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Syllabus Class 6

Delhi Board of School Education

Draft Syllabus – Class 6
Academic Year 2023-24
Term 2

Syllabus Class 6

Syllabus for English ...................................................................................................................... 3
Unit 4................................................................................................................................................... 3
Unit 5................................................................................................................................................... 3
Unit 6................................................................................................................................................... 3
Syllabus for Hindi ......................................................................................................................... 5
Unit 4................................................................................................................................................... 5
Unit 5................................................................................................................................................... 5
Unit 6................................................................................................................................................... 5
Syllabus for Social Science ............................................................................................................ 6
Unit 4- Our Universe ........................................................................................................................... 6
Unit 5- Diversity and Discrimination ................................................................................................... 6
Unit 6- Our Delhi ................................................................................................................................. 7
Syllabus for Mathematics ............................................................................................................. 9
Unit 4................................................................................................................................................... 9
Unit 5................................................................................................................................................... 9
Unit 6................................................................................................................................................... 9
Syllabus for Science.................................................................................................................... 10
Unit 4................................................................................................................................................. 10
Unit 5................................................................................................................................................. 10
Unit 6................................................................................................................................................. 11
Syllabus for EMDD ..................................................................................................................... 12
Unit 4- Create a Basic Promotional Video......................................................................................... 12
Unit 5- Explain Simple Coding ........................................................................................................... 12
Unit 6- Skit on Cyber Responsibility .................................................................................................. 13

Syllabus Class 6

Syllabus for English

Unit 4

 Poem- Mystery of the Talking fan
 Play- The Mathematician

 Informal Letter

 Forms of verbs
 Prepositions (in, into, among, between, over, in front of, behind, from, with, at, for, of)

Unit 5

 Story- Modern Nomads by Pedro Pablo Sacristan
 Poem- Sleeping in the Forest by Mary Oliver

 E-mail writing

 Present continuous tense
 Present perfect tense

Unit 6

 Story- A Different Kind of School
 Poem - Unique

 Journal Writing

 Past Continuous tense
 Past perfect tense

Syllabus Class 6

Read to-
 summarise
 analyse
 interpret
 infer
 evaluate
 sequence

Syllabus Class 6

Syllabus for Hindi

Unit 4

 जब िसनमा ने बोलना सीखा ( पाठ )

 पार नज़र के ( पाठ )
 ि या और उसके भेद (कम के आधार पार सकमक, अकमक)
 सं ा
 िवशेषण
 एस एम एस (SMS) लेखन
 अनौपचा रक प लेखन

Unit 5

 पाल के िकनारे रखा इितहास ( पाठ )

 मेरी दु िनया के तमाम ब े ( पाठ )
 िलंग
 वचन
 सार लेखन

Unit 6

 साथी हाथ बढ़ाना ( पाठ )

 एक दौड़ ऐसी भी ( पाठ )
 औपचा रक प
 नोिटस/सूचना लेखन

Syllabus Class 6

Syllabus for Social Science

Unit 4- Our Universe
Solar System

 Planets
 Celestial bodies

 Natural and Human made

 Phases of moon
Globe- latitude and longitude

 Heat zones of the Earth

 Calculation of Time: Prime and Standard Meridian
The Earth in Solar System

 Motions of the Earth

 Rotation and Revolution: Equinox and Solstice
 Leap year
Maps and Atlas

 Physical map
 Political map
 Thematic map
 Understanding Conventional signs on maps

Unit 5- Diversity and Discrimination


 Diversity and its importance in society

 Factors of Diversity
 How to celebrate different types of diversity
 Unity in Diversity
Prejudices and Discrimination

 Prejudices
 Stereotyping
 Inequality prevailing in our society
 Gender and Racial Discrimination

Syllabus Class 6

Striving for Equality

 Meaning of Equality

 Struggle for equality

 Legal provisions for equality

Unit 6- Our Delhi

Delhi’s history and its heritage
 Historical place of Delhi
 Delhi’s cultural and historical heritage
Architecture of Delhi
 Architectural features of Historical Monuments
 Exploring Delhi at the time of:
 Mughal Empire
 British Colonial period
 Post-independence
Geography of Delhi

 Delhi Ridge
 Northern Ridge
 Central ridge
 South-Central Ridge
 Southern Ridge

Environmental Concerns

 Environmental problems of Delhi and its possible solutions

 Work of Delhi Government

Geographical aspects of Delhi

 River and Lakes

 Weather and Rainfall

Delhi Lifestyle

 Art, Culture and cuisine

Syllabus Class 6

 Urban amenities


 Jobs in Public sectors: Government offices of Delhi

 Jobs in Private sectors: Industrial and Institutional areas


 Foreigners
 Transport

Syllabus Class 6

Syllabus for Mathematics

Unit 4
Basic geometric ideas about:
 Point, Ray, Intersecting lines, Polygons
 Triangles, Quadrilaterals
 Circle, Construction of line and Perpendicular bisector
 Types of angles, Types of triangles
 Symmetry of 3D Shapes: Pyramid and Prism

Unit 5
 Percentage: Conversion of fraction into percentage, Conversion of percentage into
 Profit and Loss: Concept of cost price and selling price
 Ratios

Unit 6
 Transforming information to data (ungrouped)

 Drawing and interpreting a pictograph,

 Drawing and interpreting a bar graph

 Conversion of pictograph to bar graph

 Interpretation of Pie Chart

 Average

Syllabus Class 6

Syllabus for Science

Unit 4
CHAPTER 6- Magic with magnet

 Magnetic & non-magnetic substances - Poles

 Attraction & repulsion - Activities related to magnet

CHAPTER 7- Electricity

 Circuit

 Bulb

 Electrical safety

 Sockets and wires - Conductors & insulators

CHAPTER 8- Light - Rectilinear motion of light

 Transparent, translucent and opaque objects

 Shadows

 Pin-hole camera
Assessment Criteria

 Criteria B: Inquiring and Designing: (Strand i, iv)

 Criteria C: Processing & Evaluating (Strand: i, ii,v, )
 Criteria D: Reflecting on the impact of science (Strands i,ii)

Unit 5
CHAPTER 9- Ecosystem

 Adaptation in plants - Adaptations in animals

 Adaptation according to habitats (terrestrial/aquatic)
 Trophic level
 Food Web
 Food Chain
Assessment Criteria
 Criteria A: Knowing and Understanding (Strand: i, ii, iii)
 Criteria D: Reflecting on the impact of Science (Strand: i, ii)

Syllabus Class 6

Unit 6
CHAPTER 10- Keeping the Earth Clean

 Awareness about immediate environment leading to Global scenario

 Management of household and industrial wastes
 Reduce & Recycle
 Plastic (boon or bane)
 Composting
 Effect of human intervention on environment
 Pollution (Air, Sound & Water)
 Rainwater harvesting
Assessment Criteria

 Criteria B: Inquiring and Designing (Strand i, iii)

 Criteria D: Reflecting on the impact of Science (Strand i, ii)

Syllabus Class 6

Syllabus for EMDD

Unit 4- Create a Basic Promotional Video

Real-life Knowledge

 Purpose and elements of a promo video

 Criteria for selection of photos, text, music for the video
 Process of providing constructive feedback

Digital Tools & Resources

 In the Photo-based Video Maker, the procedure for adding and editing pictures,
adding special effects, adding text captions, background music, etc.
 Understanding problem
 Detailing requirements
 Brainstorming ideas
 Digital skills
 Create solution per plan
 Explain the solution
 Describe Improvements
Assessment Strands and Subsets
A. Inquiring and Analyzing: (i), (iv)
B. Developing Ideas: (ii)
C. Creating the Solution: (ii), (iii)
D. Evaluating: (ii), (iii)

Unit 5- Explain Simple Coding

Real-life Knowledge
 How is coding related to automation?
 Basic patterns of conditional statements and repetition loops in programming and
how they can be used in games.
 Connecting them to real-life situations.
Digital Tools & Resources
 Block programming in Blockly, for conditional statements and repetition loops.

Syllabus Class 6

 Understanding problem
 Brainstorming ideas
 Justifying the design
 Digital skills
Assessment Strands and Subsets
A. Inquiring and Analyzing: (i)
B. Developing Ideas: (ii), (iii)
C. Creating the Solution: (ii)

Unit 6- Skit on Cyber Responsibility

Real-life Knowledge

 How rules and responsibilities in the offline world extend to the online world as
 Cyber Citizen Role and Responsibilities for Copyright, Detecting Fake Information
 Digital Account Safety
 Privacy
 Avoid Spreading Rumours
 Deeper understanding of the chosen topic.
 Creating Simple Skits (main message, storyline, characters, dialogues).

Digital Tools & Resources

 Copyright, Digital Account Safety, Fake forwards, Individual Privacy, etc.
 Understanding problem
 Brainstorming ideas
 Express design visually
 Digital skills
 Create solution per plan
 Describe Improvements
Assessment Strands and Subsets
A. Inquiring and Analyzing: (i)
B. Developing Ideas: (ii), (iv)
C. Creating the Solution: (ii), (iii)
D. Evaluating: (iii)


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