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Mrs. Barkow 5th period

February 9th, 2021 “Nothing gold can stay” analysis

“Nothing gold can stay” by Robert Frost is a poem about the beauty of nature. He uses

symbols in his poem referring to sunrise and sunsets.

In the poem “nothing gold can stay” by Robert Frost he uses symbols to refer to how

nature is beauty, and nothing will last forever. He uses literary devices referring to that when the

leaves fall off the trees new ones always come back over and over. Robert Frost states in his

poem “nature's first green is gold” what robert frost could mean by that is when it slowly

becomes spring the first buds of flowers or the first blooms of something and how it has its own

beauty over and over again.“So dawn goes down to day Nothing gold can stay.” everything is

like a sunset or a sunrise, the sun rises each and every morning and holds a great light during the

day but at night it goes away and the sun sets.

Robert Frost in his poem “nothing gold can stay” he refers to the fact that everything in

nature has its own beauty but at some point in time it will go away. Using that and referring to

spring robert frost is talking about buds blooming and leaves growing back on the trees green.

All of nature has its own beauty and

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