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Ke D0(1+g) +g


D0 Current dividend
P0 Ex dividend market price

Ke 18.13%

Growth Rate using past growth method

d0 Current Dividend
dn Dividend n years ago
g 7.87%

Ke D0(1+g)/P0 +g

Ke 12.47%

Growth Rate using Gordon's Growth Method

g = rb

r return on reinvested funds

b proportion of funds retained

g= rb
r 12%
b 70%
g 8.40%

Ke D0(1+g)/P0 + g

Ke 17.07%

Cost of Equity using CAPM

Ke Rf + (Rm-Rf) B

Ke 16.40%

Cost of Debt -Redeemable

Coupon Rate adjusted for tax

Cost of Debt - Irredeemable

Kd=i(1-t)/P0 x 100%

Interest 10
Kd 5.83%

Cost of Debt- Redeemable

Cost of debt for redeemable debt is the IRR of the relevant ca

t is the IRR of the relevant cashflows

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