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"Perfect" is a name for the tense used to describe that actions or states are completed.

The word "perfect" originally meant "finished."

You form the perfect using a main verb and the auxiliary verb "has". The auxiliary verb "has" is always
placed before the main verb.

I have written to mother.

You form perfectly because you want to communicate that something is ready and completed.

The auxiliary verb "has" plus the main verb in the theme form supinum forms the perfect tense.

The perfect is also used to describe and emphasize that actions or conditions took place at an indefinite time
in the past. Describes an action related to the present.

Olle has been working in the garden all week.

Now I 've been waiting for an hour.

Perfect also describes a state or an action that has resulted in a certain experience in a person.

Per has lived in France, so he speaks fluent French.

Perfect was also used to describe an action that started in the past and is still current.

He has been abroad for 10 years and he is enjoying himself very well.

Perfect is also used to express that something has happened recently.

Berit has just moved to Stockholm.

Verbs in the perfect tense:

I have filled the car with gas.

They have dyed the carpet red.
She has been delightful.
Lisa has stolen the silver in the castle.
The Nilssons have relaid their lawn.
I have sealed my windows.

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