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European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 1187–1196


Role and importance of biochemical markers

in clinical cardiology

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Mauro Panteghini*
Clinical Chemistry Laboratory 1, Spedali Civili University Hospital, 25125 Brescia, Italy
Received 10 February 2004; revised 1 April 2004; accepted 8 April 2004
Available online

KEYWORDS This paper reviews the current contribution of the biochemical marker determination
Biological markers; to clinical cardiology and discusses some important developments in this field.
Diagnosis; Biochemical markers play a pivotal role in the diagnosis and management of patients
Myocardial infarction; with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), as witnessed by the incorporation of cardiac
troponins into new international guidelines for patients with ACS and in the re-
definition of myocardial infarction. Despite the success of cardiac troponins, there is
still a need for the development of early markers that can reliably rule out ACS from
the emergency room at presentation and also detect myocardial ischaemia in the
absence of irreversible myocyte injury. Under investigation are two classes of
indicators: markers of early injury/ischaemia and markers of inflammation and
coronary plaque instability and disruption. Finally, with the characterisation of the
cardiac natriuretic peptides, Laboratory Medicine is also assuming a role in the
assessment of cardiac function.
c 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.

Introduction infarction (MI).4–8 The aim of this paper is to review the

current contribution of the determination of biochemical
The significance of the contribution of Laboratory Medi- markers to clinical cardiology and to discuss some im-
cine to clinical cardiology has grown in importance over portant developments in this field.
the years.1;2 Until 20 years ago, the clinical laboratory
only placed at the cardiologist’s disposal a few assays for
the retrospective detection of cardiac tissue necrosis,
such as enzymatic methods for creatine kinase (CK) and The detection of myocardial necrosis
lactate dehydrogenase catalytic activities.3 However, in
the latter part of the 20th century, highly sensitive and The World Health Organisation (WHO) has traditionally
specific assays for the detection of myocardial damage, defined MI as requiring the presence of at least two of
such as cardiac troponins, as well as assays for reliable three diagnostic criteria, namely, an appropriate clinical
markers of myocardial function, such as cardiac natri- presentation, typical changes in the electrocardiogram
uretic peptides, have become available, assigning to the (ECG) and raised “cardiac” enzymes, essentially total CK
laboratory a pivotal role in the diagnosis and follow-up of or its MB iso-enzyme (CK-MB) activities.9 In September
patients with cardiac disease. This is witnessed by the 2000, the joint European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and
recent incorporation of these markers into new interna- American College of Cardiology (ACC) committee
tional guidelines and in the re-definition of myocardial published its consensus recommendations for a new
definition of MI.8 In particular, the ESC/ACC definition of
acute MI requires the rise and fall of the biochemical
* Tel.: þ39-030-3995470; fax: þ39-030-3995369. marker of myocardial necrosis together with other cri-
E-mail address: (M. Panteghini). teria, comprising ischaemic symptoms, the development

0195-668X/$ - see front matter c 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.
1188 M. Panteghini

of pathologic Q waves, ischaemic ECG changes or a cor- indicate its mechanism. Thus, an elevated value in the
onary artery intervention.8 Thus, according to the WHO absence of clinical evidence of ischaemia should prompt
definition, an acute MI could be diagnosed without bio- a search for other causes of cardiac damage. Many
chemical evidence of myocardial necrosis, while the non-ischaemic pathophysiological conditions can cause
ESC/ACC criteria stipulate that the biomarkers be ele- myocardial necrosis and therefore elevations in cardiac
vated and, subsequently, be shown to fall in the appro- troponin concentrations (Table 1).15–37 The occurrence
priate clinical context. of myocardial damage in clinical contexts other than MI
Quite simultaneously with the ESC/ACC re-definition of frequently obliges physicians to determine whether such
MI, other expert committees published companion docu- damage occurs in the clinical setting of acute myocardial
ments, where-in patients with no ST-segment elevation at ischaemia, thus leading to the diagnosis of MI, or not.38
ECG, but with ischaemic symptoms, a positive cardiac Strictly speaking, even in the “troponin era”, the diag-
troponin result identifies patients who have non-ST-seg- nosis of MI remains clinical. Measurement of cardiac
ment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and who troponin provides a valuable diagnostic test for MI only
could benefit from aggressive medical therapy.4;5 when used together with other clinical information. In

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The new consensus documents have therefore based particular, to satisfy the diagnostic criteria for MI, tro-
the new definition of MI on biochemical grounds, a choice ponin elevations should be accompanied by objective
that was guided by the advent of new markers of myo- instrumental evidence that myocardial ischaemia is the
cardial necrosis, such as cardiac troponins.10–12 The su- likely cause of myocardial damage. This should particu-
perior troponin’s clinical value comes from its higher larly be the case when only one marker measurement is
sensitivity to smaller myocardial injury and its virtually available and its characteristic release kinetics cannot be
total specificity for cardiac damage.11 Despite the ability demonstrated, or when marker changes remain stable
to detect quantitatively smaller degrees of myocardial over time, or are not consistent with the onset of
necrosis, cardiac troponins need 4–10 h after symptom symptoms.39 Ideally, three measurements of cardiac
onset to appear in serum, at about the same time as CK- troponin are suggested, with a sampling frequency of
MB elevations become detectable, and peak at 12–48 h, hospital admission, 6 and 12 h later, to demonstrate
remaining then abnormal for several days.13 This pro- changing values.40 This biochemical strategy can readily
longed release pattern indeed makes it difficult to di- show if the temporal variations in the troponin concen-
agnose a re-infarction by the use of serial troponin trations in serum are consistent with the onset of
measurements, suggesting a continuing role for CK-MB symptoms and may very often obviate the need for
for this purpose.1 There is, however, a relationship be- subsequent extensive confirmation testing.
tween the severity of the infarct and the duration of the An important issue in the practical use of cardiac
elevated serum troponins. The release periods of tropo- troponins is the appropriate definition of decision lim-
nin in patients with NSTEMI are significantly less than its.41 From a clinical perspective, there is evidence that
those with ST-elevation at ECG, and troponin elevations any amount of detectable cardiac troponin release is
in traditionally defined unstable angina patients, repre- associated with an increased risk of new adverse cardiac
senting microscopic infarct, might last only several hours events. Currently available data demonstrate no
at a time.14 threshold below which elevations of troponin are harm-
In applying the results of cardiac troponin testing to less and without negative implications for prognosis.42–44
the defining of MI, one should keep in mind that these In agreement with the outcome studies, the consensus
markers actually reflect myocardial necrosis but do not documents define myocardial necrosis as an increase of

Table 1 Non-ischaemic cardiac diseases causing elevation of cardiac troponins in serum

• Acute rheumatic fever
• Amyloidosis
• Cardiac trauma (including contusion, ablation, pacing, firing, cardioversion, catheterisation and cardiac surgery)
• Cardiotoxicity from cancer therapy
• Congestive heart failure
• Critically ill patients
• End-stage renal failure
• Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe’s disease)
• Heart transplantation
• Haemoglobinopathy with transfusion haemosiderosis
• Hypertension, including gestational
• Hypotension, often with arrhythmias
• Hypothyroidism
• Myocarditis/pericarditis
• Post-operative non-cardiac surgery
• Pulmonary embolism
• Sepsis
Role and importance of biochemical markers in clinical cardiology 1189

cardiac troponin values which exceeds the upper refer- specificities. Consequently, different results from dif-
ence limit of the healthy population, set at the 99th ferent cTnI systems and assay generations may be ob-
percentile of the value distribution to limit the number tained and this problem may cloud the interpretations of
of false-positive designations of myocardial injury.45 On reported data, creating a substantial problem for the
the basis of current available data, however, it would clinical and laboratory communities.54 Theoretically,
seem reasonable to expect analytical methods to give an standardisation and traceability of cTnI measurements
undetectable value or a very low troponin value as require a complete reference measurement system, in-
“normal”.46 None of the commercially available troponin cluding a purified troponin complex as the primary ref-
assays has shown acceptable analytical imprecision at erence material, a matrixed (serum-based) secondary
these low concentration values to obtain accurate reference material and a reference procedure that can
discrimination between “minor” myocardial injury and be used to assign a cTnI value to the secondary reference
analytical noise.47 In the context of clinical practice, a material and to evaluate the analytical performance of
pre-determined higher cardiac troponin concentration the field methods.55 Once obtained, the most important
that meets the requested goal for desirable imprecision, benefit of standardisation is the availability of common

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i.e., a total co-efficient of variation (CV) 610%, should reference and decision limits for different commercial
therefore be used as the cutoff point for MI until the assays. However, until adequate cTnI standardisation is
assays are improved.39;45;48 The use of the actual 10% CV possible, reference limits and clinical thresholds need to
troponin concentration, instead of the lower 99th per- be determined separately for each assay and platform.56
centile reference limit, as decision cut-off could slightly Due to the existence of an international patent, only
decrease the clinical sensitivity of the biochemical cri- cardiac troponin T (cTnT) assays from a single diagnostic
terion used for the MI diagnosis, but should permit phy- manufacturer are commercially available, so that result
sicians to avoid the occasional spurious increase in serum standardisation for this marker is not a problem. On the
troponin concentrations resulting from analytical other hand, a difficult clinical problem with cTnT is the
noise.49 significance of elevated concentrations commonly found
It is well demonstrated that the use of the new, more in patients with renal failure but no clinical signs of re-
sensitive diagnostic criteria for MI leads to an average cent myocardial damage.57 Data from outcome studies
increase in the number of infarcts from 20% to 30% in have suggested that cTnT elevations are associated with
patients admitted with suspected acute coronary syn- added cardiovascular risk in uraemic patients58 although
drome (ACS).50;51 However, the percentage of patients a persistent uncertainty remains concerning the con-
re-categorised from angina to MI is also critically de- nection between elevated serum cTnT and reduced renal
pendent on the performance of the troponin assay used. function.59
Although higher precision at lower troponin concentra-
tions does not automatically equate with higher clinical
sensitivity, the use of a high-sensitivity troponin assay Early detection of myocardial damage
would allow identification of a substantial and additional
proportion of patients with MI compared with a less Some practical aspects for optimising the sampling pro-
sensitive troponin assay.52 tocols and for combining, case by case, troponin mea-
Decision limits other than the 99th percentile and 10% surements with other biomarkers in the clinical routine
CV values have been clinically defined for some of the setting still need to be clarified.60 In general, it is im-
cardiac troponin methods and used for risk stratification portant that hospitals tailor their diagnostic strategies
of patients with ACS.42;43 Although the data from these for the investigation of patients with suspected ACS to
clinical trials are compelling, the use of cardiac troponin local circumstances and to the way that the test results
for MI diagnosis is different from its use for risk stratifi- will be used.61 One appealing approach relies on the use
cation. Differences in the prevalence of ACS in different of a combination of two markers to enable the detection
populations have to be considered and if the purpose of of MI in patients who seek care early and late after
measuring cardiac troponin is only to risk-stratify pa- symptom onset. These should be a rapidly rising marker
tients with ACS for adverse events, consideration should and a marker that takes longer to rise but is more spe-
be given to lowering the troponin cutoff below the 10% cific, such as cardiac troponin.1;10;40;62 This two-marker
CV value. However, these low troponin cutoffs are not strategy is predicated on the assumption that early di-
likely to be appropriate for the diagnosis of MI in a cohort agnosis will change care by providing the ability to dis-
of patients with chest pain and a lower prevalence of charge patients earlier, thus improving flow within the
disease where false-positive results, produced by a car- emergency department setting, and by facilitating
diac troponin assay as a result of analytical imprecision, identification of patients that may be candidates for
could have a much larger negative impact.49 aggressive interventions and, more generally, facilitating
In addition to differences in the imprecision of the the triage of patients who are admitted to various parts
commercially available troponin assays, another possible of the hospital. Myoglobin is the marker that currently
source of disagreement between methods is the lack of most effectively fits the role as an early marker.13 Its
standardisation of assays measuring cardiac troponin I concentrations in blood appear quickly, reaching
(cTnI).53 More than 15 companies presently market as- the maximum between 6 and 12 h after the onset of
says for cTnI measurements by employing different symptoms. It then falls to normal over the next 24 h,
standard materials and antibodies with different epitope rapidly cleared from the serum by the kidneys. Myoglobin
1190 M. Panteghini

has, however, low specificity for cardiac necrosis, so that to prevent even minor infarctions, only a marker that
the use of this marker requires associate cardiac troponin precedes necrosis and permits the prevention of its
measurements to confirm myocardial injury and elimi- consequences can meet clinical needs (Table 3).70 A
nate myoglobin false-positives.63 Some studies have also marker of cardiac ischaemia could also be valuable in
shown a potential prognostic value for myoglobin in ACS distinguishing acute MI from non-ischaemic causes of
patients.64;65 It is however difficult to determine how myocardial necrosis that lead to increases in cardiac
these could apply to clinical practice.66 troponins.
With regard to the sampling protocol for detection of The observed increase in free fatty acids unbound to
acute MI using the strategy employing early and late albumin (FFAu) in the blood with acute myocardial is-
markers, specimen collections at the time of hospital chaemia has recently been evaluated for the early
admission and 4, 8 and 12 h later has been recom- identification of cardiac injury.71 Two groups of investi-
mended.10;40;62 Shorter protocols have also been pro- gators have preliminarily studied the sensitivity of this
posed to rapidly exclude MI in the emergency marker at patient presentation to the emergency room
department.67;68 and have shown that FFAu elevations occur well before

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Despite the undoubted success of myoglobin for de- other, more traditional, markers of cardiac necrosis.72;73
tecting early myocardial necrosis in suspected patients In particular, the sensitivity of FFAu at admission was
4–6 h after hospital admission, there is still a need for >90% in both studies.
the development of earlier markers that can reliably rule The discovery that albumin, in the serum of patients
out myocardial damage from the emergency room at with myocardial ischaemia, exhibited lower metal-bind-
patient presentation and, hopefully, detect myocardial ing capacity for cobalt than the albumin in serum of
ischaemia both with and without the presence of irre- normal subjects was originally made by Bar-Or et al.74
versible myocyte injury.69 Fortunately, both industry and Based on these observations, an assay was recently
academia are relentlessly producing an intense research developed in which the cobalt not sequestered at the
effort to find new serum biomarkers that are released N-terminus of albumin is detected using a colorimetric
very early during myocardial ischaemic injury. Under indicator.75 In sera of normal subjects, more cobalt is
investigation are two main classes of indicators: markers sequestered by albumin leaving less cobalt to react with
of early injury/ischaemia and markers of inflammation the indicator. Conversely, in sera from patients with is-
and coronary plaque instability and disruption (Table 2). chaemia, less cobalt is bound by the ischaemia-modified
albumin (IMA), leaving more free cobalt to react with
Markers of cardiac ischaemia indicator. Significant changes in albumin cobalt binding
have been documented to occur minutes after transient
Recent publications have explored the rationale for di- ischaemia induced by balloon angioplasty and to return
agnosing myocardial ischaemia in advance, or in the toward baseline within 12 h.76;77 However, increases in
absence, of the occurrence of irreversible damage.69;70 IMA could also be observed during ischaemia related to
As the explicit goal is to maintain micro-circulatory flow the injury of organs other than myocardium.78 In addi-

Table 2 Proposed biochemical markers for early detection of myocardial injury in blood
Markers of cardiac ischaemia
• Unbound free fatty acids
• Ischaemia-modified albumin
Markers of inflammation and plaque instability
• C-reactive protein
• White blood cell count
• Soluble CD40 ligand
• Myelo-peroxidase
• Monocyte chemo-attractant protein-1
• Whole blood choline
• Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A

Table 3 Attributes of an ideal biochemical marker for cardiac ischaemiaa

• Detection of myocardial ischaemia whether or not necrosis is present
• No elevation during ischaemic injury of other organs
• Rapid rise and fall after ischaemia
• Reliable pre-analytical and analytical performance
• Simple to measure with a turnaround time of \60 minutes
Modified from Ref.70
Role and importance of biochemical markers in clinical cardiology 1191

tion, a deletion defect of the N-terminus of albumin has clinical relevance of sCD40L in ACS patients.95;96 Eleva-
recently been documented in a non-ischaemic individual tion of sCD40L indicated an increased risk of cardiac
that was responsible for reduced cobalt binding and, events during six months of follow-up.95 Furthermore, in
consequently, for false-positive test results.79 Thus, the patients who were negative for myocardial necrosis, as
specificity of the measurement of IMA for myocardial assessed by cardiac troponin, sCD40L seemed to identify
ischaemia warrants additional investigation. a further subgroup at increased cardiac risk, suggesting
that measurement of sCD40L may have additive benefits
Markers of inflammation and plaque instability if combined with the current biochemical standard for
MI.96 Since these studies were primarily designed to as-
Substantial evidence supports a pathogenic role for both sess various therapeutic strategies in selected groups of
local and systemic inflammation in ACS.80 In consider- ACS patients and not to study the clinical value of
ation of the important role that inflammatory processes sCD40L, their results should, however, be confirmed in
play in determining plaque stability, recent work has specific studies performed on unselected populations. As
focused on whether plasma markers of inflammation may sCD40L is known to be elevated in individuals with a

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help improve risk stratification and identify patient broad spectrum of inflammatory conditions, a question
groups who might benefit from particular treatment on marker specificity also arises.94
strategies.81 Of these markers, C-reactive protein (CRP) Myelo-peroxidase (MPO) is a mediator enzyme se-
has been the most widely studied and much has been creted by a variety of inflammatory cells, including ac-
written and discussed regarding its relationship to in- tivated neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages, such
flammation, coronary artery pathology and coronary as those found in atherosclerotic plaque.81 It possesses
disease outcome. The landmark study by Liuzzo et al.82 pro-inflammatory properties and may contribute directly
showed that patients presenting with unstable angina to tissue injury.97 Two recent experiments evaluated
and elevated plasma concentrations of CRP had a higher MPO as a predictor of cardiac risk in populations with
rate of death, MI and need for re-vascularisation com- different prevalences of ACS.98;99 In both studies, a single
pared with patients without elevated concentrations. In measurement of plasma MPO at hospital admission pre-
more recent trials, other investigators have confirmed dicted the risk of major adverse cardiac events in the
the increased risk in ACS associated with higher CRP ensuing 30-day and six-month periods. Even in the ab-
concentrations.83–86 In each of the above studies, the sence of myocardial necrosis, i.e., consistently negative
predictive value of CRP was independent of, and additive cardiac troponin, baseline measurements of MPO signif-
to, cardiac troponin. More importantly, CRP was found to icantly enhanced the identification of patients at
have prognostic value even among patients with negative risk.98;99 Also, MPO predicted adverse outcome inde-
cardiac troponin and no evidence of myocyte necro- pendently of sCD40L; in ACS patients with undetectable
sis.83–85 Methodological issues have however been high- troponin concentrations and sCD40L concentrations be-
lighted and the independence between CRP and troponin low the established diagnostic threshold value, high MPO
release questioned.87 Furthermore, the optimal cut-off concentrations remained predictive for increased car-
for defining high CRP concentrations among patients with diac risk.99 This may imply that neutrophil activation
ACS remains to be determined.88 Finally, there is no represents an adjunct pathophysiological event in ACS
evidence that CRP is helpful for identifying ACS patients that is distinctly different from platelet activation.
who will benefit from a particular treatment.84;89 Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) is a
CRP is not the only inflammatory marker of coronary chemokine responsible for the recruitment of monocytes
events that has been studied. Other biochemical pa- to sites of inflammation that appears to play a critical
rameters reflecting inflammatory response such as the role in the promotion of plaque instability.100 In case-
classical white blood cell (WBC) count, or other more control studies, plasma MCP-1 concentrations were as-
complicated and expensive markers of platelet, mono- sociated with restenosis after coronary angioplasty.101
cyte/macrophage and polymorphonuclear neutrophil However, in a prospective study on a large cohort of ACS
activation, have been proposed. patients, the distribution of MCP-1 values in the healthy
Increases in WBC have been associated with adverse subjects and the study population overlapped consider-
clinical outcomes and a higher mortality rate in the ably.102 These seem moreover to be a general problem
setting of ACS.90–92 With its simplicity and widespread for all the markers of inflammation mentioned here, in-
availability, it could represent a very attractive marker dicating that they are probably not useful for diagnosing
for risk stratification in ACS. However, further research unstable ACS in individual cases.
should be performed to determine if WBC could be used A growing understanding of the importance of ath-
for targeting specific therapies. erosclerotic plaque rupture in the pathogenesis of coro-
CD40 ligand is a trimeric, transmembrane protein nary events has led to the identification of an expanding
present in platelets and, together with its receptor CD40, array of markers for plaque instability.103 Experimental
is an important contributor to the inflammatory pro- studies have demonstrated that phospholipase D enzyme
cesses that lead to coronary thrombosis.93 After platelet activation and consequent release of choline in blood are
stimulation, CD40 is rapidly translocated to their surface related to the major processes of coronary plaque de-
and then cleaved, generating a soluble fragment [soluble stabilisation.104 Based on these processes, increased
CD40 ligand (sCD40L)] having prothrombotic activity.94 blood concentrations of choline have to be anticipated
Recent papers provided important information about the after plaque disruption and myocardial ischaemia in
1192 M. Panteghini

patients with ACS. In a recent study, choline detected secretes BNP in response to disease.114 The precise
troponin-negative patients with high-risk unstable angina mechanisms controlling production and secretion of
with a sensitivity and specificity of 86%.105 Additional cardiac natriuretic peptides are still unclear, although
studies are however needed to fully investigate the ventricular stretch and wall tension are likely to be im-
clinical significance of this marker. portant.112 In general, the plasma concentrations of
Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) is these peptides are increased in diseases characterised by
known as a high molecular weight (200 kDa) glycoprotein an expanded fluid volume, such as renal failure, primary
synthesised by the syncytio-trophoblast and is typically aldosteronism and congestive heart failure (CHF), or by
measured during pregnancy for Down syndrome screen- stimulation of peptide production caused by ventricular
ing. It was reported to be an insulin-like growth factor hypertrophy or strain, thyroid disease, excessive circu-
(IGF)-dependent IGF binding protein-4 specific metallo- lating glucocorticoid or hypoxia.115 In agreement with a
proteinase, thus being a potentially pro-atherosclerotic recent commentary,116 it is therefore surprising that
molecule.106 Bayes-Genis et al.107 showed the presence researchers focused for so long on the single issue of
of PAPP-A in unstable plaques from patients who died whether cardiac natriuretic peptides identified left

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suddenly of cardiac causes and described increased ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction or not and did not
PAPP-A concentrations in the serum of patients with both recognise that these peptides should be used in a more
unstable angina and acute MI. PAPP-A measurement ap- general way in order to detect all cardiac abnormalities,
peared to be valuable for detecting unstable ACS even in including LV hypertrophy, LV diastolic dysfunction, atrial
patients without elevations of biomarkers of necrosis, fibrillation and significant cardiac valve disease. It is now
such as cardiac troponins, thus potentially identifying clear that measurement of cardiac natriuretic peptides
high-risk patients whose unstable clinical situation might in plasma does not unequivocally diagnose the specific
otherwise remain undiagnosed.108 Preliminary results underlying cause of a myocardial dysfunction but rather
provide evidence that circulating PAPP-A during ACS is verify the need for further cardiac examination.117 High
different from PAPP-A isolated from pregnancy sera.109 concentrations of these markers call for further investi-
Physiologically, PAPP-A circulates in a hetero-tetrameric gations: echocardiography is therefore required to
complex consisting of two PAPP-A subunits covalently identify the underlying cardiac pathology, revealing the
bound with two subunits of the pro-form of eosinophil systolic and diastolic ventricular function and thus de-
major basic protein (pro-MBP), its endogenous inhibi- termining the appropriate treatment. This was instru-
tor.110 PAPP-A found in unstable plaques is conversely mental for the ESC to incorporate cardiac natriuretic
present as a homodimer, thus making it difficult to peptides in the first step for the evaluation of symp-
measure PAPP-A by immunoassays which are designed to tomatic patients suspected of having CHF.7
detect intact molecules.111 Also, the kinetics of PAPP-A Although the reliable role of cardiac natriuretic pep-
release and the corresponding optimal sampling proto- tides in the identification and management of patients
cols in ACS remain to be determined.109 with symptomatic and asymptomatic ventricular dys-
function remains to be fully clarified, the clinical use-
fulness of cardiac natriuretic peptides (especially BNP
Cardiac natriuretic peptides and Nt-proBNP) in the evaluation of patients with sus-
pected heart failure, in prognostic stratification of pa-
The last part of this review is devoted to consider the tients with CHF, in detecting LV systolic or diastolic
role and the importance that biomarkers are assuming in dysfunction and in the differential diagnosis of dyspnoea
the clinical assessment of cardiac function. This is an has been confirmed even more recently.118 BNP and Nt-
area where biochemical tests have traditionally not pro-BNP have also emerged as prognostic indicators of
played any role. With the recent clinical characterisation long-term mortality early after an acute coronary event.
of cardiac natriuretic peptides, this promises to be an This association was observed across the spectrum of
emerging field of Laboratory Medicine. ACS, including patients with ST-elevation MI (STEMI),
Natriuretic hormones are a family of related peptides NSTEMI and unstable angina, those with and without el-
with similar peptide chains as well as degradation path- evated cardiac troponins, and those with and without
ways. Cardiac natriuretic peptides include atrial natri- clinical evidence of heart failure.119;120 However, more
uretic peptide (ANP) and B-type natriuretic peptide work remains to be carried out to determine the optimal
(BNP), while other natriuretic peptides, such as C-type decision limits for clinical interpretation, as well as the
natriuretic peptide and urodilatin, are not produced and specific therapeutic strategies of persistent cardiac na-
secreted by cardiac tissue but by other tissues.112 ANP triuretic peptide elevation in these patients. Quite re-
and BNP derive from precursors, the pre-pro-hormones, cently, plasma natriuretic peptide concentrations were
which contain a signal peptide sequence at the N- also related to risk of cardiovascular events and death in
terminal end.113 The pro-hormones are further split into apparently asymptomatic persons.121
inactive N-terminal fragments and the biologically active Important issues related to the clinical use of cardiac
peptide hormones.113 natriuretic peptides are still open.122 A working list could
Whereas ANP is secreted mainly from atrial cardio- include: the need of standardisation of cardiac natri-
myocytes, BNP is preferentially produced and secreted in uretic peptide immunoassays and of better definition of
the left ventricle, although this may be a simplification, their analytical performance, with regard to the anti-
as the right side of the human heart also synthesises and body specificity, calibrator characterisation and influ-
Role and importance of biochemical markers in clinical cardiology 1193

ence of pre-analytical factors; more complete under- Acknowledgements

standing of cardiac secretion, molecular heterogeneity
and metabolism of cardiac natriuretic peptides and Disclosure: Prof Panteghini has consulted for and per-
knowledge of their biological variation; and, from the formed studies supported by the following manufacturers
clinical point of view, possible differences between BNP of cardiac biomarker assays: Beckman Coulter, Biosite
and Nt-proBNP, definition of optimal decision limits and Diagnostics, De Mori Innotrac, DiaSorin, Roche Diagnos-
use in combination with other biochemical markers, tics, and Tosoh Bioscience.
clinical findings, or haemodynamic parameters. Addi-
tional studies are also needed to analyse the clinical
relevance of cardiac natriuretic peptides in the patient References
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clinical settings. 1. Panteghini M. Acute coronary syndrome. Biochemical strategies in
the troponin era. Chest 2002;122:1428–35.
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9. Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease.
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