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· Describe the formation of the Nazi Party in Germany (Refer page no: 56)

· After the World War I, Hitler was horrified.
· He had served there as a messenger during the war.
· Also, he was angry because of the treaty of Versailles.
· When the World War I ended, he joined a group of people namely, the German
Workers Party. Soon, he overtook the party and became the leader of this party.
· He renamed it to National Socialist German Workers Party. This party later came to
be known as the Nazi party in Germany.
· From whom did Hitler borrow his racist ideology? Explain the concept.
· Hitler borrowed his racist ideology from thinkers like Charles Darwin and Herbert
· Darwin was a natural scientist who tried to explain the creation of plants and animals
through the concept of evolution and natural selection. Darwin never advocated
human intervention in what he thought was a purely natural process of selection.
· Herbert Spencer later added the idea of survival of the fittest. According to this idea,
only those species survived on earth that could adapt themselves to changing climatic

· What was Weimar Republic? How did it form? (Refer page no: 51)
How was the Weimar Republic born in Germany? Explain.
Ans: Weimar Republic was a democratic set up in Germany with Federal structure.
· The defeat of the Imperial Germany and the abdication of the emperor gave an
opportunity to parliamentary parties to recast German polity.
· A National Assembly met at Weimer and established a democratic constitution with a
federal structure.
· Deputies were elected to the German Parliament or Reichstag, on the basis of equal
and universal votes cast by all adults including women.
· What were art of propaganda used by Hitler to spread Nazi ideology in Germany.
What were the terms given by the Nazis when they wanted to convey the words ’kill’ or
‘murder in their official communications?
· The Nazis used the words ‘special treatment or final Solution’ to convey mass killing
of the Jews.
· The words, ‘selection or disinfection’ was used for the elimination of the disabled
and to deport people to the Gas Chambers the Nazis used the word ‘evacuation’.
· Gas Chambers were called ‘disinfection areas’. These chambers looked like a bath
rooms with fake showerheads.
· What was expected of the youth in Nazi Germany?
· All the young men above the age of 18 years were expected to serve in the armed
forces and enter one of the Nazi organisations.
· At the tender age of 10 they had to join ‘Jungvolk’ – Nazi youth groups for children
below 14 years of age.
· At 14 years of age they enrolled in the Nazi Youth Organisation called ‘Hitler
· The German youth were educated in the spirit of National Socialism by these youth
· They were taught to worship war, glorify aggression and violence, condemn
democracy,and hate Jews, communists, gypsies and all those who were called
· Who were the Allies and Axis powers of the I world war?

· Those who supported the Weimar Republic, they were mockingly called

· How did economic depression affect USA?

· State the meaning of the words, Proletarianisation and Genocidal.

· Explain Article 48.

· The German Parliament was called as the _________.

· How did the Second World war end?

· In September 1940, a Tripartite Pact was signed between Germany, Italy and

· ______________or living space. Hitler believed that new territories had to

be acquired for settlement.

· The ________________founded the Communist Party of Germany.

· ______________is the name of the world’s biggest stock exchange. It is

located in U.S.A.

· Socialists, Catholics and Democrats were called the _________________.

· The Enabling Act, passed on 3rd March 1933, established ________in


· Hitler believed that ________could make children iron hearted, strong and

· The Naxi killing operations were called as ______________.

· What event in history is known as the Holocaust? How did the world come to know
about the Holocaust? Explain.
· ‘Nazism reflects ugly face of humanity’. State three arguments in support of the
· Explain any five steps taken by Hitler to establish strong Nazi Society.
· Evaluate the use of Media by the Nazis to popularize their ideology in Germany. Page
68 last para.
· In Nazi Germany all mothers were not treated equally. Explain the given statement.

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