What Is Climate Justice?

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Housekeeping and participation

- Zoom: Toolbar at bottom screen, chat box, mute button, participants
- Recording - but just for internal purposes
- Google slides - pls type responses straight onto slides (when instructed)
- We’re all learning and on this journey together
- Come with open, inquisitive and collaborative minds
- Pls be aware of power dynamics in the breakout rooms and make sure
everyone gets a chance to participate - any issues, come back to the main
What to expect
We’ll take a look at:

- Foundations of climate justice - impact, responsibility and interlinked injustices

- Demands of the international movement and solutions
- What climate justice looks like in our communities

And wrap up sharing:

- How this work links to COP26 and anti-racism

- Next steps + resources
Word cloud Global

Just Equality
transition For ALL Campaigin
fairness g for
Equality CHANGE
fairtrade What words come to mind
when you think of ‘Climate Justice
for all
Justice?’ Lack of
Social justice
regular fairness
Intersectional weather
Equal distribution of patterns Education
benefits and damages
The Inclusion Reparation
south Helping 3rd
Indigenous Vital
poorer World Climate
peoples than the refugees
Countries Fairness
Word cloud Campaig
inequality ning

INequality of Responsi
Nortrh and south impact bility

What words come to mind extractavis
when you think of ‘Climate Passing
the mic
Future Justice?’ Sustaina
developm Global Reparatio listening ble care
ent south ns for the
s Poorer environm
communit ent.
ies in m
UK/west LIstening to Climate
inequality There countries voices not Refugees
isn’t any more usually
impacted listened to
How familiar do you feel with climate justice?

Pretty new
to climate

Know loads
Interconnecting injustices
“Climate change takes any problem you
already had, any threat you were already
under, and multiplies it. Climate change is
not the great equaliser, it is the great
multiplier.” Mary Annaise Heglar
Dirty energy is at the root of climate injustice
Friends of the Earth International
Climate Justice Demands

● Recognising that climate change doesn't exist within an economic,

political or social vacuum
● International Solidarity
● Real emissions reductions rather than Net Zero or offsets
● Community resource management inc Indigenous People’s Rights
● Fair Shares of climate action & Climate Finance
Can you think of a news story recently that has a climate justice angle?
Getting people
Tigre flying again ASAP
Food supply Mozambique Fishing industry refugees Coal mine in UK after COVID
chains gas project. Total oil
The FOE greenspace Teapickers in
report showing BAME India, Malaysia
Fashion All profitable communities more
investment Nigeria likely to not have etc, underpaid,
Tourist abroad is easy acess esp. Female
impact on BP greenspace for
industry: exploitation workers
garment reparations walking/getting
double of other outside during Prii Patel saying
workers countries, COVID. refugees entering the
and the bind Coal mine in
otherwise UK illegally can be
water in staff theses Cumbria. sent back at any point
treated Australia reef companies Decision taken
unfairly & drilling ban would not do away from
The Nuclear
fired it. local council Arctic on
Effects of question of weapons used fire
whether for to enforce
climate Govt to decide.
carbon weapons
change on
sinks work programSaudi Developing
Tony’s Choc lost coffee crops Arabias
in countries’
their ethical stamp COVID Not so recent: India - farmer war on
perpetuity appetite for
fatality rates but big impact strikes Yeman
of flooding in meat leads to
worse in linked to
Mozambique deforestation
poorer areas our oil
Can you think of a news story recently that has a climate justice angle?
Birmingham Nigerian Dewley coal No compensation
will be hosting farmers mine application being given to
Defunding the application
Commonwealt being being turned poorer countries to
h Games later compensated down and also
Driridge bay
this year so by Shell
lots of thought
Crops about how to
(importanc make that Modern
e of sustainable. slavery even
been a major
Fairtrade) story line in
Modern slavery
the Archers!
producing PPE
for richer
Climate Justice in our communities

Looking for ways climate justice appears in our communities

Adding a social justice lens to our campaigns

Climate Action Plan for Councils. See Climate Justice explainer here
Challenge problematic narratives in the press (for more on how things are being blamed
on marginalised ppl read this)
Low traffic neighbourhoods - Transport for all report here
International solidarity and allyship
Nur Hadayati from Friends of the Earth
Indonesia says that ‘solidarity from the
Friends of the Earth family is very important
for community and people that are under
threat for fighting for their rights and
defending their territory. It shows that they
are not alone. Giving communities a voice to
be heard in the outside world is very
How can you campaign for climate justice in your communities?
Horse riding is Allotment projects eg. donations to Making sure
Liaise with charities like local food bank to reach out to planning of
level playing Access to green CAFOD who have been lower-income neighbours or affordable housing
field for Playing to your campaigning for climate justice campaigning for council to deliver
for years / regional equivalents compost to low-income homes includes
disabled strengths to sustainable energy
peopleTalking make a provision.
Making sure our car
to local counci difference hustings Bringing free day campaign
together doesn’t disadvantage Independent
Speaking anyone eg. disabled
fairtrade and people or taxi drivers
candidates for local
Cycling elections
to people Lobbying climate
campaigns to Engagement with
in power MPs improve justice schools.
Workshops / talks /
facilities and campaign interviews Share experiences
Partner with access
Survey for all within network &
sister Lobbying at with international
candidates in Asking local
organisations election of candidates to
local elections Protect
and provide regional Mayor pledge to take
support to spaces for action for climate
them justice
Social media access by Working with metro
campaigning allpollution -
Air mayor and combined posting stories on
affects most our local social
Art projects authority. Working media in solidarity
to raise
deprived More with global issues
communities the with ca officers
awareness allotment
most and least developing policies.
likely to own a car
How can you campaign for climate justice in your communities?

Have an Get local council Marine solar off Working

shore for
allotment for to deliver green renewable energy round and
each school wastes to persuading
allotment socs

Citizens Draw
Assembly attention to
Working with other
groups already in
change existence working on
Educating fuelling mass different priorities
citizens about migration
their involvement Community
Protesting against gardening -
development Incredible
We need the
confidence to take
initiatives regardless access to green
of unsupportive MPs spaces for disabled
and local councillors and disadvantaged
Wrap Up

Dates for the diary:

17th May: Webinar on anti-racism + the Friends of the Earth Network (not online yet)
20th May: Planning for COP26 (not online yet)

Climate Justice Hub: https://takeclimateaction.uk/resources/reading-and-resource-climate-justice

Climate Justice explainer: https://takeclimateaction.uk/resources/what-climate-justice

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