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Political Development in Pakistan

Benazir's First Regime (1988-90)

 Benazir Bhutto, first woman Prime Minister of a modern Muslim state

 Inherited PPP (Pakistan People's Party) from her father
 Beneficiary of dynastic politics and emotional ties to charismatic family
 Slide 3: 1988 Elections

 PPP won a narrow plurality

 Formed a coalition government with MQM (Muttahida Qaumi Movement)
and other parties
 Slide 4: Challenges Faced

 Attempt to repeal Eighth Amendment for stronger PM position abandoned

 Faced old problems (military role, power division) and new challenges
(budget deficit, ethnic violence)
Benazir's First Regime (1988-90)

 Needed to maneuver between president, military elite, and political rivals

 Confrontational approach led to failed efforts to overthrow Nawaz Sharif in
provincial assembly
 Slide 6: Coalition Troubles

 PPP's failure to share power with coalition partners led to MQM

withdrawal in October 1989
 Alienation and challenges in maintaining political stability
 Foreign Policy

 Cold War context

 Focus on Afghanistan, India, and the United States
 Aggressive military operations in Afghanistan against Soviet influence
 Desire for friendly relations with India
Benazir's First Regime (1988-90)

 Nuclear Program

 Established an integrated nuclear testing program

 Benazir's role in authorizations for the atomic bomb program
 Launch of Pakistan's first military satellite, Badr-I, under her government
 Slide 9: Integrated Research Program (IRP)

 Benazir's supervision of the missile program (IRP)

 Successful culmination in 1996
 Pakistan's achievements in space exploration
 Slide 10: Midnight Jackal Operation

 Political intelligence operation launched under President Ghulam Ishaq

Khan and General Mirza Aslam Beg
 Objective: Bring a Vote of No-Confidence against Benazir by bribing her
party members
Benazir's First Regime (1988-90)

 Power Struggle

 Semi-presidential system challenges

 Benazir's attempts to shift to parliamentary democracy
 Struggle with President Ghulam Ishaq Khan
 Dismissal and New Elections (1990)

 President Khan used the Eighth Amendment to dismiss

Benazir's government
 Charges of corruption, nepotism, and despotism
 New elections in 1990, Benazir concedes defeat
Nawaz Sharif 1990-1993

 Nawaz Sharif, prominent political figure in Pakistan

 Leader of Pakistan Muslim League (N) - PML(N)
 Elected as Prime Minister in 1990
 Economic Policies

 Emphasis on economic reforms and liberalization

 Implementation of market-oriented policies to spur economic growth
 Focus on privatization of state-owned enterprises
 Development Projects

 Initiation of major infrastructure projects to boost national development

 Notable projects include motorways, roads, and energy initiatives
 Investments in the development of the industrial sector
Nawaz Sharif 1990-1993

 Privatization Efforts

 Aggressive privatization policies to reduce the role of the state in the economy
 Aimed at enhancing efficiency and competitiveness of state-owned enterprises
 Diversification of ownership in key industries
 Energy Initiatives

 Focus on addressing energy challenges in the country

 Implementation of projects to increase energy production capacity
 Efforts to reduce dependence on external energy sources
 Agricultural Reforms

 Implementation of policies to support the agricultural sector

 Initiatives to improve productivity and modernize farming practices
 Support for farmers through subsidies and technology adoption
Nawaz Sharif 1990-1993

 Shariat Bill

 Introduction of the Shariat Bill aimed at aligning legal system with

Islamic principles
 Controversial legislation addressing the role of Sharia in the legal
 Debates and discussions on the implications for the legal and social
 : BCCI Scandal

 Overview of the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International)

scandal during Nawaz Sharif's first term
 Allegations of financial irregularities and money laundering
 Impact on the banking sector and financial reputation of Pakistan
Nawaz Sharif 1990-1993

 Kalashnikov Culture

 Discussion on the prevalence of Kalashnikov culture during this

 Reference to the widespread availability and use of automatic
 Societal implications and challenges in maintaining law and order
 Challenges and Reactions

 Highlighting challenges faced by the government in addressing

these controversies
 Public reactions, protests, and political responses to the Shariat Bill,
BCCI, and Cooperative Societies Scandal
 Government measures taken to address the Kalashnikov culture and
its impact on society
Benazir 2nd Term 1993-1996

 Ouster and Controversies (Contd.)

 Conflict with President Farooq Leghari: Explanation of

strained relations and power struggles between Benazir
Bhutto and President Farooq Leghari during her second term.
 Nepotism Charges

 Overview of Nepotism Allegations: Discussion of charges

related to favoritism in appointments and promotions,
particularly involving close family members.
 Examples of Alleged Nepotism: Specific instances or
appointments that fueled allegations of nepotism within
Benazir's administration.
Benazir 2nd Term 1993-1996

 Law and Order Situation in Karachi

 Deterioration of law and order in Karachi

 Para-military operation targeting MQM
 Exploitation of weaknesses by political opponents, including
Nawaz Sharif
 Murtaza Bhutto's Challenge and Murder

 Murtaza Bhutto's challenges against Benazir's administration

 Accusations against Benazir and Asif Ali Zardari in Murtaza
Bhutto's murder
 Escalation of family tensions and political challenges
 President Leghari's Dissatisfaction
Benazir 2nd Term 1993-1996

 President Leghari's dissatisfaction with Zardari's interference

 Differences over the appointment of Army Chief and the
attempt to dismiss Chief Justice
 Benazir Bhutto blaming Leghari for Murtaza Bhutto's murder
 Dissolution of Assemblies (1996)

 President Leghari's use of Article 58-2 (B) to dissolve the

 Justifications including charges of corruption, law and order
issues, and extrajudicial killings
 Formation of a caretaker setup with political opponents
Nawaz Sharif 1996-1999

 Overview of the 1997 elections leading to PML (N)

 Nawaz Sharif's return to power as Prime Minister
 Slide 3: Economic Reforms and Development Projects

 Emphasis on economic reforms and liberalization

 Introduction of development projects to boost
 Key initiatives in industries, energy, and transportation
 Motorway Projects and Infrastructure
Nawaz Sharif 1996-1999

 Notable motorway projects connecting major cities

 Impact on transportation infrastructure and economic
 Focus on modernizing the country's road network
 : Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M-2)

 Significance and impact of the Lahore-Islamabad

 Role in facilitating economic activities and reducing
travel time
 Symbol of infrastructural development during Nawaz
Sharif's second term
Nawaz Sharif 1996-1999

 Economic Initiatives

 Launch of Qarz Utaro, Mulk Sanwaro scheme to alleviate foreign

 Limited impact on reducing foreign loans.
 Focus on mega-development projects and opening Khuli Katcheri
for public engagement.
 Slide 5: Political Maneuvers and Appointments

 Nominating Shahbaz Sharif as Chief Minister of Punjab.

 Removal of President Farooq Leghari, replaced by Muhammad
Rafiq Tarar.
 Differences with Chief Justice Sajjad Ali Shah and Army Chief Gen.
Jahangir Karamat, leading to their resignations.
 Slide 6: Shariat Bill and Power Consolidation
Nawaz Sharif 1996-1999

 The Kargil Conflict occurred in the Kargil district of Kashmir, marking a significant
episode in the long-standing Indo-Pakistani conflict over the disputed region.
 Causes:

 Territorial Disputes: Rooted in the unresolved territorial claims over the region of
 Historical Tensions: Lingering animosities and historical grievances between India
and Pakistan contributed to the conflict.
 Key Events:

 Infiltration: Pakistani soldiers and militants infiltrated Indian territory in the Kargil
sector, aiming to control strategic heights along the Line of Control (LoC).
 Military Confrontation: Escalation of hostilities with both sides engaging in armed
conflict, resulting in intense battles in the mountainous terrain.
 International Response:

 .
Nawaz Sharif 1996-1999

 Global Concerns: The international community expressed

deep concern over the conflict, fearing a potential nuclear
escalation between the two nuclear-armed nations.
 Diplomatic Efforts: Diplomatic interventions by various
countries, notably the United States, to de-escalate tensions
and encourage dialogue.
 Resolution:

 Ceasefire Agreement: Both sides eventually agreed to a

ceasefire, facilitated by international diplomacy.
 Withdrawal of Forces: Agreement to withdraw forces from the
conflict zone, restoring the status quo along the Line of
Nawaz Sharif 1996-1999

 Differences with Gen. Musharraf

 Development of differences with Gen. Pervez Musharraf.

 Strained relations over the "Bus Diplomacy" with India and Kargil
 Formation of opposition alliance with the Grand Democratic
Alliance in September 1999.
 Slide 9: Military Coup (October 12, 1999)

 Dismissal of Gen. Musharraf when he was out of the country.

 Bloodless military coup as senior Army officers did not accept the
 Arrest of Nawaz Sharif, Musharraf assuming the role of Chief
Executive, and suspension of the Constitution.

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