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This is the way the world

Before the flood
Tuesday 31st, August, 2010. The world watches as news of the
Iraq war's end is broadcast on TV, and one word leaks from
the classified reports of the last operation the U.S. did.

Conspiracies are made but no one really listens. "The name

has the word toxin in it, it's obviously a weapon. Probably
another war crime". Forums for the less adjusted spread this
story like wildfire.

Sunday 18th, December, 2011. A year passed, and as the last

US troops leave Iraq, classified documents leak proving the
existence of "Operation Airburst", a test of a new gaseous
bio agent in bomb form used in a bombing campaign across
Iraq, which quickly destroyed and demoralized many insurgent
cells, leading to the end of the war. Despite there being no
official proof, this is criticized across the world as a
major war crime, and rumors circulate from Iraq about the
real outcome of the bombings, telling horror stories about
walking dead men and cases of mass suicide.
But there remains resistance across the country, and all
this is attributed to the continued fighting of remnant

And so the world still spins. Even through the controversy,

there is nothing to be done by the masses, which mostly
doesn't believe the whole leaked story, and focuses on the
fact that the war has ended. But there are many more wars
across the globe yet to see an end…
Thursday 1st, January, 2015. The new year comes with heavy
rains and disease, as illnesses begin to spread, and global
warming is blamed for flooding in various parts of the
world. This only blends into the background of a
disinterested world dealing with political drama and

But as the war against the Islamic state continues in Iraq,

suspected coverups can no longer hide what’s happening in
the war-torn country. Stories slip through the cracks and
tell of infighting between crazy soldiers, and the
ISIL(Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) isn't doing much
better, as both sides allegedly wipe out civilian
settlements for no reason. Something is wrong…

Not with a bang but a whimper

Saturday 9th, December, 2017. The Iraqi government declares
the war with ISIL to be over, but there remains low-
intensity insurgency throughout. Planes fly, and rains once
again spread across the world, but this time the increased
chance of illness is different, this time it’s deadly. Both
in the disease the water suddenly transports, and the power
of the rain.

Friday 29th, December, 2017. Survivors of the war in Iraq

unwittingly bring more with them, they bring something that
has been brewing for years, and the first real case,
patient zero, is reported in Germany.

A migrant bites a flight attendant on a plane over Germany,

and after a struggle, a few other passengers have been
attacked, but it’s only a bite and scratches. There is no
cause for alarm, and they land. The attacker is imprisoned
and awaits trial as they conduct basic medical and
psychological tests, looking for the cause of such outburst,
as the patient seems… oddly aggressive, but eloquent.
They’re just angry.

Those bitten are vaccinated in the case of rabies, and their

shallow injuries are healed without problem, nothing is
wrong with them. Not until…

Monday 1st, January, 2018. New year’s celebrations, millions

of people gather in enclosed spaces and group up in the
open, and among the people in Germany stand a few of the
bitten weeks ago, and in other cities are the rest, who
traveled after. They’ve developed some aggression and
irritability, but there is no real cause other than
suspected psychological problems, which means they have no
treatment. Which means as these civilians stand in crowds of
others, yelling and shouting when the ball drops, chaos

People are bitten and brawl with their attackers, and when
others try to help, more are hurt in the process. Police
have to be involved, breaking up the fighting, as it starts
to gently rain.

It won't stop raining.

Friday 5th, January, 2018. Rain. Not torrential, but

constant, across most of the world. News channels are split
between reporting on the weather more than usual and the new
year’s hostilities, as no one cause is found for the
outbursts the attackers had, and unarmed, it couldn't be an
organized terrorist attack.

There is no news of patient zero.

Monday 15th, January, 2018. Death. The infected attackers

fade from the public eye, and theories surface again on the
internet, speaking of chemtrails and conspiracies. These
people, who allegedly know of police and doctors that worked
on the cases, state the infected were assassinated, and they
are next.

But the dead speak.

Saturday 3rd, February, 2018. Zombies. There was always a

subset of the conspiracy theorists crying “zombie” about the
strange happenings, ever since Trioxin, which is now
forgotten. Ravenous undead, raised from the grave or
infected with a virus, part of pop culture.

Just like the water, pages are flooded with these theories
which become more plausible in the eyes of the nerds and
mad, and the doomsday preppers of the world praise
themselves for their hard work over years of nothing. There
is something coming, and no one will listen to them. But
outside their circles, nothing new is uncovered, as the
world is oblivious to the conspiracy they claim is afoot.

There’s talk of silencing the truth and an infection causing

all this aggression, but they point at China and Korea, not
the Iraq operation, meaning they really have no idea. But
they trust the videos and images in the dark web, showing
some people held at someone’s house perhaps against their
will, lashing out in feral aggression, the poster explaining
that this is just happening out of nowhere and they have
nothing to do with it.

It won't stop raining.

Monday 14th, May, 2018. It won't stop raining It won't stop

raining It won't stop raining It won't stop raining It won't
stop raining It won't stop raining It won't stop raining It
won't stop raining It won't stop raining It won't stop
raining It won't stop raining

Monday 21st, May, 2018. It won’t stop eating It won’t stop

eating It won’t stop eating It won’t stop eating It won’t
stop eating It won’t stop eating It won’t stop eating It
won’t stop eating It won’t stop eating It won’t stop eating
It won’t stop eating

After the flood

Tuesday 14th, May, 2019. It has stopped raining. But it has
been a year since it started. Many parts of the world are
flooded and the sky is only barely uncovering, leaving many
homeless and helpless as the water washes and breaks cities
and towns, countless lives lay destroyed by the flooding

Civilization still stands, plenty of countries still have

electricity and gas, but rescue services work overtime and
are understaffed, requiring military assistance to help the
people left with nothing. But this is only part of the
problem. As while the floods came, so did the infection
awaken, those infected and aggressive people across the
world flared up and started attacking and biting, their
inhibitions shattered, leaving them with the ability to will
their bodies to rip up anyone that got in their path.

These “Wylde” zombies/infected are the first, and the

internet named them after the feral nature they exhibited as
shown in videos, wildly over exhausting themselves to use
all of the strength the human body can muster. But in the
time they had before the body decayed from overuse, the
Wylde infected more people, creating others in time…

Tuesday 21st, May, 2019. As the sun peeks through the

clouds, so does something else. Infected have been lurking
ever since the Wylde were unleashed, normal people reduced
to the instincts to kill and to eat anything palatable, even
each other if there is nothing else around. Police could do
nothing during the flood rains, barely able to investigate
calls about weird noises and screams, so no one could really
know what was happening. And now these people, infected with
whatever came in the rain or from Iraq, have spread through
cities and the land of so many countries.

They hear helicopters, trucks, and boats approach the

flooded areas. And they come for a feast. There is more
panic worldwide as connections return and the internet is
abuzz with people talking about sightings of zombies, and
now that they are coming to the light, there are direct
videos and images of them devouring humans and pets alike…

Wednesday 17th, July, 2019. There is proper military

response across the world, as these monsters spread like
wildfire, infecting or eating all they come across, but
people are yet to learn how this happens. Thus medical
helicopters evacuate bitten and wounded from flooded areas,
unaware of them being infected, and spread the illness

Saturday 3rd, August, 2019. Bombs fall, bullets tear into

flesh, and tanks trample whatever is deemed a threat,
whenever there is enough dry land for such a vehicle. The
armies of the world work to protect evacuations while more
and more people are infected, but it is a tide of corpses,
and many zombies hide among survivors, their minds just
about to be taken. And when they are, chaos overtakes
groups, and chaos leads to death.

Infected people, despite knowing about fictional zombies

that have always been so popular, are not so quick to learn
that whatever is causing this takes a while to fully gestate
within the body, but eventually there are enough signs that
individuals start to make up rules.
“It spreads in the water” they say, they’ll die from
dehydration. “Saliva too”, divorce will skyrocket. “The
bites and scratches are deadly”, they got that one right.
Tuesday 1st, October, 2019. The rain continues, but not as a
constant downpour, simply now becoming an ever-present part
of life, falling on and off in greater intervals than
normal. Rain slows down or stops military action, especially
air force maneuvers which can rarely get visibility of the
ground and rely on infantry and laser pointers, as their
bombs drop on cities now, decimating what’s left of various
cities already damaged by the flooding. Buildings fall and
roads crumble into the sewers, making impassable terrain,
and entrances into the underground where more infected can
hide and water can fill.

Halloween is scarier than ever. And the world can take no

breaks for candy. Humans have become the treats.

Wednesday 25th, December, 2019. God will do nothing.

Tuesday 31st, December, 2019. New year’s resolution.

Wednesday 1st, January, 2020. New year’s absolution.

With a bang
????? ???, ????, 2021.

After the flash

Tuesday 1st, January, 2030…

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