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Baburaoji Gholap College, Sangvi, Pune - 27.
Department of Software Development


Savitribai Phule Pune University

This is to certify that the project entitled


has been successfully completed by


as a requirement of examination of B.Voc Software

Development course of Savitribai Phule,Pune
Year (2023-24)
Ms. S. A. Kadam
Project Guide Head Dept. of B.Voc(SD)

This manuscript has been read and satisfaction of the project requirement for the OJT

Examination committee

Date Name Signature



Project Progress Report

Name of the Student Anuradha Vijay Sahani

Project Title Starbucks coffee website
Name of the Project Guide Ms. M. D. Jangale

Sr. From Date To Date Details of Project Work Project Guide

No Signature
1 Introduction:
Problem Definition
Purpose/Objective and goals
Project Scope
2 System Analysis:
Existing System
Scope and Limitations
3 Normalized Database design
Data dictionary
Er Diagram
4 User Interface Design:
Input/Output Screens using
sample data,
Reports, Graphs.
5 Testing and Implementations
6 Conclusion and
Future Scope
Bibliography and References
7 Demo-I
8 Demo-II
9 Demo-III

It is our privilege to express our sincerest regards to our project guide, Ms. M. D. Jangale for
their valuable inputs, able guidance, encouragement, whole- hearted cooperation and
constructive criticism throughout the duration of our project

We deeply express our sincere thanks to our Head of Department Ms. S. A. Kadam for
encouraging and allowing us to present the project on the topic "CYBER CAFÉ
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" at our department premises for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements leading to the award .

We take this opportunity to thank all our lecturers who have directly or indirectly helped our
project. We pay our respects and love to our parents and all other family members and
friends for their love and encouragement throughout our career Last but not the least we
express our thanks to our friends for their cooperation and support.

Sr.No. Title
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Purpose/Objective and goals
1.4 Literature survey
1.5 Project scope and limitations

2 System analysis
2.1 Existing Systems
2.2 Scope and limitations of existing systems
2.3 Project perspective, features
2.4 Stakeholders
2.5 Requirement analysis – Functional requirements, performance requirements,
security requirements etc.

3 Implementation details-software/hardware specifications

4 System Design
3.1 Design constraints –Normalised Database Design and Data Dictionary
3.2 Data Model –DFD( Data flow diagram)
3.3 User Interfaces
3.3.1 Menus
3.3.2 Input Screens using sample data
3.3.3 Outputs Screens
3.4.4 Reports, Graphs using sample data

5 Testing Test Plan-Black Box Testing or Data Validation Test Cases, White Box
Testing or Functional Validation Test cases and results

6 Conclusion and Recommendations

7 Future Scope
8 Bibliography and References
Introduction to Cyber Cafe Management System:

In an era dominated by digital connectivity, the role of cyber cafes has evolved into
indispensable hubs where individuals converge to access the internet, engage in
online activities, and leverage digital resources. As a nexus of information exchange
and online interactions, the efficient management of these cyber cafe spaces
becomes paramount. This project endeavors to introduce and implement a state-of-
the-art Cyber Cafe Management System (CCMS) that not only streamlines the
administrative processes but also enhances the overall user experience.

Context and Rationale:

With the pervasive influence of technology in our daily lives, cyber cafes serve as
communal spaces for students, professionals, and enthusiasts to bridge the digital
divide and access online resources. However, managing these spaces efficiently
poses numerous challenges, ranging from user access control and billing intricacies
to resource optimization and security concerns. The Cyber Cafe Management System
aims to address these challenges comprehensively, offering a robust solution that
amalgamates advanced technology, user-friendly interfaces, and stringent security

Objectives of the Project:

The primary objectives of implementing the Cyber Cafe Management System are as

1. Enhanced User Management:

 Streamline the process of user registration, modification, and deletion.
 Ensure a personalized user experience through comprehensive user
2. Optimized System Access Control:
 Implement a role-based access control system to bolster security.
 Define differentiated access privileges for administrators and regular
3. Efficient Computer Allocation:
 Provide an intuitive interface for administrators to manage and allocate
computer systems.
 Dynamically assign and monitor computer usage based on real-time
4. Seamless Billing System:
 Automate the billing process, ensuring accurate tracking of user usage
Integrate secure online payment methods for a streamlined financial
transaction experience.
5. Robust Reporting and Analytics:
 Generate detailed reports on user activities, usage statistics, and
financial transactions.
 Leverage analytics for data-driven decision-making and resource
6. Remote Monitoring Capabilities:
 Enable administrators to monitor and manage the cyber cafe remotely.
 Ensure real-time oversight for prompt issue resolution and system

Technological Framework:

The project leverages a cutting-edge technological stack, including HTML5, CSS3,

JavaScript, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express framework, MongoDB, Passport.js for
authentication, for real-time communication, and integration with the
Stripe API for secure online payments. This robust framework ensures scalability,
responsiveness, and security – key elements essential for a successful Cyber Cafe
Management System.
1. Introduction to System Analysis:

System analysis serves as the foundational phase in the development lifecycle of any
information system. It involves a comprehensive examination of the existing system,
identification of user requirements, and formulation of strategies for creating an
effective and efficient Cyber Cafe Management System (CCMS). This phase is critical
in understanding the intricacies of cyber cafe operations and laying the groundwork
for the subsequent stages of design, implementation, and testing.

2. Current System Assessment:

2.1 Operational Workflow:

 Analyze the existing operational workflow of the cyber cafe, identifying key
processes such as user registration, computer allocation, billing, and reporting.
 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current system in handling day-
to-day activities.

2.2 User Feedback:

 Gather feedback from both users and administrators regarding their

experiences with the current system.
 Identify pain points, challenges, and areas that require improvement.

2.3 Technical Infrastructure:

 Assess the technological infrastructure currently in place, including hardware,

software, and networking components.
 Evaluate the scalability and compatibility of the existing system.

3. Identification of User Requirements:

3.1 User Interviews:

 Conduct interviews with cyber cafe owners, administrators, and regular users
to understand their specific needs and expectations.
 Identify common functionalities desired by users and critical requirements for
effective cafe management.

3.2 Use Case Analysis:

 Develop use cases to capture the various scenarios and interactions within the
cyber cafe environment.
 Prioritize use cases based on their significance to both users and

4. Feasibility Analysis:

4.1 Technical Feasibility:

 Evaluate the technical capabilities required for implementing the proposed

Cyber Cafe Management System.
 Assess the compatibility of the selected technologies with the existing

4.2 Operational Feasibility:

 Analyze how well the system aligns with the operational requirements of the
cyber cafe.
 Consider factors such as ease of use, training requirements, and impact on
day-to-day operations.

4.3 Economic Feasibility:

 Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine the financial viability of

implementing the CCMS.
 Assess the potential return on investment (ROI) and long-term cost savings.

5. System Design Considerations:

5.1 Database Design:

 Define the database schema to store user information, billing details, and
system configurations.
 Optimize the database design for efficient data retrieval and storage.

5.2 User Interface Design:

 Design a user-friendly interface that aligns with the needs and preferences of
both administrators and regular users.
 Ensure a responsive design for seamless access across various devices.

5.3 Security Design:

 Devise a robust security model, incorporating measures such as SSL

encryption, password hashing, and access control.
 Address potential vulnerabilities identified during the analysis phase.

6. System Prototyping:

6.1 User Interface Prototyping:

 Develop prototypes of the user interface to visualize the look and feel of the
 Gather feedback from stakeholders to refine the design.

6.2 Functionality Prototyping:

 Implement prototypes for key system functionalities, allowing users to interact

with and provide input on the proposed features.
 Iterate on the prototypes based on user feedback.
Implementation Details of the Cyber Cafe Management System (CCMS):

1. System Architecture:

1.1 Frontend Development:

 Utilize HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to create a responsive and visually

appealing user interface.
 Implement the Bootstrap framework for consistent design and improved user
experience across different devices.

1.2 Backend Development:

 Develop the backend using Node.js with the Express framework for handling
server-side logic and routing.
 Implement RESTful API endpoints for seamless communication between the
frontend and backend components.

1.3 Database Management:

 Utilize MongoDB as the database to store user information, billing details, and
system configurations.
 Design and implement efficient database queries to optimize data retrieval
and storage.

2. User Management:

2.1 User Registration:

 Create a user registration module allowing new users to sign up with

necessary details.
 Implement validation checks to ensure data accuracy and security.

2.2 Authentication:

 Utilize Passport.js for secure and customizable authentication strategies.

 Implement secure password hashing to protect user credentials.

3. Computer Allocation:

3.1 Dynamic Allocation:

 Develop a dynamic computer allocation system based on real-time availability.

 Implement algorithms to optimize computer assignment and prevent

3.2 Visual Representation:

 Provide administrators with a visual representation of the cyber cafe layout for
intuitive computer allocation.
 Implement drag-and-drop functionality for easy reassignment.

4. Billing System:

4.1 Usage Tracking:

 Develop a mechanism to track user usage time accurately.

 Implement session timers and notifications for users approaching the end of
their allocated time.

4.2 Invoice Generation:

 Automate the billing process to generate invoices based on usage time and
 Provide printable invoices with detailed usage information.

4.3 Payment Integration:

 Integrate the Stripe API for secure online payments.

 Support multiple payment methods, including credit cards and online

5. Reporting and Analytics:

5.1 Report Generation:

 Implement a reporting module to generate detailed reports on user activities,

usage statistics, and financial transactions.
 Provide customizable report parameters for administrators.

5.2 Analytics Dashboard:

 Create an analytics dashboard for data-driven decision-making.

 Include charts and graphs to visualize trends and patterns in user behavior
and system usage.
6. Real-time Communication:

6.1 Integration:

 Integrate for real-time communication between the server and

 Implement real-time updates for users and administrators on system activities.

7. Security Measures:

7.1 SSL Encryption:

 Implement SSL encryption for secure data transmission.

 Obtain and configure SSL certificates for the web server.

7.2 Access Control:

 Implement role-based access control to restrict unauthorized access.

 Define and enforce access privileges for administrators and regular users.

8. Future Enhancements:

8.1 Mobile App Development:

 Plan and develop a mobile application for enhanced accessibility.

 Ensure a seamless user experience on various mobile devices.

8.2 Integration with External Systems:

 Explore opportunities for integration with external systems, such as inventory

management or customer relationship management tools.
 Develop APIs to facilitate interoperability with third-party applications.

8.3 Feedback System:

 Implement a user feedback system for continuous improvement.

 Gather user opinions and suggestions to inform future updates.
System Design Considerations for Cyber Cafe Management System (CCMS)

1. Database Design:

1.1 Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD):

 Develop a comprehensive ERD to represent the relationships between entities

such as Users, Computers, Sessions, and Payments.
 Ensure that the database schema is normalized to minimize redundancy and
improve data integrity.

1.2 Data Integrity and Constraints:

 Implement database constraints to enforce data integrity, including primary

keys, foreign keys, and unique constraints.
 Utilize indexing to optimize data retrieval performance.

1.3 Data Storage Optimization:

 Choose appropriate data types for each field to optimize storage efficiency.
 Consider using MongoDB's document-oriented structure for flexibility in
handling unstructured data.

2. User Interface Design:

2.1 User-Friendly Interface:

 Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for both administrators and

regular users.
 Ensure consistency in layout, navigation, and visual elements to enhance the
overall user experience.

2.2 Responsive Design:

 Implement responsive design principles to ensure the system is accessible and

functional across various devices and screen sizes.
 Prioritize usability to accommodate users with different levels of technical

2.3 Accessibility:
 Consider accessibility standards to ensure the system is usable by individuals
with disabilities.
 Implement features such as text-to-speech compatibility and keyboard

3. Security Design:

3.1 SSL Encryption:

 Integrate SSL encryption to secure data transmission between clients and the
 Configure the web server to support HTTPS for secure communication.

3.2 Password Security:

 Implement secure password hashing algorithms such as bcrypt.

 Enforce password complexity requirements and periodic password updates.

3.3 Access Control:

 Design a role-based access control system to define and manage user roles.
 Ensure that access control is granular, allowing administrators to assign
specific privileges based on responsibilities.

4. System Architecture Design:

4.1 Microservices Architecture:

 Consider adopting a microservices architecture for scalability and modularity.

 Design individual services for user management, billing, computer allocation,
and reporting.

4.2 Scalability Considerations:

 Design the system to be scalable to accommodate an increasing number of

users and cyber cafe locations.
 Utilize load balancing and distributed computing principles to manage system

5. Prototyping:

5.1 User Interface Prototypes:

 Develop prototypes for key user interfaces to visualize the design.
 Gather feedback from stakeholders and end-users to refine the design before
full-scale development.

5.2 Functionality Prototypes:

 Create functional prototypes for critical system functionalities.

 Use these prototypes for iterative testing and user validation.

6. Error Handling and Logging:

6.1 Comprehensive Error Handling:

 Design a robust error-handling mechanism to gracefully manage unexpected

 Provide informative error messages to users and log errors for system

6.2 Logging and Auditing:

 Implement logging mechanisms to record significant system events, user

activities, and security-related events.
 Ensure that logs are accessible only to authorized personnel.

7. Future-Proofing:

7.1 Modular Design for Extensions:

 Design the system with modularity to facilitate future enhancements and

 Consider developing APIs to allow easy integration with third-party

7.2 Technology Stack Flexibility:

 Choose technologies that are adaptable to future advancements.

 Keep abreast of emerging technologies and plan for potential technology

8. Usability Testing:

8.1 User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

 Plan and conduct extensive user acceptance testing with real users.
 Gather feedback on system usability, efficiency, and user satisfaction.

8.2 Iterative Design Improvements:

 Use user feedback to iteratively improve the system design.

 Consider conducting usability testing at various development stages
Test Plan for Cyber Cafe Management System (CCMS):

1. Introduction:

1.1 Objective:

 Ensure that the Cyber Cafe Management System (CCMS) functions as

intended, meeting user requirements and specifications.
 Validate the system's reliability, security, and performance under various

1.2 Scope:

 Testing will cover key functionalities including user management, computer

allocation, billing, reporting, and security features.
 Performance testing will assess system responsiveness under normal and peak

2. Test Phases:

2.1 Unit Testing:

 Individual components, modules, and functions will be tested in isolation.

 Verify that each unit performs its intended functions accurately.

2.2 Integration Testing:

 Test interactions between integrated components and modules.

 Verify data flow and communication between different parts of the system.

2.3 System Testing:

 Test the complete system in an environment that closely resembles the

production environment.
 Verify end-to-end functionality, including user workflows and system

2.4 Performance Testing:

 Evaluate the system's performance under different scenarios, including normal

usage and peak loads.
 Measure response times, resource utilization, and system scalability.
2.5 Security Testing:

 Assess the system's resistance to unauthorized access, data breaches, and

potential vulnerabilities.
 Validate the effectiveness of implemented security measures, including SSL
encryption and access controls.

2.6 User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

 Conduct testing with actual users to ensure the system meets their
 Gather feedback on usability, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction.

3. Test Cases:

3.1 User Management:

 Verify user registration, login, and authentication processes.

 Test user profile creation, modification, and deletion functionalities.

3.2 Computer Allocation:

 Test the dynamic allocation of computers based on availability.

 Verify the visual representation of the cyber cafe layout and the drag-and-
drop functionality for reassignment.

3.3 Billing System:

 Test the accuracy of usage time tracking and session timers.

 Validate the generation of invoices and the functionality of the payment
integration with the Stripe API.

3.4 Reporting and Analytics:

 Test the generation of detailed reports on user activities, usage statistics, and
financial transactions.
 Validate the accuracy of analytics presented on the dashboard.

3.5 Real-time Communication:

 Test the real-time communication features using

 Verify the timely delivery of updates and notifications to users and
4. Test Environments:

4.1 Development Environment:

 Testing during the development phase to catch and address issues early.
 Utilize a local development environment with simulated data.

4.2 Staging Environment:

 A staging environment mirroring the production environment for integration

and system testing.
 Utilize a separate database for staging to avoid impacting live data.

4.3 Performance Testing Environment:

 Dedicated environment for performance testing with tools such as Apache

 Simulate various user loads to assess system scalability.

5. Test Data:

5.1 Test Data Generation:

 Create a diverse set of test data covering different user scenarios and edge
 Include variations in user profiles, usage patterns, and billing scenarios.

5.2 Data Privacy and Security:

 Ensure that test data generation complies with data privacy regulations.
 Anonymize and secure sensitive information used in testing.

6. Test Execution:

6.1 Testing Teams:

 Assign specific testing teams for unit, integration, system, performance,

security, and UAT.
 Collaborate closely with development teams for rapid issue resolution.

6.2 Automation:

 Automate repetitive and critical test cases to expedite testing processes.

 Utilize testing frameworks such as Selenium for UI testing and JUnit for unit

7. Test Reporting:

7.1 Defect Tracking:

 Use a dedicated defect tracking system to log and prioritize identified issues.
 Provide detailed information on each defect, including steps to reproduce and

7.2 Test Summary Reports:

 Compile test summary reports after each testing phase.

 Include metrics on test coverage, pass/fail rates, and identified defects.

8. Test Sign-Off:

8.1 Criteria for Sign-Off:

 Sign-off will be based on meeting predefined criteria for each testing phase.
 Criteria include successful completion of test cases, resolution of critical
defects, and user acceptance.

8.2 User Approval:

 Obtain formal approval from users during the UAT phase.

 Confirm that the system meets their expectations and is ready for deploymen
Conclusion for the Cyber Cafe Management System Project:

In the pursuit of developing the Cyber Cafe Management System (CCMS), the project
has successfully traversed through various phases of inception, analysis, design,
implementation, and testing. The culmination of these efforts has resulted in the
creation of a dynamic, user-centric, and technologically advanced system poised to
revolutionize the management of cyber cafes. The key takeaways from this project
are outlined below:

1. Meeting User Needs:

 Through thorough system analysis, the project identified and addressed the
specific needs and expectations of cyber cafe owners, administrators, and
 User-centric features such as dynamic computer allocation, a streamlined
billing system, and real-time communication were meticulously designed and

2. Robust System Design:

 The system design phase laid the foundation for a scalable, secure, and user-
friendly platform.
 Considerations such as database design, user interface design, security
measures, and system architecture were thoughtfully incorporated to ensure a
robust and future-proof system.

3. Cutting-Edge Technologies:

 Leveraging a modern technology stack, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,

Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and real-time communication with, the
CCMS embraces contemporary development practices.
 The integration of these technologies enhances system performance,
responsiveness, and adaptability.

4. Rigorous Testing and Quality Assurance:

 The comprehensive testing plan encompassed unit testing, integration testing,

system testing, performance testing, security testing, and user acceptance
 By adhering to stringent testing standards, the project aimed to identify and
rectify issues early, ensuring a reliable and high-quality Cyber Cafe
Management System.
5. Future-Proofing and Adaptability:

 The project incorporated future-proofing strategies, such as modular design

for extensions and flexibility in the technology stack.
 This adaptability positions the CCMS to seamlessly integrate with emerging
technologies and accommodate evolving user needs.

6. Collaboration and Stakeholder Involvement:

 Throughout the project lifecycle, collaboration between development teams,

testing teams, and stakeholders played a pivotal role.
 Continuous stakeholder involvement, especially during the user acceptance
testing phase, facilitated feedback and refinement, ensuring alignment with
user expectations.

7. Conclusion of Testing Phase:

 The testing phase concluded with the system meeting predefined criteria and
obtaining formal approval from users during the user acceptance testing.
 Defects were diligently tracked and resolved, contributing to the overall
reliability and stability of the CCMS.

In conclusion, the Cyber Cafe Management System stands as a testament to the

dedication, innovation, and collaboration of the project team. As the system is
prepared for deployment, the anticipation is high for its positive impact on cyber
cafe operations, offering an efficient, secure, and enjoyable experience for both
administrators and users. The success of this project lies not only in its technological
prowess but also in its commitment to addressing real-world challenges and
fostering a seamless integration of technology into the daily operations of cyber
Future Scope of the Cyber Cafe Management System (CCMS) Project:

The Cyber Cafe Management System has been developed with a focus on addressing
current challenges and requirements in the cyber cafe industry. However, as
technology evolves and user needs continue to change, there are several avenues for
future enhancements and expansion of the project:

1. Cloud Integration:

 Explore the integration of cloud services for data storage, backup, and
 Cloud integration can enhance accessibility, facilitate data synchronization
across multiple locations, and provide a more resilient infrastructure.

2. Machine Learning for Predictive Analysis:

 Implement machine learning algorithms to analyze usage patterns, predict

peak hours, and optimize resource allocation.
 Predictive analysis can contribute to more efficient cyber cafe operations by
anticipating user demands and adapting system resources accordingly.

3. Virtual Reality (VR) Integration:

 Incorporate Virtual Reality functionalities to enhance the user experience

within the cyber cafe.
 VR can provide immersive environments for users and potentially open up
new avenues for interactive and entertainment-focused services.

4. Mobile Application Development:

 Develop a dedicated mobile application for both administrators and users.

 A mobile app can provide on-the-go access, allowing users to check
availability, make reservations, and receive notifications.

5. Third-Party Integrations:

 Develop APIs to enable seamless integration with third-party applications and

 Integration with external systems, such as inventory management or loyalty
program platforms, can enhance the overall functionality of the CCMS.

6. Enhanced Loyalty Programs:

 Expand the loyalty program feature to include more advanced reward
 Consider incorporating gamification elements to further incentivize user
engagement and loyalty.

7. Advanced Security Measures:

 Stay abreast of the latest cybersecurity trends and continually enhance

security measures.
 Implement multi-factor authentication, advanced intrusion detection systems,
and regular security audits to safeguard user data.

8. Regulatory Compliance Updates:

 Regularly update the system to comply with evolving cybersecurity

regulations and data protection laws.
 Staying current with compliance standards ensures that the CCMS remains
trustworthy and legally compliant.

9. User Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

 Establish a feedback mechanism within the system for users to provide

suggestions and report issues.
 Use user feedback to iteratively improve the user interface, system
functionalities, and overall user experience.

10. Integration with Emerging Technologies:

 Monitor emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), blockchain,

and advanced analytics.
 Assess the feasibility of integrating these technologies to enhance system
capabilities and provide innovative services.

11. Globalization and Multi-Language Support:

 Expand the system's reach by incorporating additional language support.

 This can cater to a broader user base and potentially facilitate the deployment
of the CCMS in diverse geographical locations.

12. Data Analytics for Business Insights:

 Enhance the analytics module to provide more in-depth business insights.

 Utilize data analytics to identify trends, forecast demand, and make informed
decisions for resource optimization.

The future scope of the Cyber Cafe Management System extends beyond its initial
implementation, with the potential to adapt and thrive in the evolving landscape of
cyber cafe operations. By embracing emerging technologies, accommodating user
feedback, and staying attuned to industry trends, the CCMS can position itself as a
dynamic and indispensable tool for cyber cafe owners and users.

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