Existential Intelligence

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Musical intelligence

Definition :

Musical intelligence is the capacity to think in music and rhythm. People possessing it are considered to have a
strong appreciation for music, can easily remember songs and melodies, have an understanding of timbre and
composition, can identify differences between musical pitches and generally enjoy being immersed in music.
The ability to play instruments comes naturally to this type of person.

Musical intelligence is part of the multiple intelligence (MI) theory developed by Harvard psychologist Howard
Gardner. According to MI theory, people are born with different types of intelligences. Gardner’s view of
multiple intelligence is contrary to the traditional view of intelligence, which is defined as the ability to be
proficient in math, science, general logic and all other forms of knowledge. According to these traditional
views, testing is the gold standard for measuring how smart a person is.

Multiple intelligences are not fixed. People who aren’t born proficient in music can still learn skills through
practice. You can exercise your musical intelligence by learning about music theory, learning to play a new
instrument, writing your own songs, exposing yourself to new music and actively listen to classical music.



This area has to do with sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music. People with a high
musical intelligence normally have good pitch and may even have absolute pitch, and are able
to sing, play musical instruments, and compose music. They have sensitivity to rhythm, pitch,
meter, tone, melody or timbre.
these are
individuals considered to have high musical intelligence. In other words, they think in music
and rhythms. People with musical intelligence are able to hear and recognize patterns easily.
They are very sensitive to rhythm and sound.
People with musical intelligence
think in terms of patterns. For example, they look for patterns in new information in order to
increase learning. They also look for patterns in speech and language. They remember things
by turning them into lyrics or rhymes. People with musical intelligence have a strong
appreciation of music.
People who have strong musical intelligence
are good and thinking in patterns, rhythms and sounds. They have a strong appreciation for
music and are often good at musical composition and performance.
Characteristics of Musical Intelligence
• Enjoy singing and playing musical instruments
• Recognizes musical patterns and tones easily
• Good at remembering songs and melodies
• Rich understanding of musical structure, rhythm and notes
Potential Career Choices
• Musician
• Composer
• Singer
• Music Teacher
• Conductor

Questions :

These are the children who appear to have a sixth sense, they may be psychic, or ones who
pose, and sometimes even answer, life’s larger questions. Like:

 Why am I here? Why are we here?

 Are there other dimensions, and if so, what are they like?
 Can animals understand us, or do animals go to heaven?
 Are there really ghosts?
 Where do we go when we die?
 Why are some people evil?
 Is there life on other planets?
 Where is heaven?
 Why does God live?

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