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A marriage between individuals of the same sex was recorded in


On Monday, Anju Devi Shrestha, a 33-year-old resident of Badhaiyatal

Rural Municipality in Bardiya, and Suprita Gurung, also 33 years old and
residing in Bandipur Rural Municipality, Tanahun, officially tied the knot
in a same-sex marriage. This historic event comes after the Supreme
Court's groundbreaking decision on June 27, which mandated the
government to recognize marriages involving same-sex and non-
heterosexual couples.

As per Deepak Nepali, the ward secretary of ward 5 in Kohalpur

Municipality, Banke, the couple completed the marriage registration
process by submitting the necessary paperwork on January 18 at the
ward office. This union marks the first officially registered lesbian
marriage in the country.

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