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0:0:0.0 --> 0:0:2.

Ram, Sushil
I think I find is there, it's fine.
0:0:0.900 --> 0:0:2.510
Majeed, Saima
So we have proposed it.
0:0:2.820 --> 0:0:4.400
Majeed, Saima
I hope everyone can see my screen.
0:0:6.70 --> 0:0:6.230
mike (Guest)
0:0:7.240 --> 0:0:7.380
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
0:0:6.720 --> 0:0:11.20
Ram, Sushil
And yeah, as everybody introduced has it far introduced?
0:0:11.790 --> 0:0:13.200
Majeed, Saima
Yeah, that's radial fan.
0:0:14.170 --> 0:0:15.530
Ram, Sushil
0:0:16.900 --> 0:0:17.100
mike (Guest)
0:0:17.10 --> 0:0:17.200
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
0:0:18.480 --> 0:0:18.610
Ram, Sushil
0:0:21.270 --> 0:0:21.620
Ram, Sushil
0:0:21.630 --> 0:0:22.0
Ram, Sushil
0:0:20.540 --> 0:0:23.390
Majeed, Saima
OK, so so here's the concept.
0:0:22.10 --> 0:0:23.750
Ram, Sushil
So yeah.
0:0:23.400 --> 0:0:24.510
Majeed, Saima
Note. So she'll.
0:0:24.520 --> 0:0:25.700
Majeed, Saima
Would you like to brief?
0:0:26.600 --> 0:0:27.460
Ram, Sushil
Yeah. Just.
0:0:27.510 --> 0:0:30.440
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, just, just go down.
0:0:30.450 --> 0:0:32.70
Ram, Sushil
Go paragraph by paragraph.
0:0:33.80 --> 0:0:33.360
Majeed, Saima
0:0:32.560 --> 0:0:46.280
Ram, Sushil
So we just mentioned in the first paragraph about the Commonwealth year of the Youth and it's
important and why the Heads of Government had declared 2023-2024 as the year of the Youth.
0:0:46.290 --> 0:1:0.410
Ram, Sushil
And I think the key part is the vision, which is for a more strengthened, more integrated and accountable
Commonwealth youth development ecosystem, so that it can provides the voices of young people.
0:1:1.120 --> 0:1:47.480
Ram, Sushil
It recognizes their contribution and support their aspirations and their initiatives that they are taking and
I think this is very much in tune with also with what the British Council and the other partners are trying
to achieve and more importantly, at the recent Youth Ministers meeting that was held in London where
all the Commonwealth countries attended, they also made a number of specific resolutions around
youth participation and engagement and one of them was they recognized the importance of promoting
and facilitating the active, meaningful and inclusive participation of young people in the entire decision
making process.
0:1:47.750 --> 0:1:55.220
Ram, Sushil
And you know, both at the national but also at a regional and I'm global level.
0:1:55.430 --> 0:2:6.620
Ram, Sushil
And one of the specific recommendations that they made was looking at the establishment of a Asia
regional youth platform, UMM.
0:2:7.100 --> 0:2:41.400
Ram, Sushil
Most countries, what we do is to support the establishment of National Youth Councils and other
National Youth led bodies, but beyond that we also support regional youth platforms such as we have
the Pacific Youth Council, Benefica Youth Union, Caribbean Regional Youth Council, so that from an local
to national to regional and then they come up to the global level and then just a brief about the status of
young people in the Commonwealth Asia region.
0:2:42.30 --> 0:2:44.100
Ram, Sushil
It's it's, it's a very broad one.
0:2:44.110 --> 0:3:4.600
Ram, Sushil
I haven't put anything specific in there or trying to look at any regional study that has come up with
some data statistics recently, but I was not able to get some, but certainly we can look at putting some
evidence in there if we come across any and of course the problem statement.
0:3:5.10 --> 0:3:7.180
Ram, Sushil
Next paragraph, I'll just go down.
0:3:7.650 --> 0:3:20.940
Ram, Sushil
Despite their majority, young people in Asia region still have relatively less access to the opportunities
for self empowerment, decision making process and influencing policy.
0:3:20.950 --> 0:3:36.890
Ram, Sushil
Quite a general statement, but it is true in a lot of way, but at the same time we also recognize the fact
that young people are at the forefront of taking action in a wide range of areas in the Asia region.
0:3:37.260 --> 0:3:41.110
Ram, Sushil
You know, they are very passionate young people out there.
0:3:41.120 --> 0:3:57.610
Ram, Sushil
They're doing lots of things in terms of not only youth participation, but also on human rights and
democracy, on climate change, on education, and then going on to why we want to have this regional
0:3:58.410 --> 0:4:10.180
Ram, Sushil
So the summit I have mentioned, the 68 Commonwealth countries there, but I you know, we'll be happy
to aid on any other country that the British Council wants to add.
0:4:10.450 --> 0:4:11.760
Ram, Sushil
So that would be fine.
0:4:11.880 --> 0:4:27.750
Ram, Sushil
And the key idea is that, you know, we want it to be facilitated peer to peer, kind of a learning process in
terms of leadership rather than you know, someone training them on leadership.
0:4:27.760 --> 0:4:31.430
Ram, Sushil
So that's why I've specifically put together.
0:4:31.520 --> 0:4:38.610
Ram, Sushil
They come together to share their experiences, the challenges and ideas and build their leadership
0:4:38.760 --> 0:4:52.30
Ram, Sushil
So it's more of peer to peer kind of driven capacity building and of course facilitated moderated and
supported by you know by a number of us who would be there.
0:4:52.620 --> 0:4:54.230
Ram, Sushil
Umm, of course.
0:4:54.560 --> 0:5:21.170
Ram, Sushil
You know, we next paragraph I have given a brief background of what the Commonwealth does and of
course, what the British Council does and then the mechanisms that we have play in place, the National
Youth Councils and other networks were they are doing and then the Commonwealth and the British
Council have been at the forefront of providing support and leadership to young people in the region.
0:5:22.510 --> 0:5:25.60
Ram, Sushil
Umm and how how we do it?
0:5:25.70 --> 0:5:50.600
Ram, Sushil
And this is done through capacity building, technical assistance and support, with the overarching goal to
establish and strengthen youth LED networks platform to ensure that they are equipped and empowered
to engage with policymakers that they are advocates and their support for young people's capabilities
that leaders and partners in development and, of course, mainstreaming is also there.
0:5:51.10 --> 0:5:52.300
Ram, Sushil
Mainstreaming youth voices?
0:5:52.860 --> 0:6:1.980
Ram, Sushil
We didn't institutional policy and development planning, so just, you know going down overarching kind
of a aim is to.
0:6:3.20 --> 0:6:3.520
Ram, Sushil
0:6:3.820 --> 0:6:24.90
Ram, Sushil
At the summit will provide a platform for youth leaders to discuss emerging youth development issues,
take stock of current functioning and initiatives of youth LED organizations and networks, identify and
agree a pragmatic action to strengthen the network and engagement, and in keeping with the objectives
of the year of the Youth.
0:6:24.100 --> 0:6:45.770
Ram, Sushil
The summit will empower young leaders by building their capacity for leadership and collaboration in
pursuit of solutions to the pressing challenges, and this summit will also consider an establish a
Commonwealth Asia Regional Youth Council that will foster regional advocacy, engagement and cross
cultural learning.
0:6:45.900 --> 0:6:51.870
Ram, Sushil
And then I've also added the fact that we have got the Heads of Government meeting coming up in
0:6:52.120 --> 0:7:2.760
Ram, Sushil
So looking ahead at the upcoming CHOGM, the Commonwealth Youth Forum in Samoa in October 2024,
the youth leaders will also develop an outcome document.
0:7:3.570 --> 0:7:13.950
Ram, Sushil
With some key recommendation and that will be sort of fed into the CHOGM process so that the voices
of young people in the Asia region is considered at the Heads of Government meeting.
0:7:14.650 --> 0:7:22.150
Ram, Sushil
Uh, with the objectives again, equip leaders with necessary skills.
0:7:22.160 --> 0:7:22.590
Ram, Sushil
0:7:23.170 --> 0:7:25.290
Ram, Sushil
Umm, uh and.
0:7:26.670 --> 0:7:36.480
Ram, Sushil
What we are thinking of putting together, I haven't I I've done a draft program, but I haven't finished it
and I'll share it with you, but we can have some discussion around that.
0:7:36.590 --> 0:8:0.870
Ram, Sushil
But the key is to provide a platform for youth leaders to network, to collaborate and discuss the key
principles and concepts that guide youth development, particularly in relation to youth participation and
engagement platform for youth leaders to share experiences and in terms of leadership, just go up a
little bit.
0:8:0.950 --> 0:8:34.230
Ram, Sushil
So IMA yeah, challenges and successors in leadership, as I mentioned earlier, the leadership training
needs to be kind of appear to be a kind of a training and identify a set of practical recommendation to
encourage enhance youth LED action, create a space for youth leaders to exchange ideas, inspire and
motivate youth leaders and establish the Asia Regional Youth Council and come up with key policy
recommendation for upcoming Shogun.
0:8:34.350 --> 0:8:37.610
Ram, Sushil
And I think we can add a few, I think Sadia did mention.
0:8:37.620 --> 0:8:52.390
Ram, Sushil
I recall just now that maybe they can have a regional action plan which will guide them in terms of what
they will do in the next year and that will sort of support the initiatives of both the Commonwealth and
the British Council.
0:8:52.890 --> 0:9:14.770
Ram, Sushil
So that is something that could be added in there and of course in terms of the output, very clear
enhanced leadership, we are looking at the personal development in some of those key areas,
leadership, governance, communication, project management, strategic planning, advocacy and on
management strategic planning.
0:9:14.780 --> 0:9:28.460
Ram, Sushil
We were also looking at resource mobilization because you will recall one of the key challenge that
young people always come up with is lack of funding and we have always been saying that maybe lack of
funding is not the real problem.
0:9:28.470 --> 0:9:32.600
Ram, Sushil
The real problem could be your inability to access funding.
0:9:33.390 --> 0:9:41.560
Ram, Sushil
So so that may be an area that we could look at in terms of how to develop concept nodes, project
proposal and of course you know outcome.
0:9:41.570 --> 0:9:50.960
Ram, Sushil
We are also looking at increased motivation, uh, increase networking opportunities and then Asia
Regional Youth Council.
0:9:51.230 --> 0:10:0.400
Ram, Sushil
There is an outcome statement that will be fed into the official CHOGM process, and perhaps also a
regional kind of action plan.
0:10:0.700 --> 0:10:4.920
Ram, Sushil
And of course, we have just put a crude budget, but that that is something that has to be.
0:10:5.960 --> 0:10:12.210
Ram, Sushil
I'm sort of reviewed in terms of what we are looking at in terms of participation.
0:10:12.360 --> 0:10:15.860
Ram, Sushil
So this is the kind of a broad outline of the concept.
0:10:15.870 --> 0:10:17.50
Ram, Sushil
Note that we have done.
0:10:17.600 --> 0:10:20.910
Ram, Sushil
We happy to sort of have a discussion on this.
0:10:21.600 --> 0:10:22.690
Ram, Sushil
What is missing?
0:10:22.700 --> 0:10:24.0
Ram, Sushil
What we can add on?
0:10:24.510 --> 0:10:37.460
Ram, Sushil
Uh, the other question is how many days if we are getting people together physically, it may be good to
have it for four days, three or four days make the best use of the time that is available there.
0:10:37.990 --> 0:10:43.540
Ram, Sushil
The next stage also is a conversation with the National Youth Council of Singapore.
0:10:43.850 --> 0:10:49.360
Ram, Sushil
I haven't got any confirmation yet from them that they will be able to host it.
0:10:50.150 --> 0:11:9.550
Ram, Sushil
I had an initial discussion with the Director as CEO of NYC and he was happy to consider this, but I
thought I'll have a discussion with British Council confirmed with the with the concept note and program
and then approach the Umm I, NYC, Singapore.
0:11:9.780 --> 0:11:20.130
Ram, Sushil
Ohh, we can also look at some other option that maybe there other countries like Malaysia or Sri Lanka
or Bangladesh who may be willing to host this event.
0:11:20.140 --> 0:11:22.690
Ram, Sushil
So those are something that we will be looking at next.
0:11:22.760 --> 0:11:29.770
Ram, Sushil
So I I now sort of leave it to you in terms of your comments about the concept.
0:11:29.780 --> 0:11:33.740
Ram, Sushil
Note itself, and then perhaps we can go on to the program after that.
0:11:40.450 --> 0:11:41.340
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Thank you, sushil.
0:11:41.350 --> 0:11:56.260
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
That was very comprehensive and I'm I'm quite glad to see that the the first draft was further built in and
the different size we have added into objectives and using the summit as a starting point.
0:12:6.940 --> 0:12:7.100
Ram, Sushil
0:11:56.270 --> 0:12:31.70
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I remember Simon and I touched based on that back in London, but of course because Commonwealth
Youth Council is primarily a Commonwealth venture and the British Council being part of HMG and
supporting the UK's significance in the vital world, our role is to provide support through, you know,
range of sources, resources that we have been doing so far, whether that was the last year minister's
meeting our, you know, other ways of providing support and Commonwealth in British Council have
worked in different sectors.
0:12:32.390 --> 0:12:35.470
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Education, scholarships, etcetera.
0:12:39.780 --> 0:12:40.210
Ram, Sushil
0:12:35.790 --> 0:12:42.980
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So so this is another gem added to the to the collection and we very much look forward to it.
0:12:43.590 --> 0:12:47.100
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So I think of course people would have questions.
0:12:47.110 --> 0:12:50.640
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Mike and Jay Hub, I mean I'll, I'll come to you in a bit.
0:12:50.970 --> 0:13:14.500
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
But overall, I think the way we had looked at it ohh originally and now coming to looking at the summit
being a decisive moment to, you know, launch or announce whichever way we agree are sort of see the
terminology of the Commonwealth, Asia Youth Council and that Council kicking off their action plan.
0:13:14.890 --> 0:13:16.440
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
You know, brainstorming it together.
0:13:17.150 --> 0:13:26.80
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
My question was, do you in terms of these 30 individual towards would you like, how would you go
about identifying them?
0:13:26.90 --> 0:14:0.460
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Is there any thought process in that or is it something you think the Council can provide support on
because then you know Mike's role will really be putting together a framework, a criteria for choosing
the right individuals from the from the countries, and then making sure that they come in with enough
preparedness that for them the agenda and the program of four or five days of the summit is, you know,
I mean they're able to go engage in a very active manner and do not necessarily sit there as recipients
because they are they.
0:14:0.480 --> 0:14:5.880
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I mean, there are two ways of doing it selects people, bring them on board, tell them this is what the
ultimate ambition is.
0:14:6.290 --> 0:14:16.100
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And the other way is to engage them in a consultative process so that they come half ready and the
summit is really able to, you know, achieve its objectives.
0:14:16.110 --> 0:14:21.500
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And the motivation is passed on to the Youth Council members and they take it and move forward with
0:14:21.510 --> 0:14:23.530
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Action planning becomes much more robust.
0:14:24.100 --> 0:14:41.440
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Umm, I'm saying that, but because that will help us in looking at what we intend to do in February and
March in the prelude to plan the summit, not just from a content point of view, but also practical
management steps you mentioned about Singapore Youth Council.
0:14:41.450 --> 0:14:46.900
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I can also reach out to our Singapore office and see what kind of support they can provide.
0:14:48.410 --> 0:14:50.650
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I noticed that you have put enough budget.
0:14:51.80 --> 0:15:0.50
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I think budget is uh, it's an important area but not necessarily that to a productive that we start looking
at the costs etcetera.
0:15:0.60 --> 0:15:6.880
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And I'm sure that Council and Commonwealth can pool and resources to achieve this.
0:15:7.270 --> 0:15:13.680
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
As I mentioned already, we have secured funding to contribute to this partnership for the next year.
0:15:14.430 --> 0:15:21.810
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
That includes, you know, covering mikes time as a technical expert that looks at logistics and events like
this summit.
0:15:23.470 --> 0:15:39.480
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And of course, once this kicks off, then if if it becomes a more long term venture of going ahead beyond
the first year, then we can retain Co based funding and such initiatives need balance of financial and
technical resources.
0:15:39.490 --> 0:15:55.450
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We need someone who can keep on driving the Council members, you know, help them go through their
process of mentoring so that when they take on their action plan, they are able to discuss and seek
advice from someone like Mike, our local local mentors as well.
0:15:55.460 --> 0:16:5.860
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
That something that we can also think about going ahead, but as as a starting point, I think the summit
really sort of the way you are thinking about it.
0:16:5.910 --> 0:16:13.10
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I think the objectives make perfect sense and not necessarily just look at it as an event, but a launchpad.
0:16:14.500 --> 0:16:28.810
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
However, the pre pre the the pre preparation steps I think that would be useful to discuss so that we can
visualize how we are moving towards this summit because I mean the way forward from summit will
come through the summit.
0:16:28.820 --> 0:16:40.850
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
That's definitely quite clear and I really like the idea of using that as a springboard rather than us, you
know, discussing that and putting together a ready menu for young people.
0:16:40.900 --> 0:16:53.780
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And we all very know well, very and we will all know very well that force covered young people want to
have more stake and control over the choices and the way they want to take things forward rather than
prescribed for them.
0:16:54.430 --> 0:17:7.470
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
But I think how do we get to that is something that I would like all of us to discuss in a bit of time, but I
would just stop here and ask Mike and then with jihad, their reflections and questions that they may
0:17:10.450 --> 0:17:16.50
mike (Guest)
Thanks, Sadia, and thanks to SHIELD for what was really a a comprehensive run through.
0:17:16.60 --> 0:17:17.130
mike (Guest)
And thank you, Simon.
0:17:17.140 --> 0:17:22.690
mike (Guest)
Also, for your role in that, I mean first of all I should say that it's very exciting.
0:17:24.310 --> 0:17:41.520
mike (Guest)
It is, as they say in the United States, in my wheelhouse, so it's very comfortable and familiar territory
because my most of my background has been around youth leadership and this type of capacity building
0:17:41.590 --> 0:17:46.670
mike (Guest)
And I was very, very heartened to hear from Sushil.
0:17:46.780 --> 0:18:18.300
mike (Guest)
What you said about this leadership dimension being a sort of sharing and learning opportunity rather
than the teaching and training opportunity, it's less mug and jug and much more about sharing and the
the the facilitated nature of such an event where people have an opportunity to come together in a
contained but not a constrained way to learn and share from each other rather than to sit there and the
Sadia said passively be recipient.
0:18:18.970 --> 0:18:22.390
mike (Guest)
I like also studies the use of the phrase half ready.
0:18:22.530 --> 0:18:30.560
mike (Guest)
I think it's quite clear that this would not just be an announcement or even a launchpad.
0:18:31.150 --> 0:18:40.560
mike (Guest)
Uh, for the the the Commonwealth Youth Council Asia, what has an opportunity to be a watershed in the
process and in that regard, be a springboard.
0:18:40.630 --> 0:18:51.520
mike (Guest)
So we need to be, we need to be sure that that by April, wherever this, this springboard takes place, that
we really we compress that spring and we really get them momentum in it.
0:18:51.790 --> 0:18:59.420
mike (Guest)
So I will have some future procedural questions about what you would like me to do in terms of my
degree of involvement in that.
0:18:59.470 --> 0:19:16.970
mike (Guest)
Suffice to say, it's something that I'm ready, willing, and able to be engaged in alongside colleagues, to
look at both the content, the frame, the practicalities of delivery, and certainly the mechanisms for
delivery and impact of such an event.
0:19:16.980 --> 0:19:22.810
mike (Guest)
But I realize it's in the it's in the gift of others about how how much you'd like me to be involved.
0:19:23.490 --> 0:19:26.780
mike (Guest)
Umm, I certainly think it's a good way round.
0:19:26.790 --> 0:19:36.340
mike (Guest)
It's putting the horse before the cart in that we have this summit before the launch of the
Commonwealth Youth Council Asia.
0:19:36.670 --> 0:19:52.580
mike (Guest)
I think I have lots of thoughts and ideas and some useful questions as well in relation to the
Commonwealth Youth Council, Asia and how that would work and I think that's that's well framed and
I'm happy to share those with you today and end in writing as well.
0:19:53.50 --> 0:20:11.40
mike (Guest)
But I will also have some hopefully useful searching questions about the nature of this particular
particular event and how we make it work most effectively, but suffice to say I think it's very exciting and
I think it's it's well framed.
0:20:11.100 --> 0:20:15.90
mike (Guest)
Is well placed and I look forward to engaging with it further.
0:20:15.100 --> 0:20:15.780
mike (Guest)
So thank you.
0:20:15.990 --> 0:20:18.480
mike (Guest)
They're my my initial reflections, so thanks.
0:20:18.490 --> 0:20:19.40
mike (Guest)
Thanks both.
0:20:22.700 --> 0:20:23.650
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Thank you, Mike.
0:20:23.710 --> 0:20:26.920
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Baja any comments, questions?
0:20:25.870 --> 0:20:29.240
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
Uh, not, yeah, not much.
0:20:29.550 --> 0:20:33.90
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
I really like about exchanging of ideas and and you know.
0:20:33.440 --> 0:20:35.730
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
Umm, there's learning from each other.
0:20:35.740 --> 0:20:38.240
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
I think that is really important in this regard.
0:20:38.460 --> 0:20:48.590
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
One thing that maybe I think the the transfer people can actually highlight on around separately would
be the role of the countries within this.
0:20:48.740 --> 0:20:53.900
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
So something that we be interested to see the role we are supposed to play.
0:20:54.690 --> 0:20:55.310
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
0:20:55.430 --> 0:21:11.600
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
And also the kind of youth engagement that is, you know, uh, look on from each country so that that
those would be the two things that would be interested to have some more clarity on.
0:21:17.910 --> 0:21:18.320
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
0:21:18.480 --> 0:21:21.780
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Thank you, Jihad Simon and Sushil.
0:21:21.790 --> 0:21:22.250
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Back to you.
0:21:23.920 --> 0:21:24.940
Ram, Sushil
Sam, any comments?
0:21:30.380 --> 0:21:30.600
Ram, Sushil
0:21:27.150 --> 0:21:30.790
Majeed, Saima
And no, Sushil, it's good so far.
0:21:31.920 --> 0:21:32.980
Majeed, Saima
I'm taking notes here.
0:21:33.380 --> 0:21:33.970
Ram, Sushil
0:21:33.750 --> 0:21:34.130
Majeed, Saima
Thank you.
0:21:34.20 --> 0:21:35.90
Ram, Sushil
No, no, thank you.
0:21:35.100 --> 0:21:50.90
Ram, Sushil
I I I think we we all seem to be on the same page here and I entirely agree with what Sadia you have
mentioned in Mike, you have mentioned and also read the I think the role of the countries and other
youth LED bodies.
0:21:50.100 --> 0:21:59.230
Ram, Sushil
I think that is something that needs to be addressed right at the beginning and when we are looking at
the program, I think it's important to address some of those issues.
0:21:59.240 --> 0:22:9.820
Ram, Sushil
So one of the things I was looking at was right at the in, in a beginning, we need to talk about, you know
what exactly we mean by youth participation?
0:22:10.100 --> 0:22:25.270
Ram, Sushil
What are some of the mechanisms, Ways and Means of youth participation currently being practiced in
number of countries, whether it be the formal institutions, the informal at organizational level, the
linkages with the government?
0:22:25.280 --> 0:22:28.110
Ram, Sushil
So there is lots and lots of dimensions in there.
0:22:28.200 --> 0:22:44.920
Ram, Sushil
So I think that is something certainly we need to look at right at the beginning where we set the context
of what exactly is youth engagement and how young people could be equipped to ensure that, you
know, there is a meaningful engagement in there.
0:22:45.670 --> 0:22:48.60
Ram, Sushil
I'll just address a few things there.
0:22:48.70 --> 0:22:54.180
Ram, Sushil
Yes, number one is in regards to participants and Sadia.
0:22:54.190 --> 0:23:24.60
Ram, Sushil
I agree with you in terms of uh, the participants needs to be carefully that chosen, given the excuse me
given the fact that this is not just any youth meeting, we are where we are just training young people
now and this is targeted at youth leaders, which means that young people who have already
demonstrated some sort of a leadership.
0:23:24.70 --> 0:23:32.60
Ram, Sushil
I'm sorry, this is what my thinking is that young people have already demonstrated some sort of a
0:23:32.70 --> 0:23:38.990
Ram, Sushil
They have taken some leadership role and there is a potential for them to take that leadership role
0:23:39.420 --> 0:23:59.870
Ram, Sushil
Uh, the whole idea is how do we build that, both institutional as well as individual capacity, so that that
young leader is able to make more meaningful impact, you know, not only in what they are doing, but
also at a national level in terms of youth engagement.
0:23:59.880 --> 0:24:4.430
Ram, Sushil
So yes, choosing the participants would be quite crucial.
0:24:4.700 --> 0:24:13.960
Ram, Sushil
My thinking originally was that because we are an intergovernmental organization, certainly we want
government to be involved.
0:24:13.970 --> 0:24:21.920
Ram, Sushil
So initially I was looking at like pay country about four to five participants depending on the budget.
0:24:22.210 --> 0:24:35.500
Ram, Sushil
So we can ask government to nominate all the National Youth Council to nominate 2 leaders from the
National Youth Council and the other three could be someone that we, British Council and us.
0:24:35.510 --> 0:24:40.850
Ram, Sushil
We can pick based on our own network of youth leaders who are there in the country.
0:24:41.270 --> 0:24:42.600
Ram, Sushil
Uh, something of that nature.
0:24:42.610 --> 0:24:46.110
Ram, Sushil
And again, the numbers is dependent on the budget.
0:24:46.220 --> 0:24:53.360
Ram, Sushil
The total I was looking at is for any workshop I think I gave about 10 slots.
0:24:53.370 --> 0:24:54.390
Ram, Sushil
I mean like Singapore.
0:24:54.400 --> 0:25:0.120
Ram, Sushil
If say, for example Singapore is hosting it, it makes sense to give them about 10 slots.
0:25:1.240 --> 0:25:8.860
Ram, Sushil
Uh, but I any workshop with anything beyond 50 participants becomes a bit unmanageable.
0:25:9.50 --> 0:25:14.580
Ram, Sushil
So I think you know we can restrict it to 1445, something of that nature.
0:25:15.410 --> 0:25:19.740
Ram, Sushil
But again, you know, I'm open to suggestion on that.
0:25:19.830 --> 0:25:24.360
Ram, Sushil
So based on that number, I was looking at about 5:00 or 6 per country.
0:25:25.310 --> 0:25:42.950
Ram, Sushil
That's one and then two government or NYC nominated person and the other ones is we through our
networks identify who are those emerging leaders out there and who would be very crucial in the work
that we will do in the following years.
0:25:43.490 --> 0:25:50.540
Ram, Sushil
Umm, the second one was again, I agree pre summit preparation.
0:25:50.550 --> 0:26:10.260
Ram, Sushil
I I think we need to prepare not only in terms of reading, but some sort of engagement with those
people so that they are at least, you know, as Mike said, half ready before the summit, so that at the
summit, you know, we can just roll on and get all those things done and it's more impactful as such.
0:26:10.490 --> 0:26:28.230
Ram, Sushil
And then Sadia, I also and you know like your idea of, you know, British Council as well as the
Commonwealth and shooting that we provide, that continuous mentoring and support to those young
people, we just don't train and leave them.
0:26:28.370 --> 0:26:42.110
Ram, Sushil
We need to have that continuous mentoring and support mechanisms for them, so I I think we are on
the same page on that in terms of the budget, yes, we do have a, you know, small budget for that.
0:26:42.330 --> 0:26:53.980
Ram, Sushil
Hopefully it as it stands now, we'll be happy to support at least two from each of the countries to be
there, both in terms of their airfares and accommodation.
0:26:54.230 --> 0:27:4.920
Ram, Sushil
Hopefully the Singapore National Youth Council and the British Council in Singapore would be able to do
the local support.
0:27:4.930 --> 0:27:5.760
Ram, Sushil
That would be great.
0:27:5.770 --> 0:27:11.440
Ram, Sushil
And I think that will allow us to increase the number from each of those countries.
0:27:11.450 --> 0:27:16.790
Ram, Sushil
So that's something that we can woke out as we go along based on whatever budget that we will have.
0:27:19.800 --> 0:27:22.30
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I think that's very, very useful detail.
0:27:22.300 --> 0:27:25.920
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Uh, my do you want to take forward the conversation?
0:27:28.190 --> 0:27:29.460
mike (Guest)
Yes, thank you very much.
0:27:29.520 --> 0:28:29.890
mike (Guest)
Sadia, I think I just wanted to reflect on a couple of things there also that the Sushil raised particularly in
relation to the engagement of young people in advance and I wonder and Sushil I made the very good
point that it shouldn't just be about sending them things to read and I'm wondering that if if time allows
one of the things that we could do particularly in really well two things in relation to our our picking or
our choosing, those who are not nominated through National Youth councils might be an opportunity to
perhaps first of all to raise the profile by having a very simple and straightforward application process
wherein that if we're looking for maybe two or three people from within our networks that we put out a
small call within our networks in each relevant country and we ask people to apply on the basis of what
they would bring something very, very simple.
0:28:29.900 --> 0:28:30.190
mike (Guest)
We don't.
0:28:30.450 --> 0:28:45.640
mike (Guest)
We're not looking for an essay competition, but we ask them to, in effect, say what they would bring to
the table and what they would want to want to achieve through through attendance at the summit, first
of all, and potentially through membership of the Commonwealth Youth Council Asia.
0:28:45.650 --> 0:28:59.120
mike (Guest)
So it could be a dual benefit that one it raises the profile of what it is we try to do, put some momentum
into that process, but also helps us in finding perhaps the most appropriate people.
0:28:59.130 --> 0:29:12.360
mike (Guest)
So it becomes a blend of application and identification for those people that we encourage to apply and
then choosing those people at national level who might not necessarily be the usual suspects.
0:29:12.370 --> 0:29:39.450
mike (Guest)
The people that sort of have an opportunity to rock up at everything, and the second thing would be to
say, could we then as part of that process of preparedness so that they get the most from the summit
and that we get the most from them in terms of what might go forward into the Commonwealth Youth
Council, Asia would be to undertake a a very simple and straightforward knowledge, skills and networks
audit for those individual.
0:29:39.460 --> 0:29:42.70
mike (Guest)
So sort of basically say, what do you have?
0:29:42.130 --> 0:29:43.350
mike (Guest)
But what are you looking for?
0:29:43.360 --> 0:29:43.870
mike (Guest)
What are what?
0:29:43.880 --> 0:29:45.10
mike (Guest)
What's maybe missing for you?
0:29:45.20 --> 0:29:46.290
mike (Guest)
What gaps do you have?
0:29:46.370 --> 0:30:2.880
mike (Guest)
If you're going to become a a leader of the future and you're going to be an influencer and you're gonna
have a chance to contribute to policy change, speak truth to power network with other young people,
and be a beacon for other young people both in your country and beyond, what do you need?
0:30:2.890 --> 0:30:3.920
mike (Guest)
Who do you need to know?
0:30:4.490 --> 0:30:8.420
mike (Guest)
What do you need to know and what skills do you need to develop on the basis of that?
0:30:8.430 --> 0:30:14.200
mike (Guest)
So I wonder whether there are two things that we could we could think about in relation to that and that
0:30:14.260 --> 0:30:26.400
mike (Guest)
One is having a simple application process to augment the nomination process and secondly to ask them
with regards to what they bring and what are their gaps.
0:30:26.410 --> 0:30:27.750
mike (Guest)
I just wanted to Shields.
0:30:27.760 --> 0:30:31.120
mike (Guest)
Uh, Saima whether you had any response to that and also from the BBC side as well?
0:30:31.900 --> 0:30:32.410
Ram, Sushil
0:30:32.460 --> 0:30:34.290
Ram, Sushil
I I I think I'm on board for that.
0:30:34.580 --> 0:30:39.690
Ram, Sushil
I think an expression of interest in application process a simple one makes sense.
0:30:39.700 --> 0:30:40.650
Ram, Sushil
Yes, it, yeah.
0:30:41.290 --> 0:30:43.460
Ram, Sushil
Umm, well, sort of.
0:30:43.670 --> 0:30:45.430
Ram, Sushil
And she was the day some.
0:30:47.890 --> 0:30:58.590
Ram, Sushil
You know, like when young people feel that they, you know, have gone through a particular process, it it,
it is quite a empowering also.
0:30:59.430 --> 0:30:59.590
mike (Guest)
0:30:59.100 --> 0:31:1.180
Ram, Sushil
So I think that's it makes sense.
0:31:1.240 --> 0:31:5.350
Ram, Sushil
That's one and and then also it allows us to pick the right people.
0:31:5.360 --> 0:31:14.500
Ram, Sushil
The only issue there is is we just have to be mindful of the fact that, you know, we don't pick already
0:31:14.510 --> 0:31:20.790
Ram, Sushil
Uh, what they call the elite youth leaders who have been through all the meetings and conference.
0:31:20.800 --> 0:31:22.960
Ram, Sushil
So you know, it just have to be careful about that.
0:31:22.970 --> 0:31:24.710
Ram, Sushil
But I yeah, I think I'm happy with that.
0:31:24.890 --> 0:31:26.710
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, surely.
0:31:27.370 --> 0:31:30.180
Ram, Sushil
I I think that will add value and and the audit.
0:31:30.70 --> 0:31:30.330
mike (Guest)
0:31:30.190 --> 0:31:31.390
Ram, Sushil
I like the audit part of it.
0:31:31.400 --> 0:31:36.450
Ram, Sushil
Also, I think that will give us a lot of evidence in terms of where we need to focus on.
0:31:38.370 --> 0:31:39.460
mike (Guest)
Thanks to does she, Layne?
0:31:39.780 --> 0:31:39.990
Majeed, Saima
0:31:48.950 --> 0:31:49.110
Ram, Sushil
0:31:39.470 --> 0:31:50.70
mike (Guest)
I think definitely the the nature of that nomination application process, I hope would at least partially
partially inoculate US against that sort of just trawling the athlete.
0:31:50.130 --> 0:31:52.660
mike (Guest)
The usual suspects, as they say, Simon.
0:31:52.430 --> 0:31:53.670
Ram, Sushil
Exactly, yeah.
0:31:54.750 --> 0:31:55.280
Majeed, Saima
0:31:55.290 --> 0:31:57.940
Majeed, Saima
So yeah, I was helpful.
0:31:58.110 --> 0:32:14.270
Majeed, Saima
Like, I think it's good that the call of nomination stays within the networks or as per the criteria for
National Youth Councils, they send their they do submit their profile to be chosen, going through a
scorecard process at our end.
0:32:14.710 --> 0:32:14.980
mike (Guest)
0:32:14.770 --> 0:32:24.620
Majeed, Saima
But yeah, if if we open the call 56 like ohh the whole area and like it's it's going to be hectic to do that.
0:32:24.730 --> 0:32:33.920
Majeed, Saima
So opening it to the networks or to the target organizations and then receiving profiles in evaluate,
running them through an evaluation criteria is a good idea.
0:32:34.820 --> 0:32:35.90
Ram, Sushil
0:32:35.210 --> 0:32:36.690
mike (Guest)
Was a a limited call.
0:32:38.410 --> 0:32:45.420
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, I mean, like we can use the British Council platforms and then we can share it also on the
Commonwealth platform.
0:32:45.830 --> 0:32:57.360
Ram, Sushil
I would prefer, I mean like we'll work out the details, but yes, I mean like let's agree that the process
would be there is open coal out there and open call, very simple one that can go out on some of our
0:32:57.370 --> 0:33:4.840
Ram, Sushil
We got our social media platform, the Commonwealth Youth Commonwealth Secretariat, and that can
be shared and then also the British Council.
0:33:5.150 --> 0:33:16.920
Ram, Sushil
If the coal can be managed by British Council, that would be good and the only reason why I'm asking for
that is and my good no, we are bound by this.
0:33:17.500 --> 0:33:22.840
Ram, Sushil
You know this low about what is it GDPR.
0:33:23.950 --> 0:33:24.70
mike (Guest)
0:33:22.890 --> 0:33:29.210
Ram, Sushil
And you know the amount of like, you know, if the coal comes to us, we can't share it with you.
0:33:30.660 --> 0:33:33.430
Ram, Sushil
And, you know, even the disclaimer is there.
0:33:33.440 --> 0:33:34.520
Ram, Sushil
Everything is there.
0:33:34.530 --> 0:33:39.80
Ram, Sushil
We have to do a bit of legal stuff out here, so there is lots of hassles in that.
0:33:39.170 --> 0:33:44.570
Ram, Sushil
But I think if it is through British Council, it makes much easier with Pakistan being the host of it.
0:33:46.550 --> 0:33:50.750
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I don't see why we would not be able to do so.
0:33:51.130 --> 0:33:51.310
Ram, Sushil
0:33:50.890 --> 0:34:1.280
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
In fact, we can mobilize our country offices wherever within the list of countries you have mentioned,
and they can, you know, share those within with the region.
0:34:2.40 --> 0:34:2.270
Ram, Sushil
0:34:5.320 --> 0:34:5.540
Ram, Sushil
0:34:9.410 --> 0:34:9.650
Ram, Sushil
0:34:1.390 --> 0:34:10.840
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Interestingly, we have an East Asia team as well and we can ask them to provide that support comms
team in that regard.
0:34:10.910 --> 0:34:14.510
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Do you think we should also produce forms and share with you?
0:34:15.930 --> 0:34:24.120
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And then also, Saima may be a follow up discussion on the details around logos and timelines to figure
the process in detail.
0:34:25.620 --> 0:34:29.770
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Once the call is out, then there's a time period and we get applications.
0:34:37.810 --> 0:34:37.990
Ram, Sushil
0:34:29.780 --> 0:34:45.430
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Council, can you know, review and short list and Commonwealth and British Council can sit together as a
panel to do the final selection process and just to clarify, we are doing application base selection, we are
not going into the interview stage.
0:34:46.690 --> 0:34:55.870
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, I think that would be a bit too much just to go back Sadia, I mean like what would be a reasonable
number pick country?
0:34:56.480 --> 0:35:0.680
Ram, Sushil
Uh, in terms of participants, I mentioned five or six.
0:35:1.750 --> 0:35:5.430
Ram, Sushil
Uh, we have eight countries E Nepal, uh, part of British Council.
0:35:5.440 --> 0:35:7.50
Ram, Sushil
And do you intend to have Nepal in there?
0:35:7.950 --> 0:35:10.850
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Umm, I think Nepal would very much be interested.
0:35:10.860 --> 0:35:27.930
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We have a quite a comprehensive non formal education and youth leadership program there and my
colleague who leads the country program head share that Nepal would be interested to be part as an
observing country because of their, you know, return to Commonwealth and then exit.
0:35:27.940 --> 0:35:28.520
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So he doesn't.
0:35:28.530 --> 0:35:32.360
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
He didn't want to, you know, not be.
0:35:38.770 --> 0:35:38.950
Ram, Sushil
0:35:32.410 --> 0:35:40.420
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
You didn't want Nepal to be included just because of the diplomatic aspects, but from a youth
perspective, because there are, you know.
0:35:42.50 --> 0:35:44.940
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Commonwealth Illuminati present in the country?
0:35:45.180 --> 0:35:45.490
Ram, Sushil
0:35:45.500 --> 0:35:46.390
Ram, Sushil
No, no, it does.
0:35:45.570 --> 0:35:46.610
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Who would be interested?
0:35:46.400 --> 0:35:48.830
Ram, Sushil
British Council have a program in in in Nepal.
0:35:48.640 --> 0:35:49.930
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We have a program.
0:35:48.840 --> 0:35:49.990
Ram, Sushil
I mean like, do you have a strong?
0:35:49.940 --> 0:35:52.740
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We have an office and we will have that kind of support.
0:35:50.360 --> 0:35:53.870
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, no, I E yeah.
0:35:53.770 --> 0:35:54.730
Majeed, Saima
Until you did all.
0:35:53.720 --> 0:35:54.800
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I mean from Bangladesh.
0:35:53.880 --> 0:35:55.880
Ram, Sushil
No, no, I I I think it makes sense.
0:35:55.980 --> 0:35:58.730
Ram, Sushil
It makes sense to include a Nepal in there.
0:35:58.740 --> 0:36:0.730
Ram, Sushil
So now we are looking at 9 countries.
0:36:0.960 --> 0:36:2.710
Ram, Sushil
SO95 sporty.
0:36:3.100 --> 0:36:11.800
Ram, Sushil
Sorry 98, sorry 8540 and then now we if we add 10 Singapore that's 50.
0:36:13.550 --> 0:36:14.620
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And those will be local.
0:36:14.630 --> 0:36:16.550
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So of course, costs will be affected.
0:36:17.90 --> 0:36:17.270
Ram, Sushil
0:36:26.820 --> 0:36:27.70
Ram, Sushil
0:36:29.670 --> 0:36:29.900
Ram, Sushil
0:36:17.10 --> 0:36:31.100
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I mean from from the British Council point of view, we'll have full support throughout this partnership
from 3 Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and India, Singapore, Malaysia.
0:36:33.200 --> 0:36:33.390
Ram, Sushil
0:36:31.110 --> 0:36:37.890
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We have country offices, we do not have youth development programs as such as we do in, in, in South
Asian countries.
0:36:38.720 --> 0:36:38.960
Ram, Sushil
0:36:39.100 --> 0:36:42.540
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Brunei, Maldives we can cover through Sri Lanka office because.
0:36:44.300 --> 0:36:50.50
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
It I mean, a decade ago, Maldives of Sri Lanka office also managed Maldives operation.
0:36:50.60 --> 0:36:54.110
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So I think they have those connections and networks that could be mobilized.
0:36:54.500 --> 0:36:54.680
Ram, Sushil
0:36:54.200 --> 0:36:57.830
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
The only country I think is left is Brunei Darussalam.
0:37:4.240 --> 0:37:4.480
Ram, Sushil
0:36:57.960 --> 0:37:5.220
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I'll have to check who is the neighboring country that we, you know, sort of manage our engagement.
0:37:7.450 --> 0:37:7.660
mike (Guest)
0:37:5.230 --> 0:37:7.900
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Brunei are not and then update you.
0:37:12.120 --> 0:37:12.320
Ram, Sushil
0:37:7.910 --> 0:37:14.540
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Maybe that's where Commonwealth can explore your own networks and contacts to have, let's say, a
local contact point.
0:37:14.550 --> 0:37:15.850
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Who can provide us that support?
0:37:16.680 --> 0:37:18.970
Ram, Sushil
Umm yeah and.
0:37:21.920 --> 0:37:22.550
Ram, Sushil
None of going.
0:37:18.250 --> 0:37:27.140
Majeed, Saima
And Sadia, last time we spoke, so you see she last time we spoke, you also mentioned two countries
from East, South, East Asia.
0:37:27.450 --> 0:37:29.100
Majeed, Saima
So Vietnam I think.
0:37:28.760 --> 0:37:30.260
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Vietnam and Indonesia.
0:37:31.240 --> 0:37:33.610
Majeed, Saima
So are you interested in including them this time?
0:37:34.370 --> 0:37:41.500
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I think we we would definitely be, as Mike knows, they are over two large countries on the Youth
leadership program side.
0:37:41.610 --> 0:37:42.60
mike (Guest)
Very much.
0:37:42.50 --> 0:37:59.480
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So British Council has offices in 90 plus countries, but the youth program is present in 42 countries and in
Asia it's Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and then the for the five South Asia countries.
0:38:0.10 --> 0:38:2.180
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And in Philippines, is there as well.
0:38:2.190 --> 0:38:10.360
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
But right now there's no programming because of certain reasons, but we get we have networks, we
have Illuminati, we have partners.
0:38:10.370 --> 0:38:16.40
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Whom we can mobilize and most importantly of our own staff, would be more than happy to engage in
such a collaboration.
0:38:16.750 --> 0:38:17.20
Ram, Sushil
0:38:27.320 --> 0:38:27.930
Ram, Sushil
0:38:27.980 --> 0:38:28.370
Ram, Sushil
0:38:28.380 --> 0:38:29.890
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, that's, yeah, that's fine.
0:38:16.500 --> 0:38:29.970
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So if you want us to engage Vietnam and Indonesia, then possibly you know, then we go to four people
per country, then Sushil rather than five, and do a gender balance there.
0:38:30.300 --> 0:38:30.710
Ram, Sushil
0:38:30.800 --> 0:38:31.720
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, that's fine.
0:38:32.980 --> 0:38:49.320
Ram, Sushil
So so I think, yeah, we can go four per country and then there could be additional people that we may
invite say for example we will have one from CYC, the regional Rep and she would be from Bangladesh.
0:38:49.890 --> 0:38:57.940
Ram, Sushil
Umm, there may be some facilitators that you would like to, you know, invite and then young people
who may be there.
0:38:58.10 --> 0:38:59.540
Ram, Sushil
So there would be some additional people.
0:38:59.550 --> 0:39:1.260
Ram, Sushil
So let's put at 4.
0:39:2.210 --> 0:39:17.320
Ram, Sushil
The other thing was, I mean like I was, because we got National Youth Council now in each of those
Commonwealth countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Bangladesh doesn't have a National Youth
0:39:17.890 --> 0:39:21.390
Ram, Sushil
There have multiple councils that Sri Lanka has.
0:39:21.400 --> 0:39:25.890
Ram, Sushil
Pakistan has and Maldives has India doesn't have a National Youth Council.
0:39:26.0 --> 0:39:46.550
Ram, Sushil
So what we might do is to ask for one representative from the National Youth Council or the
government, where there is no National Youth Council and of course, we will, we will let them know that
the person chosen has to have some sort of a youth constituency that they do represent some young
people out there.
0:39:46.560 --> 0:39:48.580
Ram, Sushil
So they are from a youth LED body.
0:39:51.560 --> 0:39:52.850
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Sounds absolutely good.
0:39:59.100 --> 0:39:59.400
Ram, Sushil
0:39:52.860 --> 0:40:0.10
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And also in places like Bangladesh in India, the British Council has very strong linkages with the
0:40:0.20 --> 0:40:12.90
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
For example, in Bangladesh and early week, the first week of January, we signed an MOU with the
Department of Youth Development as a for long term collaboration on youth leadership and
0:40:12.180 --> 0:40:22.550
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So to influence government to, you know, and and to sort of nominate someone are commit to as part of
the regional summit.
0:40:28.0 --> 0:40:28.180
Ram, Sushil
0:40:24.20 --> 0:40:40.690
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
One of the action points could be, you know, filling the gaps in these places and have view counts as
because if you don't have a national one, the regional participation anywhere becomes difficult because
I can totally understand having a National Youth Council representative being part of country delegation
is a huge value.
0:40:41.220 --> 0:40:41.400
Ram, Sushil
0:40:40.820 --> 0:40:50.280
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And how can those individuals bring back that wealth of information with the government departments
mobilizer the participants and get the country level work going ahead?
0:40:50.200 --> 0:40:50.960
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, yeah.
0:40:50.560 --> 0:41:2.20
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So they're definitely is value and then of course places where there are no National Youth councils,
maybe one of the side actions for those individuals is to go back and advocate for that to be set up.
0:41:2.530 --> 0:41:2.710
Ram, Sushil
0:41:2.450 --> 0:41:3.540
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I totally agree.
0:41:3.550 --> 0:41:4.920
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We we will need some.
0:41:4.930 --> 0:41:12.280
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So what facilitators umm uh in particularly to support language challenges?
0:41:12.290 --> 0:41:35.940
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Because it's in the in the selection process as part of our inclusion statement, we will ask questions like,
you know, language preferences and of course, logistics around, you know, meal, then all but language is
a major factor in such a diverse group and we do not expect everybody to speak fluent English.
0:41:36.450 --> 0:41:36.720
Ram, Sushil
0:41:44.250 --> 0:41:44.450
Ram, Sushil
0:41:36.490 --> 0:42:17.620
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So choosing facilitators to work with Mike in developing the agenda and delivering the four day summit
from our side, Mike will be the main facilitator, but we can also and and and and because we run youth
programs in these countries, so identifying facilitators who have, you know, done international training
or international events facilitation at international events and can support uh, that dual role of Co
facilitator you know core translator and helping country groups to process information feel comfortable
in a buyer multilingual environment.
0:42:17.750 --> 0:42:21.350
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I think that's something that's going to make it more successful.
0:42:22.520 --> 0:42:22.680
Ram, Sushil
0:42:22.120 --> 0:42:26.400
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Ohm and people can participate with more interest.
0:42:27.420 --> 0:42:28.80
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
0:42:28.360 --> 0:42:32.850
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And, you know, openness, the the ownership will be really on a different level.
0:42:33.710 --> 0:42:34.170
Ram, Sushil
0:42:32.860 --> 0:42:35.630
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So we can help identify such facilitators.
0:42:36.180 --> 0:42:36.710
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
0:42:37.810 --> 0:42:45.790
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I'll have to look into the budgets, but I think we could look at these facilitators to get some honorarium.
0:42:45.800 --> 0:42:47.310
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So there's some incentive.
0:42:47.740 --> 0:42:47.880
Ram, Sushil
0:42:48.120 --> 0:42:54.30
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Who will you know develop the summit and maybe later on can be shifted to work as mentors.
0:42:55.880 --> 0:42:56.530
Ram, Sushil
0:42:54.140 --> 0:42:56.560
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
In their respective countries and continue the role on.
0:42:57.20 --> 0:42:57.610
Ram, Sushil
0:42:58.140 --> 0:43:12.410
Ram, Sushil
And the other thing is, I mean like if you can also be in touch with the and and also Mike, I mean like
with the British Council in Singapore, there may be a number of local experts that we can draw on who
can just come for an hour.
0:43:12.420 --> 0:43:14.650
Ram, Sushil
So and speak on something.
0:43:14.660 --> 0:43:21.130
Ram, Sushil
Say for example on, I think one of the key issues right now is how to engage with social media.
0:43:21.140 --> 0:43:31.200
Ram, Sushil
For example, if we have some local experts in Singapore who would be able to share on communication
even on leadership, you know that would be good.
0:43:31.210 --> 0:43:41.220
Ram, Sushil
So once we do the program, uh, we can then start looking at where we can get some of those facilitators
and the others to come from.
0:43:41.230 --> 0:43:47.810
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, I I just also wanted to mention in our last leadership.
0:43:49.840 --> 0:44:1.20
Ram, Sushil
Summit that we had in London, what we did was, you know, if you recall that book, Maxwell's 21 laws of
0:44:3.0 --> 0:44:3.430
Ram, Sushil
0:44:3.440 --> 0:44:23.610
Ram, Sushil
So what we did was we gave out the book to everyone, asked them to read, and every day in the
morning we just had 1/2 an hour session where we just asked people to reflect on some of those things
that Maxwell has mentioned from their own experience.
0:44:24.240 --> 0:44:38.160
Ram, Sushil
So you know, that was another way of sort of, umm, you know, allowing them to share their own
experience from the lens of the book that we gave them.
0:44:38.310 --> 0:44:39.340
Ram, Sushil
But it's it.
0:44:39.350 --> 0:44:46.480
Ram, Sushil
It's something I don't know whether we'll be able to provide a copy of that book to everyone, but
anything of that nature would be something very welcome.
0:44:46.490 --> 0:44:58.580
Ram, Sushil
So in the morning, what I would suggest is we start with a reflection session based on some sort of a key
topic and then we can take the day four from there.
0:45:1.290 --> 0:45:2.190
mike (Guest)
I think it's a she like.
0:45:2.200 --> 0:45:4.80
mike (Guest)
That's that sounds like an excellent idea.
0:45:4.90 --> 0:45:13.100
mike (Guest)
And it's I say it warms my heart to hear these sorts of suggestions coming forward, and it raises a couple
of questions for me and and and one comment.
0:45:13.330 --> 0:45:28.360
mike (Guest)
One is to what degree should we start to think about the content and structure of the summit in line
with asking the existential questions around the Commonwealth Youth Council for Asia?
0:45:28.570 --> 0:45:38.20
mike (Guest)
Should we look at those two things in parallel and trust yourself and particularly Sadia, what role would
you like me to take in sort of putting together a skeleton for that?
0:45:39.450 --> 0:46:7.630
mike (Guest)
In the consultation, perhaps with Saima and to also say that it's been our experience over the last 10
years, mine as an independent consultant and and Satya and and and colleagues from the British Council
in leading this type of activity, that it's always a great pleasure and also a great reward to host this type
of dynamic activity and this type of dynamic event for young people.
0:46:7.640 --> 0:46:38.200
mike (Guest)
And I think we will have lots of ideas to throw into the pot in terms of not just the content, which
obviously is a collaborative process and an iterative process, but also the field, the vibe of the event, how
it would work, how you'll get 50 young leaders, young leaders with different language requirements and
different different opinions and different experiences to come together in, in a really in a safe, dynamic,
enjoyable and valuable way.
0:46:38.210 --> 0:46:45.470
mike (Guest)
And I think that's gonna be the fun part of this, albeit that time will be against us and that budgets need
to be found.
0:46:45.480 --> 0:46:46.460
mike (Guest)
I think it's very exciting.
0:46:47.290 --> 0:46:47.440
Ram, Sushil
0:46:48.390 --> 0:46:48.700
Ram, Sushil
0:46:48.710 --> 0:46:49.660
Ram, Sushil
What, Mike?
0:46:49.670 --> 0:47:1.110
Ram, Sushil
What we will do is the I'll and share a by Monday or so I'll share a very crude draft.
0:47:1.540 --> 0:47:9.930
Ram, Sushil
I kind of a full day program, not a detailed program, but just you know my wish list kind of a thing.
0:47:10.220 --> 0:47:14.110
Ram, Sushil
What might be some of the topics in that could be covered in there?
0:47:14.280 --> 0:47:21.590
Ram, Sushil
So as I mentioned, I mean like we have to provide space for a number of things in the meeting, even four
days not enough.
0:47:22.400 --> 0:47:25.410
Ram, Sushil
So we have to be very judicious about everything.
0:47:25.420 --> 0:47:42.850
Ram, Sushil
So on Monday I will share a very crude uh skeleton and then we can start walking all together on that
and hopefully you know, you know, a couple of week we can have a walking kind of a program done.
0:47:43.130 --> 0:47:52.930
Ram, Sushil
I always am of this believe that the final program is final when it is delivered, so it will keep changing
until that time.
0:47:52.940 --> 0:47:56.330
Ram, Sushil
I never believe in I program that is set and that's it.
0:47:56.340 --> 0:47:59.470
Ram, Sushil
No, we keep changing even just prior to the delivery.
0:48:0.270 --> 0:48:2.760
Ram, Sushil
You know, there is always room to change.
0:48:2.770 --> 0:48:3.80
Ram, Sushil
0:48:3.170 --> 0:48:13.990
Ram, Sushil
So that would be the nature of the program, but at least we will have the program in place in the next
two weeks or so and I'll share a crude draft on Monday.
0:48:15.670 --> 0:48:20.110
mike (Guest)
That makes a lot of sense to shield, as they say the the planning is everything, but the plan is nothing.
0:48:20.870 --> 0:48:21.60
Ram, Sushil
0:48:26.690 --> 0:48:27.0
Ram, Sushil
0:48:27.10 --> 0:48:30.970
Ram, Sushil
And and coming back four day is sufficient or three day.
0:48:33.880 --> 0:48:53.70
mike (Guest)
I think 4 days given that given that from my perspective I think 4 days given that one of the things that
we want to do is enable a sort of the development of a certain speed of core amongst those that are
there and also to shake out some potential roles for the future.
0:48:53.80 --> 0:49:16.90
mike (Guest)
And I think it it flows from a question that emerges on on hearing the plans for the the Summit and the
question is an existential one in relation to how the summit and the the Emerging Commonwealth Youth
Council for Asia will exist side by side, the summit being a moment in time and the Council being
something that exists onward.
0:49:16.200 --> 0:49:30.70
mike (Guest)
If we've got, say, 50 people plus some facilitators who may pick up a role as mentors, et cetera, and
we've got a smaller number, perhaps only half or less than half, who will have a role on the Council?
0:49:30.440 --> 0:49:41.60
mike (Guest)
It's really to consider what might be a role for others who are not, who are attending the summit as
delegates, but not necessarily members of the Council.
0:49:41.260 --> 0:50:5.820
mike (Guest)
What the selection process for the Council should be, but also what might be the role for others,
exofficio people who stepped down from the Council, people who maybe come on to the Council at a
later date, so, so think about those types of roles and how that will work and to get the perspective of
some of those potential members during the process of the four days might be quite useful.
0:50:5.830 --> 0:50:15.120
mike (Guest)
So I think 4 days rather than three to allow for that type of dialogue alongside the the sort of the
leadership development, capacity building etcetera, hold that mate.
0:50:14.390 --> 0:50:16.140
Ram, Sushil
Great. Yeah.
0:50:18.630 --> 0:50:19.20
Ram, Sushil
0:50:19.30 --> 0:50:23.900
Ram, Sushil
So I think the next stage is is Sadia.
0:50:23.990 --> 0:50:26.410
Ram, Sushil
There is A at Mike also and Rida.
0:50:26.470 --> 0:50:31.800
Ram, Sushil
Also, if you have any thing Sima do, share a word, document the concept.
0:50:31.810 --> 0:50:34.140
Ram, Sushil
Note uh with everyone.
0:50:34.310 --> 0:50:47.800
Ram, Sushil
If there is anything we want to add in there, we can just add in any edits, anything missing in there I
think take out the budget part from the concept note and that can become the external concept note
and we can finalize it.
0:50:47.870 --> 0:50:49.640
Ram, Sushil
That's one on Monday.
0:50:49.650 --> 0:50:59.300
Ram, Sushil
We'll just try to share a crew draft and hopefully by the end of the week we will have some sort of a
working agenda in place.
0:50:59.310 --> 0:51:3.90
Ram, Sushil
That's not a final one, but just a first draft the next week.
0:51:3.100 --> 0:51:21.110
Ram, Sushil
Also, I will I will get in touch with the Singapore National Youth Council this week and see if I can set up a
meeting next week where we can meet with them and please invite all your other colleagues who want
to join in so happy to be for them to join in.
0:51:21.260 --> 0:51:26.20
Ram, Sushil
So hopefully the Singapore National Youth Council would be very much on board.
0:51:26.180 --> 0:51:32.950
Ram, Sushil
As I said, there's no guarantee that there will be on board, but I'm hoping that they will come on board.
0:51:32.960 --> 0:51:34.830
Ram, Sushil
If not, then we will look at some other country.
0:51:39.660 --> 0:51:44.30
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I'm just putting in chat month wise key priorities.
0:51:44.40 --> 0:51:49.680
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Which Rida can then share in sort of a Gantt chart and then we can update it?
0:51:50.260 --> 0:51:50.740
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
0:51:51.40 --> 0:51:53.90
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Time under that can in myself.
0:52:0.0 --> 0:52:0.160
Ram, Sushil
0:51:53.100 --> 0:52:4.490
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Can you know add in more details and Mike and Sushil you can we can review with you let's say after
two weeks I think in January in the remaining two weeks our priority should be to finalize the concept.
0:52:16.760 --> 0:52:16.940
Ram, Sushil
0:52:4.500 --> 0:52:25.650
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Note I totally agree Sushil the same document 90% if you remove the budget is ready for external
dissemination, I would only suggest to add one more section on participant profile who I mean we we
just spoke about who we are prototyping, existing young leaders, National Youth Council representatives,
government nominated youth leaders.
0:52:28.400 --> 0:52:28.560
Ram, Sushil
0:52:30.40 --> 0:52:30.360
Majeed, Saima
0:52:31.620 --> 0:52:31.800
Ram, Sushil
0:52:48.50 --> 0:52:48.350
Ram, Sushil
0:52:25.660 --> 0:52:50.610
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So I think that would be very helpful for people to understand who we are looking at it and they can
match themselves, you know, relate to themselves, you know whether they are fit to take this forward
and let's say, you know, Ohh first week of February announced the call give two weeks for application
spend the whole Feb to decide on our partner participants and March we do the visa process.
0:52:50.620 --> 0:52:56.410
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I mean, March is also trickier because it's Ramadan and half time for Muslim locations.
0:52:57.700 --> 0:52:58.140
Ram, Sushil
Oh yeah.
0:52:56.760 --> 0:53:0.490
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So you know, some Question Time will be needed.
0:53:0.620 --> 0:53:0.910
Ram, Sushil
0:53:0.500 --> 0:53:4.390
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I mean, it starts 10th of March, so really the whole March will go into it.
0:53:5.90 --> 0:53:5.260
Ram, Sushil
0:53:4.620 --> 0:53:12.240
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So if by end of Feb we have people identified and onboarded then we can we have six weeks to get visa
sorted out.
0:53:11.840 --> 0:53:13.200
Ram, Sushil
Ohh yeah.
0:53:12.610 --> 0:53:14.560
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And of course it's a multi country thing.
0:53:14.570 --> 0:53:16.870
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So visa requirements will be you know will vary.
0:53:17.420 --> 0:53:27.130
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Umm, I think in in in the early the top immediate priority is you know the concept not call for
applications and then the location support.
0:53:27.910 --> 0:53:28.100
Ram, Sushil
0:53:27.140 --> 0:53:41.810
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So if let's say, you know next week by by Wednesday we both can exchange notes on, you know your
discussion with or whenever earliest possible, not necessarily you know we we fix it with the deadline
but sometime next week whenever possible.
0:53:52.930 --> 0:53:53.130
mike (Guest)
0:54:0.340 --> 0:54:0.560
Ram, Sushil
0:53:41.820 --> 0:54:9.540
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
If you tell us whether your conversation with Singapore Youth Council has been full and yes, they have,
they can provide the support and actually we do not necessarily need a lot of administrative support, but
the fact that they will participate and provide that host like role in terms of participants, you know
understanding of you know locations and where should it and advise us on actually hosting it there.
0:54:10.450 --> 0:54:10.790
Ram, Sushil
0:54:13.740 --> 0:54:13.940
Ram, Sushil
0:54:9.910 --> 0:54:14.10
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We are not expecting them to put in any management related things.
0:54:17.540 --> 0:54:17.940
Ram, Sushil
0:54:14.20 --> 0:54:18.920
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We'll book things and you know, through their advice, and I can check with our Singapore office.
0:54:19.390 --> 0:54:19.890
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
0:54:20.380 --> 0:54:38.520
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Then we came, you know, see how the the local support question is, you know being addressed and if
we feel that we do not feel convinced with the kind of support coming up away and lot of things will fall
us on on us remotely, then we can look at an alternative location.
0:54:38.810 --> 0:54:39.10
Ram, Sushil
0:54:40.690 --> 0:54:40.980
mike (Guest)
0:54:43.240 --> 0:54:43.450
Ram, Sushil
0:54:47.390 --> 0:54:47.590
Ram, Sushil
0:54:50.680 --> 0:54:50.860
Ram, Sushil
0:54:38.790 --> 0:54:57.20
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We could look at Sri Lanka, we could look at Pakistan because most of these countries visas except India,
that would be something I would flag right away or maybe we could look at Malaysia because access to
Malaysia is much more easier for all of these countries.
0:54:57.30 --> 0:55:1.70
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So Sri Lanka, Malaysia could be our go to next go to countries.
0:55:1.190 --> 0:55:1.610
mike (Guest)
Call back.
0:55:1.80 --> 0:55:12.930
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
In fact, Sri Lanka's the easiest choice, because you know the online visa is quite clear for any of these
countries, and we'll save a lot of time and on administration of visa.
0:55:15.580 --> 0:55:15.840
Ram, Sushil
0:55:31.970 --> 0:55:32.230
Ram, Sushil
0:55:12.940 --> 0:55:36.820
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So backup options to me seeing this, but I would prefer Singapore because if you have a connection
there and there's a youth council that's a great value addition because all countries can then, you know,
engage with these Singapore Youth Council and you know, have the opportunity to study their model
that how are they working with their government and engage in certain you know engagements as well.
0:55:37.110 --> 0:55:54.230
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I agree on four days just to add on that I think 4 days is a good, decent time for a group of young people
to come together as a regional team form 1 to one connections have that kind of cultural exchange as
well to make it more personalized and relatable.
0:55:54.970 --> 0:55:56.170
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Umm, uh.
0:56:13.770 --> 0:56:13.950
Ram, Sushil
0:55:56.180 --> 0:56:14.620
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Whereas you know three days is touch and go by the time they start getting comfortable with them, the
times up and five days is I mean we could do five days if we if we get the support from DC Office hours,
Singapore Youth Council on site visits for example, that would be helpful.
0:56:14.670 --> 0:56:26.750
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So I I don't mind taking it up to five days if budget permits both sides and make it more exciting,
energizing for young people, I'm sure they would get bored by the third day closed.
0:56:28.260 --> 0:56:28.550
Ram, Sushil
0:56:26.920 --> 0:56:28.990
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Yeah, you know, kept close in a hall.
0:56:29.0 --> 0:56:39.570
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So some you know, some additional ideas to burst the energy load, energy being sort of, you know,
energy stress, it would be really useful.
0:56:39.580 --> 0:56:46.890
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And I think that's where the local support role really comes in in terms of help and that's that's the kind
of local support we're looking for.
0:56:47.280 --> 0:56:48.690
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Rest we can manage remotely.
0:56:49.550 --> 0:56:50.160
Ram, Sushil
0:56:49.960 --> 0:56:50.420
mike (Guest)
0:56:50.480 --> 0:56:52.940
mike (Guest)
Sorry, I just want to join in on that, OK.
0:56:50.470 --> 0:56:54.280
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, no, certainly, I I think site visit is on the on the agenda.
0:56:54.290 --> 0:57:2.520
Ram, Sushil
I mean like one of those things is if you are in a particular country, knowledge sharing some good
practice that is out there is very important.
0:57:2.530 --> 0:57:4.50
Ram, Sushil
So that would certainly be there, yeah.
0:57:5.500 --> 0:57:16.550
mike (Guest)
I just wanted to come in on that, Sushil actually that that that the site visit, I mean Speaking of
somebody who has sometimes the responsibility to to lead the facilitation process for large groups in
this context.
0:57:24.350 --> 0:57:24.510
Ram, Sushil
0:57:16.820 --> 0:57:45.840
mike (Guest)
I concur entirely with what Sadia was saying, that it really makes a difference somewhere in the middle
to have a site visit that you can actually tie in to the aims of the of the the event itself anyway, rather
than necessarily OK, we've finished at 5:00 PM tomorrow morning, we're going to visit a temple and the
gardens and an art gallery because I think if we use the site visit in the middle as a sort of a a
reenergizing or or to pivot in a particular direction, it can be really valuable.
0:57:50.600 --> 0:57:50.740
Ram, Sushil
0:57:46.470 --> 0:57:50.750
mike (Guest)
So I would be I would be on board for that too. Thanks.
0:57:52.610 --> 0:57:53.10
Ram, Sushil
0:57:54.590 --> 0:57:57.280
Ram, Sushil
OK, that sounds like a plan, Simon.
0:57:57.290 --> 0:58:7.660
Ram, Sushil
So hopefully I'm in good health by next week, so I'm ready to roll on just the last point I wanted to
0:58:7.670 --> 0:58:15.800
Ram, Sushil
I I was trying my best to see if the dates somehow could coincide with the our Secretary general passing
through Singapore.
0:58:16.540 --> 0:58:22.310
Ram, Sushil
Uh, she does have a bit of a travel to the region or to the Pacific. And what?
0:58:22.320 --> 0:58:37.950
Ram, Sushil
I asked her office is to give me some dates where she can potentially pass through Singapore and then
she can stay one night and address, you know, you know this gathering even in the evening, some of the
the day.
0:58:38.20 --> 0:58:43.420
Ram, Sushil
So so I I haven't got any dates as such, but I have mentioned to them about April.
0:58:43.980 --> 0:58:52.920
Ram, Sushil
So hopefully it can coincide, but if it doesn't, that's why I I don't want her to be there, especially for this
event and that's too expensive.
0:58:54.890 --> 0:58:55.500
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
No, agreed.
0:58:55.510 --> 0:58:57.660
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
At date wise we are fine with these.
0:58:57.670 --> 0:59:1.40
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
If you want to move them ahead, we wouldn't have an issue.
0:59:21.450 --> 0:59:22.250
Ram, Sushil
And that's in March.
0:59:23.880 --> 0:59:24.390
Majeed, Saima
No, no.
0:59:23.560 --> 0:59:24.530
Ram, Sushil
That's March or April.
0:59:24.400 --> 0:59:24.750
Majeed, Saima
0:59:1.50 --> 0:59:24.840
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
If you want to move them, let's say a week before, I would say that you know if it is just the week before
the these dates because the week of 15th, 8th and week of 15th will be really affected by Eid holidays
and in most countries our Muslim participants, Ramzan is a full month.
0:59:24.760 --> 0:59:26.240
Majeed, Saima
Eat is my 10th April.
0:59:26.950 --> 0:59:27.400
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
0:59:27.330 --> 0:59:27.860
Ram, Sushil
0:59:27.870 --> 0:59:28.550
Ram, Sushil
0:59:37.570 --> 0:59:37.840
Ram, Sushil
0:59:27.410 --> 0:59:42.30
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So Ramzan starts on 10th, the whole fasting month, reduced time were timings and all of that people
avoid full day engagement ends and traveling 10th to 12th would be E then people take time off.
0:59:42.40 --> 0:59:47.310
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So mid April from so 10th of March to let's say 15th of April is a tight timeline.
0:59:48.150 --> 0:59:48.280
Ram, Sushil
0:59:47.970 --> 0:59:48.430
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
0:59:48.650 --> 0:59:59.640
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I mean, as such, we do not discourage people to do not do anything, but we do understand that people
may drop off because of Ramadan commitments and some people may travel to Saudi.
0:59:57.220 --> 1:0:0.520
Ram, Sushil
So yeah, it makes sense not to coincide with Ramadan.
1:0:0.30 --> 1:0:0.710
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
1:0:0.530 --> 1:0:1.900
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, yeah, it makes sense.
1:0:0.990 --> 1:0:3.960
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So I was just saying that if you the current date seem fine.
1:0:3.970 --> 1:0:6.980
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
If you want to push them, move them backwards.
1:0:7.630 --> 1:0:7.810
Ram, Sushil
1:0:9.770 --> 1:0:10.150
Ram, Sushil
1:0:7.510 --> 1:0:11.400
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Our advice would be just keep that a week before this one.
1:0:17.340 --> 1:0:19.910
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, yeah, the.
1:0:21.690 --> 1:0:21.950
Ram, Sushil
1:0:30.860 --> 1:0:31.90
Ram, Sushil
1:0:31.140 --> 1:0:35.370
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Is Charter so the recommendations?
1:0:34.460 --> 1:0:36.410
Majeed, Saima
Or at least we can go is 15 March.
1:0:38.640 --> 1:0:38.780
mike (Guest)
1:0:37.650 --> 1:0:40.720
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Yeah, that would be too tricky. Timer.
1:0:38.620 --> 1:0:42.900
Majeed, Saima
Yeah, that's too to come here early, but.
1:0:42.260 --> 1:0:43.210
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Yeah, 2 Grammy.
1:0:43.220 --> 1:0:45.450
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And we'll have to pull all of the work.
1:0:45.500 --> 1:0:50.120
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I think Kanan dates give us quite a easy prep time.
1:0:51.140 --> 1:0:51.270
Ram, Sushil
1:0:50.750 --> 1:0:53.550
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Umm, in that for you.
1:0:53.560 --> 1:0:56.690
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Look at in the chat I've just put in month wise key priorities.
1:0:56.750 --> 1:0:58.290
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We'll put this in a Gantt chart.
1:0:58.300 --> 1:1:2.30
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Rida, will and then we can share with you with clear activities and timelines.
1:1:2.550 --> 1:1:2.910
Ram, Sushil
1:1:2.940 --> 1:1:3.480
mike (Guest)
Yeah, looks good.
1:1:2.970 --> 1:1:5.290
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
But I think yeah.
1:1:6.0 --> 1:1:9.310
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
And if you want to move forward then of course no problem.
1:1:9.320 --> 1:1:16.990
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
On our side, our financial year is same as yours, so we'll have funding available in early April to
contribute to the summit.
1:1:17.320 --> 1:1:35.450
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We'll separately discuss the budget, so I'm I will give you the tilts and then we can see how do we split
that and make sure that this particular question is addressed earliest on because sometimes you know
you want to do a lot of things but you know funding considerations restrict you.
1:1:35.460 --> 1:1:40.430
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I do not want that restriction as such to be a major deal breaker.
1:1:42.100 --> 1:1:42.390
Majeed, Saima
1:1:41.430 --> 1:1:43.50
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Who are the earlier sorted out the better?
1:1:45.210 --> 1:1:45.370
Ram, Sushil
1:1:45.50 --> 1:1:47.330
Majeed, Saima
And so we are on 11 countries now.
1:1:50.270 --> 1:1:50.610
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
1:1:50.760 --> 1:1:50.910
Ram, Sushil
1:1:50.640 --> 1:1:54.0
Majeed, Saima
It 8 plus Nepal, Vietnam and Indonesia.
1:1:55.100 --> 1:1:55.260
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
1:1:56.160 --> 1:1:56.840
Majeed, Saima
11 countries.
1:2:0.450 --> 1:2:0.870
Majeed, Saima
1:2:1.140 --> 1:2:1.530
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
1:1:55.240 --> 1:2:3.110
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, Indonesia, Indonesia, Nepal and Vietnam and then the eight countries here.
1:2:4.200 --> 1:2:5.60
Majeed, Saima
11 countries, yeah.
1:2:5.700 --> 1:2:5.860
Ram, Sushil
1:2:8.580 --> 1:2:9.940
Ram, Sushil
1:2:12.840 --> 1:2:13.20
Ram, Sushil
1:2:17.580 --> 1:2:17.760
Ram, Sushil
1:2:8.700 --> 1:2:22.220
mike (Guest)
Yeah, and a suggestion, a suggestion for four per country and and 111 nominee per National Youth
Council governmental channels and and two stroke three applications.
1:2:22.230 --> 1:2:23.980
mike (Guest)
Nominations soundings.
1:2:26.760 --> 1:2:26.940
Ram, Sushil
1:2:24.180 --> 1:2:29.840
mike (Guest)
However, we want to describe that process, picking picking sides of the non elite.
1:2:29.590 --> 1:2:31.290
Ram, Sushil
Yeah. Umm.
1:2:30.980 --> 1:2:31.780
mike (Guest)
Yeah. Nobody.
1:2:32.480 --> 1:2:33.450
mike (Guest)
I just have one question.
1:2:33.460 --> 1:2:42.620
mike (Guest)
Before we, before we move witches, I obviously we we've not spent a lot of time talking about the Youth
Council because this is now priority and this will be the springboard.
1:2:42.760 --> 1:2:52.670
mike (Guest)
But I do have some questions that I prepared in relation to maybe key questions that we can all answer
in relation to the Commonwealth Youth Council.
1:2:52.680 --> 1:2:59.330
mike (Guest)
Asia would be worth my while sharing that in correspondence with us so we can all be aware of that
over the next day or so.
1:3:1.420 --> 1:3:2.760
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, that's fine.
1:3:2.770 --> 1:3:4.50
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, because, yeah.
1:3:11.20 --> 1:3:11.200
Ram, Sushil
1:3:2.570 --> 1:3:11.510
mike (Guest)
Not not not to jump the gun we given that this is our priority, but it allows us to be having those those,
those two thought processes side by side.
1:3:13.400 --> 1:3:14.150
mike (Guest)
OK, I'll chat.
1:3:22.180 --> 1:3:22.680
mike (Guest)
1:3:13.340 --> 1:3:22.690
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, there would be a number of questions around the Council itself, you know, it's governance
mechanisms, everything has to be thought out.
1:3:22.700 --> 1:3:23.460
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, you're right. Yeah.
1:3:23.460 --> 1:3:25.90
mike (Guest)
You have a terms of reference, etcetera.
1:3:25.690 --> 1:3:26.140
Ram, Sushil
1:3:25.100 --> 1:3:26.310
mike (Guest)
So I'll I'll just flag those.
1:3:26.320 --> 1:3:33.110
mike (Guest)
I'm sure that that they are good questions that have been explored, but I'll just flag them from my
perspective as well.
1:3:38.440 --> 1:3:38.620
Ram, Sushil
1:3:33.120 --> 1:3:40.660
mike (Guest)
So I'm I'm fully in that loop and maybe there will be a few gems in there that are useful as well and we
can we can write those two horses side by side.
1:3:41.240 --> 1:3:41.380
Ram, Sushil
1:3:42.940 --> 1:3:43.180
mike (Guest)
1:3:47.540 --> 1:3:48.30
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
1:3:48.250 --> 1:3:57.950
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
I think that gives us a quite a good, thorough, you know, and insight in the in the way forward.
1:3:59.160 --> 1:4:4.250
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
By next week, we'll have some of these things more clearly fleshed out.
1:4:4.260 --> 1:4:15.310
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
The budget location and if there's any change in decision on that, then to be confirmed to this group and
then inactivity plan and then maybe you know we do fortnightly catch ups.
1:4:16.100 --> 1:4:16.260
Ram, Sushil
1:4:17.260 --> 1:4:17.400
mike (Guest)
1:4:20.880 --> 1:4:21.320
mike (Guest)
1:4:16.80 --> 1:4:21.530
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We don't need necessarily weekly, but you know twice in a month is more than enough closer to the
1:4:21.540 --> 1:4:34.280
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Of course, we will have more frequent engagements to look at their agenda planning sessions and once
the Co facilitators are on board then mini session so that people are well aware of what they're
supposed to do, what are what is expected of them.
1:4:35.900 --> 1:4:36.310
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
1:4:36.370 --> 1:4:51.990
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So looking forward to it, everybody very, very excited and we we've had had experiences of doing
Commonwealth collaboration, but it was always very you know traditional project like do training of a
group, they go back and you try to bring them together.
1:4:52.0 --> 1:4:59.310
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
But this time, I think the purpose and the process itself seems very innovative and interesting.
1:4:59.960 --> 1:5:0.590
Ram, Sushil
1:5:0.700 --> 1:5:1.270
Ram, Sushil
No, I agree.
1:5:5.430 --> 1:5:6.20
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
1:5:1.280 --> 1:5:8.390
Ram, Sushil
Sadia, I think this is I'm, I'm like this is not a one off event as such because I think we are building a kind
of a project in itself.
1:5:8.400 --> 1:5:9.530
Ram, Sushil
So that's quite exciting.
1:5:12.320 --> 1:5:12.960
Ram, Sushil
Yeah, yeah.
1:5:11.240 --> 1:5:15.120
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Indeed, indeed, looking forward, go ahead, Mike.
1:5:12.970 --> 1:5:18.210
mike (Guest)
And and and for me it's it's nice to engage as well with with Commonwealth colleagues.
1:5:18.220 --> 1:5:27.70
mike (Guest)
It takes me back to previous Commonwealth youth fora and and CHOGM's in in my earlier life, so it's
nice to it's nice to be work swimming in that stream again.
1:5:27.820 --> 1:5:30.490
Ram, Sushil
Look, give up a bit of a background, Mike.
1:5:30.580 --> 1:5:31.240
Ram, Sushil
I would be interested.
1:5:32.860 --> 1:5:34.0
Ram, Sushil
1:5:34.970 --> 1:5:48.560
mike (Guest)
So I mean it's, I mean previously in my previous incarnations, I was able to be at a different chords and
and youth forum in the in Uganda, Malta printed out in these in these old days if you like.
1:5:49.40 --> 1:5:49.280
Ram, Sushil
1:5:49.90 --> 1:5:49.540
mike (Guest)
And it was.
1:5:49.550 --> 1:5:55.260
mike (Guest)
It was very, very interesting and I was reading the communique, reading the the youth Ministers note.
1:5:55.270 --> 1:5:57.20
mike (Guest)
I was brought back.
1:5:57.30 --> 1:6:2.600
mike (Guest)
Memories of burning the midnight lamp oil, putting together communiques at the last minute.
1:6:2.610 --> 1:6:10.90
mike (Guest)
They always come out at the last minute that with with seconds to spare and I appreciated all the
language that was in there, so it was very good to see.
1:6:10.890 --> 1:6:12.180
Ram, Sushil
Actually we have changed that now.
1:6:13.70 --> 1:6:14.680
mike (Guest)
Yeah, it's good to know.
1:6:15.450 --> 1:6:16.230
Ram, Sushil
1:6:16.640 --> 1:6:17.280
Ram, Sushil
Thanks, Mike.
1:6:18.300 --> 1:6:18.570
mike (Guest)
1:6:18.730 --> 1:6:19.160
Ram, Sushil
1:6:18.580 --> 1:6:19.670
mike (Guest)
Thank you all. Thanks.
1:6:19.170 --> 1:6:19.720
Ram, Sushil
1:6:19.770 --> 1:6:20.120
Ram, Sushil
1:6:19.990 --> 1:6:20.570
Majeed, Saima
Thank you.
1:6:20.130 --> 1:6:20.850
Ram, Sushil
Thank you very much.
1:6:22.230 --> 1:6:22.550
mike (Guest)
1:6:21.530 --> 1:6:22.720
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Thank you, everybody.
1:6:23.320 --> 1:6:23.500
Majeed, Saima
1:6:23.520 --> 1:6:23.940
Ram, Sushil
Thank you.
1:6:22.730 --> 1:6:25.380
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So she'll feel get better, get well and feel better.
1:6:25.390 --> 1:6:28.980
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So we all get into the action and think of things more.
1:6:28.990 --> 1:6:32.740
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We'll send out a meeting note and I suggested action plan.
1:6:32.750 --> 1:6:33.860
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Please do comment.
1:6:34.850 --> 1:6:36.480
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
We'll we'll share that early next week.
1:6:36.490 --> 1:6:40.0
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So we will set ask everybody to respond within the week.
1:6:40.10 --> 1:6:41.750
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
So that things can be formalized.
1:6:42.190 --> 1:6:42.420
Ram, Sushil
1:6:42.190 --> 1:6:43.160
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Thank you, everyone.
1:6:43.170 --> 1:6:43.850
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Take care.
1:6:43.860 --> 1:6:44.600
Rahman, Sadia (Pakistan)
Have a good day.
1:6:43.940 --> 1:6:44.650
Majeed, Saima
Thank you.
1:6:44.340 --> 1:6:44.760
Ram, Sushil
Thank you.
1:6:43.160 --> 1:6:44.860
mike (Guest)
OK, that's not actually that.
1:6:44.610 --> 1:6:45.80
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
1:6:44.660 --> 1:6:45.480
Majeed, Saima
Thank you. Bye.
1:6:45.90 --> 1:6:45.650
Irfan, Wajiha (Pakistan)
Thank you.
1:6:45.420 --> 1:6:45.830
mike (Guest)
1:6:45.840 --> 1:6:46.330
mike (Guest)
Watch you.
1:6:46.460 --> 1:6:46.980
mike (Guest)
Bye bye all.
1:6:46.970 --> 1:6:47.480
Ram, Sushil
Thank you.
1:6:47.570 --> 1:6:47.860
Ram, Sushil
Bye bye.
1:6:47.650 --> 1:6:48.40
Majeed, Saima
1:6:48.940 --> 1:6:49.100
mike (Guest)

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