Study Objectives

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Study objectives

My primary study and research objective is to gain advanced knowledge in Human Resources
Management with a specific focus on organization development, training, and compensation. I
want to pursue an MBA in Human Resource Management to acquire the necessary expertise
and skills to become a successful HR professional and make a significant contribution to the
development of the field in Egypt.

During my previous training, I completed a professional certificate in Human Resources

Management at AAST, where I studied seven subjects, including talent management, labor law,
compensation management, training management, performance management, strategic
management, and organizational behavior. I developed a keen interest in talent management,
as I believe it is a crucial aspect of HR management, and the right talent is necessary for the
success of any organization.

I am excited about the evolution of HR management, with technology and artificial intelligence
transforming the field, and I want to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. Pursuing an
MBA in Human Resource Management will allow me to learn about compensation, employee
relations, labor relations, negotiations, change management, talent acquisition techniques,
performance management, and pay structure. I believe that studying these subjects will provide
me with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the HR field and make a significant
contribution to the growth and development of companies in Egypt.

My area of specialization is organization development, training, and compensation. I believe

that these three areas are critical in ensuring the growth and success of any organization.
Organization development focuses on creating a positive work environment, developing
leadership skills, and fostering employee engagement and teamwork. Training is crucial in
ensuring that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs
effectively. Compensation is essential in attracting and retaining the right talent, and it is
necessary to have a fair and transparent pay structure to ensure employee satisfaction.

I plan to undertake a rigorous MBA program that will provide me with in-depth knowledge of all
HR functions, including organization development, training, and compensation. I want to attend
a graduate school that has a reputation for excellence in HR management education and is well-
recognized internationally. I believe that a challenging and stimulating graduate school
environment will allow me to learn from experienced academicians and professionals from
diverse backgrounds, and I will be able to broaden my perspectives and find solutions to the
challenges I may face in my future career.

In conclusion, my study and research objectives are to gain advanced knowledge in Human
Resources Management, with a focus on organization development, training, and
compensation. Pursuing an MBA in Human Resource Management is the next logical step in my
career progression, and I believe that it will provide me with the necessary skills and knowledge
to succeed in the HR field and make a significant contribution to the growth and development
of companies in Egypt. I am excited about the potential for personal and professional growth
that graduate school offers and am confident that I will be able to achieve my objectives
through the Fulbright Scholarship program.

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