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Human-Interaction Computer – 2 (IT Elective 4)

Emerging Technologies in HCI


1. Describe the key features and applications of emerging technologies in HCI, such as Virtual and
Augmented Reality, Wearable Interfaces, Quantum Computing and Voice, Conversational
Interfaces and Artificial Intelligence.
2. Critically evaluate the usability, accessibility, and ethical implications of these emerging
technologies in various HCI contexts.
3. Design a basic prototype or outline a use-case scenario that effectively incorporates one of the
discussed emerging technologies for enhancing user experience and interaction.

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Human-Interaction Computer – 2 (IT Elective 4)


In the realm of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Emerging Technologies are helping in a

new era where our interactions with digital systems feel more human and natural. These advancements,
including augmented reality, virtual reality, natural language processing, and gesture recognition, are
transforming the way we connect with technology. They bring a sense of intuitiveness and immersion to
our digital experiences, making them more relatable and user-friendly. By incorporating machine
learning and artificial intelligence, HCI is becoming attuned to human behaviors, preferences, and
context. This evolving landscape has the potential to humanize our digital interactions, creating a more
personalized and connected digital world.

What is Emerging Technology?

Emerging technology signifies the latest breakthroughs in their early stages, promising profound
impact on our lives. Examples like artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, wearable
interfaces and voice and conversational interfaces suggest transformative changes, reshaping industries
and daily experiences. These innovations, though not fully embraced yet, hold the potential to redefine
how we live and interact.

Emerging technology can be categorized into the following:

1. Immersive Technologies

Immersive technologies refer to technological experiences that deeply engage users in a

simulated or enhanced environment. These technologies, such as Virtual Reality (VR) and
Augmented Reality (AR).

A. Virtual Reality

 Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that transports users to computer-generated

environments using specialized headsets. By simulating visual and auditory stimuli, VR
creates an immersive experience, making users feel present in a virtual world. It often
involves tracking movements for realistic interaction, providing a wide range of applications
in entertainment, education, and more.

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B. Augmented Reality

 Augmented Reality (AR) integrates computer-generated elements like images, sounds, or

data into the real-world environment, enhancing the existing surroundings. In contrast to
Virtual Reality (VR), AR doesn't create a separate virtual world but overlays digital
information onto the user's real-world experience using devices like smartphones, tablets, or
AR glasses.

Application of the immersive technologies across various sectors:

1. Entertainment and Gaming: Interactive simulations, enhancing gaming and entertainment

experiences with immersive environments.

2. Education: Virtual learning, hands-on training, and simulations for engaging educational

3. Healthcare: Therapeutic VR, surgical training, and medical visualization for enhanced
healthcare practices.

4. Training and Simulation: Realistic scenarios for aviation, military, and first responders'
training programs.

5. Real Estate: Augmented reality applications for visualizing properties and enhancing real estate

6. Retail: Virtual try-ons, product visualization, and augmented displays for enriched shopping.

7. Tourism: Virtual exploration of destinations and augmented information for tourists.

8. Corporate Training: Employee training through realistic simulations for workplace scenarios
and procedures.

9. Design and Architecture: Visualization tools for architects and designers, refining and
experiencing designs.

10. Mental Health: VR-based therapies for anxiety, phobias, and PTSD treatment interventions.

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2. User Interfaces

User Interfaces (UI) are how we interact with phones, computers, and apps. They include things
we see, like buttons and menus, and ways we use them, like touchscreens and keyboards. UI
helps us talk to devices and get things done easily.

A. Wearable Interfaces

 Wearable interfaces are technologies incorporated into items that you can wear, like clothing
or accessories. These devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, offer hands-free
interaction and provide features like health monitoring and notifications, bringing technology
directly onto the user's body.

Example: smart fabrics, wearable cameras, smartwatches and fitness trackers

Here's a breakdown of what they are:

1. Inputs: These are the ways you tell your wearable what you want it to do. Examples include:

a. Touchscreens: Tapping, swiping, and pinching on small displays (like on smartwatches).

b. Buttons and dials: Physical buttons and rotating dials for quick and easy control.
c. Voice commands: Talking to your device like you would a personal assistant.
d. Gestures: Moving your hands or body in specific ways to control the device.
e. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs): Emerging technology that lets you control devices
with your thoughts!

2. Outputs: This is how your wearable communicates back to you. Examples include:

a. Visuals: Small screens, LED lights, or even projected displays like in AR glasses.
b. Audio: Headphones or tiny speakers built into the device.
c. Haptics: Vibrations or gentle touches on your skin to provide feedback.
d. Biofeedback: Some wearables can display information about your heart rate, breathing,
or muscle activity.

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3. Design considerations: Since wearables are small and worn on the body, there are special
challenges to designing their interfaces. They need to be:

a. Minimal and intuitive: Easy to use without taking your eyes off what you're doing.
b. Context-aware: Adapt to what you're doing and your surroundings.
c. Unobtrusive: Not get in the way of your daily activities.
d. Energy-efficient: Conserve battery power for longer use.

B. Voice and Conversational Interfaces

 Voice and conversational interfaces use spoken language for user interaction, employing
technologies like speech recognition. Examples include virtual assistants and voice-
activated devices, aiming to enhance user-friendliness through natural conversations.

Example: google assistant, customer service chatbots, voice-activated appliances

and voice banking

Application of the User Interfaces across various sectors:

1. Healthcare: UIs in medical devices improve patient monitoring and data visualization.
2. Finance: Intuitive UIs in banking apps simplify transactions and financial management.
3. Education: User-friendly UIs in e-learning platforms enhance student engagement.
4. Retail: E-commerce platforms use UIs for easy navigation and seamless shopping experiences.
5. Manufacturing: UIs in machinery control systems improve operational efficiency.
6. Entertainment: Streaming services employ intuitive UIs for content discovery and playback.
7. Automotive: In-car UIs enhance driver experience and control over vehicle functions.
8. Aerospace: Aircraft cockpits use advanced UIs for navigation and system monitoring.
9. Smart Home: UIs in home automation systems enable easy control of smart devices.
10. Government: Online services use UIs for citizen interaction and information access.

3. Advanced Computing

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Advanced computing involves using state-of-the-art technologies like quantum computing, artificial
intelligence, and high-performance computing to tackle complex problems, handle extensive datasets,
and surpass the capabilities of traditional computing methods, aiming to enhance problem-solving and
drive innovation.

A. Quantum Computing

 Quantum computing employs qubits, capitalizing on quantum mechanics' principles like

simultaneous superposition and entanglement. This enables exponentially faster calculations,
particularly in fields such as cryptography, optimization, and quantum simulations.

Google Quantum Computing

 Quantum Mechanics Principles

Quantum mechanics is like a set of rules for tiny things, like atoms. It says that these tiny
things can be in many places at once, and sometimes they're connected, affecting each
other. This helps in making super-fast computers.

 Qubits, short for quantum bits, are the fundamental units of information in quantum
computing. Unlike classical bits that exist in one of two states, 0 or 1, qubits can exist in
multiple states simultaneously due to a quantum property known as superposition.

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In classical computing, a bit can represent either a 0 or a 1. However, a qubit can exist as
a 0, a 1, or any quantum superposition of these states. This ability to be in multiple states
at once gives quantum computers a unique advantage in parallel processing and enables
them to perform certain calculations exponentially faster than classical computers for
specific problems.

Another important quantum property related to qubits is entanglement. When qubits

become entangled, the state of one qubit is directly related to the state of another,
regardless of the physical distance between them. This interconnectedness allows
quantum computers to perform highly correlated operations, providing additional
computational power.


Weather Forecasting Problem: Accurately predicting weather patterns requires modeling

complex atmospheric systems, which is computationally intensive for
classical computers.

Quantum Approach: Quantum computers could simulate

atmospheric dynamics more accurately, leading to more precise
weather forecasts and better preparedness for extreme weather events.

Application of Quantum Computing

1. Cryptography: Quantum computers could break certain widely used encryption methods.
Conversely, they could also enable the creation of quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms,
ensuring secure communication.

2. Optimization Problems: Quantum computing excels in solving complex optimization

problems, such as route planning for delivery trucks or optimizing financial portfolios.

3. Drug Discovery: Simulating molecular interactions accurately is challenging for classical

computers. Quantum computers could accelerate drug discovery by modeling complex chemical
reactions and interactions.

4. Material Science: Quantum simulations can help discover and design new materials with
specific properties, revolutionizing fields like electronics, energy storage, and manufacturing.

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5. Machine Learning: Quantum computers have the potential to enhance machine learning
algorithms, leading to quicker and more efficient pattern recognition and data analysis.

6. Climate Modeling: Quantum computers can simulate and analyze complex climate models
more accurately, contributing to our understanding of climate change and potential mitigation

7. Financial Modeling: Quantum computing can be applied to optimize financial models for risk
assessment, portfolio management, and options pricing.

8. Supply Chain Management: Quantum algorithms can optimize supply chain logistics, reducing
costs and improving efficiency in areas like inventory management and transportation planning.

B. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves creating computer systems capable of human-like intelligence,
learning, and problem-solving. It involves tasks such as pattern recognition, language understanding,
and decision-making. AI applications range from speech and image recognition to autonomous systems.
AI can be narrow, focusing on specific tasks, or general, exhibiting human-like intelligence across
diverse fields.

The Three Stages of Artificial Intelligence

1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): This is the current stage of AI, where machines excel at
specific tasks or narrow domains of expertise.

Examples: playing chess, recognizing faces, or translating languages

2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): This hypothetical stage refers to machines with human-level
or even surpassing human intelligence across a wide range of cognitive abilities. They would be able
to learn, reason, solve problems, and adapt in any situation, mimicking or exceeding human

Example: universal assistant, scientific breakthrough engine, adaptive educator.

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3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI): This even more theoretical stage envisions machines surpassing
human intelligence in all aspects, potentially leading to unforeseen consequences and ethical
dilemmas. It's important to note that achieving AGI and ASI are long-term goals with significant
obstacles ahead.

Example: global problem solver, medical marvel, scientific discovery engine,

human augmentation and intergalactic expansion.

Application of Artificial Intelligence

1. Healthcare: AI aids in medical image analysis, diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized
2. Finance: AI is used for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, credit scoring, and customer service
3. Education: AI supports personalized learning, grading, and educational content recommendation.
4. Retail: AI powers recommendation engines, inventory management, and customer service chatbots.
5. Manufacturing: AI optimizes production processes, predictive maintenance, and quality control.
6. Autonomous Vehicles: AI enables self-driving cars and advanced driver-assistance systems.
7. Customer Service: AI-driven chatbots assist with queries and enhance customer support.
8. Cybersecurity: AI detects and responds to cyber threats, improving security measures.
9. Marketing: AI enhances targeted advertising, customer segmentation, and campaign optimization.
10. Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI-driven language models power virtual assistants,
language translation, and sentiment analysis.
11. Agriculture: AI aids in crop monitoring, yield prediction, and precision farming.
12. Energy: AI optimizes energy consumption, grid management, and predictive maintenance.
13. Human Resources: AI supports recruitment, employee engagement, and performance analysis.
14. Gaming: AI enhances character behavior, graphics, and personalized gaming experiences.
15. Environmental Monitoring: AI analyzes data for climate modeling, pollution tracking, and wildlife
16. Telecommunications: AI improves network optimization, predictive maintenance, and customer
17. Legal Services: AI assists in document review, legal research, and contract analysis.
18. Smart Cities: AI contributes to traffic management, waste management, and public safety.
19. Supply Chain Management: AI optimizes logistics, demand forecasting, and inventory control.
20. Space Exploration: AI assists in autonomous spacecraft operations and data analysis.

Challenges in Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies can be categorized into three aspects: technical challenges, ethical and
societal challenges.

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A. Technical Challenges:

1. Data quality and bias: AI relies heavily on data, and its performance is greatly influenced by
the quality and bias within that data. Biased data can lead to discriminatory outcomes, hindering
fairness and trust in AI systems.

2. Limited Explainability (XAI): Understanding how AI models arrive at their decisions is often
difficult, making it challenging to identify errors, debug systems, and build trust. Lack of XAI
can also raise concerns about accountability and transparency.

3. Algorithmic complexity: As AI models become increasingly complex, their development and

maintenance become more challenging. Debugging and optimizing these models can be
resource-intensive and require specialized expertise.

4. Scalability and generalizability: Many AI models excel in specific tasks or domains but
struggle to generalize to new contexts or apply their knowledge to different situations. This
limits their broader applicability and usefulness.

B. Ethical and Societal Challenges:

1. Job displacement: Automation powered by AI could lead to significant job losses in various
sectors. Mitigating the negative impacts of automation and supporting displaced workers will be

2. Privacy and security: Collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data for AI training raises
concerns about individual privacy and data security. Building secure and privacy-preserving AI
systems is essential.

3. Bias and discrimination: AI algorithms can perpetuate or amplify existing social biases,
leading to discriminatory outcomes in areas like loan approvals, healthcare, and criminal justice.
Mitigating bias and ensuring fairness in AI systems is critical.

4. Existential threats: While not an immediate concern, some experts raise concerns about
potential risks posed by advanced AI, such as misuse for malicious purposes or uncontrolled
intelligence exceeding human control. Responsible development and governance of AI are
necessary to address these long-term concerns.

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C. Research and Development Challenges:

1. Lack of understanding of general intelligence: Despite progress in machine learning, we still

lack a comprehensive understanding of how human intelligence works, which hinders our ability
to replicate it in machines.

2. Data availability and access: Access to large, high-quality datasets is crucial for training and
improving AI models. However, data access can be restricted due to privacy concerns, cost, and
intellectual property considerations.

3. Collaboration and open science: Fostering collaboration and open science practices in AI
research is vital for accelerating progress and sharing knowledge. Building trust and overcoming
competitive barriers can be challenging.

How can emerging technologies be applied to the human-computer interaction field?

Emerging technologies can significantly impact human-computer interaction (HCI) by

enhancing user experiences. Incorporating techniques like augmented reality, virtual reality, and natural
language processing can provide more intuitive interfaces. Additionally, leveraging artificial intelligence
for personalized recommendations and adaptive interfaces can further streamline interactions. Regularly
staying informed about and integrating these technologies ensures continuous improvement in the HCI

Importance of Emerging Technologies

Emerging technologies are fundamental drivers of societal, economic, and technological progress.
Their adoption and integration into various sectors contribute to transformative changes, improving
efficiency, creating new opportunities, and addressing global challenges. Staying abreast of these
developments is crucial for individuals, businesses, and societies to use the full potential of emerging

1. Innovation and Progress: Drive breakthroughs and advancements.

2. Efficiency and Productivity: Simplify processes and optimize resources.

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3. Enhanced User Experiences: Enrich interactions through VR, AR, and NLP.
4. Transformative Impact: Revolutionize industries and reshape production.
5. Global Connectivity: Facilitate real-time communication and collaboration.
6. Economic Growth and Job Creation: Spur new industries and opportunities.
7. Address Societal Challenges: Utilize technology for healthcare, environment, etc.
8. Personalization and Customization: Tailor experiences and solutions.
9. Scientific Discovery: Accelerate breakthroughs in various scientific fields.
10. Competitive Advantage: Ensure market differentiation and adaptability.


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Emerging technology covers transformative breakthroughs in their early stages, promising

meaningful impacts on our daily lives. Categorized into immersive technologies, user interfaces, and
advanced computing, these innovations include virtual reality and augmented reality for immersive
experiences, wearable interfaces and voice/conversational interfaces for intuitive interactions, and
advanced computing like quantum computing and artificial intelligence for tackling complex problems.
Applications span various sectors, such as entertainment, healthcare, education, finance, manufacturing,
and more. Challenges in artificial intelligence range from technical issues like data bias to ethical
concerns like job displacement and privacy. In the realm of human-computer interaction, these emerging
technologies hold the potential to enhance user experiences through intuitive interfaces and personalized
interactions, ensuring continuous improvement in the field. Emerging technologies are fundamental
drivers of societal, economic, and technological progress. Their adoption and integration into various
sectors contribute to transformative changes, improving efficiency, creating new opportunities, and
addressing global challenges.


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1. "Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction" by Jenny Preece, Helen

Sharp, Yvonne Rogers.
2. "The Design of Everyday Things" by Don Norman.
3. "Virtual Reality: Concepts and Technologies" by Philippe Fuchs.

Academic Journals:

1. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI).

2. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
3. Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting.

Conference Proceedings:

1. Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

2. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR).

Online Resources:

1. IEEE Xplore Digital Library (

2. ACM Digital Library (
3. MIT Technology Review covers emerging technologies, including articles on HCI, AI,
and other relevant topics.

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Direction: Select at least five distinct types of emerging technologies and describe their functionalities,
operations, and contributions to society. Ensure diversity in your exploration of technologies, covering
various disciplines such as health, physics, natural sciences, and others. Please keep your response brief
and include at least two pictures. (10 points)

Example: Emerging Technology Trends in Hardware


Functionalities: This technology is composed to revolutionize science and engineering, particularly

in domains where phenomena occurring at nanometer scales play a crucial role in designing,
characterizing, producing, and applying materials, structures, devices, and systems.


1. Carbon nanotubes in medicine: Early cancer detection in bloodstream testing.

2. Nonmagnetic switches in electronics: Superior to traditional transistors for improved
computing materials.
3. Space exploration with nanomaterials: Lightweight solar sails reduce rocket fuel,
making space travel cost-effective and key innovation for practical and affordable space
4. Nanotechnology in space equipment: Integration with Nano sensors and nanorobots
enhances spaceships, spacesuits, and planetary exploration tools.


Direction: Watch a video on emerging technologies and share insights in 150 words or less. Provide a
concise overview of the key points, emphasizing briefness while conveying the most significant aspects
of the content. (10 points)

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