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Ebrahim Abdu

1-How much time can Supervised learning take? and what can't it do ?
Training supervised learning models can be very It also cannot cluster or classify
timedata on its own .

2-What can Unsupervised Learning algorithms do?

-Unsupervised learning algorithms analyze and cluster unlabelled datasets.
-It discovers hidden patterns or data groupings without the need for human

3-Why do we consider Unsupervised learning the ideal Solution For exploratory data
Because of Its ability to discover similarities and differences in information .
4-What is the disadvatages of Unsupervised learning?
-It has a Computational conplexity due to a high volume of training data
-Higher risk of inaccurate results

5 Which model of ANN uses Feedback?

-Reinforcement Learning

6-What is the Primary goal in the Reinforcement Learning model?

The primary soal is to improve performance by getting the maximum positive

7 What are the Challenges in Reinforcement Learning model? Summarized your

-The main challenge in reinforcement learning lies on preparing the simulation
environment , which is highly dependent on the task to be performed.
-Another challenge is reaching a local optimum- that is the agent performs the task
as it is ,but not in the optimal or required way.
Ebrahim Abdu

8 -What makes (neural network) useful in AI? and write some uses of neural
The ability of a neural network to learn, and to make adjustments to its structure over
Some uses :1- Signal processing
2- pattern recognition
3- time series prediction

9- Write one application of (ANNs) in Control System.

In self-driving cars, neural networks are often used to manage the steering decisions
of physical vehicles (or simulated ones)

10- What is the most Common Application of ANNs? and write an example.
Pattern Recognition: It's the most common application. Examples are facial
recognition, optical character recognition, etc.

11- By what the model of the neuron is specifieds

By 1- Network function
2- Activation function

12- For what (Weights and bias) are used? and during what they are adjusted?
-Weights are used to give the important of specific Input
-Bias is used to increase classification model accuracy
-And they are adjusted during atraining procedure in a specific data environment

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