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06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:19 AM Page 51

Selected Answers

Chapter 1 e. Yes, any vertical line will intersect the graph no more than
once, f. increasing, g. It is the same, 7.75; 3. a. 7238;
Activity 1.1 Exercises: 1. a. Weight is input, and height is 11,494; 17,157; 24,429, c. The practical domain is
output. c. Height is input, and weight is output. 0  r  25. The practical range is 0  h  65,450,
3. a. Yes, for each numerical grade there will correspond
e. f 1r2  pr 3, g.
only one letter grade. b. No, for each letter grade there 4
may correspond several different numerical grades. For 3
example, an A may be based on 92% or 94%. 5. a. Yes,
in this table each elevation is paired with only one amount
of snowfall. b. Yes, in this table each quantity of snow is i. Using the vertical line test, I can see that no vertical line
paired with one elevation. 7. a. Yes, each input value has crosses the graph more than once. The graph represents a
only one output value. b. No, the one input 5 is paired function.
with four different outputs. 9. a. The input is x, the out- 4. a. b. The graph is a horizontal line;
put is g1x2 or y. The function name is g, y equals g of x, 5. a. This is a function.
c. The input is 6. The output is 3.527. The name is f, f of 6 b. This is not a function.
equals 3.527, e. The input is price. The output is sales tax. 6. Xmin  9, Xmax  9,
The name is T. Sales tax is a function of price. Ymin  254,000,
10. a. 1600; 2400, c. f 162  2400; Ymax  54,000
answers may vary
Activity 1.2 Exercises: 1. x is the input, h1x2 is the output,
h is the function, h1x2  0.08x. 3. f 122  1, How Can I Practice? 1. a. Yes, because for each point total
f 13.22  11.4, f 1 p 2  1.2832, f 1a2  2a  5; there is only one grade. b. Yes. For each numerical grade
5. f 122  4, f 13.22  4, f 1 p 2  4, f 1a2  4; in the table, there is one value of total points.
c. f  {1432, 86.42, 1394, 78.82, 1495, 992,
7. x h11x22 9. a. The distance traveled is 3 times 1330, 662, 1213, 42.62},
the number of hours I have hiked.
10 0.1
b. The input is hours. The output is d. e. f 13942  78.8,
20 0.05
Numerical Grade

distance. d. h1t2 is the dependent 80
30 0.033 70
variable since distance is the output. 60
40 0.025 50

f. h172  3172  21. 17, 212,

h. The practical domain depends on the individual and is 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Total Points
probably real numbers from 0 to about 8. Using this do-
main, the range is real numbers from 0 to 24. 10. a. The f. 78.8, g. f 12132  42.6, h. 42.6, i. n  330; 2. This is
domain is 2  x  3, and the range is 1  y  2. a function. 3. This could be a function, depending on how
c. The domain is all real numbers. The range is y  0. activity level is measured. 4. This is a function. 5. This
11. a. domain {2, 0, 5, 8}, range {4, 3, 8, 11}; is not a function. 6. This is a function. 7. This is not a
12. a. 0  C  100; b. 32  F  212; function. The input 3 has two different outputs. 8. This
is a function. 9. This is a function. 10. This is not a
Activity 1.3 Exercises: 1. a. 3.7, 6.4, 9.1, 11.8, function. 11. a. c  120h, b. f 1h2  120h, c. 240,
b. f 125002  7.75 inches of snow, c. f 120002  4.4 480, 840, 960, 1320, d. $360, 13, 3002, e. h  5 hours,
It has no meaning in this context. 2000 would mean 2000 f. f 1h2 or c is the output variable. This is the variable that
feet below sea level, but 4.4 inches of snow is not possible. depends on the number of credits taken. g. h is the indepen-
d. Xmin  0, Xmax  5000, Ymin  0, Ymax  15, dent variable. It is the input variable. h. For each value of
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A-52 Selected Answers

input, there is one value of output, i. Assuming there are no Activity 1.6 Exercises: 1. a. yes, linear; m  10,
half-credit courses, the practical domain is all whole num-
b. no, not linear, c. yes, linear m  94 ; 3. a. Yes, the
bers from 0 to 11, depending on the college, j. The horizon-
rate of change is a constant 3. b. No, between weeks 1
tal axis represents the input. f (h)
and 2 the slope is 5. Between weeks 2 and 3, the slope is
4. c. Yes, the slope is 0 for all pairs of points.

5  172
5. a. m  0  2  2 6, b. 10, 52, c. f1x2  6x  5,

d. 1 56, 0 2 ; 7. a. Yes, the slope is a constant.



b. m  3000  500
20  25 ft/sec, c. The jet is
losing altitude, d. 10, 35002, e. h  25t  3500,
20  0

f. 1140, 02; The jet lands in 140 seconds. 8. a. 11/2, 02,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Hours, h

b. 16, 02
k. f 1h2 is a function because the graph passes the vertical
line test, m. $963; 12. a. p132  13, b. p 142  1,
c. p 1 12 2  8, d. p 102  7; 13. a. t122  3,
1 4
Activity 1.7 Exercises: 1. a. y  2 x  1, b. y   x  1,
b. t132  18  9  5  22; 14. a. 48, 59, 67, 73, 75, 6  132 63 9 3 3
b. f 1852  0.271852  48.3  71. The life expectancy for d. m 
2  142

  , y  x  b,
6 2 2
a male born in 1985 is 71 years,
6  122  b, 6  3  b, b  3, y  x  3,
3 3
c. d. The graph is increasing. 2 2
It is rising to the right. e. 5  3122  b, b  11, y  3x  11; 2. a. 10, 352;
e. They are the same. The vertical intercept occurs where the input x  0.
15. a. domain {3, 4, 5, 6}, range {5, 8, 10}, b. domain 40  35 5
b. m    0.05; The mileage charges are
{0, 50, 100, 150, 200}, range {19.95, 23.45, 26.95, 30.45, 100  0 100
33.95}, c. domain 3  x  4, range 1  y  3, $0.05 per mile. c. c  0.05x  35;
d. domain 3  x  3, range 0  y  4, e. Domain is all 145  75 70
3. a. m    35 mph,
real numbers, range is all real numbers; 16. a. The net 42 2
profit increases during the first two quarters of 1993. The net b. d  35t  b 75  35122  b 75  70  b b  5
profit then decreases for about 2.5 quarters, and then it d  35t  5; 4. a. i. m  1, ii. 10, 22, iii. y  x  2,
c. i. m  2, ii. 10, 62, iii. y  2x  6;
increases through the final quarter of 1994. b. The annual
income rises rather steadily for 3 years; in the fourth year, it
 6.28, b. 1 0, 02, c. C  6.28r,
31.42  0
rises sharply. Then it suffers a sharp decline during the next 7. a. m 
year. During the last year, the income recovers to about the 50
d. C  2pr, e. Yes,  is approximately 3.14, so 2 is
point it was originally.
approximately 6.28.
27.1  22.8
Activity 1.5 Exercises: 1. a.  4.3
40  0.1075
Exercises: 1. a. y  2x  3, m  2, 10, 32,
1990  1950
years/year, b. The median age of a man at the time of his Activity 1.8
first marriage is increasing at an average rate of .1075 b. y  x  2, m  1, 10, 22, c. y  23 x  73, m  23,
1 0,73 2 ,
years/year. 3. 26.8 90  1.7
90  0.019 years/year; d. y  12 x 2, m  12, 10, 22, e. y  4, m  0, 10, 42;
5. a. It means that the median age of a man at the time of
his first marriage is decreasing. b. 1910–1920, 3. a. y b. This is not a function. It
1920–1930, or 1940–1950, c. The graph would go down does not pass the vertical line

to the right. 8. a. 1519  1476 x = –2

test; c. x  2; d. The slope
1998  1997  43 new hotels/year, 2

1402  1519 is undefined.

b.  117 new hotels/year, c. The rate of new
1999  1998 –4 –2 2 4
e. vertical: none; horizontal:
12, 02; 5. a. f1x2  2000,
hotel construction increased from 1997 to 1998 then
decreased from 1998 to 1999. d. The graph is going down b. 2000, 2000, 2000;
to the right. The rate of new hotel construction is decreasing.
760  668 92 c.
9. a. 1970  1960  10  9.2 gal/year,
520  668 148
b. 1990  1960  30  4.93 gal>year,
550  530 20
c. 2003  1995  8  2.5 gal>year, d. The slope is zero. This means the fee does not change.
550  668 118
2003  1960  43  2.74 gal>year,
e. The graph is a horizontal line through 10, 20002.
e. It means that from 1960 to 1999, the average fuel con- 6. a. 250w, b. 200d, c. 250w  200d  10,000,
 50  54 w , e. 140, 02; The maximum
sumption per year of a passenger car in the United States d. d  10,000200
decreased by about 3 gal/year. number of washers I can purchase is 40.
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:19 AM Page 53

Selected answers A-53

Activity 1.9 Exercises: 17. a. y b. y  0.322x  24.156,

29 c. y  27.054,
1. a. b. (Answers will vary.) 28

Yes, the points are very

d. y  30.596;
close to a line. c. f 1x2 
50 25
40 23
2.299x  0.761, 22

30 x
2 4 6 8 101214
d. 22.229, e. 56.714,
b. f 1x2 0.728x 8.472,

18. a. 32

Percentage of Elected Women Executives


x 28 c. In 1986, x  9;
f 192  15.0%. In 2010,
3 6 9 12 15 18

x  33; f 1332 
f. f 1102 is more accurate; 10 is within the given data. 25 is 16
32.5%, d. 1986 be-
not. f 1102 uses interpolation. f 1252 uses extrapolation; 12
cause it is interpolated
2. b. f 1t2  1.150t  8.579, c. The slope of the line is 8
from the data. The
1.150. This means that the average debt per person is in- 4
2010 percentage was a
creasing at an average rate of $1150 per year. d. The 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
result of extrapolation,
Years since 1977
regression line predicts an average debt of $13,179 in 1990. which is usually less
This is 179 above the actual, 13,000, an error of slightly accurate.
less than 1.4%. e. $26,979, f. extrapolation;
Activity 1.10 Exercises:
How Can I Practice? 1. a. g1x2  2x  3, 1. a. Numerically Graphically
b. h1x2  2x 3, c. x  2, d. none, e. f 1x2 2x 3, y
f. y  2x, g. y  2, h. none, i. none; 2. a. 28, 40, x y1 y2 y = 2x + 3

52, 60, 68, b. yes, c. 4, d. c  f 1m2  4m  20;

0 3 7
(1, 5)
1 2 12
e. c f. This represents the 4

monthly charge. g. 10, 202;

2 7 17 2
80 y = –x + 6
60 It indicates that the initial 3 12 22 x
f (m) = 4m + 20 1 2 3
40 rental cost is $20. 4 17 27
h. 15, 02. It has no practical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112
m meaning in this case. Algebraically (substitution method)
y  2x  3 y  x  6
i. 65  4m  20 or 45  4m or m  11.25. I can keep the
2x  3  x  6 y  1  6
graphing calculator for 11 months. 3. a. 1.5, b. 1.5,
x x y5
The answer is 11, 52.
c. s1t2 is a linear function because the rate of change is con-
12  8 1 2 3x  3  6
stant. 4. m  5  3  2 ; 5. m  4; 6. m  5 ;
7. y  7x  4; 8. y  2x  10; 9. y  5; 3x  3
10. x  3; 11. y  12 x  2; 12. y  13 x  3; 33
13. y 14. y c. Numerically Graphically
6 4
2 x y1 y1
–x – 3
3 5
x 0 3 7 y = 5x + 7
–4 –2 2 4

–3 3 6
x –2
1 2 12 5
–3 2 7 17
(2, –3)

3 12 22 x
–6 –2 2
4 17 27 y = 5x – 3
15. y 16. y

2 Algebraically (substitution method)
4x – 5y = 20
x –4 –2 2 4
y  5x  3 y  5x  7
–2 2 4 6 –2
y = –4 5x  3  5x  7 There is no solution.
–6 5x  5x
3  7 false
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A-54 Selected Answers

2. a. s  17.2  1.5n, b. s  9.6  2.3n, c. in the year 7. x 7 2 9. x 6 4

2012; 3. a. c  3560  15n, b. c  2850  28n, y y

c. n  54.6 or 55 months, d. dealer 1’s system; 2 (5, 7)

5. a. –2 2
SINCE 1975 2
(–2, –6)
0 77.01 68.94 x
–2 2

25 79.66 73.94

50 82.31 78.94 11. x  8 13. x  0.4

y y
100 87.61 88.94

75 84.96 83.94

80 85.49 84.94
(–0.4, 0.8) 1

85 86.02 85.94
86 86.13 86.14 (8, 0)
x x
2 –1 1

b. 86 years after 1975, year 2061, the life expectancy for

both men and women will be 86 years. c. 185.8, 86.12, 15. 1 6 x 6 2
d. E  86.10; 7. a. 2  x, y  4, b. 16  y, x  39, y

1 3
c. y  2, x 4, d. 1  3, no solution;

Activity 1.11 Exercises: 1. a. x  5, b. x  2, 2 (1, 1)

c.  x; 3. a. y  5, (1, 52, b. y  3, (2, 32;
7 –2 2

5. a. 8x  5y  106
x  6y  24,
b. x  6y  24
17. a. 14.25t  598.69 6 200, b. t 7 27.98; 28 years
816y  242  5y  106 after 1985, the year 2013; 18. a. C  5495  0.29n,
48y  192  5y  106 b. C  39.95  0.49n,
43y  86 c. 39.95  0.49n 6 54.95  0.29n, d. n 6 75;
y2 19. a. 150  60n, b. 150  60n  1200, c. n  17.5
x  6122  24  12 The maximum number of boxes that can be placed in the
112, 22 Each centerpiece costs $12, and each glass costs $2. elevator is 17. 20. 57.5  w  70;
21. a. 79.8  F  134 , b. 79.8  1.8C  32  134;
c. 8x  5y  106 8x  5y  106
81x  6y2  81242 8x  48y  192 Activity 1.14 Exercises:
1. e. 1.20  .901112  $11.10;
8x  48y  192
3. a.
43y  86
2.5x x  15,000
y2 f 1x2  • 37,500  31x  15,0002 15,000  x  21,000
x  6122  24 55,500  41x  21,0002 x 7 21,000
x  12  24 b. d. 23,375 books;
x  12, 5. a. f (x2: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2;
g(x2: 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;

Activity 1.15 Exercises: 1. a. 0.25 cm,

b. 0x  8 0  0.25, c. 7.75 8 8.25
7.75  x  8.25;
4. a.
–8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
x  8 or x  2,
Activity 1.12 Exercises: 1. 10, 3, 52; 3. 15, 3, 12; c. 165 170 175 180 185 190
170  x  180,
5. a. dependent, b. inconsistent;
e. – 30 – 25 – 20 – 15 – 10 – 5 0
25 6 x 6 15;
Activity 1.13 Exercises: 1. l  w  d  61; 9. a. 0x  0.25 0  0.025, b. 0.225  x  0.275; accept-
3. C1A2 6 C1B2; 5. 24,650 6 i  59,750; able thickness of the sheet of steel 0.20 0.225 0.25 0.275 0.30
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 55

Selected answers A-55

How Can I Practice? b. 6.8  x  9.2, c. 0x  8 0 7 1.2, d. x 7 9.2 or

1. a. (1, 42 b. (3, 22 x 6 6.8;
y y

x – 2y = –1 Gateway Review 1. a. Yes, it is a function. b. No, it is not
x + y = –3
y=x–5 2
a function. There are two different outputs paired with 2.
(3, 2)
–4 –2 2 4
c. y Yes, it is a function.
–2 –4 –2 2 4
–2 4x – 3y = 6
–4 (1, –4)

c. (4, 52 d. 2  6 inconsistent;

2. 20, 36, 44, 60, 76, a. Yes, for each input there is one
y no solution;
output. b. The input is x, the number of hours worked.

5x – 4 y = 0 c. The dependent variable is f(x2, the total cost. d. Negative
values would not be realistic domain values. A negative
–4 –2 2 4
–2 number of hours worked does not make sense. e. The rate
2x – 3y = 7
–4 of change is $8 per hour. f. The rate of change is $8 per
(–4, –5)
–6 hour. g. The rate of change between any two points is $8
per hour. h. The relationship is linear. i. f 1x2  8x  20,
2. a. (1, 42, b. (3, 22, c. (4, 52, d. inconsistent;
j. The slope is the hourly rate I charge, $8 per hour,
3. (1, 5, 22; 4. y
k. (0, 202 is the vertical intercept. The 20 represents the fertil-
izer cost. l. f 142  8142  20  52, m. 8x  20  92 or
6 H (x)
8x  72 or x  9; I need to work 9 hours for the cost to
–4 –3 4

equal exactly $92. 3. a. f 122  14, g122  10,


b. 6  152  11, c. 24  16  8,
–24 d. 36122  72; 4. a. This represents a linear func-
tion. The constant slope is 4. b. This represents a linear
5. a. x  11 or x  3 –3 4 11
function. c. This does not represent a linear function.
b. 2>3  x  10>3 2 10
d. This represents a linear function.
– ––
3 3
93 12 4
0 1 2 3 4 5. a. m    , b. m  37,
4  5 9 3
c. x  9 or x < 4 1
c. m  2 ; 6. a. y  4, b. y  2x  5,
–4 5 9
– y

6. a. x  1.8, b. x 7 6, c. 1  x 6 5;
c. 14  3162  b, b  4,
y  3x  4,
7. a. t  d  80, 0.50t  0.75d  52, (2, 2)
b. d  48, t  32, c. 2 4
d. 2  2172  b, b  16,
y  2x  16,
e. x  2, f. 0  5142  b, b  20, y  5x  20,
8. a. y  80  30x, y  50  40x, g. 16  4122  b, b  8, y  4x  8, h. y  2 x  5;
b. COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 c. y 7. y y  2
5 x  2;
140 130 200
(0, 2)
(3, 170)
200 210 (5, 0)

260 290 100

320 370 8. a. f 1x2  300,000  10,000x, b. m  10,000. The

building depreciates $10,000 per year. c. (0, 300,0002; the
1 2 3 4
original value is $300,000, d. (30, 02; it takes 30 years for
the building to fully depreciate; 9. a. (0, 32, b. (0, 32,
d. 3 hours; the total cost is $170, c. (0, 32, d. The graphs all intersect at the point (0, 32.
e. x  3, y  80  90  170, f. I will use Towne Truck; e. The results are the same. 10. a. m  2; (0, 12,
its graph is below World Transport for x  6; b. m  2; (0, 12, c. m  2; (0, 32, d. The graphs
9. a. y  2x, b. x  7, y  14, z  6, c. It checks; are parallel lines. e. The results are the same.
10. a. 5 6 x  6, b. x 6 5 or x  3, 11. a. m  3; (0, 22, b. m  3; (0, 22 m  3; (0, 22,
c. 3  x 6 4; 11. a. x  1367, c. m  3; (0, 22, d. The graphs are all the same.
b. 1034  x  1500; 12. a. 0x  8 0  1.2, e. the slopes, f. the slopes and the y-intercepts,
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A-56 Selected Answers

g. The results are the same. 12. a. (0, 1502, (75, 02, 21. a. y b. increasing x 7 2,
y c. The domain and range are all real 6 decreasing x 6 2,
numbers. d. w1t2  2t  150,
f (x ) = |x + 2|
4 c. The domain is all real

(0, 150) e. They are essentially the same. 2 numbers. d. The range is
y = –2x + 150 f. The vertical intercept is (0, 1502. It –6 –4 –2 2
y  0. e. g is the reflection
indicates the person’s initial weight of through the x-axis.
f. f shifts the graph of y  0x 0 2 units to the left. h shifts the

x 150 pounds. The horizontal intercept

(75, 0)

graph of y  0x 0 2 units up. 22. a. x  28 or x  18,

50 100 150
(75, 02 indicates that after 75 weeks of
weight loss, the person weighs nothing.
b. x  5 or x  19, c. x  11 1
2 or x  2 ,
g. The practical domain is 0  t  15. The practical range
is 120  w1t2  150. 13. a. f 1x2  25, d. x  51 or x  1;
b. y horizontal line through (0, 252, 23. a. 2.3  x  2.7 b. x 7 3 or x 6 7

c. The slope is 0. 2.3 2.7 –7 –3

20 16
f (x ) = 25

c. 3 6 x 6 6 d. x
3 3
3 9 6 20 – —–
18 – —–
– – —–
14. y 2 3 3 3

6 24. a. ƒ x  453 ƒ  8, b. 445  x  461.

–4 –2 –2 2 4
Chapter 2
–10 Activity 2.1 Exercises:

1. a.
15. a. 1500 if x  10,000
f 1x2  • 1500  0.291x  10,0002
100 250 350
if 10,000 6 x  40,000,
100 500 600
2100  0.041x  40,0002 if x 7 40,000
100 750 850
b. Xmin  0, Xmax  50,000, Ymin  0, Ymax  3000, 100 1000 1100
Xscl  500 100 1250 1350

b. C1x2  12.50x  100,

c. f 125,0002  1500  0.02115,0002  1800, c. COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4

d. x  66,250; 16. a. y  1040x  7900 or 3 2,250 292.50

t1n2  1040n  7900, b. 1040; the number of finishers 6 4,500 585

increased at a rate of 1040 per year, c. (0, 79002; the 9 6,750 877.50
model indicates that there were 7900 finishers in 1994, 12 9,000 1,170
d. pretty well, e. 14,140, f. I used extrapolation because 15 11,250 1,462.50
I am predicting outside the original data. g. No, 2024 is far-
ther from the data than 2000. The farther removed we are
d. R1x2  0.131750210.15x2  14.625x,
from the data, the more likely our prediction is incorrect. e. P1x22.125x  100, f. 0  x  the number of people
17. a. 13, 12, b. 11, 62, c. y
the banquet room will accommodate. g. Set P1x2 5 0 and
d. 4  4; this is a dependent solve for x, x  47.06; 48 people must attend. h. Set the
system. Any pair of numbers 2x + y = 10 profit equal to 500 and solve for x; 500  2.125x  100;
x  282.35; 283 must attend. 3. 1 f  g21x2: 4, 6, 1, 6,
that satisfies one equation No solution

2, 8; 1 f  g21x2: 2, 4, 1, 8, 4, 0; 5. a. 5x  2,

y = –2x + 13
satisfies both equations. 4

2 4 6 8
x b. x2  3x  8, c. x  30, d. 3x2  8x  3,
e. 15x  15, f. 11, g. 5x2  5x  9,
18. x  4.50, y  0.75; 19. a. (0, 1, 22, b. (3, 1, 02, h. 6x2  15x  4, i. 5x  25, j. 33x  10;
c. (0.5, 0.25, 0.52, d. (12, 7, 92; 20. a. It is a good 7. a. 4x2  x, b. 4x2  5x  9, c. 3  4x,
deal. b. Answers will vary. I would not take advantage of d. 4x2  5x  3; 9. a. 1, 9, 11, 5, 9, 31,
this. I don’t give away many pictures. b. 1 f  g21x2  x2  5x  5, c. The answers check.
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:41 AM Page 57

Selected answers A-57

Activity 2.2 Exercises: b. x f 1x22 g11x22 f 1x22 g11x22

1. a.  x  1 b.  x  5 0 1 3 3
y y 1 2 1 2
f +g f
4 g
2 3 1 3
2 3 4 3 12
–4 –2 2 4
–4 –2 2 4
x 4 5 5 25
f–g –2

c. Answers may vary depending on the choices of x.
Activity 2.4 Exercises: 1. 7.29440445  1011;
c.  x  5 3. a. 3  1021, b. 4.5  1016,
c. 9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
9  1027 6.35  108
 1016  2  10 ; 5. a. 2.27  109 ,
y 11
d. 4.5
b. 2.797  101; 7. 1; 9. 10; 11. x44; 15. 3y4
6 f+g
f 5x4 ;
17. 3x3  x33; 19. 2a1
4 g
2b3 ;

x How Can I Practice? 1. a. x  30, b. N  f 1t2  30  t,

c. C  g1t2  20  0.5t, d. N  f 1t2: 30, 32, 34, 36, 38,
–4 –2 2 4

–4 40; C  g1t2: 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15,

e. R1t2: 600, 608, 612, 612, 608, 600,
2. a.  2x  5 b.  2x  1 f. R1t2  f 1t2 # g1t2  130  t2120  0.5t2 
0.5t 2  5t  600,
y y
f g –f f
g. Xmin = –10
h. $612.50 is the maximum
4 4
f +g
Xmax = 50
Ymin = –200
revenue if 35 couples attend.
2 2
Ymax = 800 i. 35 tickets must be sold to
x x
–4 –2 2 4
–4 –2 2 4
g 200 obtain the maximum revenue.
–2 –2

–4 –4 10 20 30 40

–6 –6
2. a. 3x  1, b. x  5, c. 2x2  x  6, d. 2, e. 0,
3. y
f. 3x  6; 3. a. 3x  5, b. x4  x3  5x2  9x  4,
f c. 0, d. x2  7x  14; 4. a. 5x  2,
b. 2x2  2x  8, c. 2x  12, d. 2x2  13x  8,
e. 5x2  x  2; 5. a. x4, b. x9, c. 6x8, d. x5y6z,
e. 10x6y5z8, f. 30a5b3; 6. a. x2  7x  10,
–6 –4 –2 2 4
–2 f +g
b. 4x2  25x  21, c. 4x2  9, d. x3  x2  11x  10,
e. 2x3  x2  3x  2, f. 2x2  5x  21,
g. 11x2  2x, h. x5  x3  3x2  2x  1,
Activity 2.3 Exercises: 1. a. 13x212x2  6x2, b. 2x  3, i. 9x2  30x  25, j. 4x2  28x  49,
c. 12x  3213x2  6x2  9x; 3. a. 50  x, k. x3  12x2  48x  64, l. 25x2  49; 7. a. 2650,
b. 7.50  0.05x, c. C1x2  150  x217.50  0.05x2 , 3025, 3400, 3775, 4150, b. f 1t2  75x  2650, c. 1500,
d. The domain is 0  x  50, 2125, 2750, 3375, 4000, d. f 1t2  125x  1500, e. 50,
e. f. C1x2  0.05x2  5x  375, 50, 50, 50, 50, f. h1t2  50, g. k1t2  200x  4200,
h. f 1t22 g11t22 h11t22 k11t22

2875 1875 50 4800

g. The graphs are the same. 3550 3000 50 6600

4000 3750 50 7800

x2 3x 5 4525 4625 50 9200

x x3 3x2 5x
i. It will equal $10,000 in 2019. 8. a. 17, 3, 7, 5, 33,
3 3x2 9x 15 77, b. 1 f  g21x2  2x2  2x  7, c. The answers check.
2 1
9. a. x 3, b. 9x2, c. 34, d. 1, e. 2x7, f. 6x4y8, g. 4,
x3  6x2  4x  15; 7. a. 6x2  19x  10, 2 5y 2 15 a 4

b. 6x2  19x  10, c. 4x2  5x  6, d. 4x2  5x  6; h. 3x 4, i. x 4 , j. x 5 , k. 2x6, l. b4c5; 10. a. 10,080,000,

9. a. 9x2  12x  4, b. 25x2  4, c. x4  25, d. The b. I own approximately 0.2 of a square mile.
outer product and inner product are opposites. Their sum is 0. c. 3.4339  1014 cu mi; 11. a. 2.75  108; 8.61  107,
10. f 1x2 # g1x2  2x2  x  3,
2.75  108 2.75  10 27.5
b. 8.61  107  8.61  8.61  3.20 or approximately 1 in 3;
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 58

A-58 Selected Answers

5. a. m  115.12 50 57.56  1.1512, b. You have 1.1512

7.198 10 7.26 10 6
12. 3.636 106  3.6 106  2 100  2. The zero property
of exponents was used. 13. a. A  35  12x  x2, Canadian dollars for one U.S. dollar. c. f 1x2  1.1512x,
b. 17  4215  42  99, or 35  12142  42  99; d. f 130002  $3453.60. If I have $3000 U.S., then I can
99  35  64 sq. ft., c. A  pr2, for the umbrella exchange it for $3453.60 Canadian.
A  p 1r  22 2, or A  pr  4pr  4p; 100  50
e. m  115.12  57.56  0.8687, f. You have 0.8687 U.S
dollars for one Canadian dollar. g. g1x2  0.8687x,
Activity 2.5 Exercises: 1. a. g122  200. The radius of the
h. g160002  $5212.20. If I have $6000 Canadian, then I
slick is 200 ft. 2 hr. after the spill.
b. f 1g122 2  f 12002  p 12002 2  125,664. The area of
can exchange it for $5212.20 U.S.
i. f 1g1x2 2  f 10.8687x2  1.151210.8687x2  x,
g1 f 1x2 2  g11.1512x2  0.868711.1512x2  x;
the oil slick is 125,664 sq. ft. 2 hr. after the spill.
c. f 1g1102 2  f 110002  p 110002 2  1,000,000p .
This is the area of the slick after 10 hr. Activity 2.9 Exercises: 1. a. P  f 1S2  0.05S  250,
d. f 1g1t2 2  f 1100t2  p 1100t2 2  10,000pt2, b. f 160002  0.05160002  250  550. The weekly
e. f 1g1102 2  10,000p 1102 2  1,000,000p . The results are salary for $6000 worth of sales is $550.
 250  250
the same. 3.  18x 2  18x  3, b.  6t 2  6t  2; c. S  g1P2  P 0.05 , d. g14002  4000.05  3000.
A weekly salary of $400 means I sold $3000 worth of
merchandise. e. g1 f 180002 2  8000; 3. a. y  3x  4
5. a. L1x2  0.99x, b. D1x2  0.90x,
c. S1x2  L1D1x2 2  L10.90x2  0.9910.90x2  0.891x, so x  3y  4 or y  f 1 1x2  x 3 4, b. z  w  4
d. S15002  0.89115002  446, e. D1x2 needs to be w  g 1x2  2z  4, c. t  s or s  t ;
1 5 5

improved because the air bags fail 10% of the time, whereas 5. y g and h are inverses. The graphs
the seat belts fail only 1% of the time. 6 y=x of g and h are symmetric with
Activity 2.6 Exercises: 1. a. f 1x2  5280x, 4 h respect to the line y  x.
b. f 152  26,400, c. g1w2  12w, 2

d. g126,4002  316,800,
e. g1 f 1x2 2  g15280x2  1215280x2  63,360x,
–4 –2 2 4 6

f. g1 f 152 2  63,360152  316,800; 5 miles is equivalent –2

to 316,800 inches; 3. a. f 1x2  x  1500,

b. g1x2  0.9x, c. g1 f 120,0002 2  g120,000  15002  7. a. g1 1x2  3x 4 6, b. y

0.9118,5002  $16,650. The price of a $20,000 car with a c. Yes, because the g

$1500 rebate and a 10% discount is $16,650; 5. a. 8, graphs are reflections

4 g –1

b. 4, c. 15, d. 2; in the line y  x.


Activity 2.7 Exercises: 1. a. f 112  6, b. g1122  9,

–4 –2 2 4 6

c. f 1x  32  2x  2, d. g12x  82  2x  5;

3. f 1g1x2 2  x18; g1 f 1x2 2  g1x6 2  x18; 5. a. 10,


1 1
3 1 6 3 4x 2  6
b. 12, c. 4, d. 256, e. 1.903654, f. 4, g.  ,
225 5
d. g1 a b
6  4x 4x
1 1 1   x.
1 227 2 2 32 9
h. 3   ; 7. a. x1>2, b. x3>4, 3 4 4
Yes, because g1 1g1x2 2  x.
c. 1x  y2 1>3, d. a1 2>5 2b1 3>52; 9. a. 4, b. 0, c. 3;
10. a. t  f 1L2  2p 1 32 2 , b. t  6.28 3 324  2.22 sec.;
L 1>2 9. a. y
S –1 b.

Activity 2.8 Exercises: 1. a. 7, b. 4, c. x, d. x; 6

2. a. h  513, 22, 14, 32, 15, 42, 16, 526,

1 4

b. h132  4 h1 1h132 2  3,


c. h1 152  4 h1h1 152 2  5; 2

c. The area of the square is
4 6 8

the input. The length of the

3. a. x r11x22 side of the square is the output. d. The length of the side
2 0 of the square is the input. The area of the square is the
3 1
output. e. Given the length of the side, we can determine
the area of the granite top.
4 2
How Can I Practice? 1. a. f 112  3, b. g152  7,
c. f 1x  22  1x  22 2  4  x2  4x,
2 3

b. No, because the input value 2 is paired with two d. g1x2  42  x2  4  2  x2  2,

different output values, 0 and 3. c. No, the interchange of e. f 1x2  42  1x2  42 2  x4  8x2  12,
the input and output values does not result in a function. f. x  y  2 or y  g1 1x2  x  2;
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 59

Selected answers A-59

2. a. f 122  6, b. g112  2, c. g122  2, 12. a. 421.98 euros, b. $428.02,

d. f 14  x  x2 2  14  x  x2 2  4  x  x2, c. g1 f 1x2 2  g1.007033x2  1.222910.007033x2
e. x2  9x  16, f. x  y  4 or y  f 1 1x2  x  4;  0.0086007x,
3. 1, 3, 2, 1, 0; 4. a. x8, b. x3y3, c. 32x20y5, d. g1 f 160,0002 2  0.0086007160,0002  $516.04;
d. 432x10y4, e. 25, f. 25, g. 4x2, h. 8x3, i. 8x22, 13. x  43; 14. a. b  f 1x2  x2, V  g1b2  10b,
j. 125, k. 16, l. 3, m. 27 2 4
64 , n. 1.59, o. x y , p. x ,
b. V  g1 f 1x2 2  g1x2 2  10x2;
q. 2x 11>32y 11>32; 5. a. g13x2 2  213x2 2 3  54x6,
b. f 12x3 2  312x3 2 2  12x6,
Gateway Review 1. 2x2  2x  1, b. x2  5x  4,
c. 4x2  13x  3, d. x3  7x2  13x  15,
c. g1482  21482 3  221,184;
e. 11x  11, f. 2x4  5x3  4x2  7x  4; 2. a. 6x8,
6. a. s14x  12  14x  12 2  414x  12  1 
b. 16x6y2, c. 2x5y3, d. 10x5y5z4, e. 9x6y2,
16x2  8x  1  16x  4  1  16x2  8x  4,
b. t1x2  4x  12  41x2  4x  12  1  f. 125x3y3, g. 2x3, h. 2, i. 1, j. 3y
2z3 , k. 5x x8 ,
4x2  16x  5, c. x  4y  1 or y  T 1 1x2  x 4 1; l. 4x , m. 152 1x 2  125x  x9 ,
2 3 3 3 9 125

7. a. p1 2x  22 2  , b. c 1 1x 2  21x  2, x 14>52  11>22  x 18>102  15>102  x 13>10, o. x 12>32 3  x2;

1 #
2x  2 3. a. 20, b. 4x  1, c. f 132  g132  16  132  19,
c. x  1y or y  p 1 1x2  1x ; 8. {16, 42, 19, 72, 11, 22, d. 16x  2212x  32 12x2  22x  6,
10, 02}; 9. f 1g1x2 2  f 1 x 2 3 2  2 1 x 2 3 2  3  x e.  12x  16, f. g1102  21102  3  17,
g1 f 1x2 2  g12x  32  1 2x  23 2  3  x. Because g. x  6y  2 or y  f 1 1x2  x 6 2; 4. a. x2  4x  5,
f 1g1x2 2  g1 f 1x2 2  x, f and g are inverse functions. b.  3x3  5x2  11x  6, c.  9x2  15x  9,
10. a. x  4y  3 or y  f 1 1x2  x 4 3, d. g152  3152  2  13; 5. a. 7, b. 4, c. 81,
c. The intercepts of f are 10, 32
d. 3.214, e. 9, f. 32, g. 16;
a. f 1x2  210.012x  0.02x2,
and 1 34, 0 2 . The intercepts of
b. y 2
y=x 6.

f 1 are 1 0,34 2 and 13, 02.

b. g1x2  410.00421x213x2  0.048x2,
1 f  g21x2  0.02x2  0.048x2  0.068x2,

f –1
d. The slope of the graph of f is
d. f 1x22 1f  g22 1x22
–8 –4 4 8 12
4. The slope of the graph of the g

inverse is 14 . 0.08 0.19 0.27

0.32 0.77 1.09

0.72 1.73 2.45

e. y
1.28 3.07 4.35
 2.00 4.80 6.80

e. f 152  0.50, g152  1.2, 1 f  g2152  1.70.

 For a box whose base is 5 in. by 5 in., the cost of the top
 and bottom of the box is $0.50, the cost of the four sides is
$1.20, and the total cost of the box is $1.70.
7. a. f 1x2  12x  300, b. g1x2  25.95x,
c. h1x2  25.95x  112x  3002  13.95x  300,
11. a. 41, 42.8, 44.6, 47,

b. 41 42.8 44.6 47 d. 22 hats must be sold, because 21 hats is not quite enough.
0 3 6 10 The solution was obtained graphically. e. f 1502  900.
The cost of producing 50 hats is $900. g1502  1297.50. The
c. f 1 1x2  x  41
0.6 , d. The population will be 46 million
revenue from 50 hats is $1297.50. h1502  397.50.
in 1998. e. The graphs are symmetrical about the line The profit from selling 50 hats is $397.50. f. The profit is
y  x. f. The horizontal intercept of the function inter- the difference between the revenue and cost functions.
8. a. f 1x2  6011102  x1110  2x2 ,
b. f 1x2  6600  110x  2x2, c. integers 0  x  30,
changed, is the vertical intercept of its inverse. The vertical

d. f 1152  7800. At regular price the cost is $8250, so the

intercept of the function interchanged, is the horizontal
intercept of its inverse.
savings are $450. 9. a. 10, b. 41, c. 2, d. 5;
HORIZONTAL INTERCEPT VERTICAL INTERCEPT 10. a. integers 0  x  30, b. f 1222  2864.40,
168.3, 02 10, 412 c. f 13.75t2  15013.75t2  0.913.75t2 2 
141, 02 10, 68.32
562.50t  12.65625t2, d. The input variable is t,
e. f 1g142 2  $2047.50, f. 3500  562.50t  12.65625t2.
1 5
g. Function: m  0.6; inverse function: m  0.6 or . t is about 7.5 hr. (determined graphically); 11. a. 2y 5 3  x
The slopes of the two functions are reciprocals.
3 or y  f 1 1 x2  5x 2 3, b. The slope of f is 25.
h. The population will be 50 million in 2005. The slope of f 1 is 52 . The slopes are reciprocals.
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 60

A-60 Selected Answers

12. f 1g1x2 2  f 1 2  2 1 1 2 x 2  1  x;
1  x Activity 3.2 Exercises: 1. a. P  148.010.99732 t, b. Yes;
1  1 2x  1 2
g1 f 1x2 2  g12x  12  2  2x
2  x.
substituting 5 for t yields P  148.010.99732 5  146.01.
Since f 1g1x2 2  g1 f 1x2 2  x, f and g are inverses. c. P  148.010.99732 12  143.3 million; 2. a. ii, b. i,
b. y c. f and g are symmetric 4. a. y b. For the same value of x, the
6 with respect to the line graph of g is 3 times the
4 y  x; g(x) = 3 2
f(x) = 2
distance from the x-axis than
• x

the graph of f is.
x –2 2 4 6
–4 –2 2 4 6 1—
g (x ) = — –2
–2 2

f (x ) = y = –2x + 1

5. a. f 122  16 , b. f 1 2 2  6, c. f 122  48,

13. a. Yes, the ratio (change in cost)/(change in number of
tickets) is constant. b. f 1x2  5.5x, c. The cost of one
3 1

d. f 11.32  18.1886; 7. a. 2.5 ppm,

ticket is $5.50. This represents the slope.
b. 2.5, 1.75, 1.225, 0.8575, 0.6003, 0.4202,
c. A d. A132  0.8575 ppm,

Chlorine Concentration
$11.00 2
e. Chlorine should be added in
$27.50 5
1.4 days.

A(x) = 2.5(0.7)x
$38.50 7
$66.00 12 x
0 2 4 6 8
e. g1x2  11 x, f. The slope is 2/11. The slopes are recip-
rocals. g. f 1 11
x 2  5.5 1 11
2 x  x; g15.5x2  112 1 5.5x 2  x. Activity 3.3 Exercises:
The functions are inverses because f 1g1x2 2  g1 f 1x2 2  x. 1. GROWTH GROWTH DECAY DECAY

Chapter 3 1.02 2% 0.77 23%

1.029 2.9% .32 68%

Activity 3.1 Exercises: 1. a. top table: 0.008, 0.04, 0.2, 1,
2.23 123% 0.953 4.7%
5, 25, 125; bottom table: 125, 25, 5, 1, 0.2, 0.04, 0.008,
1.34 34% .803 19.7%
b. g(x) = 1

y 1.0002 .02% 0.9948 .52%
5 h(x) = 5x
2. a. Bozeman: P1t2  27,50911.01962 t,
Butte: P1t2  32,37010.99712 t,
x b. Bozeman: P152  27,50911.01962 5  30,313;
–2 –1 1 2
Butte: P152  32,37010.99712 5  31,903, c. The
c. population of Bozeman will be 55,018 when t  35.7,
d. The populations will be equal when t  7.3;
FACTOR 4. a. P P (t ) = 120.6 • 1.0125t

10, 12
5 growth none y0 increasing
U.S. Population

10, 12
(in millions)

5 decay none y0 decreasing


3. a. The graph of f is a decreasing exponential function 100

with a decay factor of 4. The graph of g is an increasing
4 t
exponential function with a growth factor of 3. The graphs 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of Years since 1930
of f and g are reflections in the y-axis. b. The graph of f is
an increasing exponential function with a growth factor of b. The growth factor is b  1.0125; the growth rate is
10. The graph of g is the graph of f reflected in the x-axis. 0.0125  1.25%, c. P1702  120.611.01252 70  287.7
c. The graph of f is an increasing exponential function with million. The prediction is a little higher.
a growth factor of 3. The graph of g is a decreasing expo- 5. a. V 1t2  20,00010.852 t, b. The decay rate is
nential function with a decay factor of 3 . The graphs of f 15%  0.15, c. The decay factor is 0.85,
and g are reflections in the y-axis. 5. a. 24.948, 26.944, d. V 152  20,00010.852 5  8874.11,
29.099, b. 7.5, 5.625, 4.21875; 7. a. The domain is all e. f. The value will be $10,000 when
real numbers, and the range is y 7 0, b. The domain is all t  4.3 years.
real numbers, and the range is y 7 0;
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 61

Selected answers A-61

Exercises: 1. a. A  25,000 1 1  2 b. f 102  0.6; increasing, c. f 102  3; decreasing;

0.045 4t
Activity 3.5 4 ,
c. approximately 21.4 yr., e. approximately 21.2 yr.; 7. a. Yes, b. The constant ratio is 2.5 or 52,
3. a. A  1900e 0.06 2  $2142.24, b. approximately
# c. y  212.52 x; 8. Plan 1: S  22,000  1000x; plan 2:
S  22,00011.042 x, b. Plan 1: $22,000, $23,000,
11.5 yr.; 5. a. b 5 a1  b , b. b  1.04907,
0.048 12
$25,000, $27,000, $32,000, $37,000; plan 2: $22,000,
$22,800, $24,747, $26,766, $32,565, $39,621,
c. re  4.907%; 7. a. In 1996, x  9, so c. It depends. If I plan to be with the company less
A  36.2 # e0.14 9  127.62 billion dollars, than 10 years, I would take plan 1, because it takes plan
b. A c. The vertical intercept is 2 about 9 years to catch up. If I expect to be with the
10, 36.22. There was
A = 36.2 e x • 0.14

company for a long time, say 20 years, I would choose

Credit Card Spending

$36,200,000,000 in holiday plan 2, because by then I would be better off by more
(in billions)

than $6000 per year. 9. a. N  f 1t2  2e0.075t,

credit-card spending in 1987.
1x b. N  f 182  2e0.075182  3.6442 thousand, c.

d. 1993  52,
e. approximately 4.95 yr.;
0 2 4 6 8 10
d. 14.6482 or about 15 wk.; 10. a. top
Years after 1987 1 1 1
table: 64 , 16, 4, 1, 4, 16, 64; bottom
table: 64, 16, 4, 1, 14, 16 1 1
, 64,
Activity 3.6 Exercises 1. a. The function is increasing
because in the model, b  1. b. It is a growth rate: b. g(x) = ⎞⎠–4⎞⎠ y h(x) = 4
1 x
c. Row 1: 4, growth, none,
10, 12, x-axis, increasing; row

r  b  1; r  1.03  1  0.03  3%. c. The initial

2: 14, decay, none, 10, 12,

value is 397.4 thousand. According to the model, it is the 16

population in thousands of Charlotte, North Carolina, in 12 x-axis, decreasing;

1990. d. k  0.02956, e. y  397.4.e 03t, f. The popula- 8 11. a. $415, b. 0.0118 or
1.18% per month, c. 1.0118,
d. f 1x2  41511.01182 x,
tion of Charlotte will be 716.2 thousand in 2010 if the 4

e. 10, 4152, f. This represents

growth continues at the same rate. 3. a. The initial value –3 –2 –1 1 2 3

is 33 and is increasing at the rate of 9.7%. b. The initial –2

value is 97.8 and is decreasing continuously at the rate the initial balance on the card.
of 23%. c. The initial value is 3250 and is decreasing at the g. $466.65, h. With no payments, I exceed my credit limit
rate of 27%. d. The initial value is 0.987 and is increasing during the sixteenth month; 12. a. The ratios are all 1.02,
continuously at the rate of 7.6%. b. 1.02, c. w1t2  12.5011.022 x, d. 2%, e. $14.94,
f. about 35 yr.; 13. a. A  10,00011.012 12t,
b. $18,166.97, c. approximately 6 yr., d. A  10,000e0.12t,
Activity 3.7 Exercises: 1. a. The data is not linear. The
e. $18,221.19, $54.22 more than in part b;
output seems to be increasing exponentially.
14. a. b. An exponential decay
Number of Farms (in millions)

b. c. Yes; the scatterplot 10
model would better model
Health Care Spending

looks like an exponential 8
the data. The data is
function. 6

decreasing, but not at a
d. C  155.3 # 1093t,
800 4
600 constant rate.
e. C$919,550,000,000, 2
c. y  6.2410.97952 x,
f. The growth factor,
d. 6.2410.97952 70  1.46
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1940 1960 1980 2000
1950 1970 1990
Year b, is 1.093, Year
million farms, e. 0.9795,
g. 0.093 or 9.34%, h. 1996 1t  212 , i. approximately f. 0.9795  1  r; r  1  0.9795  0.0205, or 2.05%,
7.8 yr., 3. a. the set of all real numbers, b. the set of all g. The number of farms is decreasing at a rate of 2.05% per
positive real numbers, c. y  a # b x is positive for all year, h. 34 yr.;
values of x. d. y  a # b x is never negative. e. 10, a2;
Activity 3.8 Exercises: 1. a. 5, b. 3, c. 1, d. 6, e. 0,
f. 2, g. 2 , h. 12 , i. 0, j. 0, k. 5, l. 2, m. 0;
How Can I Practice? 1. a. C  17,00011.042 t,
b. The growth rate is 0.04; the growth factor is 1.04. 3. a. log3 9  2, b. log121 11  12, c. log4 27  t,
c. C  17,00011.042 3  19,122.69, d. 14.5 yr.; d. logb 19  3, 5. a. x  0.512, b. x  2.771,
2. a. Graph i is function g, b. Graph ii is function h; c. x  5.347;
3. Graph i is function g because it is decreasing and the
only growth factor between 0 and 1 is 0.47 in function g. Activity 3.9 Exercises: 1. a. x 7 0, b. the set of all real
Graph ii is function h because it is positive and increasing numbers, c. x 7 1, d. 0 6 x 6 1, e. x  1, f. x  10;
with the growth factor of 1.47. Graph iii is function f 3. y  log2 x; 4. a. x 7 0, b. the set of all real num-
because it is the only one that yields negative output. bers, c. x 7 1, d. 0 6 x 6 1, e. x  1, f. x  e;
4. a. 13.01, 33.18, 84.61, b. 1.26, 0.76, 0.46, c. 216,
7776, 279,836; 5. a. y  212.552 x, b. y  3.510.62 x, log 110002  log 134,0002
c. y  16 1 36 2 x; 6. a. f 102  1.3; decreasing,
5. n   6.9 yr;
log 11  0.402
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 62

A-62 Selected Answers

Activity 3.10 Exercises: How Can I Practice? 1. a. log4 16  2,

1. a.
b. It could very b. log10 10.00012  4, c. log3 1 81 1
2  4;
Rate Per 100,000 People

well be logarithmic. 3
320 2. a. 2  32, b. 5  1, c. 10  .001, d. e1  e;
5 0
It increases more
a. x  43  64, b. b  2, c. y  3;
slowly as the input 3.
increases. 4. a. 1; 0.5; 0; 1; 2; 3,
b. y d. 11, 02, e. x 7 0,
0 5 10 15 17 f. all real numbers,
g. The y-axis 1x  02 is
Years since 1985 3

c. R  19.946  88.259 ln t, d. Yes, it is a very good fit, 2

f(x) = log x 4
a vertical asymptote,
h. f 1322  2.5,
e. 2010 is 25 years after 1985, so evaluate R when t  25. 1

R  19.946  88.259 ln 25  304 per 100,000 population;

3. a. f 102  27 in. This is the pressure in the eye of the
i. x  90.5;
4 8 12 16 20

storm. –2

b. P (x ) c. As you move away from

5. a. logb x  2 logb y  logb z,
Barometric Pressure

29 the hurricane’s eye, the

(in. of mercury)

b. 2 log3 x  2 log3 y  log3 z, c. log5 x  2 log5 1x 2  42 ,

P (x ) = 0.48ln(x + 1) + 27
pressure increases quickly at 3 1 1
first and then more slowly. 3
1 x2y
d. log4 x  23 log4 y  23 log4 z; 6. a. log ,

x 3
5 10 15 20 25
Distance from Eye (miles)
b. log3 1x  32 3 z2, c. log3
3 x log 17
; 7. a. log 5  1.76,
Activity 3.11 Exercises: 1. a. logb 3  logb 7, B y 2z4
b. log3 3  log3 13  1  log3 13, c. log7 13  log7 17, b.
# log 41
log 13  0.4826; 8. a. x  0.0067, b. x  646.08;
d. log3 x  log3 y  log3 3  log3 x  log3 y  1;
log 17 ln 14
3. a. b. The graphs are the same. This is not 9. a. x  log 3  2.5789, b. x  1.7  1.55;
surprising because the log of a product 10. a. y

is the sum of the logs.

Care Spending ($)

f (x ) = 2090 + 630 ln x
Per Capita Health


5. a. 7.4 log 1152  8.7 or 9 cars, b. 9, 13, 21, c. The

sum of the sales from the smaller ads exceeds the sales from 1500
the larger ad by 1. d. Pretty close. 15 times 50 equals 750, 500
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
so I would have expected the sum of the sales from the Year

c. E  f 1182  2090  630 ln 1182  3910.93,

smaller ads to equal the sales from the largest. The error is
due to rounding. e. Forget about the giant ad. It is a waste of d. x  9.38, which you round up to 10. The year is 1997.
4x3 e. 2090  630 ln x  3500, f. x  e2.238  9.38.
money. 7. a. log2 245, b. log ,
B z5 The year is 1997. It is the same.
1 1
2252z4 4z4 x 2  3x  2 Gateway Review 1. a. 1; 8; 16; 64; 512, 8 , 2;
c. ln  ln , d. log5 2 ;
5 3 5 x  6x  9 b. f (x )
f (x ) = 8x c. The function is increasing,
because b  8 7 1,

Activity 3.12Exercises: 1. a. 111,700 arrests in 2000, d. all real numbers, e. y 7 0,


b. There will be 50,000 arrests 9 years after 1990, or 1999. f. There is no x-intercept. The
is 10, 12, g. There

3. a. Yes b. A1t2  352.6511.0062 t, 10


1 352.65 2
705.3 –1 1 2 3
x is one horizontal asymptote,
ln the x-axis, y  0,
c. t   116; 116 yr.
ln 11.0062 h. The domain and range are the same. The graphs are
after 1990 would be the year 2106. reflections in the y-axis. f is increasing; g is decreasing.
d. 4. x  lnln14
2  3.81;
i. f is moved upward 5 units to obtain h.
j. x  8y; y  log8 x;
6. t  ln ln 2
1 1.04 2  17.7; 2.

ln 1 0.2 2

b. 15 P0  P0 e0.086t or t  0.086  19 days; FACTOR DECREASING

6 growth none 10, 12 y0 increasing

10, 12
Activity 3.13 Exercises: 1. x  25  32; 3 decay none decreasing

2.34 growth none 10, 52 y0 increasing

3. x  55>3  2  12.62; 5. x  303.17;
10, 32 y0
7. m  8.8  5.1 log 200  20.5;
0.78 decay none decreasing

9. 3H 4  102.4  0.00398 mol/l;

2 growth 12, 02 10, 32 y  4 increasing
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 63

Selected answers A-63

3. all reals all reals all reals x0 x3 b. P

y0 y2 y  5

Population (in millions)

all reals all reals
4. a. The table is approximately exponential. The growth
factor is about 1.55. b. y  10 # 1.55x; 5. a. 15,000, 30 PF = 15.98e.0235t
15,225, 15,453, 15,685, 15,920, 16,159, PN = 18.98e.0055t
b. y  15,00011.0152 x, c. y  $16,897; this is reasonable
if you assume that 15,000 is a reasonable starting salary 10
and that the 1.5% salary increase per year remains constant.
ln 122
–5 0 5 10 15 20 25
d. x  log1.015 2   46.6 yr.;
ln 11.0152
Years since 2000
c. Florida’s population will equal that of
6. a. A  5000e0.065182  $8410.14, b. t  13.5 yr.; New York sometime in the year 2009.
7. a.
Number of Multiple Births


d. t  19 years; Florida’s population will exceed 25 mil-
lion in the year 2019.

Chapter 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Activity 4.1 Exercises: 1. a. 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 4, 9,
Years since 1990
b. y c. yes, d. 1, e. The domain
b. It would be better modeled by an exponential model. is all real numbers. The range
c. f 1x2  306111.1122 x, d. 1.112, e. 11.2%,
is all real numbers greater than
f. f 1222  31,635, g. approximately 6.5 yr.; 8. a. 125,
6 or equal to 0.
b. 27, c. 32, d. 25, e. 2, f. 4, g. 3, h. 2; 2
y = x2
3. a. a  2, b  0, c  0,
–6 –4 –2 2 4 6
9. a. log6 36  2, b. log10 0.000001  6, b. a  25, b  0, c  3,
c. log2 32  5; 10. a. 34  81, b. 70  1, c. a  1, b  5, c  0,
c. 104  0.0001, d. e1  e, e. gb  y; 11. a. x  125,
1 d. a  5, b  2, c  1; 5. a. f opens upward; g opens
b. b  4, c. y  6, d. x  8; 12. a. 3, 2, downward; both pass through 10, 02 , b. Both f and h open
1, 0, 1, 2 upward. c. h is g shifted up 2 units; both open upward.
d. Both f and g open upward. The low point of f is 3 units
b. f(x) c. below the x-axis; the low point of g is 3 units above the x-
axis. e. f opens upward with a vertical intercept at 10, 12 ; h
opens downward with a vertical intercept at 10, 12 ; both

are symmetric with respect to the y-axis. 7. a. downward,

b. (0, 4); 9. a. upward, b. 10, 32 ; 11. a. downward,
4 8 12 16

d. 11, 02, e. x 7 0, f. all real numbers, g. It has a vertical b. (0, 7); 13. a. The graph of y  35 x 2 is wider than the
asymptote at x  0. The function gets closer and closer to the graph of y  x 2, b. The graph of y  x 2 would have a
y-axis but does not cross it. greater output value.
h. f 1232  1.948, i. x  52.416;
log 1 89 2
Activity 4.2 Exercises: 1. a. upward, b. x  0, c. (0, 3),
log 21
13. a. log 7  1.56, b.  0.0435; d. (0, 3); 3. a. upward, b. x  2, c. (2, 7),
log 15 d. (0, 3); 5. a. upward, b. x  1.5, c. (1.5, 1.75),
14. a. 3 log2 x  log2 y  1 12 2 log2 z, d. (0, 4); 7. a. upward, b. x  0.25, c. (0.25, 3.125),

1 2 14 log x  3 log y  log z2 ;

1 x2y d. (0, 3); 9. a. (1, 0), (6, 0), b. D: all real numbers;
b. 3 15. a. log , R: g1x2  6.25, c. x 6 3.5, d. x 7 3.5; 11. a. (3.46, 0),
3 x
(3.46, 0), b. D: all real numbers; R: y  12, c. x 7 0,
b. log ; 16. a. 3  x  log 7
log 3 ; x  1.23, d. x 6 0; 13. a. (1, 0), (3, 0), b. D: all real numbers;
B y 2z
b. 4x  9  24; x  1.75, c. x  341.5; R: g1x2  4, c. x 6 1, d. x 7 1; 15. a. (0.2, 0), (1, 0),
b. D: all real numbers; R: y  0.8, c. x 6 0.6, d. x 7 0.6;
17. a. f(x) c. 2.87744,
17. a. 149 ft., b. 6.05 sec., c. It indicates the height of the
d. 2.319  2log x
log 2 ; x  24.9;
2 arrow when it is shot, d. The practical domain is 0 sec.
1  x  6.05 sec. The practical range is 0 ft.
4 8 12 16
 h1x2  149 ft., e. (0.05, 0), (6.05, 0); the first has no
meaning; the second indicates the time in seconds it takes for
18. a. New York, 18.98 million; Florida, 15.98 million, the arrow to hit the ground.
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 64

A-64 Selected Answers

19. a. (30, 200),

1  241
, 0b ; 13. a. d  2.5 million particles per ft.3
b 16
b. The minimum occurs at the vertex. r  2a  4  4 or
400 rpm; d  2142 2  16142  34  2 million particles per
b. x  2ab
 120 ft.3 c. r  11; 1100 rpm is the speed of the engine.
4  30,
C1302  200; the vertex is (30, 200), c. They are the Activity 4.6 Exercises: 1. a.
same. d. minimum point, e. The cost of production is
minimized when 30 statues are produced. f. (0, 2000); it
costs $2000, even if no statues are produced.
b. h1t2  15.9752t 2  52.8875t  2.5536,
Activity 4.3Exercises: 1. x  6 or x  2; 3. x  9 or c. Yes; the curve touches nearly every data
x  5; 5. x  11 or x  1; 7. x  ;5; point. d. all real numbers from 0 to 3.36
9. x  3 or x  1; 11. x  7 or x  4 ; sec., e. real numbers from 0 to 46.33 ft.,
13. a. 2 6 x 6 6, b. x 6 2 or x 7 6; f. The ball reaches 35 ft. on the way up after 0.81 sec. It
15. a. d1552  181.5 ft., b. 0.04v 2  1.1v  200; reaches 35 ft. again on the way down, approximately 2.50
v  58 mph; sec. after it was struck. g. There are only two solutions, so
I got them all. 3. a. y  0.086x 2  0.842x  32.487,
Activity 4.4 Exercises: 1. 6x 5 12  3x 3 2 ;
b. approx. 650 ft., c. 0  0.086x 2  0.842x  247.513;
3. 2x1x 2  7x  132 ; 5. 1x  321x  22 ; using the quadratic formula, a speed of 58.8 mph requires a
7. 1x  5y21x  2y2 ; 9. 16  x212  x2 ; stopping distance of 280 ft.
11. 13x  221x  72 ; 13. 5b2 14b  321b  42 ;
14. x  3 or x  2; 16. x  3 or x  2; How Can I Practice?
18. x  or x  4; 20. x  9 or x  2;
3 5 0 0
22. a. x 20 ft x 1
3 3 1

2 1 0
15 ft

x x 2. a. downward, b. x  0, c. (0, 4), d. (0, 4);

3. a. upward, b. x  0, c. (0, 0), d. (0, 0); 4. a. down-
b. A  120  2x2115  x2  151202  ward, b. x  1, c. (1, 10), d. (0, 7); 5. a. upward,
300  20x  30x  2x 2  300  2x 2  50x, b. x  2, c. 1 2, 1 2 , d. (0, 0); 6. a. upward, b. x  3,
1 1

c. 2x 2  50x  168, d. x  28  0 or x  3  0, c. (3, 0), d. (0, 9); 7. a. upward, b. x  2, c. 1 2, 4 2 ,

1 1 3

x  28 or x  3; the solution is 3 ft. 28 ft. makes no d. (0, 1); 8. a. (2, 0), (2, 0), b. D: all real numbers;
sense in this situation. R: y  4, c. x 6 0, d. x 7 0; 9. a. (2, 0), (3, 0),
b. D: all real numbers; R: y  0.25, c. x 7 2.5,
Activity 4.5 Exercises:
d. x 6 2.5; 10. a. (0.91, 0), (2.91, 0), b. D: all real
1. a. y numbers; R: y  11, c. x 6 1, d. x 7 1;
f(x) = –0.04x2 + 28 11. a. none, b. D: all real numbers; R: y  1.427,
c. x 7 1.61, d. x 6 1.61; 12. (0.75, 26.125);
13. a. 9a2 1a3  32, b. 6x 2 14x  12, c. 4x1x  521x  12,
d. cannot be factored, e. 1x  821x  32, f. 1y  52 2;
14. a. 5, 6.05, 7.2, 8.45, 9.8, 11.25, x  1.2,
b. 6.75, 6.16, 5.59, 5.04, 4.51, 1, x  0.8, c. 0, 2, 2, 12,
–30 –20 –10 10 20 30
28, 50, x  2; 15. a. x  1.2, 1.2, b. x  0.8, 6.2,
c. x  3, 2; 16. a. 8 6 x 6 2, b. x 6 8 or x 7 2;
b. (0, 28) represents the vertex or turning point of the arch. y
17. a. x  0, 2, b. x  9,2,
c. x  ;26.5; the intercepts are (26.5, 0) and (26.5, 0), d.
c. x  3, 1, d. x  4, 4,
The intercepts are the same. e. The river is approximately 20
e. x  6, 4, f. y  5, 3,
2(26.5) or 53 ft. wide. f. No; the highest point of the arch is 10

28 ft. above the water. –12 –8 –4 4 6

x g. a  3, 2, h. x  14, 2;
g. 0.04x 2  28  20, h. x  ;14.14 ft. Place the pole –10 18. a. 105 ft., b. Using the calcula-
2y = x + 6x – 16 tor to solve 16t 2  80t  5  0,
14.14 ft. to the right or left of the center. 3. x  2 ;

t  5.06 sec.,
; 212
 2.37 or 0.63; 7. x  3
6 ; 233
5. x  4 4  0.69, c. 16t 2  80t  5  101,
d. t  2, 3; the ball reaches a height of 101 ft. after 2 sec.
or 2.19; 9. (0, 0) and (2, 0); 11. a
1  241
, 0b and on the way up and 1 sec. later on the way down.
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 65

Selected answers A-65

19. a. 0  x  100, 20  k122 2, so k  5. Now d  5t2, so in 2.5 seconds the

b. h1502  0.011502 2  50  35  10 m; skydiver travels d  512.52 2or 31.25 meters;
20. a. y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




b. y  2.096x 2  2.25x  9.038,

c. d. Predicted values are very close to the
actual values, e. 33.5, 181,
f. x  4.330, 5.403; 9.

Activity 4.7 Exercises: 1. 5i;
3. 6i; 5. 4i23; 7. 4 i;
9. 5  10i; 11. 3  2i; 13. 10  5i;
15. x  13 ; 280
6 i; 17. x  1, 3.5; 19. 2 real solu-
tions; 21. 1 real solution; 23. 2 complex solutions;

Activity 4.8 Exercises: 1. a. Length: 225, 200, 175, 150,

125, 100, 75, 50, 25; Area: 5625, 10,000, 13,125, 15,000,
15,625, 15,000, 13,125, 10,000, 5625; b. 125 ft by 125 ft;
c. l  250  w; d. A  f 1w2  w1250  w2; e. w  125; 11. f 1x2 is increasing for x 7 0; 13. y  x 2 is rising
f 11252  15,625; f. w1250  w2  0, w  0 or w  250 more slowly than y  x 3 for x 7 1. Multiplying x2 by x
There can be no rectangle constructed with these dimen- gives x3, and this makes a larger output when x 7 1;
sions; g. domain: 0 6 w 6 250; range: 0 6 A 6 15,625; 15. y  2x 3 is decreasing and goes through (0, 0),
3. 4 mph north, 6 mph east; whereas y  2x 3  1 is increasing and does not pass
through the origin. Both have a similar S-like shape.
How Can I Practice? 1. 7i; 2. 3i25; 3. 11i; 4. i215;
Activity 4.11 Exercises: 1. f 1x2  x1x  221x  12 , (0, 0),
5. 4i27; 6. 5i25 ; 7. 45 i; 8. 247 i  27 2
(1, 0), (2, 0); 3. h1x2  1x2  421x2  92

h1x2  1x  221x  221x  321x  32 , (2, 0), (2, 0),

9. 4  3i; 10. 5  6i; 11. 6  4i; 12. 12  24i;
13. 5  10i; 14. i. a  3, b  1, c  7;
(3, 0), (3, 0);
b2 4ac  85; two real solutions; x  1.70, 1.37, 5. y There are two minimum points
ii. a  1, b  4, c  10; b2  4ac  24; two 8 (0, 1) and (3.28, 8.91) and one
complex solutions; x  2 ; i26, iii. a  2, b  5, 6 maximum point (1.22, 4.23).
c  3; b2 4ac  49; two real solutions; x  3, 0.5, 4 7. No; as x increases without
iv. a  9, b  6, c  1; b2  4ac  0; one real 2 bound, y increases without
solution; x  13; 15. i. The discriminant is 0. The graph –1 1 2 3 4
x bound; 9. a. increase,
only touches the x-axis indicating that there is one, real –2 b. decreasing, c. 1;
solution, ii. The discriminant is negative. The graph does
not intersect the x-axis, indicating that there is no real solu-
tion, iii. The discriminant is positive. The graph intersects
the x-axis twice, indicating that there are two real solutions;
16. a. 120  x2130  1.5x2, b. A1x2  1.5x 2  60x  600,
Activity 4.12 Exercises:
c. 1.5x 2  60x, d. 1.5122 2  60122  126 ft2,
132 1. a. g
e. 1.5x 2  60x  264, f. x   3 or x  4 Reject the
Average Amount of Fuel Consumed

negative; the answer is x  4 feet, g. No, the negative

value does not make sense.
(in gallons)

Activity 4.10 Exercises: 1. a. 2, 32, 64, y  kx and 8  k1, 600

so k  8 or y  8x, b. 27, 216, y  kx and 1  k1 , so
3 3

k  1 or y  x 3; 3. y  kx2 and 12  k22, so k  3. So 500


y  3x 2. When x  8, y  3182 2  192; 5. d  kt2 and 0 10 20 30
Years since 1960
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 66

A-66 Selected Answers

The data does not appear to be linear because as the input d. y These are the same shape and
increases, the output increases and decreases. No line size, but y  41x  12 2 is
would be close to all of the points. b. quadratic: y = 4x2
shifted horizontally 1 unit to
g  0.073t 2  7.333t  718.889; cubic: the right of y  4x2.
g  0.019t3  1.171t2  13.188t  681.013; 5

quartic: g  0.001357t4  0.140t3  4.534t2  41.355t 1

y = 4(x – 1)2

 668.899; –3 –2 –1 1 2 3

3. a. b. y  14.15x  597.4;
Cigarette Consumption (billions)

5. a. i. (0, 0), ii. (0, 0), (4, 0), (2, 0), iii. (2.4, 16.9),
(1, 5), b. i. (0, 3), ii. (1, 0), (1.57, 0), iii. (0.79, 4.2).

6. a.
510 22

Average Miles per Gallon

480 20

450 18

0 3 6 9 16
Years since 1985

c. y  0.125x 2  13.15x  596.4 ; d. There appears to 12

0 10 20 30 40 50
be no difference between the two models. Both fit closely Years since 1960
to the data. e. The linear model predicts 314.4, and the
quadratic predicts 283.4. f. We are predicting quite far b. y  0.00493x 2  0.02198x  13.766, c. 27.2 mpg,
outside our practical domain, so I am not very confident in d. 2015; 7. a.
either model’s prediction.

How Can I Practice? 1. y  kx 2 and 45  k32, so k  5 W(t) becomes negative after 10 min. b. W102  10 gal.
y  5162 2  180; 2. a. double, b. k  1080; k repre- c. 60.8 gal., found by using the CALC menu on the graph-
sents the speed at which the sound of thunder travels in feet ing calculator. This is the highest point on the graph.
per second. 3. v  kt and 60  k3 so k  20v  20142 d. 7.19 min.
 80 ft/sec; Gateway Review 1. a. up, b. x  0, c. (0, 2), d. (0, 2);
2. a. down, b. x  0, c. (0, 0), d. (0, 0); 3. a. down,
4. a. These are the same shape
y y = 3x2 + 5
b. x  0, c. (0, 4), d. (0, 4); 4. a. up, b. x  41 ,
c. 1 14, 18 2 , d. (0, 0); 5. a. up, b. x  25 ,
and size; however,
y  3x 2  5 is shifted up
y = 3x2 5 units. c. 12.5, 0.252 , d. (0, 6); 6. a. up, b. x  23 ,
c. (1.5, 1.75), d. (0, 4); 7. a. up, b. x  1, c. (1, 0),
d. (0, 1); 8. a. down, b. x  2.5, c. (2.5, 0.25),
d. (0, 6); 9. a. (3, 0), (1, 0), b. D: all real
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3
numbers; R: g1x2  1, c. x 7 2, d. x 6 2;
10. a. (3, 0), (1, 0), b. D: all real numbers;
R: f 1x2  4, c. x 7 1, d. x 6 1;
b. y These are the same shape but
11. a. (0.382, 0), (2.62, 0), b. D: all real numbers;
6 are reflections of each other in R: y  1.25, c. x 7 1.5, d. x 6 1.5;
y = 5x4
the x-axis. 12. a. (3.22, 0), (0.775, 0), b. D: all real numbers;
R: h1x2  3, c. x 7 2, d. x 6 2; 13. a. (2, 0),
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3
(2, 0), b. D: all real numbers; R: y1x2  8,
c. x 6 0, d. x 7 0; 14. a. 1 13, 0 2 2, 11, 02 , b. D: all real
y = –5x4

numbers; R: f1x2  31 , c. x 6 32 , d. x 7 32 ; 15. a. none,
b. D: all real numbers; R: g1x2  5, c. x 7 0, d. x 6 0;
c. y These are the same shape and 16. x  2; 17. x  2, 3; 18. x  0.51, 6.51;
6 size, but y  2x3  4 is 19. x  5, 2; 20. x  ;1.1; 21. x  0.26, 4.8;
4 shifted vertically 5 units 22. a. 9a2 1a3  32 , b. 6x2 14x  12 , c. 4x1x  521x  12,
2 below y  2x3  1. d. cannot be factored, e. 1x  821x  32 , f. 1t  52 2;
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3
23. x  ; 3; 24. x  ; 6; 25. x  3, 4;
y = 2x3 + 1
y = 2x3 – 4 26. x  3, 9; 27. x  0, 1; 28. a  1, b  5,
c  3; x  0.7, 4.3; 29. a  2, b  1, c  3;
x  0.25 ; 1.2i; 30. a  1, b  0, c  81; x  ; 9;
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 67

Selected answers A-67

31. a  3, b  5, c  12; x  3, 34 ; 32. a  2, Because 20 km/hr. (when t 5 1) is fast for a distance runner
b  3, c  5; x  1, 2.5; 33. From the graphing and 4 km/hr. (when t 5 5) is slow for a distance runner, most
calculator: (0.42, 0), (3.58, 0) times will fall between these values.
182 ; 2182 2  4122132 8 ; 240
x   3.58, 21
2122 4 20
25 18
0.42; 34. a. 7i, b. 4i23, c. 3i, d. i223, e. 3 i,
f. 4 i; 35. a. 5  17i, b. 5  16i, c. 32  12i, 14

Speed (km/hr)

d. 27  6i; 36. d  1; two real solutions; 11


37. d  256; two real solutions; 38. d  36; two real 9


solutions; 39. d  20; two complex solutions; 7

2 ; 222  4132122 2 ; 220 4

40. x    3
2132 6 1
2 ; 2i25 1 ; i25
0 1 2 3 4 5

 ; the graph has no iii. Time (hours)

2132 3
e. The average speed decreases, approaching 0. f. The
x-intercepts, confirming complex solution; average speed increases without bound.
41. a. 2 6 x 6 3, b. x 6 2 or x 7 3;
42. a. y  20, b. y  32, c. y  40; 43. a. (2, 0), 3. a. D  f 1N2  1400200
N  1200
N , b. 1200, 600, 400,
b. D: all real numbers; R: all real numbers, c. increasing for 200, 100, 50,
all real numbers; 44. a. (1, 0), b. D: all real numbers;
R: all real numbers, c. decreasing for all real numbers;
45. a. 11.68, 02, 11.68, 02, b. D: all real numbers; R: y  8,

c. inc: x 7 0; dec: x 6 0; 46. a. 10, 02, 11.26, 02 ,


b. D: all real numbers; R: y  1.19, c. inc: x 7  0.8;

dec: x 6  0.8; 47. a. none, b. D: all real numbers; 300
R: y  5, c. inc: x 7 0; dec: x 6 0; 200

48. a. h The practical domain is 100

h(t) = –16t + 80t
0  x  5. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
80 c. Years
50 d. Decrease. As N gets larger, D gets smaller.
10 Activity 5.2 Exercises: 1. a. (Answers will vary.) If a
0 1 2 3 4 5
person is 6 ft. 5 72 in. tall and weighs 200 lb.,
b. (2.5, 100); the ball reaches its highest level, 100 ft., 2.5 70512002 119,850
B  27.2, b. B  , c. 0 6 h 6 84
sec. after being struck, c. (0, 0); the ball is on the ground 72 2
when the club makes contact with it, d. (0, 0), (5, 0); the This works unless the person is over 7 ft. tall, d. 33.3,
ball is on the ground when the club makes contact, t  0, 29.3, 25.9, 23.1, 20.7, 18.7,
and returns to the ground 5 sec. later, e. I am assuming that
the elevations are the same. 49 a. 15, 62 , b. (0, 0), e. B f. Body-mass index B
(5, 6), (10, 0), c. y  0.24x2  2.4x; 50. a. vertex: gets smaller and it ac-
12.5, h12.52 2 or (2.5, 105); the maximum height is 105 ft.,
75 119,850
B = ————
tually approaches 0.
Body Mass

b. Set h1t2  0; t  5.06 seconds; 51. a. s1442  122.5 50 Yes, this makes sense
ft. away, b. v  51.78 or 19.78; reject the negative; 19.78 in this case because

ft./sec.  13.5 mph. taller persons with the

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
h same weight should be
Height skinnier.
Chapter 5
g. 69.2 6 h 6 79.4 ;
Activity 5.1 Exercises: 1. a. The average speed 3. a. y b. y c. y

20 km 20 km
   16 km/hr., b. 20, 16, 13.33,
1 hr 15 min 1.25 hr
11.43, 10, 8.89, 8, c. s  f 1t2  20t , d. i. the set of all
x x x

nonzero real numbers, ii. (Answers will vary.) 1  t  5,

06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 68

A-68 Selected Answers

d. y i. graph b, ii. graph c, iii. graph a, f. V

iv. graph d; 180


Volume (thousand cubic meters)



5. a. all nonzero real numbers,
b. y

3 40
(5.7, 25)
2 20

1 P
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Price per Cubic Meter
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3
3. a. domain: all real num- b. domain: all real numbers
bers except x  7; except x  25; vertical
vertical asymptote: asymptote: x  25
c. y

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3
x c. domain: all real numbers d. domain: all real numbers
–1 except x  5; vertical except x  14 ; vertical
–2 asymptote: x  5 asymptote: x  14

7. a. y  2x ; Table: 4, 1, 31 , b. y  x83; Table: 64, 8, 271 ;

e. domain: all real numbers except x  2.5; vertical
9. I  120 120
R ; I  15  8 amps; asymptote: x  2.5
11. a. V




60 5. a. x  5, b. f(x) gets large, approaching infinity. g(x)

Volume (ft3)

50 gets large in magnitude in a negative direction, approaching

40 negative infinity. c. f (x) gets large in magnitude in a nega-
30 tive direction, approaching negative infinity. g(x) gets large,
20 approaching infinity.
Activity 5.4 Exercises:
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Pressure (psi) 1. a. 500  600  500  400  $2000, b. 2000  50n,
50n  2000 501 100 2  2000
c. m  , d. m   $70, e. The
b. No. Using P 5 20, V 5 82; k  202 1822  32,800. n 100
practical domain is whole numbers from 1 to the size of
If V  32,800 32,800
P 2 , then P 5 30 would yield V  302  36.44 your class, say 250. f. 90, 70, 63.33, 60, 58, g. Yes,
(not very close), c. Yes. Using P 5 20, V 5 82; m  50 is the horizontal asymptote. It makes sense because
as the number of attendees increases, the fixed costs attrib-
k 5 20(82) 5 1640; V  1640 1640
30  54.67; V  40  41,
uted to each person get smaller and smaller.
d. Answers will vary, <25. e. V  P ; V  1640
65  25.2 ft. ;
h. m

Activity 5.3 Exercises: 1. a. 125 50n + 2000
m = ——————
25,000  55,000 80,000
, b. —, 160,000,
P  1.5  0.40  0.60 P  2.5 75

32,000, 10,667, 3555.56, c. V decreases, 50

d. V122  160,000. A price of $2 per cubic meter is not


0 50 100 150 200 250
practical, e. P 7 2.5,
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 69

Selected answers A-69

2. a. i. all real numbers b. i. all real numbers only value that makes sense in this situation is t  71 min.;
except 2, except 1,
5. 21  2t, t  10.5 hr.;
ii. x  2, ii. x  1,
iii. iii. Activity 5.6 Exercises:
1. a. h  40
 348.08 Hz; the pitch I hear is higher
1  770
iv. y  4 , iv. y  1, 770  s
than the actual pitch, b. h  a 770 ; h  770770a
c. i. all real numbers d. i. all real numbers
1 7701 330 2
except 4, except 2, c. h  770  40  348.08 Hz; the results are the same,
ii. x  4 , 7701 330 2  4
3. a.  x 2x 1 1
d. h  770  60  357.89 Hz;
# x  4  2x ,
iii. ii. x  2 ,  x 4x 2 3x 2  6x
b.  2 2x 2x
# 12  x212  x2 2  x, c.  x 2  4x  3 ,
d.  2x  4;
iv. y  0, How Can I Practice? 1. The graphs of f and g are reflections
iv. y  15;
of each other about the x-axis (and the y-axis), 2. They
3. a. x  1 are similar, but the graph of g is closer to the x-axis, and the
b. x  79  0.778 c. x  0.859 graph of f is closer to the y-axis, 3. a. T  time in
hours, s  speed in mph, T  s , b. 0 6 s 6 80,
c. all real numbers except 0; 4. a. domain: all real
numbers except x  5; vertical asymptote: x  5,
5. a. 15d 2  1500; d 2  100; d  ;10 ft., but only 10 b. domain: all real numbers except x  2 ; vertical
asymptote: x  2 , c. domain: all real numbers
makes sense, b. 8000  1500
d 2 ; 8000d  1500;
8 8
except x  5 ; vertical asymptote: x  5 , d. domain: all real
d 2  0.1875; d  0.433 ft.;
7. a. numbers except x  0.5614 ; vertical asymptote:
25013342 12.5141102 10001262 12501142 6.2515302 x  0.5614 ; 5. 4000 # 100  k  1.6 # 10 ;
2 9
R 1.6 # 109 1.6 # 109
315302 w  d 2  1 4500 2 2  79.01 lb.; 6. a. The practical
 92.3 (rounded to the nearest tenth), domain is all positive integers, with some realistic upper
2501372212.513881210001202125012926.2516072 limit, depending on the specific situation.
316072 b. C (x )

 70.9 (rounded to the nearest tenth); 400

8. a. R  7.85 prey per week, b. 61.3  n, n  61 prey/sq.

Average Cost of Lawn Mower

mi., c. 17.3  n; putting the two together, 18  n  62.
d. R
Prey Consumed per Week

10 0.623n
R = ————— 100
1 + 0.046n
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Number of Lawn Mowers

199x  132x  75,250, x  1124 mowers.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
18 62 1 14 2 ; 2142  41 0.15 2 1 0.125 2
Prey per Square Mile 7. a. t  21 0.15 2  93.32 min. or
e. The result is negative so discard it. It is not possible for 0.0089 min. Only 93.32 is practical.
the predator to consume 20 prey/week. Under these
conditions, 20 is above the horizontal asymptote.
Activity 5.5 Exercises: 1. a. 5T  90, T  18 min., b.
t1t2 201 15 2 300
t2T  t1T  t1t2, T  t1  t2 , c. T  20  15  35  8.57 b. The drug will be at its highest concentration 0.913 min.
min., d. 3t2  40, t2  13.3 min., e. 14T  150, after injection.
; 2722  41 70 2
T  10.7 min.; 3. t  72 2 , t  71 or 1; the
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 70

A-70 Selected Answers

8. a. x  0.25 50
b. x  17  2.94 loans, b. Table: 12, 18.8, 21.6, 23.8, 25.6, 27.2, 28.7, 30.
The equation matches very well, with the possible excep-
tion of 1994, when it is off by $0.8 billion.
c. A (x ) d. In 2005, x  12, so

New Loan Money (in billions)

A1122  6.8212  12
A(x ) = 6.8 √
⎯x + 12
116 d.
c. x  40  2.9 5.8 290
5 $35.6 billion in new
2.4  10.32 5.8 20
student loan money.
 8.788 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Years since 1993

5. a. y b. No, the graph of f is

4 below the graph of g for
9. a. (Answers will vary.) 200-lb. man  90.9 kg; f(x) = x 2
90.9 70 3 0 6 x 6 1. c. Yes, the
W  90.475 kg b. W  ,
11  6400 2 11  6400 2
15 2 h 2 2 graph of f is above the
g(x) = √
1 graph of g for x 7 1.
c. 70, 69.78, 67.86, 52.36, 45.94, 40.64, 10.66, 4.11, 1 2 3 4

d. The weight decreases. e. 1.3317 kg, f. (Answers will

vary at the upper end.) The domain is 0  h  40,000. 7. a. i. The domain is all real numbers such that
g. w 4x  8  0 or x  2, ii. The x-intercept is (2, 0), and
80 the y-intercept is (0, 28), iii. y

60 x
–2 2 4 6 8
Weight (kg)


–4 f(x) = – √
4x + 8



b. i. The domain is all real numbers such that 5  x  0

0 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000
Height (km)
or x  5, ii. The x-intercept is (5, 0). The y-intercept is
(0, 25), iii. y

h. h  2650.9668 km 4
10. a. R3  12 ohms, b. R  R1R2  R2R3  R1R3 ,
g(x) = √

41 6 2 1 12 2
c. R  41 6 2  41 12 2  61 12 2  24  48  72  288
144  2 ohms.; 1

11. a. x  1.3 b. x  1 –4 –2 2 4

c. i. The domain is all real numbers such that x 2  9  0

or all real numbers, ii. There is no x-intercept. The
y-intercept is (0, 3), iii. y

c. x  5 1
d. x  4 8
h(x) = √
x2 + 9

–4 –2 2 4

2115.32 30.6
12. a. s    42.4 mph,
15.3 15.3 0.34  0.3825 9. d  2122  242  172  21009  31.8 in. It will
45  40
2dr1r2 2r1r2 21 45 2 1 40 2 not fit. 10. a. s  23010.852l  225.5l,
b. s  d1 r1  r2 2  r1  r2 c. s  1 40  45 2  42.4 mph; the
b. s  225.51902  47.9 mph, c. 0 ft.  l  300 ft. is
results are the same. 13. a.  4x
x  3, possible,
1x  521x  52 x  2 d.
b.  1x  52  x  5, c.  x 1 2 # x  3  x 1 3 ;

Activity 5.7 Exercises: 1. a. 5.48, b. 2.45, c. 169, d. 27;

3. a. (0, 12); in 1993, there was $12 billion in new student
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 71

Selected answers A-71

e. The length of the skid marks is approximately 192 feet. c. The graphs have the same horizontal and vertical asymp-
totes. f 1x2  x12 is symmetrical with respect to the y-axis.
f 1x2   x 3 is symmetrical with respect to (0, 0) in quad-

rants II and IV. f is always positive. g is both positive and

Activity 5.8 Exercises: 1. a. x  4 , b. 2x  1  4;
negative. 3. a. y  kx; 12  10
k 120
; k  120; y  30  4 ,
this can’t happen; a positive radical can’t equal 4. There
b. l  dk2; 32  16
; k  512; l  512 k
is no solution. Equation b has no solution. The left side of 100  5.12 dB, c. h  r 2 ;
equation b will always be greater than 1, so no solution is 8  4k ; 32  k; h  32
25  1.28 in.; 4. a. H: y  0;
possible. c. x  2, but x  1 does not check.
V: x  0; no y-intercept, no x-intercept, b. H: y  0,
3. a. x  4 checks. b. x  2 checks. V: x  3, 1 0,43 2 ; no x-intercept, c. H: y  2; V: x  2,
(0, 0), (0, 0) y

4 10
f (x) =

c. x  1; x  4 does not check.


4 2 2 4


5. L  32 1 2 p 2 2, L  3.08 ft.;
1.95 4

7. a. V  2100013 10 2  57.7 mph,

y y
b. P  1000  14.7 lb./ft.2;
4 4 2x
# 2 f (x) =
9. a. A  3 703131200  2.11 sq.m, b. w  3131A
h ;
g(x) =
2 2

Exercises: 1. a. 4, b. 2, c. 3, d. 5, e.
Activity 5.9 6,
4 2 2 4 4 2 2 4

2 2
f. not real, g. 10, h. not real; 3. The difference is
3 3
21450  21280  0.46 in.; 5. a. all real numbers, 4 4

b. x  3, c. all real numbers, d. x  2; 7. a. x  64 ,

5. a. f 1n2  45n  600, b. f 11002  $5100,
40 3 # 2  600
c. A1n2  45n n 600, d. A11002  451 100100
b. x  81; 9. a. r   2.12 cm,
B 4p  600
A11002  $51, e. 57, 51, 49, 48, 47.40, f. 50  45n
b. V  4 p 133.5 2  179.6 ft.3, c. V  4 p3 r ;
3 3
n ;
50n  45n  600; 5n  600; n  120 people,
How Can I Practice? 1. a. x  98, b. x  41, c. x  12,
d. x  ;261, e. no solution, f. x  10, g. x  10.5, g. 0 6 n 6 seating capacity of restaurant, h. The vertical
h. x  0.95; 2. a. x  6, b. all real numbers; c. x  2 asymptote is n  0. Zero people cannot attend the event.
or x  2; 3. Length is approximately 7.71 in. There would not be an event. i. The horizontal asymptote is
3 A1n2  45. As the number of people attending increases,
4. r  243Vp , V  620, r  5.29 cm.; 5. v  100, 4
the average cost approaches $45. 6. a. x  2  6;
100  264d, d  156.25 ft.; 6. x  6.5 in. The dimen-
sions of the bottom of the box are 6.5 in. 6.5 in. 7. The 4  6x  12; 16  6x; x  38 , b. The solution is the
graphs are reflections about the line x  2. x-coordinate of the x-inter-
1200 cept.
Gateway Review 1. a. d  w ,
b. 40, 34.286, 30, 24, 20,
c. As width increases, the depth decreases. d. The depth is
7. a. x  75  1.4
12 feet, not enough room for most theater sets. e. No. Divi-
sion by 0 is undefined. f. (Answers may vary.)
30  w  60, g. a rational function, h. all real numbers ex- b. x  1
cept 0, i. w  0, j. d  0; as w increases, d approaches 0.
2. a. y b. y

4 4

 1x 60x 1 20 2  60x 1 1x 2 3x  4x  60
f (x) = —
x2 1
2 2 g(x) = – —
1 1 1 1
8. 20  15  15
–4 –2 2 4 –4 –2 2 4
–2 –2 7x  60 x  8.57 min.; 9. x  67.5, 2x  135 min., or
241 hr.; C
–4 –4
10. a. x  10.2, b. x  33; 11. a. S  1  r
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:20 AM Page 72

A-72 Selected Answers

S11  r2  C S  Sr  C S  C  Sr r  S S ,
Chapter 6
b. bc  4ab  3ac b1c  4a2  3ac b  c3ac
 4a ;
Activity 6.1 Exercises: 1. a. 0.6000, b. 0.8000, c. 0.8000,
12. a. b  2a x  2 d. 0.6000, e. 0.7500, f. 1.3333; 3. a. Given tan B  74,
2b  a , b. x  2;
the side opposite angle B is 7; the side adjacent to angle B
1 1 7 is 4. Using the Pythagorean theorem, I determine that the
13. a. f  1 1
 3 4
1 12  12
7  1.71 m,
 4 3  12 12 hypotenuse is 265. b. sin B  7  0.8682,
1 1 1 pq c. cos B  4  0.4961; 5. a. the sine function,
b. f   p   , 265
 pq p  q pq b. sin B  yc; 7. a. x  9.1, b. x  85.6, c. x  61.4;
p pq pq

c. f  4413 23  12
8. a. 5°
7  1.71 m; the values are the same.
Ramp = x ft
3 steps: Total height = 1.75 ft.

Note: Not to scale
14. a. x  4 , b. 3 # 7  21 in. The increase in height from one
b. c. The output is increasing.
end of the ramp to the top of the stairs is 21
12  1.75 ft.

d. y  0, e. The x-intercept is
4 c. x  20.1 ft. The ramp needs to be at least 20.1 feet
f(x) = √
+4 (4, 0). The y-intercept is (0, 2).
2 long. Therefore, the donated ramp will not be long enough
f. g has the same shape but is
x to meet the code. Alternative approach: 15 sin 5  1.3 ft.
–4 –2 2 4 6 shifted 8 units to the right.
The three steps must measure at most 1.3 ft. high for the
g. The graphs are reflected
15-foot ramp to satisfy the code. Each solution suggests
through the x-axis.
ways to think about modifications to either the ramp or
15. a. y = x2 x > 0 The graphs are reflections the steps (or both) that could be used to meet the code.
Activity 6.2 Exercises: 1. a. s  w  0.68 mi.
b. 2
in y  x.
b. These calculations confirm the result in part a.
y = ⎯√x e.
cos 190  x22
1 f 1 1 f 1x2 2  f 1 1 2x2 
3. a. 90  x sin x ;
–2 –1 1 2 3

1 2x2 2  x;
–1 83 0.1219 0.1219
–2 73 0.2924 0.2924
16. a. i. x  0, y  4, 66 0.4067 0.4067
y  2x; x  2y; y  x 2;
f 1 1x2  x 2; x  0, d.
ii. (0, 4) only, 57 0.5446 0.5446

42 0.7431 0.7431
iii. y
23 0.9205 0.9205

13 0.9744 0.9744

b. The table in part a illustrates the property that cofunctions

of complementary angles are equal.
Activity 6.3 Exercises: 1. a. u  30°, b. u  64.62°,
c. u  67.04°, d. u  63.82°, e. u  66.80°,
f. u  64.62°, g. u  22.28°, h. u  20.76°;
b. i. x  4, y  0, ; 3. u  tan1 1 50 2  31°
2. V u E N

ii. (0, 2) and (4, 0), 32 65° 13.5 29.0 My friend should look
23.3 59.0° 12 20 up at an angle of
iii. y
approximately 31°.
4.1 54° 2.4 3.3
3 26 43.8° 18.8 18
1 4.5 45° 3.2 3.2
–4 –3–2 –1

4. a. b. Because grade is rise over

15 ft.
run, tan u  0.1.
u  tan 1 10.12  5.7° The

ramp makes an angle of 5.7°

17. a. x  6, b. x  6, c. x  235  4.6, d. x  1 with the horizontal. c. y  15 sin 15.72  1.5 ft. The eleva-
1 does not check. There is
tion changes 1.5 feet from one end of the ramp to the other.
no solution. e. x  27;
18. a. all real numbers, b. x  6, c. x  1; Activity 6.4 Exercises: 1. a. The side adjacent to the 57°
19. 36  1.5h, h  24 ft; 20. d  153.76 ft.; angle is 4.2 feet. The hypotenuse is 7.8 feet. The other acute
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:21 AM Page 73

Selected answers A-73

angle is 33°. b. The hypotenuse is 19.0. The angle adjacent g. h. The graph
to side 18 is 18.4°. The other acute angle is 71.6°. indicates the
c. The other leg is 7.9 inches. The angle adjacent to side greatest value for

Volume (ft.3)
9 inches is 41.4°. The other angle is 48.6°. the volume
3. a. Observation deck between 0° and
22° 750
d: direct distance from observation 90° is approxi-
deck to raft/creek 500
c = 800 ft. mately 1625 cubic
feet when the
b Raft/creek 10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90
angle t is 60°.
i. The angle is the
b. The direct distance, d, from the observation deck to the same, namely 60°
raft is approximately sin 1 22° 2  2135 feet. If you could walk in this scenario.
straight down the cliff and straight across at the base of the
cliff to the creek, the distance would be approximately How Can I Practice? 1. a. b. 15 15 8 8 15
8 , c. 17, d. 17, e. 17, f. 17; 15,

b  c  2780 feet, where b  tan 800 2. a. 0.731, b. 0.574, c. 0.601, d. 5.671; 3. cos A  12
and tan A  12 ; 4. sin B  7 and cos B  4 ;
Project Activity 6.5 Exercises: 1. a. The slope is 100 or 20 or
5 1 265 265
5. a. u  48.6°, b. u  23.5°, c. u  74.1°,
0.05. b. A  tan 10.052  2.86°. The highway makes an
d. u  16.6°, e. u  44.2°, f. u  13.7°;
angle of 2.86° with the horizontal. This angle is called the 6. BC  4.8 cm, AC  3.6 cm, B  37°, C  90°;
angle of elevation. c. 1 mile is equivalent to 5280 feet. If x 7. A  arctan 1 10
15 2  33.7°; therefore, I should buy the 35°
represents the number of feet above sea level after walking
1 mile, then x  5280 # sin 12.86°2  approximately
trusses. 8. a. u  20.6, b. D  2162  62  17.1 ft.
9. a.
264 feet. I would be 264 feet above sea level after 1 mile. Island

3. Using the following diagram: Spy satellite

d, direct distance
2.5 mi.
The two equations are (a) 30°

tan 25°  x 5 y and (b) 5 mi. Cottage

6 mi.

tan 30°  y. Solving equation B
The direct distance, d, from the cottage to the island is
x y mi.
d  22.52  62  6.5 miles.
b. A  arctan 1 2.5
6 2  22.6°; I should direct my boat 22.6°
(b), y  8.7 miles. Then
equation (a) becomes tan 25°  x 5 8.7. Solve this equation
for x. 1x  8.72tan 25°  5, x tan 25°  5  8.7 tan 25°,
north of east to get from the cottage to the island in the
15  8.7 tan 25°2 shortest distance.
x , x  2.0 mi. The runway is Activity 6.6 Exercises: 1. a. 10.31, 0.952, b. 10.64, 0.772,
c. 10, 12, d. 10.36, 0.932, e. 10.85, 0.532,
tan 25°
approximately 2 miles long. 6. a. Let A represent the area
f. 10.26, 0.972, g. 10.34, 0.942; 2. a. 36072 #
of the trapezoidal cross section. The height of the cross 2p  1.26,
b. 310 270 #
section is h, and the two bases are 5 and 5  2x, 360
# 2p  5.41 , c. 360 2p  4.71 ,
respectively. The area is then determined by the formula d. 111 # 2p  1.94 , e. 212 #
2p  3.70,
360 360
A  12 h110  2x2, which, after simplifying, is 435 # 70 #
f. 360 2p  7.59, g. 360 2p  1.22; distance is 1.22;
A  h15  x2 or A  5h  hx.
4. a. The graph looks like the cosine function reflected in
b. h  5 sin t, x  5 cos t, A  51sin t215  5 cos t2 or
A  25 sin t11  cos t2 or, A  25 sin t  25 sin t 1cos t2 ,
the x-axis. b. The motion indicates cosine values for
points P1x, y2 starting at 11, 02.
c. d. The graph in part
35 5. a.
c indicates that the 16
Hours of Daylight

area of the trape- 14

zoidal cross section
Area (sq. ft.)

(output) is the 10
greatest when the 8

10 //
angle t is 60°. M A M J J A S
b. Yes, the number of hours of daylight is cyclical.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
t° The graph looks like a shifted and stretched sine graph.
e. The area is approximately 32.5 square feet as read from c. The graph has the same wave-like shape. d. South.
the graph in part c. f. Let V represent the volume. Then, The number of hours of daylight is greater from October to
V  50 # A, where A is the cross-section area. In terms of t, February, winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
the volume is V  1250 sin t 11  cos t2 .
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:21 AM Page 74

A-74 Selected Answers

p p
Activity 6.7 Exercises: 1. a. 45 # 180  4  0.785 radians, 3. f(x) 5. a. Graph is iii.
p 7p b. Graph is iv.
180  9  2.443 radians,
b. 140 # 2 π
f(x) = 2sin(x + –
2) c. Graph is i, d. Graph
p 11 p
180  6  5.760 radians,
c. 330 # is ii.
p p x
d. 36 # 180  5  0.628 radians;

π 3π


3. 0° 30° 45° 60° 90° 135° 180° 210° 270° 360° ;
0 p/6 p/4 p/3 p/2 3p/4 p 7p/6 3p/2 2p
Activity 6.10 Exercises: 1. a.
5. a. y  2 cos x is y  cos x stretched vertically by a factor
of 2. y  cos 12x2 is y  cos x compressed horizontally by
a factor of 2. b. y  cos 1 13 x 2 is y  cos x stretched
DATE Jan 29 Feb 5 Feb 13 Feb 21 Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 14 Mar 22 Mar 29

horizontally by a factor of 3. y  cos 13x2 is y  cos x

x; days since
0 7 13 21 28 34 42 50 57
Jan 29
compressed horizontally by a factor of 3. y; the amount
0 0.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 0.5 0
of Moon visible
y = –3sin(3x) b.
3 2.5

Amount of Moon Visible

π π π 2π
– – – —
6 3 2 3

max: 3,
min: 3, 0 9 18 27 36 45
Days Since Jan. 29
54 63 72

period: 23p ;
9. a. The bill is highest for December and January. The c. Yes. It does show repeated and periodic behavior.
amount of the bill is approximately $600. b. The bill is d. y 5 0.500 sin10.222x  1.5092  0.521, e. y1952 5 0.85,
lowest for June and July. The amount of the bill is or about 85% of the side of the Moon facing the earth will be
approximately $250. c. The largest value is $650. d. The visible 95 days after Jan. 29th.
period is 6 billing periods or 12 months. e. The graph will
Activity 6.11 Exercises 1. a. D to C 5 1.1224;
be stretched vertically by a factor of 1.05. This will not affect
the period of the function. f. The amount of the bills for the E to C 5 1.2599; F to C 5 1.3348; G to C 5 1.4983;
A to C 5 1.6818; B to C 5 1.8877;
3. a. r  211>122  1.059463,
summer months would increase. The graph would flatten
out as the monthly charges become more equal.
Activity 6.8 Exercises:
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C
1. x 3. a. The maximum 261.6 277.2 293.6 311.1 329.6 349.2 370.0 392.0 415.3 440.0 466.1 493.8 523.2
value is 100.
b. The minimum value 415.3 4
c.  1.33494  1.33...  , so the notes should be
is 100. 311.1 3

π 3π


5. x  150 cos u consonant.
y  150 sin u;
d. D# :
311.1  1.106 m 1 b  1.106  5.68 1 y  sin 15.68x2
344 2p

8. a. y  15 sin 12x2 , b. y  1.3 cos 10.7x2 ;

10. a. Graph is iii, b. Graph is iv, c. Graph is i, E# :
 0.828 m 1 b  0.828  7.59 1 y  sin 17.59x2
344 2p
d. Graph is ii; 415.3
Appears consonant:
Activity 6.9 Exercises: 1. a. amplitude: 0.7, period: p,
displacement:   p4 , b. amplitude: p, period: 2p,
1 1 2
displacement: 1  1, c. amplitude: 2.5, period: 5p,
 p3 How Can I Practice? 1. a. 10.81, 0.592, b. 10.87, 0.52,
 56p , d. amplitude: 15, period: 1, c. 10, 12, d. 10.73, 0.682, e. 10.81, 0.592, f. 10, 12;
1 0.3 2 3 2. a. 0.63 units, b. 3.67 units, c. 1.57 units clockwise,
displacement: 2 p  20 p  0.0477;
d. 5.53 units, e. 2.51 units clockwise, f. 7.85 units;
p p p p p 13 p
3. a. 18 # 180  10, b. 18 # 180  10, c. 390 # 180  6 ,
p 2 p 5 p 180
d. 72 # 180  5 ; 4. a. 6 # p  150°,
06-100 Comp Ans pp2 1/6/07 11:21 AM Page 75

Selected answers A-75

6. So, 1 2 x 2 2  x 2  1 200  x 2 2 x 
b. 1.7p # 180p  306°, c. 3p
# 180
p  540°, 400 ; 2480,000
180 .
d. 0.9p # p  162°; 4
5. amplitude: 4 6. amplitude: 2 400  40023
The negative does not make sense, thus x  .
period: 23p period: 21p  2p 4
x  100  10023; h  300  10023
displacement: 0 displacement: 1
7. sin u cos u tan u

2 12 23

1 1
7. amplitude: 3.2 8. amplitude: 1 22 22
period: 2  p 2p
period: 1  4p 1 23 1
2 2 23
displacement: 0 2
0 1 0
displacement: 2
12  23 1
2 23

1 1
22 22

9. amplitude: 3  23
2 12 23
2p p
period: 4  2 1 0 undef.
1 1 2 1
displacement: 4  4  23 1
2 2

 1 1
22 22

12 1

10. a. because of the repetitive nature of the height of the 0 1 0

water as a function of time,
80  0 8. a. amplitude: 2 b. amplitude: 2
b. amplitude   40,
2 period: 2p period: 2p
c. The period is approximately 12 hours, because high tide y y

occurs twice a day. d. Let x represent the number of hours 2 2

since midnight. y  a sin 1bx  c2  d, a  40, the 1 1

2p p 2π
amplitude, period : b  12, b  6 , displacement π x
π π 3π
x π 3π 2π
– — – —

:3  b  p , c  3 # 1 6 2 , c  2 , vertical shift
2 2 2 2
c p p
–2 –2

:d  40, y  40 sin 1 6 x  2 2  40. Other equations

p p
c. amplitude: 1 d. amplitude: 1
are possible; depends on the choice of displacement. period: p period: 1
Gateway Review 1. a. N  7 sin 163°2  6.24 mi,
y y

b. E  7 cos163°2  3.18 mi; 2. a. side c 5 13, angle 1 1

A  67.4°, angle B  22.6°, b. side a  6.93, side b  4, x x

π π 0.5 1
angle A  60°, c. side b  3, side c  4.24, angle –

B  45°, d. side a  8.66, side c  10, angle B  30°; –1 –1

8 6 1 1
3. a. cos u  10, tan u  8, b. sin u  2, tan u  ,
8 e. amplitude: 1 f. amplitude: 1
u  30°, c. c2  52  82  89, c  289, sin u  ,
289 period: 4p period: 4
cos u  5 ; 4. No; there is a difference, but it is y y
so small that it is difficult to see. For me:
u  tan 1 1 1408
100 2  85.9375°.
1 1

For my nephew: u  tan 1 1 100 2  85.9461°.

2π 4π
1411 π x 1 2 3 4 x

tan 57°  30 b –1 –1
5. tan 13°  46.2
30 tan 57°  a b  46.2 tan 13°
a  46.2 b  10.7
cos 57°  30
c cos 13°  46.2
c  cos3057° 46.2
h  cos 13°
c  55.1 h  47.4
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A-76 Selected Answers

g. amplitude: 1 h. amplitude: 23
period: 2p period: p

1 2


π 2π x x
– π


i. amplitude: 1 j. amplitude: 3
period: 1 period: 1
y y

0.5 x x
1 0.5 1

9. a. Graph is vi. b. Graph is ii. c. Graph is iv.

d. Graph is v. e. Graph is vii. f. Graph is viii.

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