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5th International Conference on Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture (ICBAA), Benha University, 8 April 2021,

Egypt (Conference Online)

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste

Hassan H. Khalaf 1, Ashraf M. Sharoba1, Raoof M. El-Saadany1, Osama M. Morsy3 and Osama M. Gaber 1,2
Food Technology Department, Agriculture Faculty, Benha University, Qaluobia, Egypt.
Harvest Foods Company, Egypt.
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Arab League.
Corresponding Author: Omga09@Yahoo.Com

Food Safety is a fundamental public health concern, and achieving a safe supply poses major challenges for
organisations involved in the food chain. A vide number of food borne hazards, both familiar and new, pose risks
to health and obstructions to international trade in foods. These hazards must be properly analysed, assessed and
managed to meet growing and increasingly complex sets of global food chain. Proper implementation of food
hygiene principles across the food chain in conjunction with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system
will ensure food safety. In this study, microbiological, pesticide residuals and heavy metals qualities of a tomato
(Lycopersicon esculentum) paste (36-38%) production line (ripe tomato, washing, sorting, crushing, refining,
concentrating, sterilization and aseptic filling) and its preservation in UCI company was studied using the HACCP
method. Samples generated during the steps described previously were analyzed by determining microbiological
characteristics. Samples were analyzed for total aerobic bacterial count, coliform count and yeast & mould count
. The microorganisms involved in spoilage of products were E. Coli, Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Salmonella and
Clostridium bacteria . Results of the critical control points (CCPs) of tomato paste processing line. The analysis
of selected microbiological parameters during production tomato paste that was down gradually until get the
finally product within agreement for the Egyptian Standards. The preserved tomato paste exhibited a pesticide
residue was lower than those presented in the Egyptian and the EU Standards. On the other hand, Results of heavy
metals was not detected for finaly proudeted .

Key words: Hazard analysis, HACCP, tomato paste, Microbiological qualities, Heavy metals, Pesticide residues,
critical control points, CCPs.

Introduction Currently, the principles of HACCP are found in the

national legislation of many countries, (ISO, 2005).
HACCP is defined as a system that identifies, Food quality assurance systems of one sort or
evaluates and controls of hazards which are significant another are necessary at every segment of the food
for food safety. HACCP was first designed by the chain and in every sector of the food industry to ensure
Pillsbury Company, together with NASA and the US the quality and safety of food. On the one hand
Army Laboratories at Natick (Motarjemi, 2013). governments have the responsibility of establishing
They developed the HACCP system to ensure the the standards, legislation and enforcement programs
safety of food for astronauts. For many years after its necessary to control food quality and safety. On the
adoption by NASA, the system was accepted by other hand, industry has the responsibility on
international organizations such as the World Health implementing quality assurance systems, including
Organization and was applied on a voluntary basis in HACCP, where necessary to ensure compliance with
certain food industries (Motarjemi et al., 1996). the standards and legislation, Orriss and Whitehead
In 1993, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (2000).
embraced the HACCP system as a powerful tool to Food safety is of paramount importance. The
improve food safety and established the Codex World Health Organization (WHO), recognizing that
guidelines for the Application of the HACCP system. unsafe food has great health and economic
This had major implications on the widespread consequences, has from its inception promoted food
implementation of the HACCP system. In 1995, with safety. The conventional approach to ensuring food
the establishment of the World Trade Organization quality and safety, which depends on inspection and
(WTO) and the coming into force of the Agreement testing of end products, has proved to be inadequate in
on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, the work of controlling food-borne disease outbreaks. This may be
Codex guidelines and recommendations became the particularly so in the case of traditional foods, because
international reference for national requirements in of their diversity and the great number of personnel
food safety. This suggested that WTO member states involved in their production. A new approach seems
needed to take the work of the Codex Alimentarius to be needed. The HACCP system, which is based on
into consideration and align their national legislation training, developing systems for food hygiene and
with the provisions of the Codex Alimentarius safety, and monitoring/auditing to confirm proper
Commission. This meant that automatically, the implementation, has evolved into the system of choice
application of the HACCP system became an internationally to ensure food safety. The HACCP
international requirement for food safety assurance. system identifies, evaluates and controls hazards that

Food Biotechnology, 389-402 389

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

are significant for food safety, is logical, practical and 2.1.1.Tomato (Lycopersicun esculentum): Vegetable
preventive in nature, and may be implemented at all at ripe stage were obtained from Ismailia Governorate,
stages of the food production process, (Codex Egypt.
Alimentarius Commission, 2003). Technological treatments:
The use of HACCP by food establishments as a a- Tomato paste (36: 38° Brix) cold break
methodology to assure the safety of food is increasing extraction at UCI company:
worldwide. Although the fundamentals of HACCP The tomato paste cold break extraction was
have been constant, the application of HACCP manufactured and processed at UCI Company in Badr
continues to be refined to meet the challenges of a city, Cairo, Egypt. The cold break processing was
dynamic food system. These changes can be seen in applied for preparing the tomato paste 36: 38  Brix.
the impact on government regulations affecting the 2.2.Methods:
industry. Establishments must then work with the 2.2.1.HACCP approach:
government agencies to define how these regulatory The term ‘‘HACCP plan’’ implies the Codex
actions will impact their operations and refine what HACCP
they do in order to comply, Garcia, (2009). methodology (Codex Alimentarius Commission,
Tomato represents an essential part of human diet, 1999)
it is a good nutritional resource rich in vitamin C and 2.2.2.Application of HACCP system:
antioxidant mainly lycopene, carotenes, organic acids Horchner et al., (2006) recommended these steps
and phenolics (Giovanelli and paradise, 2002). to apply the HACCP system.
The cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum 2.2.3.Microbiological examination:
Mill) is a number of the night shade family solanaceae. Ten grams of each food sample was added to a
The genus Lycopersicon, comprises of nine species culture medium/diluent (1:10 and homogenized for 2
(Wikipedia, 2013). The tomato is consumed mainly min in a Stomacher), in agreement with standard
for its contribution to provide provitamin A. This methods for total microbial count (ISO 4833:2013-1
pigment responsible of the red color of tomatoes is protocol), Yeast & mould count (ISO 21527-2:2008)
mainly present in two forms: Lycopene and Beta , coliforms (ISO 21528-2:2004), E. coli (ISO, 16649-
carotene these are two powerful antioxidants involved 2:2001) and staphylococci (ISO 6888-1:1999; 2003),
in cellular detoxification process and help in Bacillus cereus (ISO 7932:2004), Clostridium count
preventing various cancers (Agarwal and Rao, 2000; (ISO 7937:2004) and twenty five grams of each food
Gerber, 1999 and Giovannucci, 1999). sample was added to a culture medium/diluent (1:10
The total area of tomato cultivated in Egypt was and homogenized for 2 min in a Stomacher),
208189 feddans yielding an annual production if about Salmonella (ISO 6579:2002). Hepatitis A Virus
3487345 tons in 2011 (Statistical Agricultural (ISO–TS 15216-2:2013). were isolated and
Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt). enumerated at each of the five steps of tomato paste
The soluble solids content is important preserving production line and product preservation.
factor. The refraction of tomato is used for 2.2.4. Determination of Heavy metals:
determination of maturity and suitability for tomato In tomato paste samples by using, Atomic
paste production because it affected spending of absorption spectrometry after wet digestion according
tomato at concentration on various concentrated to A.O.A.C (2016).
tomato paste. The soluble solids content is one of the 2.2.5.Pesticide Residues (QuEChERS
most important quality parameters in processing Method):
tomato. 50 to 65 % of soluble solids contents are Method description: Quick and Easy
sugars, glucose and fructose and their amount and Method (QuEChERS) for Determination of Pesticide
proportion influences the organoleptic quality of Residues in Foods Using GC–MS according to
tomatoes (Adedeji et al., 2006). The remaining European Standard Method EN 15662:(2008).
soluble solids are mainly citric and malic acids, lipds
and other components in low concentrations. Results and Discussion
The aim of present work was to asses the
microbiological, heavy metals and pesticide residues 3.1. HACCP plan for tomato paste (Brix: 36-38%)
qualities of tomato paste production line using the processing line:
HACCP system. 3.1.1. Assemble the HACCP team ( Step 1 ) :
A multidisciplinary group of individuals are
Materials And Methods established to carry out HACCP studies; the team is
comprised of different departments all of the HACCP
2.1.Materials: team members have the training HACCP perquisites,
studying and implementation. The HACCP team has
The fresh raw fruit and vegetable used throughout technical knowledge of the process covered by the
this study were: HACCP study, knowledge of hazards associated with
malting and experience within the scope of hazard
analysis, developing HACCP plans, implementing

Food Biotechnology 390

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

and reviewing HACCP. The team (team leader, process steps match the diagrams in plant on tomato
deputy team leader and members) as well as the paste (36-38%) processing line flow diagram Figure (
supporting functions have been officially assigned by 1 ).
the plant manager, and the team organization has been 3.1.4. Principle 1: Conduct a hazard analysis (Step
communicated through the plant to department & 6):
section heads. Training Records for the HACCP team Hazards analysis for tomato paste (36-38%)
should be available. processing steps was conducted. The potential hazards
Team members away from their job (physical, chemical and biological) associated with
responsibilities have the responsibilities of product tomato paste (36-38%) production at all steps, and the
description developing, updating the HACCP study, preventive measures for their control were identified.
determining CCPs /PRP with their critical limits a) Physical hazards:
monitoring procedures and corrective action, The physical hazards associated with
verifying the flow charts and notify the rest of the team fresh tomato fruits were identified and the obtained
and meet to discuss/review the previously mentioned results were as follow:
issues; this meetings are conducted as minimum once  Unripe Fruits: 1.35%
per quarter and whenever needed in case of any issue  Unripe Fruits (Yellow): 3.25%
threatening the food safety of the product and/or after  Unripe Fruits (Green): 0.50%
any process changes to decide whether it will affect  Mechanical Damage: 1.80%
food safety or not.  Sunburn: 0.75%
The HACCP team leader lead and direct  Pest Damage: 1.50%
the HACCP team meeting to conduct the hazard  Small Fruits (> 40 mm): 2.10%
analysis, follow up the results of monitoring, review,
 Moldy Fruits: 0.30%
internal audit, HACCP Complaints and any food
 Insects fragments represent: 0.25%
safety related issues.
 Sand%: 0.20%
The core HACCP team includes Quality Assurance  Plant parts represent from tomato tree: 0.30%
manager, Production manager, Engineering manager,  Critical Harmful Foreign Bodies (Physical
QC sec. head, Microbiologist, Warehouse Keeper and Hazards): Zero
HACCP Consultant (Expert). These results are within limits of the fresh tomato
fruits specification (internal standard).
3.1.2. Product description (Steps 2) b) Chemical Hazards:
& Identify intended use (Step 3): Fresh Tomato fruits and Tomato paste (36-38%)
Tomato paste product is a natural product, was mainly examined for pesticides residual and five
manufactured with fresh tomatoes, healthy and heavy metals (Cadmium, Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, and
mature, which are washed, sorted, crushed, refined, Tin).
concentrated, sterilized and filled in an aseptic bags to 1) Pesticide residues:
ensure safety and conservation. This product does not The pesticides are dangerous and toxic to human
contain flavorings, preservatives or others. All the health, any pesticide residues remaining in fruits and
equipment and processes involved in the preparation vegetables can pose hazard to humans and cause
of the product accomplish with strict sanitary confident diseases. It is important to classify and
conditions and with all current and applicable laws of measures the pesticide residues which can be
General Principles of Foods Hygiene “Codex swallowed by fruits and vegetables after treatment
Alimentarius”, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control with pesticides spray.
Points (HACCP) and Good Manufacturing Practices Fresh tomato fruits and tomato paste (36-38%) a
(G.M.P.). Product information. finished product were analyzed for chlorfenapyr,
fludioxonil, cypermethrin, lambda-Cyhalothrin,
3.1.3. Construct flow diagram (Steps 4) & On-site chlorpyrifos-Methyl and pyridaben pesticide residues
verification of flow diagram (Step 5): are followed during the processing steps of tomato
The process flow diagram provided is a detailed paste. The obtained results are hereafter showing in
description of the process to help the HACCP team Table (1) revealed that pesticide residues contents
carry out the hazard analysis. The process flow were lower than those presented in the Egyptian
diagram of tomato paste (36-38%) prepared and Standard (132-1/2015) for the maximum limits of
assured that, it cover all process steps of product from pesticide residues in foods and the EU MRLs (EC)
first step to final product, including re-work routes. No. (396/2005).
The HACCP team has confirmed that the on-site

Food Biotechnology 391

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

Tomato paste (36-38%) processing line flow diagram

Material Required Plan (MRP)

Packaging Material Raw Material

Labels Barrels Wooden Ballets Aseptic Bags Poly Ethylene Bags Tomato Fruit

Suppliers Inspe
For Aseptic
Bags Only Receiving Stage (CCP1)

(PM Warehouse)

Receiving Cannel Receiving Stage (CCP1)

with length (15 m) (Discharging the product)
including water &

By using city Water

for two stages
Washing Stage

Sorting Stage

Waste Inspect

Extraction Stage
(Crusher Group and Chopper)

For CB tomato (55-65˚c)


For CB tomato (1.5-0.8 mm)

Filtration Stage (CCP2)
(Refining and Sieving)


Figure ( 1 ): Tomato paste (36-38%) processing line flow diagram

Food Biotechnology 392

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

Collection Juice Tank

(Cap= 6.000 litter)

This Stage for Tomato Evaporation Stage

Paste only (Contains 3 stages to concentrate the product)

Stage No (3) Stage No (2) Stage No (1)

- Called 1st Effect - Called 2nd Effect - Called 3rd
- Output = 36-38 Brix - Output = 12Brix Effect
(CB) - Temp (60- 65 - Output = 7 Brix
- Temp (70-75 ˚c) ˚c) - Temp (50-55


Feeding Tank

Sterilization Stage(CCP3)

Super Heating (110 ± 2 ºc) / 60 Sec

Holding (107 ± 2 ºc) / 90 - 120 Sec

Cooling (25 - 30 ºc) / 60 Sec

Magnetic trap (CCP4) Drain

Temp of Filling Heads (90–100 ˚c) Packaging

Product temp at filling (25-30˚c) Aseptic Filling (CCP5)

No Yes
Rework Inspecti

Yes Glass Jars TP Filling Line

For 7 days at room temp (≤
30ºc) Incubation & Sorting

(FP Warehouse)

Figure (1): Continued - Tomato paste (36-38%) processing line flow diagram

Food Biotechnology 393

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

Table 1. Pesticide residues in fresh tomato fruits and tomato paste (36-38%).
Fresh tomato fruits Tomato paste (36-38%)


*S. 1 S. 2 S. 3 S. 1 S. 2 S. 3
Chlorfenapyr mg/kg 0.010 - - 0.010 - -
Fludioxonil mg/kg 0.010 - - ˂ LOQ - -
Cypermethrin mg/kg 0.010 < LOQ 0.020 0.010 ˂ LOQ 0.010
Lambda-Cyhalothrin mg/kg - - 0.010 - - ˂ LOQ
Chlorpyrifos-Methyl mg/kg - - < LOQ - - ˂ LOQ
Pyridaben mg/kg - < LOQ - - ˂ LOQ -
N/D: Not Detected, ˂ LOQ: Lower of quantity, * S.: Sample no.

2) Heavy metals: The obtained results are hereafter showing in Table

Fresh tomato fruits and tomato paste (36- (2) revealed that heavy metals contents were not
38%) a finished product were analyzed for cadmium, detected than those presented in the Egyptian
lead, tin, mercury and arsenic heavy metals are Standard (2360/7002) for the maximum limits of
followed during the processing steps of tomato paste. heavy metals in foods.

Table 2. Heavy metals in fresh tomato fruits and tomato paste (36-38%):
#Tomato paste
Components Unit of Measuring **CCP1
Cadmium mg/kg 0.02* N/D
Lead mg/kg N/D N/D
Tin mg/kg < LOQ < LOQ
Mercury mg/kg N/D N/D
Arsenic mg/kg N/D N/D
N/D: Not Detected, ˂ LOQ: Low of quantity
* Each values from 3 samples at 3 different time at zero time, 2 hours and 4 hours of the production shift .
** CCP1: Fresh tomato fruits, # Tomato paste (36-38%): as a finished product.

3) Genetically Modified Organism (GMO): * Hepatitis A virus:

Fresh tomato fruits & Tomato paste (36-38%) was Fresh tomato fruits & Tomato paste (36-38%) was
determined for GMO (P-FMV), GMO (T-NOS), and determined for Hepatitis A virus; the obtained results
GMO (35S); the obtained results could be noticed that are shown in Table ( 3 ). It could be noticed that the
all results were not detected (ND). result was not detected (ND).

c) Biological Hazards: 3.1.5. Principle 2: Determine Critical Control

Biological Hazards were evaluated by testing Points (CCPs) (Step 7):
samples of raw (fresh) tomato fruits microbiologically Critical control points (CCPs) in the
for total aerobic bacterial count, mold and yeast, production processes of tomato paste (36-38%) were
coliform group, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, identified through the use of a CCP decision tree
Bacillus cereus, Clostridia sp., and Salmonella sp. as (NACMCF, 1998). Figure ( 2 ) and are shown in
well as through every processing steps along the Sheet ( 1 ).
processing line of tomato paste (36-38%) to identify
the biological hazards that might associate with the 3.1.6. Principle 3: Establish critical limits for
final Products and the results are shown in Table ( 3 each CCP (Step 8):
). The obtained results revealed that the fresh tomato The critical limits were the Egyptian Standards,
fruits was contaminated with pathogenic bacteria Codex, and EU Standards for raw and packaging
(Coliform, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridia materials and final product. Whereas, the critical
sp., Bacillus cereus and Salmonella sp.), but the limits for manufacturing steps were the legal limits
tomato fruits after washing was still contaminated which admitted by the HACCP team. The established
with pathogenic bacteria without salmonella sp.. The crirical limit for CCPl, CCP2, CCP3, CCP4, and CCP5
tomato juice after preheating (at 65 °C), refinement were established and shown in Sheet ( 1 ).
and the tomato paste before sterilization were free
from pathogenic bacteria.

Food Biotechnology 394

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

Table 3. Microbiological analysis of tomato during the CCPs on tomato paste (36-38%) processing line (on wet
weight basis):
Components CCP1 CCP2 CCP3 CCP4 CCP5 paste
Total aerobic
bacterial count 6.10×107* 5.50×105 3.80×103 ---- <10 <10
Yeast & mould ISO 21527-
8.25×104 4.50×103 5.10×102 ---- <10 <10
count cfu/g 2:2008
Coliform count ISO 21528- ----
43 <10 <10 <10 <10
cfu/g 2:2004
ISO ----
Escherichia coli
16649- Positive Negative Negative Negative Negative
detection cfu/g
ISO ----
Bacillus cereus
7932:2004 23 <10 <10 <10 <10
Staphylococcus ISO 6888- ----
aureus detection 1:1999; Positive Negative Negative Negative Negative
cfu/g 2003
ISO ----
Clostridium count
7937:2004 13 <10 <10 <10 <10
Salmonella ----
detection Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
cfu/ 25 g
Hepatitis A Virus
15216- Negative ===== ===== ---- ===== Negative
*Each values from 3 samples at 3 different time at zero time, 2 hours and 4 hours of the production shift .
CCP1: Receiving Fresh tomato fruits, CCP2: Tomato juice after filtration stages, CCP3: Tomato paste during sterilization
stage, CCP4: Tomato paste after magnetic trap, CCP5: Tomato paste after aseptic filling stage and Tomato paste (36-38%): as
a finished product.

3.1.7. Principle 4: Establish CCP monitoring  Ensure that the HACCP plan is functioning
requirements (Step 9): effectively.
Monitoring procedures for each CCP through  Review of records, accuracy, and non-
tomato paste (36-38%) processing line were compliance and corrective actions taken.
established as shown in Sheet ( 1 ). Monitorrng  Equipment and utility checks e.g.
procedures included the following work sheets were temperature
developed for monitoring of each CCP processing  Audit the supplier for adherence to
steps of tomato paste (36-38%). guarantee.
 Calibration of monitoring sensors and
3.1.8. devices.
Principle 5: Establish corrective actions (Step 10):  Samples inspection to validation with Iron
Corrective actions to be taken when monitoring Ped-dles.
results show any deviation from the established
 Microbiological finished product testing.
critical limits at a CCP through tomato paste (36-38%)
 Chemical finished products testing.
processing steps were developed and shown in Sheet
Verification procedures for each CCP were developed
( 1 ). Corrective action work sheet was developed for
and shown in Sheet ( 1 ).
recording the non-conformities and the corrective
In our investigation from Figure ( 1 ), which
action needed.
presented flow diagram for manufacture of tomato
3.1.9 Principle 6: Establish verification procedures
paste (36-38%) with estimating the CCPs, we
(Step 11):
determined 5 critical control points, including:
Verification procedures were established ro verify
1) Receiving stage raw and packaging
that HACCP system is working correctly through
material (Fresh Tomato fruits and Aseptic bags).
tomato paste (36-38%) processing.
2) Filtration stage. 3) Sterilization stage. 4) Magnetic
HACCP team is responsible for verification
trap. 5) Aseptic filling stage.
of HACCP system and that will achieve through:-

Food Biotechnology 395

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

To monitor system and insure that the HACCP  Poduct information and its
system is working correctly and effectively (able to intended use.
finding any deviation when occur and control it) and  Flow diagram for the product.
insure that the final product in agreement with The  The entire process indicating CCPs.
Egyptian Standard (ES) (132-1/2015) and Codex  Hazards and preventive measures for
Standard (CXS) (57/1981), finally produced high each CCP.
safety and quality products for consumers.  Critical limits for each CCP.
 Monitoring systems for every process
3.1.10. Principle 7: Documentation and record kee steps and CCPs.
ping (Step 12):
 Corrective actions for deviations from
Documentation and record keeping of
critical limits.
HACCP system for tomato paste (36-38%) was
 Procedures for verification of HACCP
completed previously by:
 Listing of the HACCP team.
 Records keeping.

Figure ( 2 ): CCP decision tree:

Food Biotechnology 396

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

Sheet 1. Tomato Paste (36-38%) Critical Limits, Monitoring, Corrective Actions, Verification & Records sheet:
Critical Limits, Monitoring, Corrective Actions, Verification & Records keeping Sheet

Product Name: Tomato Paste (36-38%)

Hazards Limit for
CCP Process each Verificati
ve Records

No. Step Preventi Freque on

Hazard What How Who Actions
ve ncy
CCP (a) Ch. Pesticide Accordin Fruits Take one by Stop One Analysis
1 Receivi residual g to contamin random sample QC/QA receiving sample report of
ng of and heavy Codex ated with sample each Engine who each any
RM metals Alimenta pesticide from month ers supplied month certified
(Tomato ry for s raw from fruits from Lab.;
fruits) tomato residual material each contamin finished Supplier
fruits and and and supplier ated with Product; audit
EU STD heavy sending pesticide Audit the report
metals to residual supplier
Certifie for
d Lab. adherenc
e to
Foreign Take with take
Foreign One Reject
bodies random random
Sand % = bodies sample the Receiving
(Sand,Ston sample by QC samples
Ph. Not more with the from tomato tomato
es, Wood, from Engineer after
than 1% received each fruit fruit report
Plastic raw washing
tomato truck truck
piece….) material and
Bi. None
(b) Take
Receivi random Each
ng of Food Certifica sample incomi
tion with
PM Ch. grade te from from ng
Heavy Reject
(Aseptic bags supplier Packagi shipme
metals the
Bags) ng nt
; stop
Ph. None Microbiol
Supplie ogical
from Obtain
Ensure r Analysis
suppliers certificate
supplier guarant report of
by Lab. who of
guarant ee any
Each Speciali supplied conforman
ee Certifica certified
incomi st the ce from
exists te Lab.;
Cross Free of ng aseptic suppliers.
for is supplier
contaminat pathogen shipme bags; or
each visually certificate
Bi. ion with s and nt Re-
incomi confirm s
pathogenic contamin Sterilizat
ng ed;
bacteria ation ion with
shipment and
; Take send the
random sample
sample to
from it. certified

Food Biotechnology 397

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

Sheet ( 1 ): Continued - Tomato Paste (36-38%) Critical Limits, Monitoring, Corrective Actions,
Verification & Records sheet:
Significant Critical
Hazards Limit for
CCP Process each Verificati Record
No. Step Preventi Freque on Keeping
Hazard What How Who Actions
ve ncy
CCP Filtratio Ch. None
2 n Stage Daily - 1-
Filter is 1- Rejected
1- Juice
1- checke Checked the
Damage d by QC quantity
peel, - Daily in
in before Enginee and
seeds check list.
screen starting r - refine it
Critical parts go -
Ensure or fault product Adjustin second
foreign to not Productio
that in ion and g the time. Samples
bodies; acceptabl n
Ph. Sieving adjusted every machine 2- inspection
Foreign e from processes
machine . 2- 12 by Inform in lab.
material (≥ traditiona report
is ok Visual hours mainten the
3.0 mm) l - Lab.
inspecti and ance maintena
3- No inspection
on for after tech. nce and
critical report
juice in finishin and producti
Lab. g producti on
product on tech. responsi
ion ble
Bi. None
CCP Steriliza For
3 tion each
Stage take CIP
that CIP QC
Caustic sample Washi Re-
No traces paramete Enginee Machine
Soda or from ng washing Lab.
Ch. of caustic rs during r& cleaning
Sanitizer the and the check
soda washing Sterilize report
residue washing rinsing sterilizer
the r Tech.
water to the
Ph. None
* Auto
Microbial stop of Productio
contaminat Sterilizati Ensure filling n
tempera QC Calibratio
ion due to on that and processes
ture and Each Enginee n of the
unclean temp.: Sterilizat recycling report; and
Bi. holding one r& heating
equipment 108- ion until the chart of
time “ hour Sterilize sensors
* improper 112˚C / 4 temp. is high temperatur
Flow r Tech.
temperatur - 6 min. ok temperat e
e of the ure treatment
product attained.

Food Biotechnology 398

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

Sheet ( 1 ): Continued - Tomato Paste (36-38%) Critical Limits, Monitoring, Corrective Actions,
Verification & Records sheet:
Significant Critical
Hazards Limit for
CCP Process each Verificati Record
No. Step Preventi Freque on Keeping
Hazard What How Who Actions
ve ncy
CCP Magneti Ch. None
4 c Trap Rejected
- Daily in
check list
refine it All
Critical Check second samples
Foreign Ensure y
foreign that it time - are
bodies that Each QC calibratio
bodies, switche Adjustin inspected
Ph. pieces of magnetic one Enginee n
and s on and g the and valid
metal (≤ trap is hour r results
Foreign Control machine with Iron
0.8 mm) working and
materials is done by Peddles
maintena every shift
es of
nce tech.
on tech.
Bi. None
CCP Aseptic Ch. None
5 Filling Ph. None
to heat
Ensure Auto
nts and Check for Productio
that stop of
no bad Microbiol n and
sterilizati filling
Cross control Each ogical Quality
on and
Contamina Chamber or one Prod. analysis to inspection
temperat recycling
Bi. tion of temp. ≥ leakage hour Technici samples in report;
ure of until the
filling 94 ˚C in during an Certified Calibratio
chamber low
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Food Biotechnology 399

Application of the HACCP System during the Production of Tomato Paste ………………………..

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‫‪Miyagawa, S. and Miyagishima, K. (1996).‬‬ ‫‪analysis and critical control point (HACCP) as a‬‬
‫‪Importance of HACCP for public health and‬‬ ‫‪part of an overall quality assurance system in‬‬
‫‪development: the role of the World Health‬‬ ‫‪international food trade. "Food Control" 11.5 :‬‬
‫‪Organization. Food Control (7): 77–85.‬‬ ‫‪345-351.‬‬
‫‪National Advisory Committee on Microbiological‬‬ ‫‪Wikipedia (2013). Tomato. The free encyclopedia.‬‬
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‫‪Analysis and Critical Control Point Principles and‬‬

‫تطبيق نظام الهاسب أثناء إنتاج معجون الطماطم‬

‫حسن حسن خلف ‪ , 1‬أشرف مهدى شروبه‪ ,1‬رؤوف السعدنى ‪ ,1‬أسامة محمود مرسى ‪ ,‬أسامة محمد جابر‬

‫‪1‬قسم الصناعات الغذائية ‪ -‬كلية الزراعة بمشتهر‪ -‬جامعة بنها – مصر‬

‫‪ 1‬شركة هارفست لالغذية – الداخلية – مصر‬
‫‪ 3‬األكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحرى – جامعة الدول العربية ‪ -‬مصر‬

‫تعتبر سالمة األغذية أحد أهم المقومات األساسية للصحة العامة ويشكل ذلك تحديات كبيرة لجميع الشركات والمصانع والمؤسسات‬
‫المهتمة بالتصنيع الغذائى‪ .‬هناك العديد من المخاطر التي تنتقل عن طريق المصادر التقليدية وغير التقليدية في السلسلة الغذائية‪ ،‬وتشكل المخاطر‬
‫على الصحة عقبات أمام التجارة الدولية لألغذية‪ .‬ومن هنا يجب تحليل هذه المخاطر وتقييمها وادارتها بشكل صحيح لمواجهة المتطالبات المتزايدة‬
‫والمتنامية فى السلسلة الغذائية العالمية‪ .‬يبدأ التنفيذ السليم لمبادئ الشئون الصحية في األغذية في جميع أنحاء السلسلة الغذائية بالتزامن مع نظام‬
‫تحليل المخاطر ونظام نقاط التحكم الحرجة (الهاسب) ‪ ،‬والذي يضمن سالمة األغذية المنتجه‪ .‬في هذه الدراسة تم إجراء االختبارات الميكروبيولوجية‬
‫والكشف عن وجود متبقيات المبيدات والمعادن الثقيلة أثناء إنتاج معجون الطماطم (‪ )% 83-83‬علي خط اإلنتاج بالشركة المتحدة لصناعة‬
‫المراكزات‪ ،‬والتي تشمل بداية من (الطماطم الخام ‪ ،‬الغسيل ‪ ،‬الفرز ‪ ،‬االستخالص ‪،‬التنقية ‪ ،‬التركيز ‪ ،‬التعقيم ‪ ،‬التعبئة المعقمة) ثم يتم تخزينها في‬
‫ظروف مناسبه‪ ،‬وتمت دراسه استخدام نظام الهاسب و تم إجراء تحليل للعينات الناتجة خالل بعض الخطوات الموضحة سابقًا لتحديد خصائص‬
‫الجودة الميكروبيولوجية‪ .‬فتم اجراء االختبارات الميكروبيولوجية للعينات لتقدير العدد الكلي للبكتيريا وعدد مجموعة القولون وعدد الخمائر والفطريات‪.‬‬
‫وكذلك تم الكشف عن بعض البكتيريا المرضية ( الباسلس ‪ ،‬االستافيلوكوكس ‪ ،‬السالمونيال ‪ ،‬الكولستريديم) ‪ ،‬وأظهرت نتائج االختبارات الميكروبيولوجية‬
‫يجيا حتى تم الحصول على منتج نهائي آمن صحيا و متطابقا مع المواصفات القياسية المصرية‪ .‬كذلك أظهرت‬ ‫أن معدل الميكروبات يتناقص تدر ً‬
‫النتائج أن محتوي بقايا المبيدات كانت أقل من الحدود القصوى المسموح بها لبقايا المبيدات في األغذية وذلك في كال من المواصفات القياسية‬
‫المصرية والمواصفات الصادرة من االتحاد األوروبي‪ .‬على الجانب االخر لم يكتشف وجود معادن ثقيلة فى المنتج النهائي‪.‬‬

‫الكلمات الدالة‪ :‬تحليل المخاطر‪ ،‬نقاط التحكم الحرجة‪ ،‬معجون الطماطم‪ ،‬خصائص الجودة الميكروبيولوجية‪ ،‬المعادن الثقيلة‪ ،‬بقايا المبيدات‪.‬‬

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