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Group Members

• Muhammad Sami
• Fahad Sohail
• Ahmed Bilal
• Muhammad Sufyan
• Muhammad Irfan

What is a CV?
A CV—short for the Latin “curriculum vitae,” meaning
“course of life”—is a detailed document highlighting your
professional and academic history. CVs typically include
information such as your work experience, along with your
achievements, awards, scholarships or grants you’ve
earned, coursework, research projects and publications of
your work.
A CV is typically two or three pages long, but it’s not unusual
for it to be much longer for mid-level or senior job applicants
as a CV serves as a full outline of one’s career
accomplishments. When it comes to CVs, though, don't cut
crucial information just to save space.
Format/Examples of CV
“Presenting work or ideas from another source as your
own, with or without consent of the original author, by
incorporating it into your work without full
acknowledgement. All published and unpublished
material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic
form, is covered under this definition, as is the use of
material generated wholly or in part through use of
artificial intelligence (save when use of AI for
assessment has received prior authorization e.g. as a
reasonable adjustment for a student’s disability).
Plagiarism can also include re-using your own work
without citation. Under the regulations for examinations,
intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary
Common Types of Plagiarism

• Direct Plagiarism
• Self Plagiarism
• Mosaic Plagiarism
• Accidental Plagiarism
Tips for avoiding plagiarism:

• Don't just copy. In your writing, describe other

people's ideas or results (using references) and their
importance to your argument, rather than simply
copying what you've read. ...
• Use a range of sources. ...
• Develop your own style. ...
• Keep good quality notes. ...
• Use quotation marks.
MCQS related to CV and plagiarism:

1. Apart from your name and contact details, the most important part of
your CV is...

Employment experience
Date of Birth

2. A profile should always be included on a CV to...

Tell the recruiter what type of role I am looking for.

Provide a brief introduction to my skills and experience.
A profile isn't important anymore.
Salary expectation

3. The CV should be written in

A formal language
An informal language
The language you want
Slang language
4. A summary placed at the beginning of the cv acts as:

Statement of objectives
Letter of recommendation

5. A summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as

experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors and affiliations is called:

Curriculum vitae
Application letter

6. Plagiarism where the writer changes a few words in the original text of another is known as:

Direct copying
Word switch
None of these

7. The Latin word which is understood as the origin of the word ‘plagiarism’ is

8. What are the common forms of plagiarism?

Direct copying
Word switch
All of these

9. Plagiarism detection software checks plagiarism by providing

Similarity index
Citation index
Content index
None of these

10. Plagiarism is
Submitting some other’s work as of your own
Submitting your own previously published work again
a & b both
quoting with citation

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