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AAPS VISION “Every child is a God given Amana, to be educated and developed into balanced individuals with well-

rounded personality”

Al Amana Private School (2023-24)

Revision Worksheet
Name: Year 2 Section:

1. Circle the given examples are PUSH or PULL.

2. This is a type of rock that we get from mine.
It is black and shiny.

Identify the name of the rock given in the picture:

A. Granite
B. Marble
C. Coal

3. The table shows some properties of rocks.

Rocks Absorbent Waterproof Colour Strong

Granite No Yes Grey Yes
Marble No Yes Grey Yes
Chalk Yes No White No

Complete these sentences about the properties of rocks:

Use information from the table
a) Granites are used to make buildings and bridges, because it is

b) Chalk is used to write in the blackboard because it is

4. Explain the difference between a pushing force and a pulling force.



5. When you kick a soccer ball.

a) What type of force do you use?


b) Can you describe other sports or activities that involve pushing or




6. Below are some pictures of children using pushing and pulling
Write down push or pull in the force box. Does the force cause
something to start or stop moving? In the second box, write start
or stop.

7. This man is making bread. He is working the dough. He pushes and
pulls the dough.

Tick the correct one.

a) Change shape
b) Changes colour
c)Gets heavier
d) Bounces back to its original shape

8. Identify the action needs small force or big force and write the
correct answer.




9. Rose walked around the seashore and see different recycling materials.
Use the bar chart to answer the questions.
Recycling materials
Number of materials

Answer the following questions.

a) Which material can be recycled the most? ………………………….

b) Which material can be recycled the least? ………………………….

c) How many materials are altogether? ……………………………….

d) How many more metal cans than glass bottles are there? ………….

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