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Name: Kathryn Ann G.

Florentino Date: January 14, 2024

Year&Section BSIT-4A Subject: HCI 2

1. Emerging Technology Trends in Health: CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing

Functionalities: CRISPR-Cas9 is a revolutionary gene-editing technology that allows precise

modification of genes within organisms. It utilizes RNA molecules to guide the Cas9 enzyme to
specific DNA sequences, enabling targeted gene modifications. This technology has immense
potential for treating genetic disorders, creating genetically modified organisms, and advancing
biomedical research.
 Gene Therapy for Genetic Disorders: CRISPR-Cas9 holds the promise of curing
genetic diseases by correcting or replacing faulty genes.
 Agricultural Advancements: It allows the development of genetically modified crops
for increased yield, resistance to pests, and improved nutritional content.
 Biomedical Research: Accelerates research by enabling the creation of genetically
modified organisms, providing insights into the functions of specific genes.
 Potential for Disease Prevention: Offers the possibility of preventing certain
hereditary diseases by editing out disease-causing mutations in embryos.

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2. Emerging Technology Trends in Physics: Quantum Computing

Functionalities: Quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to process

information in ways that classical computers cannot. It uses qubits, which can exist in multiple
states simultaneously, enabling parallel processing and solving complex problems more
efficiently than traditional computers.
 Optimization Problem Solving: Quantum computers excel in solving optimization
problems, such as route optimization and resource allocation, which are
challenging for classical computers.
 Drug Discovery: Accelerates drug discovery by simulating molecular interactions
with high precision, leading to the identification of potential drug candidates.
 Cryptography: Poses a threat to traditional cryptographic methods and, at the
same time, offers the potential for creating more secure communication systems
using quantum key distribution.
 Climate Modeling: Enables complex simulations for climate modeling, helping to
understand and address environmental challenges.

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3. Emerging Technology Trends in Natural Sciences:

Functionalities: Synthetic biology involves the design and construction of new biological
entities or the redesign of existing biological systems for useful purposes. It combines principles
from biology, engineering, and computer science to create artificial life forms and bioengineered
 Biofuel Production: Engineers microorganisms to produce biofuels efficiently,
providing a sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels.
 Bioremediation: Uses synthetic organisms to clean up environmental pollutants
and contaminants, contributing to environmental conservation.
 Medical Applications: Develops synthetic organisms for targeted drug delivery,
personalized medicine, and the production of therapeutic proteins.
 Biological Computing: Utilizes biological components for computation,
potentially leading to biohybrid devices and more efficient computing.

4. Emerging Technology Trends in Information Technology: Edge Computing

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Functionalities: Edge computing involves processing data closer to the source of generation
rather than relying on a centralized cloud infrastructure. It aims to reduce latency, enhance data
privacy, and improve overall system efficiency.
 Low-Latency Applications: Enables real-time processing for applications like
augmented reality, gaming, and autonomous vehicles by minimizing data transfer
 IoT Devices Optimization: Enhances the performance of Internet of Things (IoT)
devices by processing data locally, reducing the need for constant communication
with centralized servers.
 Privacy and Security: Improves data privacy by processing sensitive information
locally, reducing the risk of data breaches during transit to centralized servers.
 Network Bandwidth Optimization: Reduces the strain on network bandwidth by
processing data locally, leading to more efficient use of resources.

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5. Emerging Technology Trends in Energy: Advanced Energy Storage Systems

Functionalities: Advanced energy storage systems focus on developing efficient and high-
capacity storage solutions for renewable energy sources. These technologies play a crucial role in
addressing the intermittent nature of renewable energy generation.
 Grid Stability: Facilitates a more stable and reliable power grid by storing excess
energy during peak production periods and releasing it during high-demand
 Renewable Energy Integration: Supports the integration of renewable energy
sources by storing excess energy for times when these sources are not actively
generating power.
 Electric Vehicles: Enables the widespread adoption of electric vehicles by
providing lightweight and high-capacity batteries with faster charging capabilities.
 Off-Grid Solutions: Offers reliable energy storage for off-grid and remote areas,
contributing to global electrification efforts.

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In the video, Mojo Vision unveils an innovative eye-tracking display embedded in a

contact lens. The technology promises a breakthrough in augmented reality, allowing users to
view information without external screens. The contact lens integrates microelectronics, sensors,
and a display, creating a discreet yet powerful platform for personalized visual data. With
applications ranging from healthcare to daily life, Mojo Vision envisions a future where users
can access information seamlessly in their field of vision. The demo showcases the potential of
this emerging technology, emphasizing its potential impact on accessibility and convenience. The
contact lens offers a glimpse into the evolving landscape of wearable tech, merging digital
information with the user's natural environment.


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