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STSE Case Study: Artificial Selection Technology and Food Crops

1. The Villagers in Ejere, Ethiopia noticed that artificial selection technology helped increase
the crop yield while decreasing the need for chemicals in the fields. Companies that
produce GM seeds claim that a decreased need for chemicals is a benefit of using some GM
- What are the advantages of using fewer chemicals?
A myriad of advantages come with using fewer chemicals such as increasing crop productivity rates, greater
maintenance and enhancement of soil fertility, reduced erosion rates, higher crop yields, a decrease in the
eutrophication rates of waterways, and enhanced preservation of nutrients in soils that are crucial for the
growth and life of a plethora of wildlife and plant species. In addition, increasing the utilization of organic
fertilizers in place of chemical fertilizers yields health benefits.
- How would you choose which seeds to use - GM or non-GM seeds?
Both GM and non-GM seeds acquire a surplus of advantages and disadvantages. To corroborate this
assertion, firstly, GM seeds promote improved survival and greater yield. Additionally, GM seeds indirectly
reduce greenhouse gas emissions as both GM crops and glyphosate increase soil carbon sequestration
resulting in a restraint on carbon dioxide from releasing into the atmosphere. Furthermore, GM crops tend
to be more resistant to inclement climates such as droughts and salty soils. Hence, this can help increase the
growth rate of crops in environments where food security sparks solicitude. With GM seeds, typically, it is an
indirectly proportional relationship as when the food supply increases, the cost is reduced, and a longer shelf
life is achieved. Conversely, the substantial use of the weed killer, glyphosate (used during the production of
GM crops), can severely disrupt and harm pollinating insects. Scientists believe that glyphosate was the
major culprit of a 90% decrease in the population of the US monarch butterfly. Therefore, some GM crops
can have negative effects on both organisms and ecosystems instigating a loss of biodiversity. Moreover, GM
seeds can crossbreed with wild animals and plants, contributing to a colossal spread of modified genetic
material into the ecosystem. As a result, superweeds may develop which are impervious to herbicides.
Secondly, non-GM seeds are devoid of harsh chemical fertilizers and virulent pesticides, meaning the
ingestion of chemicals will be avoided when consuming these foods, increasing the likelihood of food
security. Farmers who grow non-GM can conserve seeds, producing a wide range of seeds that are
high-caliber adapters to the local climate. This would increase biodiversity and accordingly improve in
succeeding generations. Based on my research, I have concluded that although GM seeds are prospective to
improve farming and food security by providing a sense of dependability against the unforeseeable factors of
nature, unfortunately, they pose a great threat to the environment. For example, the possibility of
outcrossing in which genes from GM crops contaminate non-GM plants and livestock. This would
ultimately lead to adverse effects on insects and other organisms as well as the diminution of other plant
species, resulting in a decline in biodiversity. In relation to food security, although GM crops obtain the
competence to increase agricultural yield thus raising the target crop’s productivity, the outcomes of most
studies with GM foods infer that they could contribute to toxic effects on the pancreas, kidneys, liver, or
reproductive system, as well as changes to biochemical, hematological, and immunologic frameworks.
Hence, albeit there will be an abundant food supply resulting from GM crops, given that the food may give
rise to serious ramifications defeats the purpose of achieving food security. Therefore, I would choose
non-GM seeds.
2. USC Canada claimed that artificial selection technology restricts a species’ natural ability
to reproduce, thus negatively affecting biodiversity
- Research to find out whether this claim is accurate
Based on research, I believe that this claim made by USC Canada is unequivocally accurate. To substantiate
this statement, a significant motive of artificial selection is the production of inbred/homozygous lines.
Therefore, to minimize genetic variation in each subsequent generation, this method entails mating animals
that have strong kinship/relations. Moreover, these species typically display outbreeding habits, which
deduces that advocating inbreeding does disrupt and interfere with a species' natural reproductive aptitudes.
Furthermore, as a result of inbreeding and artificial selection, the amount of variation within a gene pool
drastically decreases as only organisms with desired characteristics procreate. Differently, put, organisms
would be genetically akin and acquire similar alleles, reducing genetic diversity and biodiversity.
- If artificial selection restricts a species' ability to reproduce, how would this affect your
assessment of the use of artificial selection technology?
Since artificial selection poses a risk to reproductive capabilities, biodiversity, and genetic diversity, I am
expectedly much more critical with my assessment of the use of artificial selection technology. In specific, I
am critical of the use of artificial selection on endangered species. This is because, as a result of artificial
selection, inbreeding rates increase which are exceedingly detrimental to conservation as they jeopardize the
robustness and health of an organism.
3. Why are so many conflicting views about artificial selection technology and its value? Is
there a pattern to who advocates for and who cautions against it?
Disputes on artificial selection may arise from the fact that it entails purposefully selecting particular features
in plants or animals through procreation. Some support artificial selection on the grounds that it enables us
to improve agricultural yields, pet qualities, and desirable attributes. Some, however, could advise against it
because of concerns about genetic variety, ethical dilemmas, or prospective damage to the ecology. With
respect to patterns, a plethora of audiences might perceive things variously contingent upon their values and
areas of interest. Farmers and breeders, for instance, may be more likely to embrace artificial selection if it
results in more appealing characteristics of livestock or more productive and lucrative crops. Distinctly,
conservationists would advise vigilance and stress the value of protecting natural biodiversity.
- Write a statement about what factors people should consider when considering data-based
Indisputably, it is essential to intake data-based “facts” with an optimal quantity of cynicism. This can be
achieved by meticulously assessing its source integrity, statistical evidence, and sample size. Additionally, one
must be cognizant of probable biases in the interpretation of information.

4. Having done your research, what are your thoughts on artificial selection technology?
(Consider which methods have benefits, which have risks, and what are the implications?
Consider your bias)
Personally, my thoughts on artificial selection technology are quite neutral, albeit, there are a few
artificial selection methods I obstinately dissent from. Inbreeding, in my opinion, is palpably an
irrational and nonsensical tactic. This is because, as a result of inbreeding, there have been decreased
growth rates, reduced fertility, higher mortality rates, lower fecundity, and an increased occurrence
of genetic anomalies in species. Furthermore, the process of inbreeding augments the risk of
organisms developing recessive gene disorders (homozygosity), possibly contributing to population
extinction. Inbred females, for instance, may not survive for a prolonged period to bear enough
offspring to displace their parents. Their minimized lifespan could contribute to further
diminution in population and eventual extinction. Moreover, inbreeding may lessen an individual
capacity to adapt to adverse conditions, such as ailments and disease. Notwithstanding the
disadvantages of artificial selection technology, it acquires its beneficial and favorable facets. All
things considered, as a result of artificial selection technology, humans may actively shape the
genetic makeup of plants and animals to suit certain requirements. It is an invaluable instrument
for rectifying challenges affiliated with food production, environmentally friendly agriculture, and
general enhancement of desired phenotypic qualities/traits. For example, higher-yielding crops,
crops that can be harvested sooner, and increased levels of pest and disease resistance in crops can
result from artificial selection technology. In conclusion, artificial selection has both advantages and
disadvantages. On a positive note, it enables humans to intentionally choose and enhance desirable
traits in plants and animals which can instigate increased agricultural productivity and developed
qualities in livestock and even pets. However, contrastingly, a potential drawback of artificial
selection is the contribution to reduced genetic diversity within populations, sparking the
susceptibility of species to certain maladies and harsh climatic conditions.
Cited Sources

1. GMO pros and cons - should genetically modified organisms be grown? (2022) Available
at: (Accessed: 28 January 2024).
2. Grooms, L. (2020) Non-GMO pros and cons weighed, AgUpdate. Available at:
7a01-5846-a6d2-cf029d447c4e.html (Accessed: 28 January 2024).
3. Frankham, R. et al. (2019) Inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity increase extinction risk, OUP
Academic. Available at:
(Accessed: 28 January 2024).
4. (No date) Available at: (Accessed: 28 January 2024).
5. Artificial selection - understanding evolution (2022) Understanding Evolution - Your one-stop source
for information on evolution. Available at: (Accessed: 29 January 2024).

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