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unit 5/A place to call home

1.Urgent: needs attention very soon.
2.Builder: a person who builds or repairs houses or other
3.Electrician: a person who connects or repairs electrical
4.Castle: Alarmed building with thick high walls built in the
past as a safe place
5.Tent: A shatter consisting of a cloth, pole and ropes that
you can fold up and carry with you.
6.Block of flats :an apartment building with several floors.
7.Bungalow: a house with one floor and no stairs.
8.Detached house: A house that isn't joined to another house.
9.Semi detached house: a house that is joined on one side to
another house.
10. Terraced house: A house that is joined on both sides to
other houses.
11. Cottage: A small house in the country.
12. Ground floor: the floor at the same level as the ground.
13. Attic: the space or room under the roof of a house.
14. Basement: the lowest room or rooms of a building which
are partly or completely below ground level.
15. Estate agent: a person who buys and sells houses and land
for other people.
16. Rent: money that you pay regularly for the use if
17. Property: all things that belongs to somebody.

Make amess/make a place untidy.
Make your bed/ tidy the covers on your bed
Move house / move with the times
Do the house work/do the dishes.
Take a bath/take a break

1-when we go camping, I will rely on you to put up the........
(tent-ceiling-terraced house).
2-My sister is going to move into a.....of flats in the West End.
3-The great thing about is that you don’t share any
walls with anyone.(terraced-semi detached-detached).
4-You can see the castle on the cliff out of my bath room.........
(sink- window-bungalow)
5-Mum ,you look tired I will tidy the....... for you.(fridge-ceiling
-living room)
6-When I get older, I'm going to buy a lovely........with a stream
in the garden.(cottage-kitchen-third floor)
7-When you have a problem, you have to concentrate .......
finding solution.(in-on-out)
8-Kit is on love ........Mike.(in -of- to)
9-Mum wants to change the furniture but dad doesn't
10-John is quite similar .. ...... his dad.(on - to -of)
11-my sister is angry because I bought a kitten without
asking her.(to -of-with)
12-My sister is not very keen .......chocolate .she prefers nuts.
13-Dan is really jealous.......Sophie, because she is very
intelligent.(of -for -on )
14-Be your self and try to make your parents.......of you
14-If you have a problem you can rely ...... your best friend to
help you.(on-of-with)
15-Do these shoes ........ to you ?(belong-rely- proud )
16- Don't forget to listen ........your teachers. They can give you
more information.(to -on-of)
17-you have to be........of yourself, you have damaged the bird's
nest.(proud- shamed-suspicious).
18-Mahy is a very........singer and dancer,(talented-beneficial-
18-I met a girl at karate class, and I'd like to ...... her out.(ask-
19-My friend now wants to........(put - hang-look).
20 –Our dog is not as........ as we would like him to be
(complicated-obedient - damaged).

Past perfect
1-first, I read the contract, then I signed on it. (by the time).
2-They graduated, they got married. (as soon as).
3-They entered the restaurant .they were served. (after)
4-He took up a job, he left school. (as soon as)
5-Suzan fell in love with Jack .she told her parents. (after).
6-Jim called Jane from his office .He came back home. (before).
7-messi scored the goal .The fans went wild. (as soon as)
8-Maria finished the meal .And I arrived. (by the time)

9-First, he got a job, then he got married.(after).

10-First, I washed myself. Then I put on my closes. (by the
.11-The train left. We reached the train the train station later.
12 studied English well .then I travelled to the U.S.A. (as soon
13-I graduated from Faculty of education. Then I became a
teacher. (before)
14-On arriving home .He phoned me. (after )
15-ImetImar last Monday. He travelled to London on Tuesday.
16-I waited my father to come to eat. (until).
17-l studied English after my father shouted at me. (until)
18-Idid nothing in my home work. I was waiting my mum to
help me.
19-After I had done the shopping. I went home. (before)
20-Before she phoned me, she had arrived home. (After).
Choose :
1-After the police officer.... the criminal, he sent him to prison
(had been-arrested-has arrested-arrested-arresting)
2-He didn't sit down until he had apologized. (didn't-don't-
3- As soon as we..... the Nile police ,we started our journey. (was
telling -tell-had told-told)
4-After he had left the factory, Dickens work as an office
clerk.(has gone - had gone - went-go)
5-The bus........ before l arrived at the station, so I didn't catch
it.(leaves - left -had left-has left)
6-Thousand of machines.......many toys before the factory was
closed.(produced- have produced-had produced-has produced)
7-we went to bed.. ... ...we had lunch (After-before - till- until)
8-By the time she was 15, her father........ all his money.(had
spend-spent-had been spending )
9- I had finished the report before I....... it to the manager (gave
- had given-was giving has given)
10-He ...... help me until I had asked (wasn't-weren't-didn't-
11-Before he . .. .....the medicine, he had eaten a sandwich.(had
taken- took-was taking -takes)
12-Ididn't phone Hamza until I .......his e-mail.(received
-was received - have received-had received)
13-By the time the doctor........., the patient had already died.
(was arriving -had arrived-has arrived)
14- Before .... the high dam, some temples had been moved to
safer places(built -building-had built- was built)
15-As soon as my father ....., we played chess together.(come -
had come-had came-came)
16-She bought a car after she drive.(learning --has
learned- had learned- )
17-I had ...... my lunch , before I went to bed (had-eat-ate -
18-I didn't answer the questions.......I had read theme carefully.
(till-before-after -until)
19-Before I.......breakfast, I had brushed my teeth.(had had -
have had- had -has had)
20After Lamees had played the piano, she......her sister with
her home work .(was helping-has helped-helped-will helped)

Future forms
1-The mechanic will repair your car.(tomorrow morning)
2- He write a letter yesterday.( tomorrow)
3-I sold my car last week.(next week)
4-yes, she is going to dance to music.(Is)
5-He intends to buy a car.(going to)
6- Mona's birthday day is tomorrow.(will)
7-I offer to help you .(Will)
8-It's arranged that she will learn French in Paris .(going)
9-I predict hot weather tomorrow (It)
10-Ahmed intends to study English at university.(going)

11-She promised to give me a present 🎁 (She)

12 -Could you post this letter for me, please.( Will)
13-This box is heavy, please help me.(Will you....)
14- My father will let me go to the cinema. (What)
15-I will buy you a present. (What)
16-He wants to buy a T-shirt.(going to)
17-I intend to play chess.( going to)
18- They are going to watch TV (intend to)
19- He is going to fly a kite.(intend to)

Choose :
1-The plane to London ....... a t4 O' clock tomorrow. (Leaving -
leave-will leave' s)
2-we (go-are going-will go-have gone) on holiday next week.
3-our school (visit- is visiting- will visit-visiting) Luxor next
Monday. It's arranged.
4-I think it (rains -will rain -is going to rain-is raining)
5-There are a lot of clouds in the sky .it . .. (will rain- rains -is
going to rain)
6- Listen ! There's some one at the doo .I (open-am going to
open-will open- will open)
7-I think the match (doesn't start- will not start -isn't starting)
at its time as there are clouds.
8-My daughter.... be 11 next week.(will- is going to -would-
9-She ...... an archaeologist-when she leaves university. That's
her plan .(is going to become - am becoming -will become)
10- The film.... at7.30 this evening .(start-start - will start)
11-I expect I during my visit to Rome.(am going to
see-'m seeing -'ll see -see)
12-Tomorrow,I.......a football match with my friends .(will
watch- am watching-has watched-would watch)
13-The phone is ringing ,I ......answer it.('ll answer -answer-
14-I hope the stadium full for the match on Saturday.
(will-is going to-would-may)
15-Tomorrow 's match......at6'oclock.I'm sure it will be exciting.
(Is starting -starts-would start- starts-shall start)
16- I'm having lunch with friends the
restaurant at12.3o.(going to meet -will meet-are meeting-meet)
17-I you as soon as I get home.(am going to-will-
118-I want to buy anew car, so a lot of money.(am
going to -will-going to -will be)
19-The bus to Aswan ten this evening(leaves- is leaving-
will leave -is going to leave)
20- They intend to buy a big house. They it(may- are
going to-should -will)

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