with GPS connection, mark and share
layers to determine areas where
information on critical locations
security is required (medical,
pharmacy, food, water sources)
Use urban MapBooks for routes to incident scene,
awareness of scene, and links to building diagrams

Integrate and communicate dynamic information
at incident command center, disseminate to field
TerraGo Experience: Meeting Mission-Critical Geospatial Needs
TerraGo has more than 800 customers worldwide, and our solutions are used by one
million end-users to view and interact with maps, images and other geospatial data.
TerraGo GeoPDF files have become a standard in emergency preparedness and response.
TerraGo solutions have been used by federal, state and local agencies to respond to
incidents of national and international scope, from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 to the
earthquakes in Haiti and Chile in 2010 and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.

U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

FEMA has deployed TerraGo solutions for Deployable Emergency GIS Suites (DEGS),
deployed GIS systems designed to support domestic emergencies. DEGS create
customized mapping products for data collection and collaboration during exercises as
well as response to emergencies. FEMA uses TerraGo Publisher and Composer to create
GeoPDF maps, and end-users interact with these files with the TerraGo Toolbar.

Dynamic storm tracking map

FEMA also uses TerraGo solutions to publish hurricane tracking maps by enabling Joint
Field Office locations to download updated GeoPDF files so that areas of concern can
prepare for landfall. Soon, FEMA will enable GeoPDF maps that update through Web
services to provide a dynamic, real-time tracking system that enables responders to drill
down to specific required maps of local areas.

U.S. Department of Defense

For wide-ranging purposes, including supporting disaster response after the earthquake
in Haiti in 2010, the U.S. military uses TerraGo Publisher, Composer, and 3D Composer to
create advanced maps supporting operations of personnel deployed around the world.
Through the Army Geospatial Center (AGC) and the National Geospatial-Intelligence
Agency (NGA), maps and imagery of areas of operation around the world are distributed
to warfighters and intelligence operators. In fact, virtually every member of the armed
forces deployed in the battlefield receives a master DVD of GeoPDF maps and the
TerraGo Toolbar.

Index map with links to imagery

of Haiti for earthquake response
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
The U.S. Geological Survey, the nation’s mapping resource, uses TerraGo solutions to
publish the geo-referenced base topographic national map that is available online to any
user. Tens of thousands of USGS topographic maps are downloaded by users each month.
These maps are the standard for first responders requiring backcountry maps to fight
wildfires and conduct search and rescue operations.

Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM)

Leveraging TerraGo’s value in publishing complex GIS information in a form that
non-users of GIS can use, FDEM publishes GeoPDF maps online with TerraGo Publisher
for ArcGIS to inform the public about at-risk storm surge flood areas, evacuation routes
and evacuation zones.

Responders operate more effectively

using a common base map with layers
that can be selected to present vital
information and the tools to add
operations details, view coordinates,
measure distance and more.

Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement

Federal law enforcement and other federal agencies use GeoPDF maps to mitigate
threats, plan for high-profile events and conduct operations. Major city law enforcement
agencies such as the City of Dallas police and fire departments use GeoPDF-based
MapBooks generated by TerraGo Publisher and assembled with TerraGo Composer for
daily situational awareness and major event management.

Presidential parade route in

Washington, DC

City Government
U.S. cities and counties, like the City of Gainesville, Florida, use TerraGo Publisher to
provide public works crews and first responders with essential capabilities for managing
infrastructure and conducting incident response drills. Using GeoPDF maps, public works
personnel map road intersections where police need to be stationed, traffic lights that
need to be timed to accommodate evacuation, and storm water infrastructure that may
need to be monitored or repaired during a hurricane.
TerraGo Technologies, Inc.
1600 Parkwood Circle
Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30339

Toll Free: 866-453-1609
Main: 678-391-9700
Sales: 678-391-9777
Support: 678-391-9666



About TerraGo Technologies

TerraGo Technologies delivers software applications that empower
geospatial collaboration for enterprises that rely on maps, images
and related location-based information. More than 800 organizations,
including many defense and intelligence agencies, utility companies,
public safety departments, and environmental engineering teams, depend
on TerraGo software. The TerraGo Publisher™ Suite allows organizations to
consume and optimize data from any source and create a geo-enabled
PDF, also known as a GeoPDF®. The TerraGo Collaboration™ Suite offers
desktop, Web-based and mobile software applications that automate
geospatial collaboration and information gathering. When used in
conjunction with TerraGo Composer™, customers are able to configure
easy-to-use maps and images while embedding relevant business
context, forms and workflows. With a strong ecosystem of partners,
including Adobe, ESRI, ERDAS, Intergraph, BAE Systems and Trimble,
millions of professionals use geospatial data that has been enabled by
TerraGo in order to be more productive, improve quality and make better
decisions. For more information, visit www.terragotech.com.

© 2010 TerraGo Technologies. TerraGo Technologies and GeoPDF are registered trademarks of TerraGo Technologies. All rights reserved. BROD0510

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