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Command Line Interface (CLI)

INAV has a command line interface (CLI) that can be used to change settings and configure the

Accessing the CLI.

The CLI can be accessed via the GUI tool or via a terminal emulator connected to the CLI serial

1. Connect your terminal emulator to the CLI serial port (which, by default, is the same as
the MSP serial port)
2. Use the baudrate specified by msp_baudrate (115200 by default).
3. Send a # character.

To save your settings type in 'save', saving will reboot the flight controller.

To exit the CLI without saving power off the flight controller or type in 'exit'.

To see a list of other commands type in 'help' and press return.

To dump your configuration (including the current profile), use the 'dump' command.

See the other documentation sections for details of the cli commands and settings that are

Backup via CLI

Disconnect main power, connect to cli via USB/FTDI.

dump using cli

profile 0

dump profiles using cli if you use them

profile 1
dump profile
profile 2
dump profile

copy screen output to a file and save it.

Restore via CLI.

Use the cli defaults command first.

When restoring from a backup it is a good idea to do a dump of the latest defaults so you know
what has changed - if you do this each time a firmware release is created you will be able to see
the cli changes between firmware versions. For instance, in December 2014 the default GPS
navigation PIDs changed. If you blindly restore your backup you would not benefit from these
new defaults.

Use the CLI and send all the output from the saved backup commands.

Do not send the file too fast, if you do the FC might not be able to keep up when using USART
adapters (including built in ones) since there is no hardware serial flow control.

You may find you have to copy/paste a few lines at a time.

Repeat the backup process again!

Compare the two backups to make sure you are happy with your restored settings.

Re-apply any new defaults as desired.

CLI Command Reference

Command Description
1wire <esc> passthrough 1wire to the specified esc
adjrange show/set adjustment ranges settings
aux show/set aux settings
mmix design custom motor mixer
smix design custom servo mixer
color configure colors
defaults reset to defaults and reboot
Command Description
dump print configurable settings in a pastable form
feature list or -val or val
get get variable value
gpspassthrough passthrough gps to serial
led configure leds
map mapping of rc channel order
mixer mixer name or list
motor get/set motor output value
play_sound index, or none for next
profile index (0 to 2)
rxrange configure rx channel ranges (end-points)
save save and reboot
serialpassthrough <id> where id is the zero based port index, baud is a standard baud
<baud> <mode> rate, and mode is rx, tx, or both (rxtx)
set name=value or blank or * for list
status show system status

CLI Variable Reference

Variable Name Description
This is the main loop time (in us). Changing this
affects PID effect with some PID controllers
(see PID section for details). A very
looptime 1000
conservative value of 3500us/285Hz should
work for everyone. Setting it to zero does not
limit loop time, so it will go as fast as possible.
This setting controls the clock speed of I2C bus.
400KHZ is the default that most setups are able
to use. Some noise-free setups may be
overclocked to 800KHZ. Some sensor chips or
i2c_speed 400KHZ setups with long wires may work unreliably at
400KHZ - user can try lowering the clock speed
to 200KHZ or even 100KHZ. User need to bear
in mind that lower clock speeds might require
higher looptimes (lower looptime rate)
cpu_underclock OFF This option is only available on certain
Variable Name Description
architectures (F3 CPUs at the moment). It
makes CPU clock lower to reduce interference
to long-range RC systems working at 433MHz
This option enables gyro_sync feature. In this
case the loop will be synced to gyro refresh rate.
Loop will always wait for the newest gyro
measurement. Use gyro_lpf and
gyro_sync OFF gyro_sync_denom determine the gyro refresh
rate. Note that different targets have different
limits. Setting too high refresh rate can mean
that FC cannot keep up with the gyro and higher
gyro_sync_denom is needed,
This option determines the sampling ratio.
Denominator of 1 means full gyro sampling
gyro_sync_denom 2 rate. Denominator 2 would mean 1/2 samples
will be collected. Denominator and gyro_lpf
will together determine the control loop speed.
Determines accelerometer task frequency in
async_mode = ALL. Depending on UAV type
acc_task_frequency 500 this frequency can be lowered to conserve CPU
resources as long as vibrations are not a
Determines attitude task frequency when
attitude_task_frequency 250
async_mode = ALL
Enables asynchronous mode processing for
gyro/accelerometer and attitude computations.
Allowed modes: NONE -> default behavior, all
calculations are executed in main PID loop.
GYRO -> gyro sampling and filtering is
detached from main PID loop. PID loop runs
based on looptime while gyro sampling uses
gyro_sync_denom and gyro_lpf combination to
async_mode NONE
determine its frequency. ALL -> in this mode,
gyro, accelerometer and attitude are running as
separate tasks. Accelerometer task frequency is
determined by acc_task_frequency, attitude task
frequency by attitude_task_frequency. In this
mode ANGLE and HORIZON, as well GPS
assisted flight modes (including PosHold)
performance might be lowered.
This is an important number to set in order to
mid_rc 1500 avoid trimming receiver/transmitter. Most
standard receivers will have this at 1500,
Variable Name Description
however Futaba transmitters will need this set to
1520. A way to find out if this needs to be
changed, is to clear all trim/subtrim on
transmitter, and connect to GUI. Note the value
most channels idle at - this should be the
number to choose. Once midrc is set, use
subtrim on transmitter to make sure all channels
(except throttle of course) are centered at midrc
These are min/max values (in us) which, when a
channel is smaller (min) or larger (max) than the
value will activate various RC commands, such
as arming, or stick configuration. Normally,
min_check 1100
every RC channel should be set so that min =
1000us, max = 2000us. On most transmitters
this usually means 125% endpoints. Default
check values are 100us above/below this value.
These are min/max values (in us) which, when a
channel is smaller (min) or larger (max) than the
value will activate various RC commands, such
as arming, or stick configuration. Normally,
max_check 1900
every RC channel should be set so that min =
1000us, max = 2000us. On most transmitters
this usually means 125% endpoints. Default
check values are 100us above/below this value.
rssi_channel 0 RX channel containing the RSSI signal
By default RSSI expects to use full span of the
input (0-3.3V for ADC, 1000-2000 for AUX
rssi_scale 100 channel). This scale (percentage) allows you to
adjust the scaling to get 100% RSSI shown
rssi_invert OFF
Interpolation of Rc data during looptimes when
rc_smoothing ON there are no new updates. This gives smoother
RC input to PID controller and cleaner PIDsum
input_filtering_mode OFF Filter out noise from OpenLRS Telemetry RX
These are min/max values (in us) that are sent to
esc when armed. Defaults of 1150/1850 are OK
min_throttle 1150
for everyone, for use with AfroESC, they could
be set to 1064/1864.
These are min/max values (in us) that are sent to
max_throttle 1850
esc when armed. Defaults of 1150/1850 are OK
Variable Name Description
for everyone, for use with AfroESC, they could
be set to 1064/1864. If you have brushed
motors, the value should be set to 2000.
This is the PWM value sent to ESCs when they
are not armed. If ESCs beep slowly when
min_command 1000
powered up, try decreasing this value. It can
also be used for calibrating all ESCs at once.
Low value of throttle deadband for 3D mode
(when stick is in the 3d_deadband_throttle
3d_deadband_low 1406
range, the fixed values of 3d_deadband_low /
_high are used instead)
High value of throttle deadband for 3D mode
3d_deadband_high 1514 (when stick is in the deadband range, the value
in 3d_neutral is used instead)
3d_neutral 1460 Neutral (stop) throttle value for 3D mode
Throttle signal will be held to a fixed value
3d_deadband_throttle 50 when throttle is centered with an error margin
defined in this parameter.
Output frequency (in Hz) for motor pins.
Default is 400Hz for motor with
motor_pwm_protocol set to STANDARD. For
*SHOT (e.g. ONESHOT125) values of 1000
and 2000 have been tested by the development
team and are supported. It may be possible to
use higher values. For BRUSHED values of
motor_pwm_rate 400
8000 and above should be used. Setting to 8000
will use brushed mode at 8kHz switching
frequency. Up to 32kHz is supported for
brushed. Default is 16000 for boards with
brushed motors. Note, that in brushed mode,
minthrottle is offset to zero. For brushed mode,
set max_throttle to 2000.
Protocol that is used to send motor updates to
ESCs. Possible values - STANDARD,
motor_pwm_protocol STANDARD
Auto-arm fixed wing aircraft on throttle above
min_throttle, and disarming with stick
fixed_wing_auto_arm OFF commands are disabled, so power cycle is
required to disarm. Requires enabled motorstop
and no arm switch configured.
disarm_kill_switch ON Disarms the motors independently of throttle
Variable Name Description
value. Setting to OFF reverts to the old
behaviour of disarming only when the throttle is
low. Only applies when arming and disarming
with an AUX channel.
Delay before automatic disarming when using
auto_disarm_delay 5 stick arming and MOTOR_STOP. This does not
apply when using FIXED_WING
If the aircraft tilt angle exceed this value the
small_angle 25
copter will refuse to arm.
reboot_character 82 Special character used to trigger reboot
gps_provider UBLOX Which GPS protocol to be used
gps_sbas_mode NONE Which SBAS mode to be used
GPS navigation model: Pedestrian, Air_1g,
gps_dyn_model AIR_1G Air_4g. Default is AIR_1G. Use pedestrian with
caution, can cause flyaways with fast flying.
Enable automatic configuration of UBlox GPS
gps_auto_config ON
Automatic configuration of GPS baudrate(The
specified baudrate in configured in ports will be
used) when used with UBLOX GPS. When used
gps_auto_baud ON
with NAZA/DJI it will automatic detect GPS
baudrate and change to it, ignoring the selected
baudrate set in ports
Minimum number of GPS satellites in view to
acquire GPS_FIX and consider GPS position
gps_min_sats 6
valid. Some GPS receivers appeared to be very
inaccurate with low satellite count.
Enable use of Galileo satellites. This is at the
expense of other regional constellations, so
gps_ublox_use_galileo OFF
benefit may also be regional. Requires M8N and
Ublox firmware 3.x (or later) [OFF/ON].
Automatic setting of magnetic declination based
inav_auto_mag_decl ON on GPS position. When used manual magnetic
declination is ignored.
Unarmed gravity calibration tolerance level.
inav_gravity_cal_tolerance 5 Won't finish the calibration until estimated
gravity error falls below this value.
Defined if iNav should use velocity data
provided by GPS module for doing position and
inav_use_gps_velned ON
speed estimation. If set to OFF iNav will
fallback to calculating velocity from GPS
Variable Name Description
coordinates. Using native velocity data may
improve performance on some GPS modules.
Some GPS modules introduce significant delay
and using native velocity may actually result in
much worse performance.
GPS position and velocity data usually arrive
with a delay. This parameter defines this delay.
inav_gps_delay 200
Default (200) should be reasonable for most
GPS receivers.
Defines when relative estimated altitude is reset
to zero. Variants - NEVER (once reference is
inav_reset_altitude FIRST_ARM acquired it's used regardless); FIRST_ARM (keep
altitude at zero until firstly armed), EACH_ARM
(altitude is reset to zero on each arming)
Max allowed altitude for surface following
inav_max_surface_altitude 200
mode. [cm]
Weight of barometer measurements in estimated
inav_w_z_baro_p 0.350
altitude and climb rate
Weight of GPS altitude measurements in
inav_w_z_gps_p 0.200 estimated altitude. Setting is used only of
Weight of GPS climb rate measurements in
estimated climb rate. Setting is used on both
inav_w_z_gps_v 0.500 airplanes and multirotors. If GPS doesn't
support native climb rate reporting (i.e. NMEA
GPS) you may consider setting this to zero
Weight of GPS coordinates in estimated UAV
inav_w_xy_gps_p 1.000
position and speed.
Weight of GPS velocity data in estimated UAV
inav_w_xy_gps_v 2.000
Decay coefficient for estimated climb rate when
inav_w_z_res_v 0.500
baro/GPS reference for altitude is lost
Decay coefficient for estimated velocity when
inav_w_xy_res_v 0.500
GPS reference for position is lost
inav_w_acc_bias 0.010 Weight for accelerometer drift estimation
Maximum uncertainty value until estimated
inav_max_eph_epv 1000.000 position is considered valid and is used for
navigation [cm]
inav_baro_epv 100.000 Uncertainty value for barometric sensor [cm]
nav_disarm_on_landing OFF If set to ON, iNav disarms the FC after landing
nav_use_midthr_for_althold OFF If set to OFF, the FC remembers your throttle
Variable Name Description
stick position when enabling ALTHOLD and
treats it as a neutral midpoint for holding
If set to ON drone won't arm if no GPS fix and
nav_extra_arming_safety ON any navigation mode like RTH or POSHOLD is
Defines how Pitch/Roll input from RC receiver
affects flight in POSHOLD mode: ATTI - right
nav_user_control_mode ATTI stick controls attitude like in ANGLE mode;
CRUISE - right stick controls velocity in
forward and right direction.
If GPS fails wait for this much seconds before
nav_position_timeout 5 switching to emergency landing mode (0 -
Waypoint radius [cm]. Waypoint would be
nav_wp_radius 100 considered reached if machine is within this
First waypoint in the mission should be closer
nav_wp_safe_distance 10000
than this value [cm]
Maximum velocity firmware is allowed in full
nav_auto_speed 300 auto modes (POSHOLD, RTH, WP) [cm/s]
[Multirotor only]
Maximum climb/descent rate that UAV is
nav_auto_climb_rate 500 allowed to reach during navigation modes.
Maximum velocity firmware is allowed when
nav_manual_speed 500 processing pilot input for POSHOLD/CRUISE
control mode [cm/s] [Multirotor only]
Maximum climb/descent rate firmware is
nav_manual_climb_rate 200 allowed when processing pilot input for
ALTHOLD control mode [cm/s]
Vertical descent velocity during the RTH
nav_landing_speed 200
landing phase. [cm/s]
Defines at what altitude the descent velocity
nav_land_slowdown_minalt 500 should start to be 25% of nav_landing_speed
Defines at what altitude the descent velocity
should start to ramp down from 100%
nav_land_slowdown_maxalt 2000
nav_landing_speed to 25% nav_landing_speed.
nav_emerg_landing_speed 500 Rate of descent UAV will try to maintain when
Variable Name Description
doing emergency descent sequence [cm/s]
Minimum distance from homepoint when RTH
full procedure will be activated [cm]. Below this
distance, the mode will activate at the current
location and the final phase is executed (loiter /
nav_min_rth_distance 500
land). Above this distance, the full procedure is
activated, which may include initial climb and
flying directly to the homepoint before entering
the loiter / land phase.
If set to ON drone will climb to nav_rth_altitude
first and head home afterwards. If set to OFF
nav_rth_climb_first ON
drone will head home instantly and climb on the
If set to ON drone will return tail-first.
nav_rth_tail_first OFF
Obviously meaningless for airplanes.
If set to ON drone will land as a last phase of
nav_rth_allow_landing ALWAYS
If set to ON, aircraft will execute initial climb
nav_rth_climb_ignore_emerg OFF
regardless of position sensor (GPS) status.
Configure how the aircraft will manage altitude
nav_rth_alt_mode AT_LEAST on the way home, see Navigation modes on wiki
for more details
Used in EXTRA, FIXED and AT_LEAST rth
nav_rth_altitude 1000
alt modes [cm] (Default 1000 means 10 meters)
RTH sanity checking feature will notice if
distance to home is increasing during RTH and
once amount of increase exceeds the threshold
defined by this parameter, instead of continuing
nav_rth_abort_threshold 50000
RTH machine will enter emergency landing,
self-level and go down safely. Default is 500m
which is safe enough for both multirotor
machines and airplanes. [cm]
Maximum banking angle (deg) that multicopter
nav_mc_bank_angle 30 navigation is allowed to set. Machine must be
able to satisfy this angle without loosing altitude
Multicopter hover throttle hint for altitude
nav_mc_hover_thr 1500 controller. Should be set to approximate throttle
value when drone is hovering.
nav_mc_auto_disarm_delay 2000
Cruise throttle in GPS assisted modes, this
nav_fw_cruise_thr 1400
includes RTH. Should be set high enough to
Variable Name Description
avoid stalling. This values gives INAV a base
for throttle when flying straight, and it will
increase or decrease throttle based on pitch of
airplane and the parameters below. In addition it
will increase throttle if GPS speed gets below
7m/s ( hardcoded )
Minimum throttle for flying wing in GPS
nav_fw_min_thr 1200
assisted modes
Maximum throttle for flying wing in GPS
nav_fw_max_thr 1700
assisted modes
Max roll angle when rolling / turning in GPS
nav_fw_bank_angle 20 assisted modes, is also restrained by global
Max pitch angle when climbing in GPS assisted
nav_fw_climb_angle 20 modes, is also restrained by global
Max negative pitch angle when diving in GPS
nav_fw_dive_angle 15 assisted modes, is also restrained by global
Amount of throttle applied related to pitch
nav_fw_pitch2thr 10
attitude in GPS assisted modes
PosHold radius. 3000 to 7500 is a good value
nav_fw_loiter_radius 5000
(30-75m) [cm]
Forward velocity threshold for swing-launch
nav_fw_launch_velocity 300
detection [cm/s]
Forward acceleration threshold for bungee
nav_fw_launch_accel 1863 launch of throw launch [cm/s/s], 1G = 981
Max tilt angle (pitch/roll combined) to consider
nav_fw_launch_max_angle 45 launch successful. Set to 180 to disable
completely [deg]
Time for which thresholds have to breached to
nav_fw_launch_detect_time 40
consider launch happened [ms]
Launch throttle - throttle to be set during launch
nav_fw_launch_thr 1700
sequence (pwm units)
Launch idle throttle - throttle to be set before
launch sequence is initiated. If set below
min_throttle it will force motor stop or at idle
nav_fw_launch_idle_thr 1000
throttle (depending if the MOTOR_STOP is
enabled). If set above min_throttle it will force
throttle to this value (if MOTOR_STOP is
Variable Name Description
enabled it will be handled according to throttle
stick position)
Delay between detected launch and launch
nav_fw_launch_motor_delay 500
sequence start and throttling up (ms)
Time to bring power from min_throttle to
nav_fw_launch_spinup_time 100 nav_fw_launch_thr - to avoid big stress on ESC
and large torque from propeller
Maximum time for launch sequence to be
executed. After this time LAUNCH mode will
nav_fw_launch_timeout 5000
be turned off and regular flight mode will take
over (ms)
Altitude at which LAUNCH mode will be
nav_fw_launch_max_altitude 0 turned off and regular flight mode will take
over. [cm]
Climb angle for launch sequence (degrees), is
nav_fw_launch_climb_angle 18 also restrained by global
Allow launch mode to execute at least this time
nav_fw_launch_min_time 0
(ms) and ignore stick movements [0-60000].
Altitude (centimeters) at which LAUNCH mode
nav_fw_launch_max_altitude 0 will be turned off and regular flight mode will
take over [0-60000].
Dive angle that airplane will use during final
landing phase. During dive phase, motor is
nav_fw_land_dive_angle 2
stopped or IDLE and roll control is locked to 0
When feature SERIALRX is enabled, this
allows connection to several receivers which
serialrx_provider SPEK1024
output data via digital interface resembling
serial. See RX section.
Allow serial receiver to operate on UART TX
serialrx_halfduplex OFF pin. With some receivers will allow control and
telemetry over a single wire
Reverse the serial inversion of the serial RX
protocol. When this value is OFF, each protocol
will use its default signal (e.g. SBUS will use an
serialrx_inverted OFF inverted signal). Some OpenLRS receivers
produce a non-inverted SBUS signal. This
setting supports this type of receivers (including
modified FrSKY).
spektrum_sat_bind 0 0 = disabled. Used to bind the spektrum satellite
Variable Name Description
to RX
Which aux channel to use to change serial
output & baud rate (MSP / Telemetry). It
telemetry_switch OFF
disables automatic switching to Telemetry when
Determines if the telemetry protocol default
signal inversion is reversed. This should be OFF
telemetry_inverted OFF
in most cases unless a custom or hacked RX is
OpenTX needs a valid set of coordinates to
frsky_default_latitude 0.000 show compass value. A fake value defined in
this setting is sent while no fix is acquired.
OpenTX needs a valid set of coordinates to
frsky_default_longitude 0.000 show compass value. A fake value defined in
this setting is sent while no fix is acquired.
frsky_coordinates_format 0
Set to 1 to send raw VBat value in 0.1V
frsky_vfas_precision 0 resolution for receivers that can handle it, or 0
(default) to use the standard method
report_cell_voltage OFF
Battery alarm delay in seconds for Hott
hott_alarm_sound_interval 5
Turn UART into UNIDIR for smartport
smartport_uart_unidir OFF telemetry for usage on F1 and F4 target. See for details
Unit of the value sent with the FUEL ID through
the S.Port telemetry. Replaces the
smartport_fuel_unit MAH
smartport_fuel_percent setting in versions <
Type compatibility ibus telemetry for
ibus_telemetry_type 0 transmitters. See label IBUS for
Defines the LTM update rate (use of bandwidth
ltm_update_rate NORMAL [NORMAL/MEDIUM/SLOW]). See, LTM section for details.
Battery capacity in mAH. This value is used in
battery_capacity 0 conjunction with the current meter to determine
remaining battery capacity.
vbat_scale 1100 Battery voltage calibration value. 1100 = 11:1
Variable Name Description
voltage divider (10k:1k) x 100. Adjust this
slightly if reported pack voltage is different
from multimeter reading. You can get current
voltage by typing "status" in cli.
Maximum voltage per cell, used for auto-
vbat_max_cell_voltage 424 detecting battery voltage in 0.01V units, default
is 424 (4.24V)
Minimum voltage per cell, this triggers battery
vbat_min_cell_voltage 330
out alarms, in 0.01V units, default is 330 (3.3V)
Warning voltage per cell, this triggers battery-
vbat_warning_cell_voltage 350 warning alarms, in 0.01V units, default is 350
This sets the output voltage to current scaling
for the current sensor in 0.1 mV/A steps. 400 is
current_meter_scale 400 40mV/A such as the ACS756 sensor outputs.
183 is the setting for the uberdistro with a
0.25mOhm shunt.
This sets the output offset voltage of the current
current_meter_offset 0
sensor in millivolts.
Set the battery capacity in mAh or mWh (see
battery_capacity 0 battery_capacity_unit). Used to calculate
the remaining battery capacity.
If the remaining battery capacity goes below this
battery_capacity_warning 0 threshold the beeper will emit short beeps and
the relevant OSD items will blink.
If the remaining battery capacity goes below this
battery_capacity_critical 0 threshold the battery is considered empty and
the beeper will emit long beeps.
Unit used for battery_capacity,
battery_capacity_warning and
battery_capacity_unit MAH
battery_capacity_critical [MAH/MWH]
(milliAmpere hour / milliWatt hour).
Default current output via MSP is in 0.01A
multiwii_current_meter_output OFF steps. Setting this to 1 causes output in default
multiwii scaling (1mA steps)
ADC , VIRTUAL, NONE. The virtual current
current_meter_type ADC sensor, once calibrated, estimates the current
value from throttle position.
When running on non-default hardware or
align_gyro DEFAULT adding support for new sensors/sensor boards,
these values are used for sensor orientation.
Variable Name Description
When carefully understood, these values can
also be used to rotate (in 90deg steps) or flip the
board. Possible values are: DEFAULT,
When running on non-default hardware or
adding support for new sensors/sensor boards,
these values are used for sensor orientation.
When carefully understood, these values can
also be used to rotate (in 90deg steps) or flip the
align_acc DEFAULT
board. Possible values are: DEFAULT,
When running on non-default hardware or
adding support for new sensors/sensor boards,
these values are used for sensor orientation.
When carefully understood, these values can
also be used to rotate (in 90deg steps) or flip the
align_mag DEFAULT
board. Possible values are: DEFAULT,
Arbitrary board rotation in degrees, to allow
align_board_roll 0
mounting it sideways / upside down / rotated etc
Arbitrary board rotation in degrees, to allow
align_board_pitch 0
mounting it sideways / upside down / rotated etc
Arbitrary board rotation in degrees, to allow
align_board_yaw 0
mounting it sideways / upside down / rotated etc
Set the external mag alignment on the roll axis
(in 0.1 degree steps). If this value is non-zero,
the compass is assumed to be externally
align_mag_roll 0
mounted and both the board and on-board
compass alignent (align_mag) are ignored. See
also align_mag_pitch and align_mag_yaw.
align_mag_pitch 0 Same as align_mag_roll, but for the pitch axis.
align_mag_yaw 0 Same as align_mag_roll, but for the yaw axis.
gyro_hardware_lpf 42HZ Hardware lowpass filter for gyro. Allowed
Variable Name Description
values depend on the driver - For example
MPU6050 allows
10HZ,20HZ,42HZ,98HZ,188HZ,256Hz (8khz
mode). If you have to set gyro lpf below 42Hz
generally means the frame is vibrating too
much, and that should be fixed first.
When powering up, gyro bias is calculated. If
the model is shaking/moving during this initial
calibration, offsets are calculated incorrectly,
moron_threshold 32 and could lead to poor flying performance. This
threshold means how much average gyro
reading could differ before re-calibration is
Inertial Measurement Unit KP Gain for
imu_dcm_kp 2500
accelerometer measurements
Inertial Measurement Unit KI Gain for
imu_dcm_ki 50
accelerometer measurements
Inertial Measurement Unit KP Gain for compass
imu_dcm_kp_mag 10000
Inertial Measurement Unit KI Gain for compass
imu_dcm_ki_mag 0
Stick deadband in [r/c points], applied after r/c
pos_hold_deadband 20
deadband and expo
Defines the deadband of throttle during alt_hold
alt_hold_deadband 50
[r/c points]
yaw_motor_direction 1 Use if you need to inverse yaw motor direction.
Prevent yaw jumps during yaw stops and rapid
YAW input. To disable set to 500. Adjust this if
your aircraft 'skids out'. Higher values increases
YAW authority but can cause roll/pitch
yaw_jump_prevention_limit 200
instability in case of underpowered UAVs.
Lower values makes yaw adjustments more
gentle but can cause UAV unable to keep
On tricopter mix only, if this is set to ON, servo
tri_unarmed_servo ON will always be correcting regardless of armed
state. to disable this, set it to OFF.
Selects the servo PWM output cutoff frequency.
servo_lpf_hz 20
Value is in [Hz]
servo_center_pulse 1500 Servo midpoint
servo_pwm_rate 50 Output frequency (in Hz) servo pins. When
Variable Name Description
using tricopters or gimbal with digital servo, this
rate can be increased. Max of 498Hz (for 500Hz
pwm period), and min of 50Hz. Most digital
servos will support for example 330Hz.
Time in deciseconds to wait before activating
failsafe_delay 5 failsafe when signal is lost. See Failsafe
Time in deciseconds to wait before aborting
failsafe_recovery_delay 5 failsafe when signal is recovered. See Failsafe
Time in deciseconds to wait before turning off
failsafe_off_delay 200 motors when failsafe is activated. 0 = No
timeout. See Failsafe documentation.
Throttle level used for landing when failsafe is
failsafe_throttle 1000
enabled. See Failsafe documentation.
If failsafe activated when throttle is low for this
failsafe_throttle_low_delay 100 much time - bypass failsafe and disarm, in 10th
of seconds. 0 = No timeout
What failsafe procedure to initiate in Stage 2.
failsafe_procedure SET-THR
See Failsafe documentation.
Threshold for stick motion to consider failsafe
condition resolved. If non-zero failsafe won't
failsafe_stick_threshold 50
clear even if RC link is restored - you have to
move sticks to exit failsafe.
Amount of banking when SET-THR failsafe is
failsafe_fw_roll_angle -200 active on a fixed-wing machine. In 1/10 deg
(deci-degrees). Negative values = left roll
Amount of dive/climb when SET-THR failsafe is
failsafe_fw_pitch_angle 100 active on a fixed-wing machine. In 1/10 deg
(deci-degrees). Negative values = climb
Requested yaw rate to execute when SET-THR
failsafe_fw_yaw_rate -45 failsafe is active on a fixed-wing machine. In
deg/s. Negative values = left turn
If failsafe happens when craft is closer than this
distance in centimeters from home, failsafe will
not execute regular failsafe_procedure, but will
failsafe_min_distance 0
execute procedure specified in
failsafe_min_distance_procedure instead. 0 =
Normal failsafe_procedure always taken.
What failsafe procedure to initiate in Stage 2
failsafe_min_distance_procedure DROP
when craft is closer to home than
Variable Name Description
failsafe_min_distance. See Failsafe
Enable or disable the lights when the FAILSAFE
failsafe_lights ON flight mode is enabled. The target needs to be
compiled with USE_LIGHTS [ON/OFF].
Time in milliseconds between two flashes when
failsafe_lights_flash_period 1000 failsafe_lights is ON and FAILSAFE flight
mode is enabled [40-65535].
Flash lights ON time in milliseconds when
failsafe_lights_flash_on_time 100 failsafe_lights is ON and FAILSAFE flight
mode is enabled. [20-65535].
Defines the shortest pulse width value used
when ensuring the channel value is valid. If the
rx_min_usec 885 receiver gives a pulse value lower than this
value then the channel will be marked as bad
and will default to the value of mid_rc.
Defines the longest pulse width value used when
ensuring the channel value is valid. If the
rx_max_usec 2115 receiver gives a pulse value higher than this
value then the channel will be marked as bad
and will default to the value of mid_rc.
Defines behavior of throttle channel after signal
rx_nosignal_throttle HOLD loss is detected and until failsafe_procedure
kicks in. Possible values - HOLD and DROP.
Selection of acc hardware. See Wiki Sensor auto
acc_hardware AUTO detect and hardware failure detection for more
3-point median filtering for barometer readouts.
baro_median_filter ON
No reason to change this setting
Selection of baro hardware. See Wiki Sensor
baro_hardware AUTO auto detect and hardware failure detection for
more info
Selection of mag hardware. See Wiki Sensor
mag_hardware AUTO auto detect and hardware failure detection for
more info
Allow to chose between built-in and external
mag_to_use compass sensor if they are connected to separate
buses. Currently only for REVO target
rangefinder_median_filter OFF 3-point median filtering for rangefinder readouts
Blackbox logging rate numerator. Use
blackbox_rate_num 1
num/denom settings to decide if a frame should
Variable Name Description
be logged, allowing control of the portion of
logged loop iterations
Blackbox logging rate denominator. See
blackbox_rate_denom 1
blackbox_device SPIFLASH Selection of where to write blackbox data
This setting drives the way SD card is detected
in card slot. On some targets (AnyFC F7 clone)
TARGET different card slot was used and depending of
sdcard_detect_inverted dependent hardware revision ON or OFF setting might be
required. If card is not detected, change this
ledstrip_visual_beeper OFF
osd_video_system 0
osd_row_shiftdown 0
Unit used for the drawn energy in the OSD stats
osd_stats_energy_unit MAH
[MAH/WH] (milliAmpere hour/ Watt hour)
Number of decimals for the battery voltages
osd_main_voltage_decimals 1
displayed in the OSD [1-2].
osd_rssi_alarm 20
osd_time_alarm 10
osd_alt_alarm 100
osd_main_voltage_pos 0
osd_rssi_pos 0
osd_flytimer_pos 0
osd_ontime_pos 0
osd_flymode_pos 0
osd_throttle_pos 0
osd_vtx_channel_pos 0
osd_crosshairs 0
osd_artificial_horizon 0
osd_current_draw_pos 0
osd_mah_drawn_pos 0
Variable Name Description
osd_craft_name_pos 0
osd_gps_speed_pos 0
osd_gps_sats_pos 0
osd_altitude_pos 0
osd_pid_roll_pos 0
osd_pid_pitch_pos 0
osd_pid_yaw_pos 0
osd_power_pos 0
Magnetometer calibration X offset. If its 0 none
magzero_x 0
offset has been applied and calibration is failed.
Magnetometer calibration Y offset. If its 0 none
magzero_y 0
offset has been applied and calibration is failed.
Magnetometer calibration Z offset. If its 0 none
magzero_z 0
offset has been applied and calibration is failed.
Calculated value after '6 position avanced
acczero_x 0
calibration'. See Wiki page.
Calculated value after '6 position avanced
acczero_y 0
calibration'. See Wiki page.
Calculated value after '6 position avanced
acczero_z 0
calibration'. See Wiki page.
Calculated value after '6 position avanced
accgain_x 4096 calibration'. Uncalibrated value is 4096. See
Wiki page.
Calculated value after '6 position avanced
accgain_y 4096 calibration'. Uncalibrated value is 4096. See
Wiki page.
Calculated value after '6 position avanced
accgain_z 4096 calibration'. Uncalibrated value is 4096. See
Wiki page.
nav_mc_pos_z_p 50 P gain of altitude PID controller (Multirotor)
nav_fw_pos_z_p 50 P gain of altitude PID controller (Fixedwing)
nav_mc_pos_z_i 0 I gain of altitude PID controller (Multirotor)
nav_fw_pos_z_i 0 I gain of altitude PID controller (Fixedwing)
nav_mc_pos_z_d 0 D gain of altitude PID controller (Multirotor)
nav_fw_pos_z_d 0 D gain of altitude PID controller (Fixedwing)
nav_mc_vel_z_p 100 P gain of velocity PID controller
nav_mc_vel_z_i 50 I gain of velocity PID controller
nav_mc_vel_z_d 10 D gain of velocity PID controller
Variable Name Description
Controls how fast the drone will fly towards the
nav_mc_pos_xy_p 65 target position. This is a multiplier to convert
displacement to target velocity
Controls deceleration time. Measured in 1/100
sec. Expected hold position is placed at a
nav_mc_pos_xy_i 120
distance calculated as decelerationTime *
nav_mc_pos_xy_d 10
P gain of Position-Rate (Velocity to
Acceleration) PID controller. Higher P means
nav_mc_vel_xy_p 40 stronger response when position error occurs.
Too much P might cause "nervous" behavior
and oscillations
I gain of Position-Rate (Velocity to
Acceleration) PID controller. Used for drift
nav_mc_vel_xy_i 15 compensation (caused by wind for example).
Higher I means stronger response to drift. Too
much I gain might cause target overshot
D gain of Position-Rate (Velocity to
Acceleration) PID controller. It can damp P and
nav_mc_vel_xy_d 100
I. Increasing D might help when drone
overshoots target.
P gain of 2D trajectory PID controller. Play with
nav_fw_pos_xy_p 75 this to get a straight line between waypoints or a
straight RTH
I gain of 2D trajectory PID controller. Too high
nav_fw_pos_xy_i 5 and there will be overshoot in trajectory. Better
start tuning with zero
D gain of 2D trajectory PID controller. Too high
nav_fw_pos_xy_d 8 and there will be overshoot in trajectory. Better
start tuning with zero
nav_mc_heading_p 60 P gain of Heading Hold controller (Multirotor)
nav_fw_heading_p 60 P gain of Heading Hold controller (Fixedwing)
These are values (in us) by how much RC input
can be different before it's considered valid. For
transmitters with jitter on outputs, this value can
deadband 5
be increased. Defaults are zero, but can be
increased up to 10 or so if rc inputs twitch while
These are values (in us) by how much RC input
yaw_deadband 5
can be different before it's considered valid. For
Variable Name Description
transmitters with jitter on outputs, this value can
be increased. Defaults are zero, but can be
increased up to 10 or so if rc inputs twitch while
Can be used in ANGLE and HORIZON mode
throttle_tilt_comp_str 0 and will automatically boost throttle when
banking. Setting is in percentage, 0=disabled.
Defines throw range in us for both ailerons that
will be passed to servo mixer via input source
flaperon_throw_offset 200
is activated.
When feature SERVO_TILT is enabled, this can
gimbal_mode NORMAL
be either NORMAL or MIXTILT
Limits max/min I-term value in stabilization
PID controller in case of Fixed Wing. It solves
the problem of servo saturation before take-
fw_iterm_throw_limit 165 off/throwing the airplane into the air. By default,
error accumulated in I-term can not exceed 1/3
of servo throw (around 165us). Set 0 to disable
Reference airspeed. Set this to airspeed at which
PIDs were tuned. Usually should be set to cruise
fw_reference_airspeed 1000
airspeed. Also used for coordinated turn
calculation if airspeed sensor is not present.
Gain required to keep the yaw rate consistent
with the turn rate for a coordinated turn (in
TURN_ASSIST mode). Value significantly
fw_turn_assist_yaw_gain 1
different from 1.0 indicates a problem with the
airspeed calibration (if present) or value of
fw_reference_airspeed parameter
Control how Mode selection works in flight
modes. If you example have Angle mode
configured on two different Aux channels, this
mode_range_logic_operator OR
controls if you need both activated ( AND ) or if
you only need one activated ( OR ) to active
angle mode.
default_rate_profile 0 Default = profile number
Current location magnetic declination in format.
For example, -6deg 37min = -637 for Japan.
mag_declination 0 Leading zero in ddd not required. Get your local
magnetic declination here: http://magnetic- . Not in use if
Variable Name Description
inav_auto_mag_decl is turned on and you
acquire valid GPS fix.
This setting limits yaw rotation rate that
HEADING_HOLD controller can request from
PID inner loop controller. It is independent from
heading_hold_rate_limit 90
manual yaw rate and used only when
HEADING_HOLD flight mode is enabled by
pilot, RTH or WAYPOINT modes.
Adjust how long time the Calibration of mag
mag_calibration_time 30
will last.
mc_p_pitch 40 Multicopter rate stabilisation P-gain for PITCH
mc_i_pitch 30 Multicopter rate stabilisation I-gain for PITCH
mc_d_pitch 23 Multicopter rate stabilisation D-gain for PITCH
mc_p_roll 40 Multicopter rate stabilisation P-gain for ROLL
mc_i_roll 30 Multicopter rate stabilisation I-gain for ROLL
mc_d_roll 23 Multicopter rate stabilisation D-gain for ROLL
mc_p_yaw 85 Multicopter rate stabilisation P-gain for YAW
mc_i_yaw 45 Multicopter rate stabilisation I-gain for YAW
mc_d_yaw 0 Multicopter rate stabilisation D-gain for YAW
mc_p_level 20 Multicopter attitude stabilisation P-gain
Multicopter attitude stabilisation low-pass filter
mc_i_level 15
Multicopter attitude stabilisation HORIZON
mc_d_level 75
transition point
fw_p_pitch 5 Fixed-wing rate stabilisation P-gain for PITCH
fw_i_pitch 7 Fixed-wing rate stabilisation I-gain for PITCH
fw_ff_pitch 50 Fixed-wing rate stabilisation FF-gain for PITCH
fw_p_roll 5 Fixed-wing rate stabilisation P-gain for ROLL
fw_i_roll 7 Fixed-wing rate stabilisation I-gain for ROLL
fw_ff_roll 50 Fixed-wing rate stabilisation FF-gain for ROLL
fw_p_yaw 6 Fixed-wing rate stabilisation P-gain for YAW
fw_i_yaw 10 Fixed-wing rate stabilisation I-gain for YAW
fw_ff_yaw 60 Fixed-wing rate stabilisation FF-gain for YAW
fw_p_level 20 Fixed-wing attitude stabilisation P-gain
Fixed-wing attitude stabilisation low-pass filter
fw_i_level 5
Fixed-wing attitude stabilisation HORIZON
fw_d_level 75
transition point
Variable Name Description
Maximum inclination in level (angle) mode
max_angle_inclination_rll 300
(ROLL axis). 100=10°
Maximum inclination in level (angle) mode
max_angle_inclination_pit 300
(PITCH axis). 100=10°
Software-based filter to remove mechanical
vibrations from the gyro signal. Value is cutoff
gyro_lpf_hz 60
frequency (Hz). For larger frames with bigger
props set to lower value.
Software-based filter to remove mechanical
vibrations from the accelerometer
acc_lpf_hz 15 measurements. Value is cutoff frequency (Hz).
For larger frames with bigger props set to lower
dterm_lpf_hz 40
yaw_lpf_hz 30
A limitation to overall amount of correction
Flight PID can request on each axis
(Roll/Pitch/Yaw). If when doing a hard
pidsum_limit 500
maneuver on one axis machine looses
orientation on other axis - reducing this
parameter may help
yaw_p_limit 300
Used to prevent Iterm accumulation on
ROLL/PITCH axis during stick movements.
Iterm is allowed to change fully when sticks are
iterm_ignore_threshold 200 centered. Iterm will not change when requested
rotation speed is above iterm_ignore_threshold.
Iterm accumulation is scaled linearly between 0
and iterm_ignore_threshold
Used to prevent Iterm accumulation on YAW
axis during stick movements. Iterm is allowed to
change fully when sticks are centered. Iterm will
yaw_iterm_ignore_threshold 50 not change when requested rotation speed is
above yaw_iterm_ignore_threshold. Iterm
acumulation is scaled linearly between 0 and
Limits acceleration of ROLL/PITCH rotation
speed that can be requested by stick input. In
degrees-per-second-squared. Small and
rate_accel_limit_roll_pitch 0
powerful UAV flies great with high acceleration
limit ( > 5000 dps^2 and even > 10000 dps^2).
Big and heavy multirotors will benefit from low
Variable Name Description
acceleration limit (~ 360 dps^2). When set
correctly, it greatly improves stopping
performance. Value of 0 disables limiting.
Limits acceleration of YAW rotation speed that
can be requested by stick input. In degrees-per-
second-squared. Small and powerful UAV flies
great with high acceleration limit ( > 10000
rate_accel_limit_yaw 10000 dps^2). Big and heavy multirotors will benefit
from low acceleration limit (~ 180 dps^2).
When set correctly, it greatly improves stopping
performance and general stability during yaw
turns. Value of 0 disables limiting.
Exposition value used for the PITCH/ROLL
rc_expo 70 axes by all the stabilized flights modes (all but
Exposition value used for the YAW axis by all
rc_yaw_expo 20
the stabilized flights modes (all but MANUAL)
Exposition value used for the PITCH/ROLL
manual_rc_expo 70
axes by the MANUAL flight mode [0-100]
Exposition value used for the YAW axis by the
manual rc_yaw_expo 20
MANUAL flight mode [0-100]
Throttle value when the stick is set to mid-
thr_mid 50
position. Used in the throttle curve calculation.
thr_expo 0 Throttle exposition value
Defines rotation rate on ROLL axis that UAV
will try to archive on max. stick deflection.
Rates are defined in tenths of degrees per
second [dps/10]. That means, rate 20 represents
roll_rate 20
200dps rotation speed. Default 20 (200dps) is
more less equivalent of old
Cleanflight/Baseflight rate 0. Max. 180
(1800dps) is what gyro can measure.
Defines rotation rate on PITCH axis that UAV
will try to archive on max. stick deflection.
Rates are defined in tenths of degrees per
second [dps/10]. That means, rate 20 represents
pitch_rate 20
200dps rotation speed. Default 20 (200dps) is
more less equivalent of old
Cleanflight/Baseflight rate 0. Max. 180
(1800dps) is what gyro can measure.
Defines rotation rate on YAW axis that UAV
yaw_rate 20
will try to archive on max. stick deflection.
Variable Name Description
Rates are defined in tenths of degrees per
second [dps/10]. That means, rate 20 represents
200dps rotation speed. Default 20 (200dps) is
more less equivalent of old
Cleanflight/Baseflight rate 0. Max. 180
(1800dps) is what gyro can measure.
Servo travel multiplier for the PITCH axis in
manual_pitch_rate 100
MANUAL flight mode [0-100]%
Servo travel multiplier for the ROLL axis in
manual_roll_rate 100
MANUAL flight mode [0-100]%
Servo travel multiplier for the YAW axis in
manual_yaw_rate 100
MANUAL flight mode [0-100]%
Throttle PID attenuation reduces influence of P
on ROLL and PITCH as throttle increases. For
tpa_rate 0
every 1% throttle after the TPA breakpoint, P is
reduced by the TPA rate.
tpa_breakpoint 1500 See tpa_rate.
TPA smoothing and delay time constant to
reflect non-instant speed/throttle response of the
fw_tpa_time_constant 0 plane. Planes with low thrust/weight ratio
generally need higher time constant. Default is
zero for compatibility with old setups
fw_autotune_overshoot_time 100 Time [ms] to detect sustained overshoot
fw_autotune_undershoot_time 200 Time [ms] to detect sustained undershoot
Threshold [%] of max rate to consider
fw_autotune_threshold 50
overshoot/undershoot detection
fw_autotune_ff_to_p_gain 10 FF to P gain (strength relationship) [%]
FF to I time (defines time for I to reach the same
fw_autotune_ff_to_i_tc 600
level of response as FF) [ms]
General switch of the statistics recording feature
stats OFF
(a.k.a. odometer)
Total flight time [in seconds]. The value is
stats_total_time 0 updated on every disarm when "stats" are
Total flight distance [in meters]. The value is
stats_total_dist 0 updated on every disarm when "stats" are
ADC channel to use for battery voltage sensor.
vbat_adc_channel - Defaults to board VBAT input (if available). 0 =
Variable Name Description
ADC channel to use for analog RSSI input.
rssi_adc_channel - Defaults to board RSSI input (if available). 0 =
ADC channel to use for analog current sensor
current_adc_channel - input. Defaults to board CURRENT sensor input
(if available). 0 = disabled
ADC channel to use for analog pitot tube
(airspeed) sensor. If board doesn't have a
airspeed_adc_channel 0
dedicated connector for analog airspeed sensor
will default to 0

This Markdown table is made by MarkdwonTableMaker addon for google spreadsheet. Original
Spreadsheet used to make this table can be found here

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