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Jorge Carlos Torres Acuña A01068492
goals or one of the most important goals of the Maderista stage was that Francisco I.
Madero wanted to kick Porfirio Diaz out of the government this because he was a

dictator. during this stage, Francisco persuades Pancho Villa, Pascual Orozco, and
all the mexico town to rise up against the dictator.

main The most important characters during this stage were Porfirio Diaz, Francisco
Madero, Victorian Huerta, Pancho Villa, Venustiano Carranza, Alvaro Obregón,

characters Emiliano Zapata, Ricardo Flores Magón

important plans The most important documents and plans from this stage were the Plan De San Luis Potosi,
which was the start of the Mexican revolution

or documents
main The plan de san luis potosi was written, pancho villa and pazcual de orozco join the
revolutionary movement

Constitutionalist (1913-1914)
Goals or purpose Main Importxant Plans or
of the stage. Characters. Documents created.
The main purposes of this era
were in favor of making a fair
Victoriano Huerta The beginning of structuring
documents and laws began,
society and rules.
even-though the Mexican
They looked forward to creat laws Madero Constitution was "created" on
and ensure rights in order to form 1917, the bases of the needs
a union, to establish justice, to and by the hand, the rules on
ensure domestic tranquility, to Venustiano the same were originated on
promote general welfare, and
looking for "liberty"
Carranza this stage

Main events:
There were events such as military incursions from U.S.A to Mexico, the coup d'etat in Mexico City, forcing Madero and
Vice President Pino Suárez to resign, the want of "war against Victoriano Huerta, the discontent of the slavery of the
Mexican people
Warlords era (1914 - 1919)
Rebellion against Civil war Carranza and the
Huerta’s rule and U.S. Mexican constitution of
Opposition to Huerta's drunken, inefficient and
Huerta went into exile in July 1914. A
despotic government grew in the north, where Carranza, again president,
movements were launched to restore
state of anarchy and bloodshed ensued
presided over the drafting of the
constitutional government with an elected until Villa, Obregón and Zapata held a
president in three states. An uneasy alliance was congress in Aguascalientes, where the 1917 constitution, which conferred
formed between the three groups. Meanwhile, in Villa-Carranza rivalry made order dictatorial powers on the president
the southern mountains, Zapata led a rebellion but gave the government the right
aimed at land reform. When Mexican officers
impossible and Eulalio Gutiérrez was
temporarily arrested the US Marines who landed elected interim president. . to confiscate land from wealthy
in Tampico and Huerta refused to apologize However, Obregón returned to ally with landowners, guaranteed workers'
properly, Wilson intervened more directly. In April, Carranza and defeated Villa in a bloody rights, and limited the rights of the
to prevent Huerta from receiving an arms
battle in April 1915 in Celaya. Roman Catholic Church. .
shipment from Germany, US naval forces seized

Mexican Revolution | Causes, Summary, & Facts | Britannica. (2023). In Encyclopædia Britannica.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2023, 9 enero). Victoriano Huerta | president of

Mexico. Encyclopedia Britannica.

The War Against Huerta - The Mexican Revolution and the United States | Exhibitions - Library
of Congress. (s. f.).

Mexico | History, Map, Flag, Population, & Facts. (2023, 13 enero). Encyclopedia Britannica.

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