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Structure of 0 ' 10' 1

+u: Menticai bands in 10 ' 0+u

Q. H. Lu, ' K. Butler-Moore, '

S. J. Zhu, '
J. H. Hamilton, ' A. V. Ramayya, ' V. E. Oberacker, ' W. C. Ma, '*
' '~ '~
B. R. S. Babu, J. K. Deng, J. Kormicki, J. D. Cole, R. Aryaeinejad, Y. X. Dardenne, M. Drigert, L. K. Peker, '"
J. O. Rasmussen, M. A. Stoyer, S. Y. Chu, K. E. Gregorich, I. Y. Lee, M. F. Mohar, J. M. Nitschke, '~
N.. R. Johnson, F. K. McGowan, G. M. Ter-Akopian, Yu. Ts. Oganessian, and J. B. Gupta
Physics Department, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415
Physics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, People's Republic of China
"Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973,
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720
Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831
G. N Flerov . Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research, Dubna, Russia
Physics Department, Ramj as College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
(Received 17 March 1995)

The levels in' "" Ru have been investigated in the spontaneous fission of 2Cf using y-y-y-, y-y-, x-x-,

bands have been identified with very little energy staggering in ' "" Ru. The ground bands in ' "
x-y-, and x-y-y-coincidence techniques. The levels up to 16+ and 9+ in the yrast bands and y-vibrational
have identical y-ray transition energies up to 8+. These are the lightest observed even-even nuclei with
extended identical ground bands. Calculations in a collective model which includes rotations and vibrations
reproduce the level energies and y band branching ratios above the 3+ state rather we11, while rigid triaxial
rotor model calculations reproduce the branching ratios for the 2+ and 3+ states.

PACS number(s): 21.10.Re, 23.20.Lv, 21.60.Ev, 27.60. +j

I. INTRODUCTION high spin data and a different emphasis on the important

The ground state bands up to 4+ in ' 8" "

Ru have been
physics that these nuclei provide.
In order to test how well the levels in ' ""
Ru can be
understood in a simple standard collective model, we have
known from earlier spontaneous fission (SF) [1] and decay
studies [2,3]. The states tentatively assigned as 2+ and 3 performed an analysis in terms of the co11ective rotation-
vibration model (RVM). The Hamiltoiiian consists of three
from the radioactive decays [2,3] of fission fragments may
parts: a rotational part, a P- and y-vibrational part, and a
states and composite 4+ states in ' "
be members of y-vibrational bands. The lifetimes of the 2,
Ru have also been
third term which contains the rotation-vibration interaction.
As will be seen, it is surprising how well this simple collec-

of P2=0.28, for ' Ru and P2=0. 30 for "

measured in spontaneous fission and significant deformations
Ru have been
tive model reproduces the experimentally observed levels in
both bands and the B(E2) branching ratios in the y band
extracted. A previous theoretical analysis has indicated that above 3+ in these nuclei.
these Ru nuclei are triaxial with y=20 —25' [3]. Stachel
et al. [7] described the Ru nuclei in terms of a transi- II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
tion between SU(5) to O(6) symmetry in the IBA model. A Cf source with a strength of about 6X 10 fissions/s
We have employed the spontaneous fission of Cf to and covered with a 250-p, m Be foil was used. The source
investigate the levels in ' ~"o" Ru. The yrast ground state was placed at the center of the 20 Compton-suppressed Ge-
bands in these nuclei were reported in our earlier survey detector Compact Ball at the Holifield Heavy Ion Research
work [8]. More recently, from SF of Cm, Shannon et al. Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Approximately
[9] reported the level schemes of these three nuclei, which 2X 10 y-y coincidences were collected. Both double- and
are similar to our work. They presented the evidence for triple-coincidence events were analyzed. A second experi-
rigid triaxial shapes extracted from the 51= 1 band built on ment was carried out with a source of similar strength using
the 2+ states. In this paper we wish to present additional the early implementation of Gammasphere at Lawrence Ber-
keley Laboratory. In this experiment, 36 Compton-
suppressed Ge detectors, one low energy photon spectrom-
*Current address: Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, eter (x-ray detector), and four neutron scintillation detectors
MS 39762. were employed. At the Idaho National Engineering Labora-
Current address: Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China. tory a third experiment was performed where x-x and x-y
~Also UNISOR, ORISE, Oak Ridge, TN 37831; on leave from coincidences were measured with two x-ray detectors and
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland. two Ge detectors. The typical resolution for the x-ray detec-
Deceased. tor was 280 eV at 14 keV. The x-ray detectors recorded

0556-2813/95/52(3)/1348(7)/$06. 00 1348 1995 The American Physical Society

108, 110,112Ru

12.5 x 104 the lightest even-even nuclei with extended identical ground

10. 0— 0 '
}( 1 10RU p+ o+
"OSRu: 2+-0+
bands. The y-vibrational bands observed to 9+ in
Ru are the first y bands extended above 3+ in

neutron-rich nuclei in this region. While the 2 bandhead
energies are almost 100 keV apart in ' Ru, many of the
transitions in their y bands have nearly similar energies
5. 0— (0.7 —3% differences). The levels from 2+ to 9+ in the y
bands of all three nuclei exhibit very little signature splitting
in contrast to the strong splitting expected for triaxial nuclei.
Because of the additional parameters associated with signa-
0.0 I I
ture splitting and bandhead energies, the observation of simi-
225 230 235 240 260 265
lar energy transitions in y bands in neighboring even-even
Energy (keV)
nuclei raises additional questions regarding the explanation
of identical bands.
FIG. 1. The 2+~0+ transition in the high resolution x-ray de- The energies of the ground-band transitions in ' Ru and
tector in the x-y coincidence setup. " Ru are so close all the way up to 8 that only the
2+ ~0+ and 8+ — +6+ transitions can be separated to provide
events from 10 keV up to several hundred keV so that x-rays independent gates for investigating these bands. The
from Sr to Eu along with transitions above 300 keV were 2+ — +0+ transitions observed in a high resolution x-ray de-
observed with intensities sufficient to set gates on the x rays tector in the x-y-coincidence setup are shown in Fig. 1. A
and observe the low energy y rays. The triple-coincidence spectrum obtained by summing all the double gated spectra
that can result when gates are set on the first four members of
technique is particularly powerful in eliminating or reducing
background. This technique becomes very useful especially the yrast cascade in "
Ru is shown in Fig. 2(a). Figure 2(b)
shows a double gate set on the 14+~12+ and 10+ — +8+
if y-ray energies from different nuclei fall within the energy
gate set on a single y ray in a y-y-coincidence experiment. transitions in "
Ru. The level schemes based on y-y,
The x-x- and x-y-coincidence spectra were particularly help- y-y-y, and x-y coincidences are shown in Figs. 3(a), 3(b),
ful in unraveling the transitions in the identical bands in and 3(c). In the present work we have extended the ground
108, 110Ru bands in the three nuclei up to 16+. An unusual feature of
the" Ru level scheme is the sequence of three new transi-
tions feeding the 6+, 8+, and 10+ levels but with no observ-
III. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS able transitions connecting them.

The ground bands have been extended from 10 [8,9] up 10+ levels in the ground bands of ' "
The transitions up to the 8+ levels and essentially to the
Ru are among the
to 16+ in ' Ru. The ground band transitions in
Ru are found to be remarkably identical up to 8+ and "
most identical in energies and in moments of inertia, J1 and
J2. The ' Ru nuclei extend our knowledge of identical
essentially so up to 10+ but are not identical to those in
" Ru which has an even larger moment of inertia. These are
bands into new regions: those neighboring even-even nuclei
have the lowest mass number of any such neutron-rich

30000- Sum Double Gate on
~+ (244, 422, 576 and 705 keV)

r x

0 FIG. 2. (a) A sum over all the double gates for

C3 I I I I

200 400 600 800 the transitions out of the yrast cascade from 2+ to
"'ORu 14+ in " Ru. (b) A double gate on the 705 —815-

0 900
Double Gate on 705—815 keV
keV transition in " Ru.



200 400 600 800

E (keV)
1350 Q. H. LU et al. 52

16+ 6512

(16+) (5153) 14+ 5170 16+ 6560

16+ 5150.1
14~ i 4288.2 108 14+ 5211
12+ 3974 14+ )r 4351.5
762.1 44 66
12+ i ) 3526.1 12+ 4011
3158 0 36999 + ~r 3646 5
(9+) 2908.9 10+ 2921.5 10+ 3109.0
10+ i~ 2738.3 87.4
776.7 8+ 9+ 3004.0
2619.9 2892 8
(8+) 10+ 2947.0
2419.1 10+ it 2759.1 (9+) 2776.8 8+ 2411.0
2132.2 7+ 2 149.0
8+ (8+i 2397. 1
8~ 1941.6 6363 2011.7 814.7 755.9
l& 8+ 2031.0
(6 ) ii 1761.3 1841.4 (7+) ir 2020 6+ 1717.0
+ ir 1944.4
7018 ?12.8
) 1495.7
5+ (6+} ir 1684
578.8 1526.4 705, 7
521.1 645.4 5+ 1428.0
6+ i I1240.0 +) 1( 1182.5

1247.9 4+ 119L6
5+) ir l375.6 6+ 1260.0
6+ ir 1238. 515.4 599.7
974.6 3+ 4+) i 1084.3 1097 0
5755 942.2 r

475.0 2+
4+ it 6640 702.2 575.6 3+ i r859.8 3+ 854.4
638.4 4+ ir 663. 247.6 471.7
2+ irir 612,6 2+ 606 3
2+ 206, 1 y band 422, .3
lt 242.0 240.
0+ i t242.0 0.0 0+ 0.0
Z+ sr
240. 8
y- band

Experiment Rotation - Vibration Model Experiment Rotation - Vibration Model

1 12Ru
44 68 16+ 6612.0
16+ 495 3.0

83 6. IQ
14+ 5241 0
14+ ir 4118.0
791.9 12+ 4033.0
12+ ir 3326.1

P880.1 763 4 10+ 2973.0 2833.0

2814.5 10+ it 2562. 7 (9+) 2534.2 10+ 2694.0
(8+) 2263. 1 8+ 21 10.0
723.3 693.3 693.0 8+ 2036.0
8+ it 1839.4 202 5.0
(7+) it 1840.9
(6+) it 1570. 1 6+ 15 18.0
605.4 5+ 13 33.0
6+ it 1189 9 (5+) it 1235 5 6+ 274. 0

544.9 4+987 ~t 980.8 4~

4+ it 645.0 3+ i t 747.6 3+ 778.2
224.0i t it 45 7.2 4 652. 7
408.4 5 13.8
2+ 2+ 215.7
it 236.6
0+ 0.0 band
i t236. 6 0.0

Experiment Rotation - Vibration Modet

FIG. 3. (a) Levels in 'o Ru.

(b) Levels in
" Ru. (c) Levels in "2Ru.

neighbors having extended identical bands. The transition esting that Ru with a larger moment of inertia is not iden-

energies in Ru are all considerably smaller than in
Ru, and the moments of inertia extracted from the en-
tical. If these nuclei are rigid triaxial rotors as recently re-
ported [9], this would make the identical nature of these
ergies are larger and increase more rapidly with spin [see
" bands even more unusual. Such identical energies are not
"" ""
Table I and Fig. 4]. The deformation of
presumably larger than that of ' "
Ru is therefore
Ru. The neutron number
seen in N=64, 66 Pd [3, 11]. However, the
have considerably smaller deformation, p2=0. 21(2) and

for ~ORu is at midshell between 50 and 82 with ' "2Ru

(N=64, 68) to either side. The deformations, p2=0. 28(2)
0. 12(2), respectively.
The clearly identified y bands up to 9+ in ' Ru ""
for ' Ru obtained from lifetime measurements, are sig- here, and also in [9], are the first extended y-vibrational
nificant [4 —6]. If saturation of collectivity is the explanation bands seen in neutron-rich nuclei. They have low energy
for the identical ground bands in &08Ru and rioRu as f~~~d
in ' '
Hg by Bindra et al. , [10] it is interesting to find this ""
2 band heads. The 612.6- and 523.4-keV bandheads in
Ru are the next lowest in energy of all known y bands,
effect still operative in this lighter mass neutron-rich region. second only to the 558.0- and 489. l-keV bandheads in
Also, if saturation of collectivity is the reason why the Os [12,13]. What is more surprising is that apart from
N = 64, 66 nuclei have identical energies„ it is likewise inter- the lowest transitions between the 3+ and 2+ levels, the

"" ""
TABLE I. The kinetic and dynamic moments of inertia J1 and J2 for the ground bands of
Ru. Notice the identical values for J1 and J2 for ' Ru because of their identical

'"Ru 110R 1 128

J2 J2 J2
0. 121 12.40 0. 120 12.46 0. 118 12.67
0.211 16.57 22. 16 0.211 16.58 22.04 0.204 17.15 23.34
0.288 19.14 26.30 0.288 19.11 26.09 0.272 20. 19 29.26
0.351 21.38 31.47 0.353 21.26 30.75 0.325 23. ].0 38.24
0.399 23.82 41.71 0.407 23.32 36.70 0.362 26.27 54.20
0.394 29. 19 —408. 16 0.444 25.92 55. 17 0.382 30. 13 99.75
0.381 35.43 —155.64 0.352 38.29 —21.93 0.396 34. 10 140.35
0.432 35.85 38.95 0.399 38.82 42.73 0.418 37. 13 92.81

transitions out of the 4+ to 9+ levels in ' Ru have en-" model t7j. In a rigid asymmetric rotor model the 2+ energy

ergies within 0.7 to 3.4% of each other (see Table II; the drops below the 4, ground level for y=22 . Since this oc-
3+~2+ energies differ by nearly 10%). The energies and curs for Ru and the fact that F2++ F2+ =E3+ are con-
1 2 1
relative intensities of y transitions in ' '
Ru are given sistent with the earlier reported y values Pj. Recently, the
in Table III. One can see from Table III that the two branching ratios for the extended side bands have provided
additional support for a rigid triaxial rotor interpretation of
y-vibrational bands in neighboring nuclei have nearly similar
energies. While the ratio R = E(4+)-E(2+)lE(3+)-E(2+) is "
Ru with y= 22. 6', 24.0', and 25.9', respectively I9].
somewhat different (1.78 in ' Ru and 1.90 in Ru) be- " However, the new levels above 3+ do not show the strong
cause of the different E(3 )-E(2+) energies, there is very signature splitting expected for a rigid y where the
little odd-even spin staggering through the 9 levels. Thus, (2+, 3 ), (4+, 5 ), (6,
7 ) pairs should be close in energy
the nearly identical dynamical moments of inertia are related for such a rigid triaxial rotor (RTR) interpretation. Likewise
neither to the bandhead energies nor to their signature split- the y-soft model, which is closely related to the IBA-I O(6)

energies of the y band in "

ting parameters. As found in the ground bands, all transition
Ru are smaller than those in
dynamical symmetry t14], has a strong odd-even spin stag-
gering with (3+,4+), (5+, 6 ) pairs of levels close in en-
108, 110R 190, 1920s,
ergy, which is also not seen. In which have similar

Without information on the extended y bands, the
Ru nuclei have been treated using an interacting boson
2+ bandheads, little or no odd-even spin [12,13j staggerings
are also observed.



35 08RU


) 30 I
CU 0
FIG. 4. Moments of inertia J1 added J2 for
108, 110,112R
25 CU




0.1 0 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.20 0.30 O. 4O 0.50

w~ [wev] Pfm [ Mev ]
1352 Q. H. LU et al. 52

TABLE II. y-ray energy differences in the y bands between Ru isotopes.

Ru isotopes 108R Difference (%) 110R Difference (%) Ru

Transitions E, OeV) 108Ru-»0R E, (keV) 110Ru 112R E (keV)
4+ —+2+ 475.0 0.7 471.7 3.1 457.2
5+ 3+ 521.1 1.1 515.4 5.3 487.9
6+ 4+ 578.8 3.4 599.7 1.7 589.3
7+ 5+ 636.5 1.4 645.4 6.2 605.4
8+ 6+ 657.8 7.7 712.8 2.8 693.0
9+ 7+ 776.7 2. 8 755.9 8.3 693.3

To see how well the energies of the two bands can be symmetry axis, and n~ and n& are the number of y- and
reproduced in a standard collective model, we carried out an P-vibrational phonons present. In order to obtain conver-
analysis in the rotation-vibration model [15,16]. The Hamil- gence of the energy levels up to spin 12 to four significant
tonian consists of three parts: a rotational part H„„, a P- and digits, we found that 140 basis states are required in
y-vibrational part H„b, and a third term which contains the the diag onalization. Specifically, our basis contains all
rotation-vibration interaction H . The last term arises from eigenstates with quantum numbers: K = 0,2,4, . . . , 12;
the dependence of the moments of inertia of the nucleus on n =0, 1, 2, 3, and n&=0, 1,2, 3,4. The three energy param-
the vibrational amplitudes. eters used in the rotation-vibration model are E„,=0.15,
We have diagonalized the interaction term H', numeri- 0. 15, 0. 15 MeV, E~=0.62, 0.52, 0.42 MeV, and E&=1.2,
cally in terms of the eigenstates ~K, n~, n&) of the basis 1.4, 1.4 MeV for &os, &io, ii2Ru respectively. The results are
Hamiltonian Ho= H, , + H„b. Here, K denotes the projection shown in Figs. 3(a), 3(b), and 3(c). It is surprising how well
of the total angular momentum onto the intrinsic nuclear this simple collective model reproduces the experimentally
observed level schemes in contrast to a RTR model. The
TABLE III. Energies and relative intensities of y-transitions in
Ru. The uncertainties in the transition intensities range
generalized collective model (see Ref. [16]) would almost
certainly yield an even better agreement with the data, but
from 5% for strong transitions to 50% for very weak transitions.
only at the expense of introducing additional model param-
108R 1108 112R eters. This does not seem worthwhile, given the relatively
E (keV) I E (keV) I small number of experimentally observed levels and the ab-
(%) IC (keV) I~ (%) (%)
sence of other data such as B(E2) values.
242. 0 100 240. 8 100 236.6 100 Shannon et al. [9] compared the branching ratios with
422. 5 74 422. 3 74 408.4 77 those predicted by a rigid triaxial rotor (RTR) model. Under
575.5 46 575.6 44 544.9 53 the assumption that all transitions are pure E2, reasonable
701.6 12 705.7 16 649.5 17 agreement was found between the experimental branching
798.3 4 814.7 6 723.3 10 ratios and RTR calculated values for the 2+, 3+ levels as
787.8 2 887.4 2 763.4 6 seen in Table IV. However, for the 4 and 5+ levels dis-
762. 1 1 705.0 1 791.9 4 agreements by a factor of 2 —100 are observed compared to
865 0.3 798.6 0.7 836.0 2 RTR values. Shannon et al. [9] suggested that a small Ml
707.5 8 612.6 12 523.6 12 —
admixture in the 5+ &4+ transition could bring agreement,
267. 1 2 247. 6 6 224. 0 7 but such an approach seems insufficient to alter such a large
521.1 12 515.4 23 487.9 20 disagreement. They concluded that the branching ratios are
the most convincing evidence for rigid triaxial shapes for
Ru. They deduced y values of 22. 5', 24. 2', 26.4
for &os, i o, i i2Ru, respectively, from the excitation energies of

475.0 9 471.7 12 457.2 13

578.8 6 599.7 10 589.3 7 E(2+) and (3+). These values are consistent with the values
657.8 2 712.8 4 693.0 2 deduced from the y-ray branching ratios of 2+ and 3+ levels
for ' Ru and "Ru and in reasonable agreement with
831.2 6
1 867.2
445. 6
" Ru. They suggested that the absence of energy staggerings
518.0 5 1021.2 2 335.8 2 could be accounted for by modifying the RTR model to in-
310.1 1 712.5 4 744. 2 1
clude a variable moment of inertia [18] or shape vibrations
940.5 421.2 4 511.0 26
732.6 14 196.7 0.5 287.0 15
As an alternate test, we used the collective rotation vibra-
tion model (RVM) [15,16] to calculate the branching ratios
465.5 10 843.5
975. 1
for ' "
Ru. Under the assumption that all are E2 transi-
tions, the experimental and theoretical results are compared
371.6 14
in Table IV. Now the reverse situation occurs: there is good
agreement for branching ratios from the 4,
5+, and 6+
levels but the agreement for the ratios from the 2+ and 3+
940.8 2
levels is not as good. RTR assignments rest on the low 2+
52 STRUCTURE OF ' " ' ' Ru IDENTICAL BANDS IN . . ~ 1353

TABLE IV. B(E2) branching ratios. The theoretical results were calculated in a generalized collective model [15,16] and in a rigid triaxial
rotor model [17].

B(E2) ratios
2 -2: 3+ 2+ 3+ 2+, 4+ 2+ 4+ 2+ 5+ 3+ 6+ —+4+,
2+ 0+ 3+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 4+ 2+ 5+ 4+ 6+ +6+,

108R i0.2(is) 0. 19(3) 0.045(5) 2.7(3) 137(36) 21(4) 3.6(20)

110R 14.2(13) 0. 16(2) 0.043(4) 1.7(2) 110(19) 29(5) 2.8(3)
Ru 25.3(21) 0.053(4) 1.4(1) 149(18) 35(20) 1.6(1)
108Ru 10.2 0.22 0.052 2.0 105 22
110R a 14. 1 0. 19 0.041 1.1 116 28
24.7 0.042 1.0 159 32
108R b 9.3 0. 18 0.065 1.3 48 188
110R b
16 0. 11 0.050 1.4 442
'"Ru ' 42 0.05 0.029 1.6 20 4210
108Ru c 3.9 0.68 0.090 2.4 125 18 4.6
110R c 4.8 0.52 0.090 2.6 24 4.8
112R c 6.7 0.40 0.088 2.4 36 4. 1
'Reference [9].
Theoretical calculations: Rigid triaxial rotor.
'Theoretical calculations: Collective model with rotation, vibration interaction [20].
Suspect related to a cancellation effect.

energies and the branching ratios from the 3+ levels. How- by a rigid triaxial rotor model which was able to provide a
ever, the 2+ branching ratios do not provide a unique test to good fit for the relative B(E2)'s from the decay of the 2+
claim that a nucleus is a rigid triaxial rotor. A possible inter- and 3+ levels. To explain both the level energies and branch-
pretation of these results is that the 2+ and 3+ states have a ing ratios requires additions to either model or a change from
triaxial shape or are soft to y deformation and that the nuclei RTR to an axially symmetric shape below the 4+ state.
take on a more axially syrrunetric shape by the 4+ state. To
say the least, the new extended bands built on the 2 levels
in these nuclei present an interesting challenge for nuclear Work at Vanderbilt University and the Idaho National En-
Hlodels. gineering Laboratory was supported in part by the U. S. De-
In summary, the levels in the ground bands were observed partment of Energy under Grant No. DE-F605-88ER40407
up to 16+, spins being assigned tentatively from systematics and Contract No. DE-AC07-76ID01570, respectively. One of

9+ in ' "
in &08, »0, &12Ru, and the y-vibrational band was observed to

Ru. The ground band transitions and moments of
inertia are remarkably identical in '
the authors (V.E.O. ) acknowledges the support from the De-
partment of Energy under Grant No. DE-F605-87ER40376.
" Ru but not in the Work at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory was supported

more deformed Ru. The y band transition energies in
Ru are also very nearly identical. While somewhat less
identical than the ground bands, these are the first nearly
by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract Nos. DE-
FG03-87ER40323, W-7405-EN 648, and DE-AC03-
76SF00098. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by
identical y-vibrational bands reported. An analysis of the en- Martin Marietta Energy Systems for the U. S. Department of
ergies of the ground and y bands in a rotation-vibration Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400. Work at
model yielded rather good agreement between the predicted the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was supported in part
and observed energy values and relative B(E2) values above by Grant No. 94-02-05584-a of the Russian Federal Founda-
3+ . This result is in contrast to the poor agreement yielded tion of Basic Sciences.

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