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Task 1.

Read the text about environmental engineers and fill in the blanks with the following
words: specimens / cholesterol / typing / personnel / record / stations / information /
simultaneously / analytical / components / supervise / microorganisms / monitor

Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists

May also be called: Clinical Laboratory Scientists; Lab Technologists; Medical Laboratory
Scientists; and Medical Technologists

What do they do?

Physicians typically order medical tests when a disease or disorder is suspected to be the
cause of an illness. Most testing is done in a modern clinical laboratory using automated
testing equipment that can do many of the more routine tests, such as breaking down the
______components________of the blood. However, when human judgment is needed
clinical laboratory ________personnel_____________become involved. Medical and
clinical laboratory technologists play a crucial role in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment
of diseases.

Medical technologists prepare ______specimens____________for testing and microscopic

examination. After testing and examining a specimen, they analyse the results and record the
findings into a database. Technologists are responsible for effectively communicating test
results to physicians or other laboratory personnel and health care providers. Typical duties
include ________typing___________ and cross-matching blood samples for transfusions;
examining bodily fluids and tissue samples to determine the presence of bacteria, parasites, or
other ________microorganisms__________.
They also analyse samples for chemical content to determine concentrations of compounds,
such as blood glucose and _______cholesterol_________levels. Medical Technologists
develop and modify procedures as well as establish and _______monitor________programs
to ensure the accuracy of tests.

With increasing automation, the work of medical laboratory technologists has become less
hands-on and more ______analytical ___________Some of the computerized instruments
used in laboratory work are capable of performing a number of tests
_________simultaneously____________.The amount of responsibility they assume
depends largely on the amount of education and experience they have. More experienced
medical laboratory technologists may ________supervise___________other laboratory
personnel or perform administrative duties.
Technologists in small laboratories are likely to perform many types of tests, whereas those in
large laboratories generally specialize.

Tools & Technology

Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists use a variety of tools in the course of their
work such as capillary tubes, cell counters, laminar flow ____stations_____________, ,, as
well as chemistry, hematology, and computer-controlled analysers. They also use technology
such as electronic medical ______record__________(EMR), laboratory
_______information_________system (LIS), database, and test routing software.

Source: https :// I . aspx?Soccode=292012&Geography=0604000101

Task 2. Match the following definitions with the appropriate words from the previous

- test the compatibility of (a donor's and a recipient's blood or tissue)


- an organism such as a bacterium, virus, or fungus


- a machine that automatically counts cells _____cell


- an instrument for measuring the intensity of light


- creates a sterile workspace by pushing the stream of sterile air through the

workspace _____laminar


- the branch of medicine involving study and treatment of the blood


- a type of fat found in your blood


- carried through the bloodstream to provide energy to all cells in the body


- a sample for medical testing _______specimen____________________

Task 3. Discuss the following questions with your partner and note down your answers.

1. When are medical tests ordered by doctors?

____When a disease or disorder is suspected to be the cause of an

2. List at least three typical duties of a medical laboratory technologist.

___Prepare specimens for testing, analyse the results and record the findings into a

3. Why has the work of medical laboratory technologists become less hands-on?
____Because of the computerized instruments used in laboratory

4. List at least three tools that medical laboratory technologists use in their work.

____Capillary tubes, cell counters, microscopes and


5. What is an EMR?

___An electronic record of health-related information.


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