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7.1 Absolute Value

A) Absolute Value – For a real number, a, the absolute values is written as a and is a positive

a if a > 0
a= 0 if a = 0 Ex. |−7| = −(−7) = +7
-(-a) if a < 0

Geometrically, we can think of an absolute value of a real number a, written a , as the distance
from zero on the real number line regardless of direction

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Distance from Distance from

0 to - 3 is 0 to 3 is

−3 − 0 = −3 =0 3−0 = 3 = 0

= 3 units = 3 units

From zero the distance to +3 or – 3 is 3 units.

The sign on a number with regards to the number line simply represents direction.

B) Properties of absolute value

Let x and y be any real numbers then
1. x ≥ 0
2. − x =x
3. xy = x y
1) Determine the absolute value of a number.

i. 25 = 25
ii. −14 =−(−14) =14
8 8
iii. =
9 9
iv. −π =− ( −π ) =π

2) Compare and order absolute values. Write the real numbers in order from least to greatest
(ascending order)
−22 1
i. −8.5 , 7 , −6.75 , , −0.01 , − 0.1 , − 4
3 2
Let’s first evaluate each number

Now we will express all numbers in decimal form (easier to compare values)

Arrange from least to greatest

Now return to original form

C) Evaluating absolute value expressions

Evaluate the following:

i) |5| − |−7| =

ii) 5 − −7 = 5 − 7 = −2 = 2

iii) |−3(6 − 15)2 + 22|

Practice: Evaluate the following:

|−4| − |−3|

|−12 + 8|

|12(−3) + 52 |

|−2(6 − 10)2 + 20|


a) 1 b) 4 c) 11 d) 12
7.2 Absolute Value Functions

Absolute Value Function

Let’s recall the definition of a FUNCTION

A) Function- A rule that assigns to every element x of a set a unique element y.

Often written as y = f ( x)
y = 3x 2 + 6 x + 4
f ( x) = 3x 2 + 6 x + 4

B) Absolute Value Function – A function that involves the absolute value of a variable

f ( x) =
5 x − 10 , y =2x2 − 9

C) Compare linear functions with corresponding Absolute Value Functions:

• Complete the table of values below for 𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥) = 𝑥𝑥 and 𝑔𝑔(𝑥𝑥) = |𝑥𝑥|
x f(x) g(x)
-3 -3
-2 -2
-1 -1
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3

• Use the coordinates to sketch the graphs of the functions:

f(x) g(x)

• Compare and contrast the two graphs

• From the graph, explain why the absolute value relation is a function.
The x-intercepts are the same for both functions (0,0). This is
an invariant point.

The graph shows how 𝑦𝑦 = |𝑥𝑥| is related to the graph of y=x.

Since |𝑥𝑥| cannot be negative, the part of the graph of y = x
that is below the x-axis is reflected in the x-axis to become the
line y = -x in the interval x < 0.

D) Piecewise Function Notation

A function is said to be piece wise if it is composed of two or more separate functions.

 Each separate function has its own specific domain.

 The combination of all these functions make up the overall (piecewise) functions.

In general, we can express the absolute value function y = f ( x) as the piecewise function
y= + 𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥)

Practice. Consider the absolute value function 𝑦𝑦 = |𝑥𝑥 − 4|

a. Determine the x and y intercepts.

b. Sketch the graph:

• plot the intercepts
• build a table of values
c. State the domain and range.

d. Express as a piecewise function.

E) Compare quadratic functions with corresponding Absolute Value Functions:

• Complete the table of values below for 𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥) = 𝑥𝑥 2 − 4 and ℎ(𝑥𝑥) = |𝑥𝑥 2 − 4|:
x f(x) h(x)

• Use the coordinate grid below to sketch the two graphs:

f(x) h(x)
• Compare and contrast the two graphs

• If you could sketch the graph of h(x) using two quadratic functions, what would they be?

Practice. Consider the absolute value function 𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥) = |𝑥𝑥 2 − 𝑥𝑥 − 2|

a. Determine the x and y intercepts.

b. Sketch the graph.

c. State the domain and range

d. Express as a piecewise function.

7.3 Absolute Value Equations

A) Absolute Value Equation

• An absolute value equation is an equation that includes the absolute value of an
expression that involves a variable.
• They can be solved algebraically or graphically.

When solving these equations, we treat absolute value symbols in the same manner as we treat
brackets ( )

**Note** We can apply the definition of absolute values to expressions as well

Example: This could be: + (3x – 2)

3x − 2 = Or it could be: - (3x – 2)

Then can simplify this by removing the brackets:

3x – 2
3x − 2 = - 3x + 2

So when solving an absolute value equation algebraically, we have two cases to consider:

The expression inside the absolute value symbol is positive or zero

The expression inside the absolute value symbol is negative

After solving our absolute value equation algebraically, we must examine our solution (roots).
We must verify our roots through substitution into our original equation and conditions.

• Roots that do not satisfy our original equation are called _________________

**Note** Does the absolute value function of the form f ( x ) = a where a < 0 have a solution?
i. Solve 2 x − 7 =
2x − 7 =4

Case I (+)

2x − 7 = 4 Add 7 on both sides

⇒ 2x = 11 Divide by 2

Case II (-)

− ( 2x − 7) =
4 Use distributive property
⇒ −2 x + 7 =4 Subtract 7 from both sides
⇒ −2 x = −3 Divide by -2

11 3
We must verify our answers x = and x = by substituting into our original equation
2 2
2x − 7 =
4 2x − 7 =
11 3
For x = For x =
2 2
2x − 7 = 4 2x − 7 = 4
 11  3
2  − 7 =4 2  − 7 =
2 2
11 − 7 =4 3−7 = 4
4 =4 −4 =4
Yes L.H.S = R.H.S. Yes L.H.S = R.H.S.
11 3
Therefore, our solution is x = or x =
2 2
ii) Solve an absolute value equation with an extraneous solution

Solve 3 x − x − 2 =

iii) Absolute value equation with no solution

Solve 5 x − 4 + 9 =2


5x − 4 + 9 =2
⇒ 5x − 4 =−7 STOP! Is this statement ever true? No!
Therefore, the solution for this equation is the empty set { } or ∅ or NO SOLUTION
Assignment: Pg. 389 # 2, 4, 5
iv) Solve an absolute value problem

A manufacturer rejects 275g boxes of animal crackers when the actual mass of the box differs
from the stated mass by more than 3.5 g. Model and solve an absolute value equation for the
maximum and minimum mass, m, of animal cracker boxes for this manufacturer


Graphically (MATH) – NUM – 1: ABS(

Again, we can solve any absolute value equation graphically using our calculator.
There are two ways to do this:
Option 1:
Solve x 2 − 3 x =
7 ( ±0.01) ---means round to the nearest hundredth
Put into calculator - x 2 − 3 x into y1 and 7 into y2
And then determine the intersection points using Intersection function
2nd Trace #5 Intersect Enter
Scroll cursor using the arrow keys until cursor is as close to intersection point as possible, then
press Enter 3 times
Repeat process for all points of intersection.
Our answer is ONLY the x coordinates, therefore, x = -1.54 and x = 4.54

Option 2
7 Get equation = 0
x 2 − 3x =
x 2 − 3x − 7 =0

Put into calculator - x 2 − 3 x − 7 into y1 and 0 into y2 (not necessary…it’s the x-axis)

Solutions are again the points of intersection, (-1.541381 , 0) and (4.5413813 , 0)

Our answer is again only the x values
Therefore, x = -1.54 and x = 4.54
Practice (Graphically):

These are done entirely on your calculator. This is helpful when you are dealing with 2 absolute
value expressions in one equation.

Don’t forget to close your brackets!

Find the intersection of the two graphs. 2nd, Calc 5: Intersection

1) x − 5 + 6x + 2 =33

2) 3 x − 6 + 3 x − 1 =25

3) x 2 − 26 = 10

4) x 2 + 10 x + 15 = 6

5) x2 + x − 2 = x + 7

6) 2 x − 16 = x 2 − 8 x
In summary:
The graph of an absolute value function y = f ( x)
We can analyze y = f ( x) graphically by examining
• x intercepts (let
= y f= ( x) 0 and solve for x)
• y intercepts (let x = 0 or f (0) and solve)
• maximum or minimum values
• domain (the set of all values for the independent variable “x” in our function)
• range (the set of all values for the dependent variable “y” in our function)

How the graph of y = f ( x) relates to y = f ( x)

Domain- The domain for y = f ( x) is the same as the domain for y = f ( x)

Range- The range for y = f ( x) will depend on the range for y = f ( x)

When comparing the graphs of y = f ( x) and y = f ( x) we often have points that remain the
same for both y = f ( x) and y = f ( x) . These are called Invariant Points.

Let’s review some of the functions on our calculator

Anything in a denotes a key on our calculator
• Absolute Value Symbol - math Num #1: ABS ( Enter

• To input a function into our calculator that is to be graphed, be sure the function is in y
= form or f(x) = form
y = type function into y1
Type 2nd function into y2 , etc…

• Adjust window settings window

Default window settings (the window settings that our calculator reverts to when memory is

x [ −10,10,1] , y [ −10,10,1]
min max scale min max scale

• Table of Values 2nd graph

• 2nd trace This function allows us to determine
 y value given x value #1 : value
 any zeros #2 : zeros
 minimum of graph #3 : min
 maximum of graph #4 : max
 intersection points of graphs #5 : intersection
**Be sure to know how to use your calculator, it is a very powerful tool (if used properly)*
When y = f ( x) the reciprocal function
= is y , f ( x) ≠ 0
f ( x)
= y ≠ f −1 ( x)
f ( x)
Reciprocal Inverse
Function Function

What about the points?

Original Reciprocal
y = f ( x) y=
f ( x)
 1
( x, y )  x,  So the value stays the same and we take the reciprocal of the y
 y

What about the graphs?

Original Function y = f ( x) 1
Reciprocal Function y=
f ( x)
f ( x) = 0 (value of y = f ( x) ) Value is undefined and vertical asymptote
Value of f ( x) = ±1 Values is ±1

Function > 0 (positive) Function > 0 (positive)

Function < 0 (negative) Function < 0 (negative)
Value of function ( f ( x) )increases over a 1
Value of function ( ) decreases over the
certain interval f ( x)
same interval

Value of Function ( f ( x) )decreases over a 1

Value of function ( ) increases over the
certain interval f ( x)
same interval
Linear Graph Invariant points occur when y = ±1
f ( x=
) mx + b 1
( x, −1) →  x,  = ( x, −1)
 −1 
( x,1) →  x,
= ( x,1)
 1
Quadradic Graph Invariant points when y = ±1
Ie. f ( x ) = ax 2 + bx + c Ie. ( x, ±1) are invariant points *********
1. Asymptotes

An asymptote is a line that a curve approaches but never touches.

We have various types of asymptotes, two of which are:

A. Vertical Asymptote
For reciprocal functions, the vertical asymptotes occur at the non permissible values of the
The line x=a is a vertical asymptote if the curve approaches the line more and more closely as
x approaches a.
The curve (graph) will never cross a vertical asymptote.
Because the vertical asymptotes occur at x=a which are all
undefined values for the function.

The vertical asymptotes for y = will occur at the
f ( x)
x intercepts of y = f ( x)
Because the coordinates of x intercepts are ( x, 0 ) for y = f ( x)
And when y = 0 our new point(s) for the reciprocal transformation y =
f ( x)
 1  1
are going to be  x,  →  x,  is undefined therefore, vertical asymptote
 y  0

B. Horizontal Asymptote
A horizontal asymptote describes the behavior of our graph for very large and very small values
of x.
The line y = b is a horizontal asymptote if the values of the function approach b for very large
positive or negative values of x.

2. Invariant Points
When comparing an original graph to a transformation (a new graph)
Ie. y = f ( x) and y = the invariant points are points that do not change. A point that
f ( x)
remains unchanged after a transformation has occurred.
Invariant points for a reciprocal functions (linear and quadratic) occur when f ( x) = ±1 so to
determine the x values of the invariant points of y = we simply solve f ( x) = ±1
f ( x)
A further comparison of y = f ( x) and y =
f ( x)
We will use the simple comparison of y = x and y =
Characteristic 1
y=x y=
Domain {x ∈  } { x ∈  , x ≠ 0}
Range {y ∈  } { y ∈  , y ≠ 0}
End Behaviour As x becomes very large, y
approaches zero from
As x becomes a very large
positive value, y also
becomes a very large
As x becomes very small, y
positive value
approaches zero from
As x becomes very small, y
also becomes very small
Horizontal asymptote at
Behavior at x = 0 Undefined
y=0 Therefore, vertical
asymptote at x = 0
Invariant Points ( −1,1) and (1,1)

10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 y=x 4 y = 1/x
3 3
2 2
1 X 1 X
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
-5 -5
-6 -6
-7 -7
-8 -8
-9 -9
-10 -10
1. Graph the reciprocal of a linear function.
Consider f ( x=) 3x + 6
A. Determine its reciprocal function y =
f ( x)
B. Determine the equation of the vertical asymptote of the reciprocal function
C. Determine any invariant points
D. Graph the function y = f ( x) and its reciprocal function y =
f ( x)
1.A. The reciprocal of f ( x=
) 3 x + 6 simply y =
3x + 6
B. Vertical asymptotes occur where function is undefined (non-permissible values) N.P.V.’s or at
x intercepts of y = f ( x)
To determine N.P.V.’s we set our denominator equal to zero and solve for x
3x + 6 = 0
3 x = −6

C. Invariant points occur where f ( x) = ±1

1 1
f ( x) =
3x + 6 y= =
f ( x ) 3x + 6
so 3 x + 6 =±1
3x + 6 = 1 and 3 x + 6 =−1
3x = −5 3x = −7
−5 −7
x = x
3 3
 −5   −7 
 ,1  , −1
 3   3 
D) Graph of y = f ( x) and y =
f ( x)


-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Created with a trial version of Advanced Grapher -

• Graph =
y 3 x + 6 and y = on calculator
3x + 6
• Use the table ie. 2nd Graph to show that the y-co ordinates of y 2 = simply the
3x + 6
reciprocals of the y-coordinates of y=1 3 x + 6
• Also use Table to show that x intercepts of y=1 3 x + 6 become asymptotes on
y2 = (table doesn’t work use intersection method)
3x + 6
• Invariant points occur where f ( x) = ±1

y 3x + 6
= y=
3x + 6
• Domain {x ∈  } { x ∈  , x ≠ −2}
• Range {y ∈  } { y ∈  , y ≠ 0}

2. Sketch the reciprocal of a quadratic function, 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑥𝑥 2 − 4

Absolute Value Review

Section 7.1 Absolute Value

1. In your own words give a definition of absolute value.

2. Evaluate
a. −6 2
d. −
3 g. −1 + 3
b. 2−4
1 3 h. 5 − −2
e. − −
2 4
c. 4
i. −3 − −4
f. 1.2 − 1.5
3. Evaluate
a. 3

b. �|32 − 24 | + |−11 − 5| − 2�

c. 5 − 7 + 12 + 4 − −9 − 33

Section 7.2 Absolute Value Functions

4. Consider the function f ( x ) = x 2 + 2 x − 3 and g ( x ) = x 2 + 2 x − 3

a. Sketch the graph of each function on the same coordinate grid

b. Determine the Domain and Range for both f(x) and g(x)

c. How do the graphs of f(x) and g(x) differ/same?

5. Write the following absolute value functions as piecewise functions

a. f ( x=
) 2x +1
b. g ( x=
) 4x −1

c. f ( x )= 2 − x
d. g ( x )= 4 − 2 x
6. Do the graphs of all functions change when we take the absolute value of those

7. The cross section of the sloping roof of a house is represented on a coordinate grid so
that the points representing the bottom of the roof lie on the x-axis. The equation of the
function describing the cross section is
h ( x) =− x +4
Where h(x) meters is the height of the roof and x meters is the horizontal distance from
the centre of the roof. What is the width of the bottom of the roof? What is the
maximum height of the roof above the x-axis?

Section 7.3 Absolute Value Equations

8. Solve each absolute value equation algebraically, or graphically if there are 2 absolute
value expressions (your choice).
a. x+4 = x−2 e. x + 2x =

b. 1 − 4 x =
6x f. 4− x =−2 x − 10

c. 3x − 1 = x − 2 g. 3 x − 8 = 2 x + 7

d. x + 4 − 2x =
0 h. x2 − 4 = x2 − 4

9. Solve each absolute value equation algebraically, remembering to check for extraneous
a. x+5 =
10 f. 4− x =−2 x − 10
d. 1 − 4 x =
6x g. 3 x − 8 = 2 x + 7
b. 3x − 1 =4
e. 7x − 2 + 6 =3x
c. 2x +1 =x
h. 2x − 8 − 2 =4x
i. 5 x − 2 =− x − 6

3x − 2
j. =1

10. The distance of the earth from the sun changes at different times of the year. The maximum and
minimum distances of the earth from the sun can be represented by the equation

d − 149.5 =
Where d is measured in millions of kilometers. Solve the equation to find the maximum and
minimum distances of the earth from the sun.

11. An equation that describes the maximum and minimum temperatures at which a chemical
compound is a liquid under normal conditions is

T − 50 =
Where T is the temperature in degrees Celsius. Identify the chemical compound.

Section 7.4 Reciprocal Functions

1. Sketch the graphs of y = f ( x ) and y = on the same set of axes. Label the asymptotes,
f ( x)
the invariant points and the intercepts.

a. f ( x=
) 3x + 7

b. f ( x )= 2 − x

2 15
2.a. 6 b.2 c.4 d . e. f .0.3 g .4 h.3 i. − 1
3 44
3.a. b.28

4. A.

1 X
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Created with a trial version of Advanced Grapher -

B. Domain and Range

f ( x )= x 2 + 2 x − 3 → { x ∈  } , { y ∈  , y ≥ −4}
g ( x ) = x 2 + 2 x − 3 → { x ∈  } , { y ∈  , y ≥ 0}
C. The graph of g(x) is
• The graph of f(x) when x ≤ −3
• The graph of f(x) when x ≥ 1
• A reflection of f(x) about the x-axis when −3 ≤ x ≤ 1
 ( 2 x + 1) if 2 x + 1 ≥ 0 
5.a. f ( x ) =  
 − ( 2 x + 1) if 2 x + 1 < 0 
 1 
 2 x + 1 if x ≥ − 2 
f ( x) =  
 −-2x-1 1
2 x + 1 if x < −
 2 
 ( 4 x − 1) if 4 x − 1 ≥ 0 
b.g ( x ) =  
 − ( 4 x − 1) if 4 x − 1 < 0 
 1 
 4 x − 1 if x ≥ 4 
g ( x) =  
 −-4x + 1 1
4 x − 1 if x <
 4 
 ( 2 − x ) if 2 − x ≤ 0 
c. f ( x ) =  
 − ( 2 − x ) if 2 − x > 0 
 2 − x if x ≤ 2 
f ( x) =  
 − 2 + x if x > 2 
 ( 4 − 2 x ) if 4 − 2 x ≥ 0 
d .g ( x ) =  
 − ( 4 − 2 x ) if 4 − 2 x > 0 
 4 − 2 x if x ≤ 2 
g ( x) =  
 − 4 + 2 x if x > 2 

6. The graphs of functions only change when we apply absolute value. If any part of the original
function graph is below the x-axis, the part of the graph that is below the x-axis will then reflect
over the x-axis.

7. The width of the roof is 8m. The height of the roof, above the x-axis is 4m

1 −3 1 −4
8.a. x = −1 b. x =c. x =or x = d . x =or x = 4 e. x = −1 or x =1
10 2 4 3
f . x = −14 g . x = h. x ≤ −2 or x > 2
5 1
9. a. x = 5, x = −15 b. x = , x= − 1 c. No Solution d . x = e. No Solution
3 10
17 −2
f. x= −14 g . x = 31 , x = h. x ==1 i. x −1 j. x ==
5 3
10. Maximum distance of the earth from the sun in millions of Kms is d =152
Our minimum distance of the earth from the sun in millions of Kms is d=147

11. Water is the chemical compound

12.a. Asymptotes
y = f(x) – None
y = 1/f(x)– Horizontal y = 0 Vertical x = 2/3
Invariant points occur at ( - 2 , 1) and ( -8/3 , -1)
Intercepts y = f(x) – x intercept – (-7/3 , 0) y intercept – (0 , 7)
y = g(x) – x intercept – (none) y intercept – (0 , 1/7)

b. Asymptotes
y = f(x) – None
y = 1/f(x)– Horizontal y = 0 Vertical x = 8/5
Invariant points occur at (4/5 , 1) and ( 12/5 , -1)
Intercepts y = f(x) – x intercept – (8/5 , 0) y intercept – (0 , 2)
y = g(x) – x intercept – (none) y intercept – (0 , 1/2)

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