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Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

Applied Statistics – BIS959

Spring 2020
Instructor: Prof. Hend Auda
Ph.D., Western Michigan University, Michigan, USA, Applied Statistics, 2007.
Professor and Chair of Department of Statistics,
Faculty of Commerce, Helwan University.

Course Objectives:
By the end of this course students will learn:
1. Basic statistical techniques used to summarize and present data;
2. Basic statistical techniques used for inference and testing;
3. Simple and Multiple Regression analysis.
4. To apply these techniques to address business problems.
5. To use R, SPSS and MS Excel to perform statistical analysis.

Course Description:
This course introduces data analysis and decision-making tools used in business. During
the course, students will be able to test hypotheses using the appropriate statistical tests for
different unknown parameters, interpret main effects in a one-way ANOVA and main and
interaction effects in a two-way ANOVA and perform chi-square tests for independence and
goodness-of-fit tests. For Statistical models, students will be able to build appropriate
multiple regression models and interpret their results

Recommended text: Managerial Statistics, 8th edition. Gerald Keller.

Topics covered will include:

class 1: Exploratory Data Analysis: Graphs, tables and Summary Measures

a- Basic Concepts
b- Frequency Tables and Histograms
c- Measures of Central Location
d- Quartiles and Percentiles
e- Minimum, Maximum, and Range
f- Measures of Variability: Variance and Standard Deviation
g- Obtaining Summary Measures with Minitab
h- Describing Data Sets with Boxplots.
i- Case study.
Class2: One-sample Hypothesis Tests.

a. Testing a mean with known and unknown population variance.

b. Testing a proportion.
c. Case study.
class 3: Two-sample hypothesis tests.
a. Comparing two means from independent samples.
b. Comparing two means from paired samples.
d. Comparing two proportions.
e. Case study.
class4: Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
a. One-way ANOVA.
b. Two-way ANOVA
c. Case study.
class 5: Chi-square tests.
a. Chi-Square tests for independence.
b. Chi-Square goodness-of-fit test.
class 6: MID-TERM EXAM
class 7: Regression Analysis: Estimating Relationships
a- Scatterplots: Graphing Relationships
b- Correlations: Indicators of Linear Relationships
c- Simple Linear Regression
d- Least Squares Estimation
e- Standard Error of Estimate
f- R-Square: The Coefficient of Determination
class 8: Multiple Regressions.
a. Assessing overall fit.
b. Predictor significance.
c. Confidence intervals for Y.
d. Multicollinearity.
g. Violation of assumptions

Tools and skills:

For the statistical analysis tool: we will use SPSS, Excel and the R-programming software

Install R: it is free!
Handouts for R-functions will be distributed in class to help you doing the main statistical
analysis steps and we will also use Minitab and Excel.
Grading System and course requirements:

Course Grading System:

The grade of a student in any course is calculated as follows:

 Attendance 10%
 Participation & Assignments 20%
 Term Paper 70%

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