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EDU402 - Curriculum Development- 27th Feb-2016

Final Exams total question 26

Mcqs 10
subjective Question 16

Q1. What are the level for analyzing CL ? 2marks

Q2. What is an attitude? 2
Q3. what types of evidence can be collected through the interview? 2marks
Q4. What is community record? 2 marks
Q5.Define Gastalt theory? 2 marks
Q6. write down steps of Evaluation process? 3 marks
Q7. What is the demand of school program of curriculum reconstruction?
Q8. How does learning take place?
Q9. what are criteria against we check our LEs ? 3 marks
Q10. What is low level unit organizing the curriculum? 2 marks
Q11. write brief note on the steps of organizing the curriculum? 5 marks
Q12. Write brief note on " psychomotor" domain? 5 marks
Q13. why do we seek suggestion from subject specialist? 5 marks
Q14. Write brief note on Operationalizing the curriculum development process? 5 marks
Q15 How do attitude develop? 5 marks
Q16. Write a brief note on identifying the situation for LEs evaluation ? 5marks
Attitude def
Well stated objectives requirements
State learning theories
Development of Evaluation instruments
Structure of organising elements
Effect of community on curriculum deve
Cognitive domain
Characteristics of source plan
Which theory is based on the fact that behaviour is a result of conditioning
Cocurricular curriculum
Subject based curriculum design
Problem based curriculum
Aur yad ni ara....
Overall it was easy...
16 August 2017
Total Questions 26
Subjective questions 16
Mcqs 10
What is integrative needs? Marks 2
Difference between deductive and inductive thinking? Marks 2
Brief note on small school steps in curriculum development? Marks 3
According to Taylor's model, what is the goal of the education? Marks 2
What is the purpose of source plan? Marks 2
What are you know about the ways of keeping the records?Marks 2
What is the procedure for the conducting investigations about the needs of the students?
Marks 3
What are the characteristics of LEs are useful in gaining various types of objectives? Marks 3
What is the primary function of the evaluation?3
Note on the planning of the organizing of LEs in curriculum? Marks 5
What are the importance of psychology of learning? 5
How far it is possible for a learner to provide an educational experience for a student? 5
Tylor model in the process of curriculum develop? 5
Need of evaluating the LES?
Q#25 :
What are the factors that can be considered begin the process of curriculum revision? 5 ....
What is reconstruction
- teachers role in curriculum development
- steps for curriculum development
- aik or b sawal tha curriculum development ka yad nhi
- Learning experience evaluation
- planning to organize learning experience
- learning experience in curriculum
- large school steps
- what is attitude
- cognitive theory?
- teacher student planning
- why teachers are important in planning curriculum

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