Exercise 1

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7 -Full

1. Exercise 1

1. What are the corresponding bras to these kets?

1 𝑖
⟨ψ| = ⟨0| + ⟨1|
2 2

𝑖 2
⟨ϕ| =− ⟨0| + 3

2. What is the inner product of the state with itself ⟨ψ|ψ⟩?

⟨ψ|ψ⟩ = ( 1
⟨0| +
2 ) (
⟨1| *
|0⟩ −
1 𝑖 𝑖 𝑖2
= 2
⟨0|0⟩ - 2 ⟨0|1⟩ + 2
⟨1|0⟩ − 2
1 1
= 2
⟨0|0⟩ + 2 ⟨1|1⟩

3. What is the outer product |ψ⟩ ⟨ϕ|? Hint: Convert the states into the vectors first.

|ψ⟩ ⟨ϕ| = ( 1
|0⟩ −
|1⟩ )*
2. Exercise 2

1. Show that H† is also H’s inverse: HH† = I.

2. What happens if we apply H |0⟩ ?

It would transform the |0⟩ qubit to a superposition of |0⟩ and |1⟩.

3. What about H |1⟩?

It would transform the |0⟩ qubit to a superposition of |0⟩ and |1⟩ with a phase difference.
3. Exercise 3

Suppose we have a single qubit, initialized at |0⟩, and we apply the following

1. What are the outcomes and probabilities if we apply M+ to |0⟩?

50% probability to either get |0⟩ 𝑜𝑟 |1⟩

2. What are the outcomes and probabilities if we apply M+ followed by M0

to |0⟩?

50% probability of getting |0⟩, means the other 50% |1⟩ . results not changed

3. What are the outcomes and probabilities if we apply M+ followed by M0

followed by M+ to |0⟩?

4. What is the difference between 1 and 3? What does that teach us?
4. Exercise 4

1. Use Quirk to construct the circuits corresponding to the operation H |0⟩ and H |1⟩ and
HH |0⟩. Give a screenshot of the circuits you have created.

● H |0⟩

● H |1⟩

● HH |0⟩

2. What do the results tell you?

Carrying out consequent Hadamard would make the quantum state the same as the starting
original state.
3. Construct a circuits that correspond to operations X |0⟩, Y |0⟩ and Z |0⟩ on the state. Give
a screenshot of the circuits you have created.
4. What do the results look like and why?

X |0⟩

X |0⟩ acts as a Not gate equivalent and makes |0⟩ → |1⟩, Rotates phase 180 degrees in X axis. So
no visible surface phase change.

Y |0⟩

Y |0⟩ acts as a Not gate equivalent and makes |0⟩ → |1⟩ , Also it rotates 180 degrees in Y axis

Z|0⟩ does not work on |0⟩, But it rotates 180 degrees in the Z axis, but no surface phase change is
5. Exercise 5

Exercise Assume that a photon starts in the state |0⟩.

1. Draw in Quirk the circuit that corresponds to the experimental setup. Apply these operations to
calculate the likelihood that a photon is observed in detector 1 or in detector 2. Hint: Use ”make
gate” button to implement the Ubeamsplitter gate from the matrix. You don’t need to apply the √ 1
2 as the ”make gate” operation will normalize the matrix automatically.

2. Verify your results by calculating the operations on the starting qubit state by hand.

3. Does the results correspond to what you think that should happen? Try to find the explanation
for what happened.

6. Exercise 6

1. How many qubits do their largest quantum computer have?


2. What sort of technology are their qubits based on?

based on superconducting circuits

3. At which temperature do these quantum computers operate? Hint: See if you can find the answer
for the qubit technology with Google.
around -273 degrees Celsius

4. Can their computers be accessed easily through some service provider?

Not generally accessible through public endpoints, however, IQM provides on-premise solutions for
research institutions and companies (ex: VTT)

5. What did you find interesting or surprising?

Not only hardware, but IQM also researches software and quantum algorithms to be used with their
quantum computers

7. Exercise 7

1. Which hardware does the platform support, if any? Are they easily accessible through the

Supports IBM Quantum Systems, Rigetti Quantum Systems, and Google Quantum AI Systems

2. What programming language do you use to program quantum programs in this platform?


3. How easy would it be to integrate a quantum program written in this platform to a conventional
classical program from the point of view of a programmer?

Via tools and APIs it is quite easy to integrate

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