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Soldiers Without Swords

African American newspapers are historically significant because they helped shape the

ideas and create a structure for the Black culture we are developing to this day. The only

attention Black people received in White newspapers in the past was about crimes. The

newspapers did not advertise black marriage, children, or anything positive that involved People

of Color. “For over one hundred and fifty years, African American newspapers were among the

strongest institutions in Black America, they helped to create and stabilize communities, they

spoke forcefully for the political and economic interest of their readers while employing

thousands” (Soldiers Without Swords, 1998). The newspapers created a whole separate world for

African Americans, and it allowed them to bond and create that union of people that were

struggling with the same things and fighting the same fight.

Unfortunately, Black people (especially in history) were completely dehumanized and

were looked down upon to a disturbing extent. They were slaves, they were beaten, and they

were treated extremely unfairly. And for what? The color of their skin? It has gotten better over

the years, but the issue still remains. Sometimes, white people do not treat African Americans

with the same respect as the do other White people. Their voice was taken from them before they

even got the chance to have one. So, once they had their own media, “Black newspapers

provided a forum for debate among African Americans and gave voice to a people who were

voiceless” (Soldiers Without Swords, 1998).

As slaves, African Americans were not permitted to read, but after the Civil War, they

took advantage of the skill and absolutely fell in love with it. Reading was like a reward for

African Americans. Black newspapers were an extraordinary introduction to the power and
communication of the written word. Newspapers were a way for Black people to communicate, it

was a groundbreaking idea that they used to be strong and united. African Americans came to

terms with the fact that White people were not going to accept them, so they came together and

conquered on their own.

African Americans published papers about everything they could and took advantage of

having their own media just for themselves. Those who had the opportunity and motivation to

learn to read, used the newspapers to their full advantage. The newspapers “Addressed the

concerns of African Americans in the Northern communities they served: racism, violence, self-

defense, the various colonization schemes, and strategies for self-improvement. The Black

newspapers were published by and for the educated black middle class, which was characterized

less by material wealth than the promulgation of middle-class respectability and morality”

(Illinois Library). These newspapers reached the Black people that wanted to see and make


I believe there has been change, but I do not believe that things have changed enough.

According to odyssey online, “The truth of the matter is recent studies show that the journalism

industry has not seen much change in the past decades.” (odysseyonline). There has been some

recognition and some attention in the media, but it still has not completely solved the issue. In

the past five-to-ten years, the biggest source of change has come from families of African

American victims. They have really stepped up and tried to start a change by starting trends like

saying their names, social media posts, Black Lives Matter Movement, and many other things.

But there is no reason for them to be responsible for the change, other ethnicities (mostly

Caucasian) must step up and help if America really wants to see a change in this issue.
A diverse perspective in journalism is the absolute best perspective to have. I believe that

people who are biased, racist, sexist, or for anything that discriminates any group of people,

should be cut from the business entirely. Not having a diverse perspective “Can ultimately have

negative effects on companies, as well as the audience. Biased reports are never a good look. It

does the reader/viewer no justice if he or she is unaware of the opinions, emotions, or concerns

of society as a whole” (odysseyonline). In journalism, if you are not reaching the entire audience

as a whole, you might as well not be reaching anyone. Everything, but especially media; is so

much more successful and so much more respected if it is diverse or includes a variety of people.

It is sad to say that we learn about the history racism and still see it happen today. I do not know

if the issue will ever entirely go away, but bigger changes must be made to put a stop to it.


Works Cited

“American Newspapers, 1800-1860: An Introduction”. Illinois Library.

American Newspapers, 1800-1860: An Introduction – History, Philosophy, and

Newspaper Library – U of I Library ( Accessed 13 Oct. 2021.

Burton, Tylar. "Why Diversity In Journalism Is Important.” odyssey. Oct. 15, 2015.

Why Diversity In Journalism Is Important ( Accessed 13 Oct.


Nelson, Stanley. The Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords. Kanopy, 1998,

The Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords | Kanopy. Accessed 13 Oct. 2021.

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