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Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS 09 The Natural World

Word Level Type Meaning Example

1 agriculture B2 Noun ‫الزراعة‬ The area depends on agriculture for most of its income.

2 animal kingdom Noun ‫مملكة الحيوانات‬ What made you want to look up animal kingdom?

3 burrow Noun ‫جُحر الحيوانات‬ You can film down rabbit burrows.

4 climate B1 Noun ‫المُناخ‬ The climate is cooler in the east of the country.

5 crop B1 Noun ‫المحصول‬ Wheat is a staple crop for millions of people across the world.

6 decline B2 Noun ‫ إنخفاض‬/ ‫هبوط‬ She seemed to be recovering and then she went into a decline.

7 den Noun ‫عرين الحيوانات المفترسة‬ They were expected to go into the lion's den.

8 disaster B2 Noun ‫ نكبة‬/ ‫كارثة‬ It would be a disaster for me if I lost my job.

9 ecological balance Noun ‫التوازن البيئي‬ A great example of ecological balance is the predator-prey relationship.

10 ecology C1 Noun ‫علم دراسة البيئة‬ She hopes to study ecology at college.

11 evolution B2 Noun ‫التطور‬ This product was an extremely significant step in the evolution of computer games.

12 extinction C1 Noun ‫اإلنقراض‬ The extinction of the dinosaurs occurred millions of years ago.

13 fauna Noun ‫الحيوانات‬ While she was in Hawaii, she studied the local fauna and flora.

14 flora Noun ‫النباتات‬ This National Park is an area with unique fauna and flora.

15 genetics B2 Noun ‫علم الجينات‬ Scientists have long suspected genetics play a role in the onset of the disease.

16 habitat C1 Noun ‫الموطن‬ The place is a natural habitat for 15 endemic plants bearing the mountains' name.

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Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS 09 The Natural World
Word Level Type Meaning Example

17 human nature Noun ‫الطبيعة البشرية‬ It's only human nature to want the best for your children.

18 insect A2 Noun ‫الحشرة‬ The spider preys on small flies and other insects.

19 Mother Nature Noun ‫الطبيعة األم‬ It is better to try to work with, rather than against, Mother Nature.

20 pesticide Noun ‫المبيد الحشري‬ The used pesticides lead to many diseases, including cancer.

21 predator C1 Noun ‫الحيوان المفترس‬ The lack of a shell leaves the larvae unprotected against predators.

22 prey C2 Noun ‫الفريسة‬ If we get out of the car, we will become easy prey.

23 repercussions Noun ‫العواقب‬ Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.

24 scent B2 Noun ‫رائحة مميزة‬ The hounds had lost the scent of the fox near the river.

25 species B2 Noun ‫ الفصائل‬/ ‫األجناس‬ Many plant and animal species are found only in the rainforests.

26 soil B2 Noun ‫التربة‬ The soil in this area is very chalky.

27 vegetation C1 Noun ‫منطقة نباتية‬ Much of the region's native vegetation has been damaged by developers.

28 vermin Noun ‫الحشرات والقوارض الضارة‬ The report stated that the area was filthy and vermin infested.

29 weed C2 Noun ‫النباتات الضارة‬ I asked him to get rid of weeds on a weekly basis.

30 arid C2 Adj. ‫ جافة‬/ ‫قاحلة‬ The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there.

31 catastrophic C2 Adj. ‫كارثي‬ The excessive use of fossil fuels could have catastrophic results for the planet.

32 disastrous C1 Adj. ‫كارثي‬ Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced ecosystem.

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Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS 09 The Natural World
Word Level Type Meaning Example

33 domesticated Adj. ‫ األليفة‬/ ‫الُمستأنسة‬ She likes both wild and domesticated animals.

34 endangered B2 Adj. ‫المُهدَّد باإلنقراض‬ For these reasons, these animals have been added to the endangered species list.

35 extinct C1 Adj. ‫ُنقرض‬

ِ ‫الم‬ There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.

36 genetically modified C1 Adj. ً ‫المُعدَّل جينيا‬ It is not impossible for organic and genetically modified agriculture to coexist.

37 native C2 Adj. ‫ أصلي‬/ ‫أصيل‬ The horse is not native to America - it was introduced by the Spanish.

38 introduced B2 Adj. ‫المُستقدمة من الخارج‬ Introduced species have proved similarly disastrous among native animals.

39 natural B1 Adj. ‫طبيعي‬ The garden has been designed to harmonize with the natural landscape.

40 resistant Adj. ‫ُقاوم‬

ِ ‫الم‬ You are so resistant to change.

41 semi-arid C2 Adj. )‫شبه قاحلة (قليلة الماء‬ The semi-arid desert climate gets little rainfall.

42 tropical B2 Adj. ‫إستوائي‬ Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rainforest.

43 vulnerable C2 Adj. ‫مُعرَّ ض للخطر‬ We provide a place of safety for vulnerable children.

44 wild A2 Adj. ً ‫بريا‬ Most wild animals won't attack unless they are provoked.

45 adapt B2 Verb ‫ يع ِّدل‬/ ‫يتأقلم‬ It took me a while to adapt to the new job.

46 combat C2 Verb ‫ُحارب‬

ِ ‫ ي‬/ ‫ُصارع‬
ِ ‫ي‬ I have to combat this constant desire to eat chocolate.

47 cultivate C1 Verb ‫يزرع‬ Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate.

48 eradicate C2 Verb ‫يقضي علي‬ The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption.

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Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS 09 The Natural World
Word Level Type Meaning Example

49 evolve C1 Verb ‫يتطور‬ The exhibition will illustrate how life evolved from water.

50 hibernate Verb ‫َيبيت البيات الشتوي‬ The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow for six months of the year.

51 tolerate C2 Verb ‫يتحمَّل‬ These ants can tolerate temperatures that would kill other species.

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